What's Yours is Mine By StormyNite Written in December 2000/Posted 2001 to Loops Natalie pulled the rubber gloves off her delicate fingers and tossed them into the biohazard bin in disgust. Finally she walked to the body and pulled the sheet over the silent form of a 16-year old boy who had been shot through the heart. She looked at the body and a single tear slid silently down her cheek. "One minute you're alive, the next you're not." A cold shiver ran down her spine. Life was so unpredictable, so unfair. He was just a youth in the wrong place at the wrong time and a stray bullet meant for someone else ended up killing him. How many things had this young man left undone? How many people are grieving and feeling the guilt of not having told him how they felt? How much they loved him? Another tear followed the first and she drifted back to earlier in the day. ***************flashback************** Maybe he would be better today. She pushed the up button on the lift and took a deep breath. Nick had been so distant since his return from LaCroix's place. Natalie looked at her hands and they were shaking when she reached for the door. "Damn, Lambert! Get control of yourself. What did you expect when his memory returned?" She stared at the short fingernails with no polish and noticed the dry skin. She glanced at her wrinkled suit and groaned. "Real attractive, Lambert...This will really make him want to relive his first night home from the hospital." A brief image of Janette in her long gown and perfectly manicured nails flashed in her mind. She pushed it aside and opened the door. The room was dark except for the candles on the piano and the fire in the fireplace. Nick stood silently staring at the flames dancing in the darkness. The room should have felt cold, but he'd turned the heat up when she'd called. "Nick?" Bright blue eyes turned to greet her, which made her smile. He always had that affect on her. "Thanks for remembering the heat for me." She watched the pain briefly touch his feature and realized her mistake. "I remember a lot of things now." His sad voice tore at her heart as he turned back to the fire. "You have to stop this, Nick." She walked to his side and touched his shoulder, gently bringing him back to the present. "Regaining your memory hasn't changed anything." He grabbed her shoulders in anger as his eyes flashed gold and his fangs extended. "Really?" He ran his fingers down her throat causing her pulse to leap beneath his touch. He brought his lips close to hers letting her warm breath caress his lips and he wanted to possess it. "Maybe you'd prefer the vampire instead of the man...or is it the power you crave like so many others." He crushed his lips to hers and let his razor sharp fangs slice her lip in the process. He plundered her mouth with his tongue and sucked the precious ambrosia into his very soul. Startled, her breath caught as his lips touched hers then her heart responded. Memories of their one night together flooded her mind and she gave into the feel of him crushing her body into his. She would never fear him, she loved him both body and soul and neither the vampire or his doubts would change that. She kissed him back and sliced her tongue on his fangs and let him drink deeper. He had to feel what was in her if they were ever to have a chance. Images of them together flooded his mind. Warmth, passion, and need were all rolled into a burning ball of fire in the pit of his stomach. He wanted more when she sliced her tongue on his fangs and let her very soul pour into his. He groaned in need and sucked greedily as his hands caressed and molded her into his hard body growing more excited with every drop of her blood. Images of her childhood, their first meeting, the picnic, Christmas, movies at the loft and the night after the accident. Her heart belonged to him any way he wanted it, but she was filled with doubts about herself and his feelings for her. Insecurities that he would not find her attractive compared to Janette. Fear she'd not live long enough to find a cure for him. Doubts he'd ever want a family with her, coupled with a growing need to know if she could ever satisfy him. All these emotions were tied up in the warmth inside her. The warmth in her soul was laced with memories filled with one constant thread. Whether vampire or man, she loved him and the uncertainty of how he felt caused her pain. He broke the kiss in amazement and felt the fear bubbling within her. She was angry with him for his withdrawal after his memory had returned...but there was no fear within her except her own doubts and the thought of losing him. She had never feared him. "How...how can you love this?" He whispered in awe and disgust with himself. He could have raped or killed her and the guilt washed over him. "Stop it, Nick!" Her voice came out louder than she'd intended, but it wasn't fair. He'd tasted her blood, her very soul. Couldn't he feel how she felt? How could he doubt himself? She walked to the end table and picked up his wine glass, half filled with blood. It was the symbol of his weakness and his strength. She crushed it in anger. The sharp shards of glass sliced her hand deeply. The smell of fresh blood permeated the air. "Nat!" He rushed to her side and grabbed her hand. She watched in fascination as he pulled the glass from her hand and led her to the sink in the kitchen. He grabbed a towel and gingerly wrapped it around the wound to stop the bleeding. She touched his face with her other hand and made him look at her. Blue eyes filled with worry greeted her. "Why can't you see this part of you is just as strong as the vampire? Can't you see that, Nick? You know what's in my heart. You know I would deny you nothing, but it wasn't the vampire that reacted to my pain...It was the man." She held her bleeding hand wrapped in a rag up for him to see. "Blood doesn't lie and it doesn't control you anymore. I see it more and more every day. Don't let old memories of what you were cloud your reality of today. You didn't have those memories the night you returned from the hospital." She touched his face lovingly, then pulled away and headed for the door saddened. He had the advantage and he wouldn't fight for them. Maybe it was time she accepted that. ********end flashback*********** "Doctor Lambert?" Eric Montrose stood mesmerized by the beautiful woman before him. She was obviously deep in thought. Did she know how pretty she looked standing there in the fluorescent light? The soft glow of the light made her lips red as cherries and the bright blue of her eyes almost danced with a life of their own. He couldn't believe it was finally happening. He'd hoped and prayed for a chance to meet her, let alone work with her. Did he have the right to interrupt her thoughts? Maybe she was putting all the pieces together in the latest case and disturbing her would make her lose her train of thought. He hesitated then his anxiety got the better of him. "Doctor Lambert, are you all right?" An unfamiliar voice echoed through her mind. It was time to come back. Time to return to reality and live her life in the present. "I'm...I'm fine." She turned eyes toward a tall dark haired man standing in the doorway. She shook her head to clear her current thoughts and get back to work. "Just going over a few details in my head." She walked forward and extended her hand. "You must be Dr. Montrose. Sorry about spacing out on you. I've had a great deal on my mind lately." She smiled sadly then shook it off. "I take it they are expecting a big rush after the explosion?" The first of many bodies started rolling through the door. Fred smiled sadly as he rolled the first one through the door. "How many, Fred?" "At least 6 right at the moment. They are taking the others to South as far as I know. They're a mess. I don't envy you your job." He helped grab the end of the body bag and lifted the lifeless form onto the cold slab. He sighed in regret. "Sad shame, too. Most of them are under 40. Arson squad says they think it was the gas furnace in the building. Not for sure and the place is crawling with detectives." He looked at Eric. "Hello, Dr. Montrose. Don't get to see you much anymore since I switched to nights." He glanced at his watch. "Guess it's going to be a long one for all of us." He smiled and headed for the door. Natalie switched into doctor mode and snapped the rubber gloves into place before she stared at her day shift counterpart and noted the clock. "Shall we begin?" She switched on the microphone and started the recording. "Time is 4pm, March 5, 1995...." ------------------ LaCroix paced the floor in front of the closed window. Nicholas's anxiety was like a constant itch under the skin. His memory had returned and LaCroix wasn't sure if he was pleased or upset. He'd pondered the issue for some time and still was uncertain. He pushed into the link between them and felt the cold wall of darkness Nicholas had placed between them once more. Odd, that was the first thing his son did with the return of his memory. It had been intriguing as well as addictive delving into the warmth and openness his son and the doctor shared. Sharing blood with him in the hospital without the interference of his abilities had been enlightening. He smiled and reached for the blood on the table beside him. Not that he had been convinced by Nicholas' display or words on Valentine's Day 2 years previous, but he'd not been aware of the great strides his son had made in becoming mortal. His love for the Good Doctor had changed him dramatically. When he accepted the love within himself, it would become a permanent part of him. That was unacceptable. He crushed the glass between his fingers and watched his own blood run down his wrist. Blood never lies. Images of Nicholas and himself, Janette, the early years followed by overwhelming warmth and need coursed through his body. Nicholas' emotion and love for the Good Doctor overwhelmed him to the point he gasped in pleasure. It wasn't possible...it had to stop. He tossed the remaining pieces of the glass into the fireplace in anger. "Can I help, Master?" The calm voice came from behind him. LaCroix turned with his eyes ablaze. "Only one thing will help...and you're not capable of it!" He hissed at the young vampire, Khalis. He gave into the anger and let the familiar feel of it wash over him until he was once again in control. "Leave me, Khalis. I don't need your services today." He turned back to the silent curtain over the window and awaited the setting of the sun. Part 2 -------------- It was the 4th body and there were still 2 more to go. Natalie stripped her gloves off yet another time and prepared for the next victim. They just kept bringing more bodies. Her day had started way too early and it didn't look like it would end anytime before dawn at the rate she was going. Eric followed suit and tossed his soiled gloves into the biohazard bin as well. "I don't know about you, Dr. Lambert, but I'm ready for a break." He tossed the sheet over the body. "Nothing out of the ordinary on any of them so far. Would you agree?" Natalie sighed heavily. "It's just such a waste." She smiled at him through tired eyes, as it was now way past 11pm. "I think dinner sounds good and by the way...my name is Natalie." Eric's smile warmed his whole face. He'd been so afraid she hadn't really noticed him all evening. Everything had been all business since they'd met. He'd been hoping for more. She was so much more beautiful than her pictures and her mind was quicker than any woman he'd ever met. "Natalie is such a pretty name." He actually blushed and she smiled. In his eyes it made her even more beautiful. That thought made the scarlet in his face flame redder. "Tell you what. Why don't we grab a cup of coffee and some of that delightful ham salad from the vending machine and take a break." Natalie peeled off her lab jacket, ready to unwind a bit. "Better yet, why don't we try the little Italian place two blocks down the street that just opened? I didn't get any lunch today and I think I need something more substantial than ham salad." He looked hopefully at her. "My treat of course!" Nat eyed Eric closely and noticed his anxiousness. For the first time, she noticed how young and good-looking he was. She guessed him about 28. Same age she was when she started working the coroner's office. Where had those 7 years gone? Maybe this was just what she needed. "Why not? Except no red sauce tonight...only white for me, I've seen enough red for one evening." Eric smiled in delight and reached for their coats. --------------- "You want to tell me what's going on or are you just going to space off on me all night?" Tracy slapped Nick's shoulder as they sat at the second green light until it turned red. "Sorry, Trace." He glanced at the red light as if seeing it for the first time. "Guess I have been a bit preoccupied this evening." He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. What was he going to do? Natalie loved him and his indecision and lack of commitment were hurting her. He couldn't tell her how he really felt or it would only make things worse. Memories of that night in the garden with Fleur and LaCroix were etched into his mind permanently once more. The night at the Azure with LaCroix's anger and his ploy to convince him Natalie was nothing more than a means to an end were now gone. Blood doesn't lie and LaCroix had shared blood with him in the hospital to keep him alive. LaCroix knew what was reality and what was fiction. Something had to be done. "Want to share? It wouldn't happen to be about a certain auburn- haired coroner we both know?" She asked hopefully. Nick and Natalie were a lot closer than friends. The scene at the hospital after the shooting and Natalie taking him home made a much stronger statement than either of them could vocally deny. Nick looked at his young partner and wondered if her feelings for Vachon would get her killed in the long run as well. "It's personal, Trace and I..." "81 Kilo, do you copy?" Tracy grabbed the microphone. "This is 81 Kilo. What's up, Margaret?" "You're needed at 2909 Walnut. A body found behind a small grove of trees across from the residence. Coroner's wagon from Castle Rock is on the way. Everyone else is working on victims from the explosion earlier today. Do you copy?" "On our way. 81 Kilo out." Tracy reached under the seat and pulled out the red light. Nick turned the caddie at the next corner and they headed south. "Guess the explosion this afternoon was pretty bad. I heard the body count was over 30 now." Sadness edged her voice. Tracy's phone rang. She snatched it quickly from her jacket pocket. "Vetter!" "Tracy, it's Reese. Are you in route to the Walnut street murder?" "Yes, Captain. We should be there in about 3 minutes." "You should know before you get there. Jerry from Castle Rock just identified the victim as Dr. Lambert." Tracy gasped and stared at Nick. He caught it instantly. I don't think it's a good idea for Nick to see her like that. I'm sending Miller and Johnson to cover it." Nick grabbed the phone from Tracy. "What is it, Captain?" Nick's voice was more than edgy. He'd heard only bits and pieces of the conversation. "Nick?" Reese hesitated. "I'm sending Miller and Johnson to cover this one. You need to stay clear of..." "What's going on, Captain? There has to be a reason you're pulling us off this one." They pulled up to the scene and Nick tossed the phone to Tracy as Reese started yelling. Tracy took off after Nick. Pushing his way through the crowd, Nick managed to make it 3 feet from the body before Jacobs from Metro grabbed him. "You don't want to see this, Nick." He tried turning him around. Nick pushed him away easily and stepped closer to the body. Jerry knelt by the still form examining the neck wound. When she rolled the head to the other side, Natalie's beautiful face stared back at him. Nick gasped and his world stopped. Tracy grabbed him from behind. "You need to get out of here, Nick. This isn't the way you want to remember her." She stared at her partner as his knees began to tremble until he collapsed to the ground. Tracy steadied him to keep him from falling forward until he wrapped his arms around himself and shut down mentally. "Nick, come on..." She wrapped her arms around him in comfort. It wasn't possible. He gasped for air and let the pain in his heart engulf him. He'd lost her, forever. Instant grief tore him apart and he felt the tears begin to form in his eyes. He couldn't lose it now or all was lost. He brushed the red tears from his face quickly as the body's small petite hand opened. A white piece of paper lay silently in the unblemished palm of her lifeless form. Nick stared at it, knowing it meant something, but his dulled mind couldn't quite grasp it. Jerry picked up the piece of paper and placed it into a plastic bag, then searched her fingernails for traces of blood or tissue. It finally registered. Nick jumped to his feet and brushed Tracy away. Quickly he snapped on rubber gloves and picked up her other hand, then smiled. "It's not Natalie!" His voice came out in a whisper. He then pushed up the slacks covering her slim form and breathed a sigh of relief. "It's not, Nat!" Jerry looked at him like he was insane. "Nick, I know this is a shock and you two were close, but..." Tracy came to Nick's side and knelt down beside him. "Nick, you have to..." "It's not Natalie." He grabbed the young woman's hand and rolled it over. "Natalie cut her hand this morning. I removed the glass myself." He pushed up the girl's pant leg as well. "No scar! Natalie has a scar on her right knee. This isn't Natalie!" He said with even more certainty. Jerry then pushed back the young woman's hair. "I think you're right, Nick. Look!" He rolled the woman's face toward them. "Those are plastic surgery scars. Recent too, from the looks of them." "But they tried to call Nat and there's no answer on her mobile phone. She's not at the morgue and she is supposed to be on duty. I tried her myself as soon as I saw the body." Jacobs said confused as he watched the group around the body. Nick pulled out another phone from his pocket. "She left it at my place this morning. I turned it off." He flipped it open and dialed her pager and left his phone number. -------------- Natalie's pager beeped loudly. She snatched it off her waist and glanced at the number, followed by a 911 at the end. "Do you have your phone, Eric? I left mine this morning." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled it out. She dialed Nick's number quickly. His phone rang and Nick almost jumped in relief. "Nat?" He said hopefully. "What's wrong, Nick? You put a 911 on the end of the number." She could almost feel the tension in his voice. "Where are you?" Relief flooded his body as her voice soothed his very soul. "I'm at that new Italian place about three blocks from the morgue. Eric and I have been at it since 4 this afternoon. What's wrong?" "You're not by yourself then?" "Eric Montrose from day shift is with me. What's wrong?" She began to tense, expecting the worst. "I'm going to send a black and white to pick you up. Don't get in the car unless you know both the officers. Promise me!" The words came out harder than he intended, but his quick mind was now registering all the details. He stared at the gash on the dead woman's throat and the night in the garden at his estate with Fleur flashed in his mind once again. "Nat, do this for me, please!" "Okay, Nick. Eric and I will wait for a squad car. Please tell me what's wrong. Are you okay?" Fear edged her voice only it wasn't for herself. He noticed it instantly and the warmth he'd felt earlier in the morning returned. "I'm fine, Nat. It's you I'm worried about. I'm staring at a woman who is a dead wringer for you...and I mean dead literally. She's had plastic surgery to make her look like you. Her throat is ripped apart...Natalie...I mean it's ripped." He let his words hang in the air until she understood. "I'll wait right here. Have them bring the body to Metro. Put Jerry on the phone." Nick handed the phone to Jerry and after a brief conversation they hung up. Nick noticed the note in the bag and reached for it. Tracy read over his shoulder. "What's yours is mine forever!" She took the note from Nick and turned it over. There was nothing on the backside. "I'd say someone is trying to get your attention, Nick, and they've gone to a great deal of effort." She stared at her blond partner filled with even more questions than normal. Anger flooded Nick's features until gold began to fleck his eyes. Tracy gasped, as the air around her seemed to be void of oxygen. Fear washed over her until she began to tremble as she stared at her partner. What was going on? She started to speak, but Nick was gone. Part 3 ------------- "That didn't sound good." Eric's soft voice brought Natalie back to the present. "That was Nick. They found a body of a woman who looks like me. They thought it was me when they couldn't raise me on my cell phone. We're supposed to wait for a black and white to pick us up." Worry lines appeared on her brow. "I guess the rumors are true then." Eric hesitated. "Rumors?" Natalie's soft features returned as well as her curiosity. "About you and Knight being...Well, I mean for him to know it wasn't you when everyone else thought it was, says you are much closer than friends." Disappointed laced his voice. "My relationship with Nick is very complicated, Eric." She started to finish the thought and then decided against it. Eric was obviously smitten with her. She was flattered, but not really interested. Continuing would only make it worse. A black and white pulled up. "Looks like that's our ride now." She sighed with relief and grabbed her coat. --------------- A thousand images ran through Nick's mind all at once. First, he had to make sure Nat was safe then he'd handle LaCroix. LaCroix's angry voice from 2 years earlier echoed in his ears. "I will not trade Fleur for this!" The hatred and pain of 800 years burned brightly in LaCroix's eyes. Nick's deception had worked that night, but obviously that wasn't the case any longer. Just as his memories had returned, the anger and need of his master to exact his revenge for the loss of his beloved Fleur tore at Nick's very soul. There would be no escape from reality now. What's yours is mine stated an idea he could never allow. He double parked in front of the morgue and ran for the door. --------------- Natalie paced the floor as she waited for Ted and Eric to move the body onto the exam table. "You gave us all a scare, Doc." Ted smiled as he headed for the door. "She could be your twin. Glad it's not though." Ted tipped his ball cap. "You take care of yourself now and don't let them find the real thing." He pushed open the door and started back to work. Eric stared at the face as he unzipped the bag, then turned to Nat. The startled look on his face gave credence to Ted's earlier comments. "Oh, come on, Eric. She can't look that much like me..." She stepped closer and gasped. "It's like looking into a mirror." She finished unzipping the bag to look at the rest of the package. The young woman before her was dressed in a black suit just exactly like the one she'd worn last week to her lecture at the University. Even the red silk blouse matched the one she'd worn that night. No wonder everyone thought it was she. She turned the woman's head and noticed the color of her hair and the way it reflected the fluorescent light in the red and gold strands that fell softly over her brow. Only then did she notice the slight scars by the woman's ears. Quickly, she pushed up the pant leg and checked her right knee. "She's almost a perfect match to you, Natalie. I mean shape, size, hair color...even the suit she's wearing." Eric stated in awe as he continued to flip back and forth between the two women. Alarm bells went off and Natalie stepped back frightened. Eric noticed her reaction and started to come to her aid. "Don't!" Natalie stepped back and grabbed a scalpel from the tray behind her. "What's wrong, Natalie?" "How would you know about the suit?" She glared at him and backed toward the door. Eric put his hands down to his side, realizing where her mind was going. "I'm sorry, Natalie. I never meant to frighten you, but I was at your lecture the other night. You were wearing a suit just like that one. I've been an admirer of your work for some time. I just wanted to hear what you had to say. I didn't introduce myself because I thought you'd think I was stalking you or something. I really didn't mean for it to come out that way. I just wanted to learn from you. You're the best. Everyone says it, and your name is the only one mentioned for special investigations. The director, all the captains want you doing their hard cases. I just never thought I'd get a chance to work with you, so I went to your lecture. I..." A tall blond man in a long dark trench coat came up behind her. The concern in his eyes and the ease in which he put his arm around her waist told him instantly who he was. She knew instantly Nick was behind her. Odd, she'd never noticed before just how powerful his scent was. Tonight it gave her great comfort and she let his strength give her comfort without hesitation. "Is everything all right?" Nick's soft voice caressed her very soul. She took a deep breath and turned to greet worried blue eyes. "It's fine, Nick. I'm just a bit unnerved after seeing her. She's wearing a suit like mine. Even the blouse is the same as the one I wore the other night. If it wasn't at the cleaners right now, I'd swear someone stole the whole outfit from my closet." Eric stood quietly watching the two of them. She'd known it was Nick before he spoke or touched her. How was that possible? Where they connected some way? Why couldn't he find that type of oneness with a woman? Nick's hand never left her waist as she turned in to his protective arms. Obviously, all the rumors were true. These two were much closer than any of their co-workers thought. He envied Knight that. Natalie was a beautiful woman and spending some time with her away from work had only made him more envious of what was between them. Finding his nerve he walked forward. "I'm Eric Montrose, Detective Knight." He offered his hand and Nick took it without hesitation. "Thank you for staying with her, Dr. Montrose. I appreciate it." Tracy burst into the room. "Natalie!" Tracy hugged her with a sigh of relief. "I should have known he'd come straight here." She glared at Nick. "You could have waited for me." She turned back to stare at Eric. "Tracy Vetter...I don't think we've met." She extended her hand. "Eric Montrose...dayshift most of the time. I haven't been with the department all that long...still trying to keep all the names straight even after 3 months." He smiled warmly. "Gee, Nat, how come you get all the good looking ones." Eric blushed and Tracy laughed. "Sorry, Eric, I've been around Nick too long. I'm getting too blunt for my own good." Tracy then blushed and headed for the body. "What do you think, Nat? Butcher knife or something more unusual?" "Excuse us a minute, Trace. I need to talk with Nat for a bit." Nick ushered Natalie out the door before she could answer. When they reached the end of the hallway by the door he stopped. Without thinking, he pulled her into his arms and gave into the warmth she brought with her. His fear and stress lessened as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. "I'm okay, Nick." She sighed heavily, feeling safe once again. He kissed the top of her head then tipped her head to see her eyes. "I just want to keep you that way. It was a warning to me, that you're next." He pulled the bag with the note out of his pocket. The words 'What's yours is mine forever' made her gasp. "LaCroix?" "I'm going to see him. I want you to promise me you won't leave here until I get back. He won't attack you in a public place where there's a crowd. It's not his style. He wants to frighten you and bring me to him. He wants me to know what's coming. He..." She placed her fingers on his lips. "Tell me why, Nick? Why does he want me dead now? He's had plenty of opportunities to kill me. Why now?" Confusion laced her eyes. "Because he knows the truth. He knows what you mean to me. He shared blood with me at the hospital remember. I was like an open book to him...He knows..." She touched his lips once more. "Say it, Nick. You drank my blood this morning. You know how I feel. I need to hear you say the words. I need to know how you..." "No! It won't make it easier. It won't change anything and only make it harder for you. It was a mistake this morning. I should have never tasted your blood." He stepped back and ran his hands through his hair in frustration. When his eyes turned to met hers they were filled with pain and regret. "I should have left a long time ago. I should have walked out of your life and let you live yours as you were meant to..." She walked into his arms and held his troubled face between her soft hands. "Is that what you really want, Nick? Can you walk away from me now?" Her lips were so close to his that her warm breath caressed his lips. "I love you, Nick and I have for a long, long time. Let me in, Nick. Tell me how you feel. Let me feel you as you've felt me." Her lips grazed his and he was lost to the sensation of it. What started as a simple kiss, deepened until a low growl and a soft moan echoed through the empty hallway. Nick broke the kiss gasping for breath. His emotions were on a roller coaster ride and he was completely out of control. That meant trouble. Taking several deep breaths pushing the vampire behind the man, Nick forced the beast within him back where it belonged. Finally, pain-filled blue eyes greeted hers. "I love you, Natalie, unlike any woman I've ever met and it will get you killed. I can't let that happen. I know what you want, what you feel...and I don't deserve it. The thought of you seeing half of what I am terrifies me beyond words." He stepped forward and caressed her cheek, wiping the tear away that silently slid down her soft face. "What is between us isn't fair to you. I can't give you what you need, but I can't walk away either. You make me feel things I don't understand and don't want to." He kissed her softly and finally took a hesitant breath when he broke the kiss. "Thank you for being you." He stared into her eyes and saw the pain. Another tear followed the one he'd just wiped away. How could he hurt her like this and still claim he loved her. Images of an angry LaCroix flashed in his mind and he knew the answer. "Promise me you'll stay here until I get back. I don't want you to end up like..." His eyes strayed to the morgue door and guilt washed over him until he sighed heavily. "It's not your fault, Nick. You didn't do that to her. You're not responsible for what he does." "Unfortunately, I am!" He turned and walked out the door. ------------- Tracy slipped on a pair of rubber gloves and found the forceps. Gently she pulled the loose tissue away from the jagged edge of the wound. "What do you think?" Eric asked as he watched the young woman in fascination. She was so earthly beautiful. The light caught her blonde hair making it come to life by itself. He smiled as she continued to check the wound. How like Natalie she seemed to be. Single-mindedly searching for answers when there probably weren't any. Well, at least any that normal people would accept. He'd noticed it immediately when the body was unzipped. What kind of animal would do that to a woman? A painful memory flashed through his mind and he stepped back involuntarily. "Animal I think, or maybe someone who just wanted it to appear that way." She pulled another piece of the tissue away and examined the neck closer. "Looks like bite marks of some kind. Not really sharp though, that's why I think it could be an animal doing damage after the fact. What do you make of it?" She didn't want to plant too many ideas into his head. He was day shift. They didn't see the weirder side of the city like night shift did. "Could be, but we won't know for sure until we check for saliva. Who ever did it, was angry." He pointed to the deeper side of the wound. "Deep penetration on one side versus the other usually means anger and the need to hurry. " He pushed on the wound and found very little seepage. "She's lost lots of blood somewhere else, too. Murdered somewhere else and dumped. They didn't find much blood at the scene either." He stared at the pretty blonde detective and wondered if she found him attractive. Her mind was on other thoughts entirely. The door clicked shut and Natalie walked back to the table. Tracy saw pain and something else in her eyes. A quick search for her partner was useless. Tracy stripped her gloves and touched Nat's arm. "I'll talk with him, Nat. I'll get him to tell me what's going on one way or another." She smiled sadly and squeezed Natalie's arm in support. Natalie took a deep breath and the fear she'd felt earlier for Nick was now replaced for Tracy. She placed her hand over Tracy's on her arm. "You need to stay out of this, Trace. Nick has to handle this himself. He's blaming himself right now for this." Her eyes traveled to the body on the table. "Go home, Trace. Take a few days off and let Nick come to terms with it. He's had lots of practice." She stopped in mid-thought and wondered if she'd already said too much. "I think it's an animal, Natalie." Eric's soft voice broke the silence. "I mean...I think whoever killed her was angry, but we'll never get the information we need because of the animal feeding on her after her death." The more he talked the more confident he felt about the statement. "Look at these marks. They are definitely canines and quite large." Natalie put on her gloves and they started to work. She had her work cut out for her now. Eric was far too observant to let her sweep this into the mystery pile or use the normal excuses. Part 4 ------------ Nick sighed heavily then used his key on the locked door. It was well past 3 am and the Raven was now closed. The silence in the room was almost as deafening as the music that normally blared through the speakers on any given night. Nick reached out with his senses to feel his master and was greeted with the usual tingling sensation meant to notify him of his presence. Some nights it was a welcome feeling to know you were part of someone, but tonight it left Nick cold and filled with apprehension. The low soft melodic sound of the rebec began to filter through the air in an effort to calm his fears. LaCroix knew what affected him and just how to use it. Nick stepped through the inner door into the back room and willingly placed a black wall of indifference into place. He had to use logic not emotion or all was lost. "I see some things haven't changed as your memory has returned." LaCroix's low mellow voice echoed across the room as he placed the rebec back into his case and stared at his son. "It's the only way I can keep my sanity with you and you know it." Nick stated without emotion. He forced himself to be cold and let the black wall do its job once more. 800 years of practice made it easy, even now. "Your emotions have always been your strength, Nicholas. Why do you hide them from me? Of all people, I can help you with them." He used the hypnotic cadence and locked onto the connection between them with practiced ease. "Stop it, LaCroix!" Nick pushed against the power that slowly washed over him. "I've come to make a deal with you." LaCroix instantly appeared behind him and whispered. "What could you possibly offer me that I don't already have?" The soft silky threat carried in the air unspoken. "Me!" Nick's voice remained strong with the one simple word. Power washed over the room sucking what air was in Nick's lung out in one gasp. Pain engulfed him instantly and he began to collapse to his knees. LaCroix caught him in his strong arms and trapped him from behind. "Just what would I be giving up for such a prize, Nicholas? What is worth the sacrifice of your freedom? Or do I really need to ask?" LaCroix tightened his grip on his son and gave into the power within himself. He let it wash over him and crush his son into submission. This was far too easy. What had happened? "Tell me, Nicholas." His lungs burned as well as his blood. Each breath was agony and every movement torture. Another hidden talent his master had kept from him over the centuries. He had to make it worth his while or all bets were off and Natalie would pay the price for his shortsightedness. "Me by your side willingly until your tire of me. Anything you wish...my blood, my body, my allegiance...anything. Name your terms and I'll agree to them on one condition." LaCroix's breath was cold along Nick's neck as he let the idea take refuge in his evil heart. Nicholas knew exactly what he was worth. LaCroix smiled malevolently. How long had he sought to hear those very words from his son's lips? What was it about Nicholas that was so different, so enticing that he would even entertain sacrificing his revenge for it? "Your life for the precious Doctor's. Eternal bondage to me as I see fit in return for the loss of your sister...Done!" He sank his fang deep into Nick's neck and crushed his body into his. Tonight would be the first night of many that he would have what he craved most. Bright flames tore through his body as LaCroix sank his fangs deep into his neck. He tried to fight the images that coursed through their connection, but they were too strong. Images of them together, the loss of human life and the joy that it brought his master coursed through Nick's veins like a sick virus eating at his very core. "NO!" Nick groaned in agony as LaCroix drank deeper and drew what he craved most from his weakening son. Images of Natalie danced in his mind and Nick reached out to it as the pain overwhelmed him. She was his safe harbor in the storm and he would endure the hounds of hell to keep her safe. The feeling of warmth she always brought with her wrapped him in a safe cocoon and he welcomed it into his heart. LaCroix touched it in awe, but couldn't make it a part of him. Finally Nick understood, but LaCroix continued to drain his life's blood into his. Nick was losing consciousness, but it didn't matter. Natalie was safe. ------------- Tracy walked into the church and let the door slam loudly. She didn't want any surprises from Vachon. She smirked then thought about it. Maybe catching him naked would be a nice surprise. She wished now she hadn't announced her arrival so loudly. She bounced up the stairs quickly. A girl could get lucky once in awhile. "Well what do I owe the pleasure, Trace?" His soft Spanish accent floated across the room as she stepped in. He was stretched across his big chair like a black panther waiting for his prey. "You know you look like you're waiting to pounce on me." She said unafraid and walked into the room. "I could if you wanted me too." He smiled mischievously and patted the couch beside him. "Come take a load off and tell me what's troubling you." "What makes you think something's wrong?" She tried to appear nonchalant, but it wasn't working. "Come on, Trace. Your heart rate is beating twice its normal speed. It's almost 3am and you slammed the door as if you expected me to throw a woman out of my bedroom before you got up here. I haven't a clue as to why I'd think something was wrong." He stood up and headed for the small fridge in the back of the room. He grabbed a soda and returned. Popping the top, he sat it in front of her. "Well?" "Okay, I guess I was announcing myself. Not that I had any real reason to, but I just wanted time for you to get decent or something if you were..." Vachon laughed and grabbed his blood bottle. "There's a lot of things you want, Tracy Vetter, but me being decent isn't one of them." He smiled knowingly and she blushed. "The real reason now or I may show you how quick this panther is." She chuckled this time and knew he was jerking her chain. The evil she normally felt around him was gone tonight. She liked that. It made her feel at home instead of on her guard. "There was a murder tonight. A vampire killed a young woman and they tried to cover it up. They ripped her neck to try and hide the bite marks, but you could see them anyway. It was sloppy...very sloppy." She grabbed her soda and took a quick drink. "Well anyway, I just wondered if you'd seen anybody new or maybe noticed any odd behavior around the Raven." She stared at Vachon before she finished. "I mean anyone who might want to hurt Nick!" She waited and watched. He paused the bottle on the way to his lips...startled then he stared at her. Finally, he got control and tried to shrug it off. "Why would I know anything about your partner, Trace, and what makes you think this murder had anything to do with Nick?" "Because the girl was a dead ringer for Natalie." She watched him closely. Vachon stood and headed back to the fridge nervously. He was going to have to tell her something. Tracy was just too quick and too good to let this go. "Last but not least, there was a note in the dead girl's hand that said: 'What's yours is mine forever!' Only Nick knew it wasn't Natalie and he bolted straight to the morgue to find her, then disappeared right after. Natalie slipped and said Nick felt responsible." She walked over to Vachon's side and grabbed the blood bottle from his hand before she continued. "They are a lot closer than friends and Nick is in trouble...And my gut tells me you know something about it from your reaction. Whatever is going on between Nick and Natalie has put them both at risk and since we have vampires involved, I want answers. You plan on giving them to me or should I just raid the Raven, start arresting people and placing them in a cells with a Southern view?" She let her words sink in. "That might not be advisable and it certainly won't help Nick." He let her have the blood bottle and walked back to the couch and sat down in frustration. This was not his responsibility. An image of Nick in vampire state slamming him again the sewer wall threatening him told him differently. Tracy was his responsibility, not Nick's. "Trace, I want you to promise me you won't go to the Raven. I'll check into it. If there's anybody strange or new, I'll let you know. I'll keep an eye on your partner and put the word out. Most of the community knows him. You just need to keep a lid on the body." She was at his side immediately. "Why would most of the community know Nick?" He'd screwed up and she'd caught it. "Trace, if you have questions about Nick, you need to ask him...not me. Everyone in the community knows you know me and haven't said anything. You're my responsibility. If word gets out to the press or the Enforcers, it's my neck for not having brought you across or made you forget." He said sadly and touched her cheek in regret. "I could change that if you want?" "You can't make me forget, Vachon, and I'm not into your drinking habits at the moment." She shoved the bottle back into his hands and headed for the door. When she opened it, she had a final thought. "Something happens to Nick...or Natalie and I'll hold you responsible Vachon...remember that!" She slammed the door on the way out. ------------- Natalie placed the second slide under the microscope and studied it closely. "Well, what do you think?" Eric paced the floor beside her. Natalie finally turned and glared at him. "I think it's human!" He glared at her incredulously. "I'll admit there are some strange anomaly's in the blood and I'm betting when we get the lab report back that it's saliva. I think we've got a sick person here who is trying to pretend they are a Dracula or something. There are a lot of sick people out there, Eric. You know that as well as I do. It's our job to find them and keep them away from normal society. Just because there are bite marks...and I agree they are...It doesn't mean it's an x-file or something and we call in the Crown." Eric ran his hands through his hair in frustration, then looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, Natalie. It's just I was hoping to find some of the bizarre stuff you always hear about on nightshift...When I was getting to work with you I figured it had to be abnormal or strange because they only put you on those." He plopped down in the chair beside her, both frustrated and embarrassed. "Guess I was trying too hard, huh?" Natalie patted his hand in consolation. "Believe it or not, Eric. I work on all kinds of cases and I don't think the explosion victims were anything but normal today. I know this woman looks like me and that's scary, but it doesn't make it anything but murder at this point. I think you need to stop listening to the dayshift people. You're tired. You've been at it since 8 am this morning. You're not used to these late night hours. Go home and get some sleep. I think 18 hours is above and beyond the call of duty here." She smiled and said a little prayer. She needed time alone to verify some things and she couldn't do it with Eric here. "Go...really! I can handle it." Eric smiled sadly. "I know you're right. I just wanted it too badly. I am tired. I will call it a night." He stood then had another thought. "You will call me if you find anything...won't you? I mean I feel personally involved in this one and I want you to be safe. It's obvious someone is out to get you." He glanced back at the table. "Maybe I shouldn't leave you alone here. I know what..." "I'm never alone here, Eric. Jill is in the other room. There are 10 people down the hall, and they've posted guards at the entrances on the Captain's orders. You can't get in here without an ID or a phone call from the Captain. I'm safe...really!" She smiled. "Go home and get some sleep because I guarantee you that I am out of here by dawn. You can take that to the bank." She watched his back and mouthed a silent 'Thank You' then turned back to the microscope. ----------- Several hours later: She placed the second sample under the microscope. It was just like the first. It was saliva from the victim's neck. The vampire gene attachment was quite prevalent in the entire sample, even more so than in Nick's blood. She placed the first sample under the scope again. It was a frozen sample of Nick's blood from when they'd first met. The gene attachment was quite prevalent. She then took the third slide and started counting them again. There were fewer on this slide. She looked at the date of the sample. It was taken over a year ago. She then went back and counted the first slide. She had been right. There were fewer of them. Instantly excited, she ran to the refrigerator and pulled out the tube she'd taken this morning. She hurried back to the microscope. Catching her hip on the corner of the table in haste, she slipped. She saw the floor coming toward her and she smashed her hand down on the countertop. The vial crushed under her weight and the glass sliced her rubber glove to pieces. Nick's blood covered her hand. She immediately started to peel the glove off when the strangest sensations began to course up her arm. Warmth filled with a burning need coursed through her now and she felt him for the first time, as he'd felt her. She stared at her hand in shock. Images flashed in her mind of their conversation in the hallway earlier this morning. Fear gripped her heart and she knew it wasn't hers. Then it was gone. The room started to spin then stopped and finally...it was all gone. She peeled off her glove and stared at the cut on her hand from earlier this morning. The bandage had been cumbersome and her gloves didn't fit, so she'd removed it. Now Nick's fresh blood was smeared into the wound. She touched it gingerly and found every place his blood had mixed with hers was totally healed. Without further thought, she took what blood that remained in the bottom of the broken testube and poured it over her hand. The warmth once more coursed up her arm and then great peace. She relaxed and pushed into the sensations and the images of herself in Nick's arms the night he returned home from the hospital. The sensations engulfed her. Pure emotion and a need filled with a love she'd never known existed enveloped her. She wept with joy. He loved her both body and soul even without his memory...he knew it. She made him happy and that in turn made her smile. More images of them together flashed in her mind. She could actually feel how much he cherished it, depended on it, and craved it beyond all else. Once more the fear returned and the image of a very young petite French girl flashed in her mind's eye. Her name was Fleur. His loved Fleur and he would sacrifice anything for her. LaCroix appeared and the fear returned, as did the anger. Then the pictures became jumbled, confused until Natalie thought she'd scream at the pain she felt within Nick. She was his sister. None of it made sense and then it all vanished. Natalie dropped to her knees and wept. Nick had sacrificed something for his sister. Whatever it was, it was tearing him apart, but everything had changed. Now she knew Nick's love for her was genuine. She wept harder now in both relief and frustration. He had learned to love...maybe for the last time. She wasn't certain, except she no longer carried the doubts that had plagued her for the past 2 years. The pain within her was no more because Nick loved her. She stared at her hand in awe. It was completely healed. No open cut, nor even a trace of a scar was present. As she stood, a feeling of great strength and power enveloped her. She picked up the metal pliers lying on the top shelf of the workbench. With no effort, she twisted the metal pieces together forming a deformed braid. "Oh, my God!" She whispered slightly frightened. What was this? Was this what Nick fought to control? As quickly as it came, the feeling disappeared. Try as she might, she couldn't untwist the metal tongs on the pliers. She stared at them and pushed into the recent memories. There was so much more he was hiding from her. Now she was beginning to understand why. Tossing the twisted metal into the trash, she reached for her coat and headed out the door. Part 5 Vachon walked into the Raven unannounced. The door hadn't been locked and he could feel the presence of more than one of his own kind. One was very weak and the other very strong. It had to be LaCroix. He pushed open the door. "Drink, Nicholas. Don't be foolish!" LaCroix hissed as he tried to force his own blood into his son's limp form. Vachon rushed to their side. "What happened?" He whispered as he grabbed a bottle on the side table and uncorked it. LaCroix didn't answer. "You need my blood to lessen the pain. Drink it and regain some of your strength back." Nick sucked slowly, then pushed it away in anger. He tried to rise but failed. Vachon caught him this time. Blood trailed down his neck onto the silk of his shirt leaving it stained crimson. "Here, Nick!" Vachon shoved the bottle of blood to his lips. Nick drank greedily as he glared at LaCroix. When he finished he reached for another and drained it in 2 gulps. Shakily, he pushed to his feet. Holding on to the table next to him, he steadied himself. Pain still coursed through his collapsed veins due to the massive loss of blood. Images flashed in his mind and he knew instantly his master had nothing to do with the murder. LaCroix knew of his feeling for Natalie and it was only a matter of time before he would use it to get what he wanted. Nick stared at LaCroix in anger. "Anything to bring me to your side. Is that it, LaCroix? Pity you didn't arrange this little scenario, but at least you will reap the rewards. Whoever arranged this little charade should be rewarded, don't you think?" He took a couple of steps and started to collapse. Both Vachon and LaCroix caught him, but the darkness beckoned and Nick gave into it. "You want to explain this to me," his Spanish accent more prevalent as Vachon strained to lay Nick down on the couch without causing him pain? LaCroix grabbed the nearest bottle and downed it in anger. Images played in his mind and he growled in frustration. His son was willing to sacrifice everything for this woman. There was nothing Nicholas wouldn't do to keep her safe...even give himself physically to someone whom he detested. His own evil face in full vampire form danced before his eyes. His son hated him for the animal he'd become, for the very evil that had given them both life; yet, he would willingly give it up for her. The warmth and pleasure he'd felt in Nicholas' blood surged through his veins and he wanted more of it. He wanted to become one with it, make it a part of him permanently, but he knew that wasn't possible. Had he loved Fleur that much? His perfect memory slid easily into the past. The smells of that night so long ago floated in the room as if they were actually there. Fleur's beautiful face shimmered in the moonlight before him and he knew the answer. "Take him home. Stay with him until Doctor Lambert gets there. She will know what to do. Then stand guard until I find out who did this." The words floated in the air but he was gone. "Oh, great! This just keeps getting better and better." Vachon picked up Nick's still form and they disappeared into the night. ---------------- Tracy watched in fascination as Vachon carried Nick's limp form. He punched in the key code on the panel and Nick's garage door slid silently up. Faster than the eye could register, they were gone. "What is going on?" She ran across the street and punched in Natalie's number. She answered on the second ring. "Lambert!" Her voice sounded shaky even to herself as she drove towards Nick's. "Natalie, I'm at Nick's place and someone just carried him upstairs. He wasn't moving. I'm calling for backup and we are going in to get Nick out. Do you have the key code numbers? We'll need them to get in and save Nick." Her voice was breathless by the time she'd run around the warehouse searching for another entrance as she spoke. "Tracy, don't call for backup!" Natalie almost screamed into the phone. "Don't do that. People will get killed." She held her breath and waited for Tracy to answer. "Natalie, are you nuts? Nick looked dead. For all we know, he may already be dead or badly hurt. We have to get to him as soon as..." "Tracy, Nick is already dead. You have to listen to me. Trust me in this. WE have to do this ourselves. No police, no outside help or everything is lost including you and I. Please, Trace," fear for Nick washed over her, but she had to keep Tracy calm! "Natalie, you're not making any sense. Nick is..." "Nick is a vampire, Trace. Now I know you know about them. I know about Vachon, about the community, about what happened to Screed. Think back, Trace. Think back to the fever epidemic. Nick's your partner...surely you noticed the change in him. Hell he almost passed out at the scene and at the morgue when you were with us. You stole blood for Vachon to keep him alive. You have to listen to me, Tracy! Please listen to me!" Desperation was laced in her voice and Tracy was not immune. "Okay, Nat! I'll wait until you get here, but I want answers and I want them tonight." She flipped closed the cover on the mobile phone and headed for the front of the warehouse to wait. Natalie pulled up minutes later and bolted from the car. Pressing the numbers on the keypad, she didn't wait for Tracy. Skipping the lift, she started for the stairs and took them two at a time. Tracy was right behind her. She shoved open the door and stepped through unannounced. Tracy pulled her gun and covered her. "Nick?" Natalie's fear was overwhelming now. "He's here, Doctor." Vachon stood by the couch and watched Nick's silent form lying quietly on the leather furniture. Natalie ran to his side. Blood still oozed from the wound on his neck and there was no visible sign of life. Quickly, she sliced his finger until it bled. Watching it closely, she waited for it to heal. Slowly, the wound began to close. Immediately she reached into her bag and pulled out a unit of blood. "Hold that!" She shoved the blood bag into Vachon's hand, then set up ringers and tubing finally attaching a large needle. Quickly, she shoved the needle into Nick's stomach and opened the stopcock until the blood flowed freely, that done she ran to the freezer and pulled out two units of plasma. She turned on the hot water and placed them under it. By the time she'd set up an IV in both Nick's arms, the plasma was thawed. Warm it wasn't, but it would flow into his veins with no problem. She shoved one into Tracy's hand and the other into Vachon's unoccupied hand. Blood flowed from three sources into Nick's malnourished body and he reacted immediately by groaning. Within minutes the unit in his stomach was empty and the other two were half gone. His body was drawing it into him now. He would recover. Finally, Natalie began to breath and the tears began to flow. She brushed them away fiercely. "Help me get him upstairs." Dried tears stained her cheeks, but she ignored them as she disconnected the now empty plasma containers attached to the IV's. When her eyes met Vachon's, the fear she'd felt earlier returned. "LaCroix did this to him, didn't he?" Angry, she tossed the empty bags into the roaring fire already knowing the answer. Vachon picked Nick's limp form up easily and flew them upstairs. "Nat?" Tracy watched her friend fight the anger and the fear. What was it about this LaCroix that frightened her so much? Natalie stuffed her equipment back into her bag a little more violently than intended. The handle snapped in her hand. "Nat, Nick will be okay. He groaned and there wasn't any stake..." "He tortured him, Trace, just as he has for over 800 years. I never understood until tonight why Nick hated him so much. I felt what his life has been like...really felt it, Trace, and believe me...Hell has to be better." She started for the stairwell. "Why would LaCroix, the owner of the Raven, hurt Nick? I don't understand, Nat. Why was Nick drained if he's already a vampire? Why is Nick so angry with him? I don't understand any of..." "To hurt him, to take away the one thing he can't possess on his own. Something a 2000 year old vampire can't possibly attain for himself." Vachon walked down the steps slowly and watched more questions pop into Tracy's inquisitive mind and saw the pain in Natalie's eyes. "It's about power and control, something LaCroix has been trying to do to Nick since the day I met him. LaCroix has something Nick is willing to sacrifice everything for." Tracy stared at Vachon in disbelief then regained some composure. "What could Nick possible have that this LaCroix would want?" "Me..." Natalie's soft voice echoed across the silent room while she watched the undeniable affirmation in Vachon's brown eyes. Accepting the truth, she headed up the stairs. Vachon touched her arm in comfort as she stepped onto the landing with him. "I don't know if it means anything, Natalie, but LaCroix told me to bring him to you. That is a..." Natalie silenced him with her finger to his lips. "Nothing LaCroix does is good for us, Vachon." She smiled sadly. "...Thank you for bringing him home. Everything happens for a reason. I've come to accept that with Nick. I only hope he eventually trusts me enough to tell me everything." She continued upstairs to the top landing. "More blood is on its way, Natalie. You should keep your distance from him until he's had enough to replace what he's lost. It's not safe to be around him right now. He might lose control or..." She thought for a moment and smiled knowingly. "That's why he sent him to me, but LaCroix is wrong. I have always been safe with Nick." Her voice left no room for doubt. "Answer one question for me." She waited and watched his expression. "Is it painful?" She stared at Nick's closed bedroom door and didn't hide her fear. "Very painful." He responded sadly. She nodded her appreciation for his honesty then opened Nick's bedroom door. -------------- "Do you want to explain this to me or do I have to get a stake?" Her blue eyes flashed daggers, as Tracy made no attempt to hide her anger. Vachon simply walked to the fridge and peered inside. He pulled out a green bottle and sniffed the contents. A groan escaped his throat before he could stop it. "Vachon!" "Not much I can tell you, Trace. Nick isn't really open about his personal life if you hadn't noticed." He started to pour a glass, then decided against it. Tracy was in his face before he put the mug down. "Not much to tell!" She fought hard to keep the anger under control. "Let me get this straight. My partner is a vampire, the owner of the Raven has some obsession with him enough to torture him by draining him dry...and he wants Natalie dead. Gee! Have I left anything out? Oh, I'm sorry...how about the fact that you knew my partner was a vampire and you didn't tell me and you're on first name basis with Natalie!" She grabbed the cup from the counter and stared at the contents. "What's the matter? Not hungry or is it just the wrong vintage?" She slammed the mug on the counter and watched the blood spill onto her hands. It only made her angrier. Vachon touched her shoulders and tried to calm her down. "Calm down, Trace." She shoved his hands away. "Don't touch me, Vachon. I thought we were friends. I guess I was wrong." She stared at the bedroom door and felt betrayed. "Guess I was wrong about a lot of things." She headed for the door. He was in front of her before she'd made it half way. "Trace, I couldn't tell you about Nick. It wasn't my place to tell you. It was his. You were seeing vampires everywhere after you found out. He has been protecting you ever since." Something she'd never seen before touched his eyes. What was it? She stared into his eyes more closely and her anger cooled. "I've never seen regret in your eyes before, Vachon. What gives here?" The evil she normally felt around him disappeared for a moment and he seemed almost human. All of a sudden, the pieces started to fit. She stared at the bedroom door at the top of the stairwell. That was it. That's what makes Nick different and why she didn't know. Nick always tried to do what was right. He may be wrong at times...but he wasn't evil. Could that be what LaCroix wanted? "Be careful, Vachon, you may turn out to be more like Nick than you think." "I owe him, Trace. Most of the city owes him and all of the community owes Natalie. Nick made me see that facing up to your responsibilities isn't as bad as I originally thought." He stared at the door for a moment and smiled. "If it hadn't been for the Doc most of us would have died from the fever. She didn't judge us or condemn us for what we were. She said only God had the right to choose between life and death and she wasn't God." His brown eyes sparkled with admiration. "Nick made me grow up and they both have shown me I can change my life if I choose. I owe them both and I always repay my debts. I couldn't betray their trust." He looked into her eyes for understanding. "But why does LaCroix want Natalie? Why does he want to torture Nick? None of this makes sense," she said in exasperation. She pulled out the chair at the kitchen table and plopped down. Vachon sat down beside her silently and she was reminded again of just what he was. "Because Nick hates what he is. Nick is LaCroix's son and he is rejecting the gift of immortality because he..." "...loves Natalie. They want to be together and they can't as long as Nick is a vampire." Tracy's voice was only a whisper as the reality of what her partner was trying to do sank in. "Vampires and mortals don't play house. The mortal ends up dead or one of us. With how Nick feels, I doubt that is an option." Vachon leaned over and grabbed the bottle of blood now sitting on the counter top. He sat it in front of her. "Steer blood...Nick doesn't drink human, so it makes him weaker, but his age makes up for a lot of it. I frankly wouldn't want to see him pissed off when he was on a regular diet." A memory of Nick smashing him up against the sewer wall flashed through his mind. "Just how old is Nick?" The door buzzer rang. Vachon smiled and headed for the lift. He stopped by the fireplace and picked up Nick's crusader sword. He admired the craftsmanship and the weight momentarily, then tossed it to her. "That's a 13th century crusader's sword and it didn't belong to his relatives." He smiled mischievously when her mouth dropped. He heard a noise from upstairs. "Got to get the supplies I ordered. Nick's going to need them a great deal sooner than I thought...and frankly, I don't have the stomach for cow." He disappeared while Tracy stared at the sword in her hands in disbelief. Part 6 ----------------- LaCroix felt Nick's pain through their tiny link. Nick still shielded himself even now from him. It never ceased to amaze him just how much potential Nicholas had. "Such a waste, Nicholas. Together we could claim the world." Anger flashed in his eyes and he pulled the door off its hinges before he stepped through. It had been a fruitless hunt. No one knew anything about the recent murder of the Doctor's twin. Obviously, there was someone new among them who was very good at being discreet. He let the conversations of the night play through his mind. Nothing stood out. Who among them felt their debt repaid to Doctor Lambert or was willing to overlook it for a price? Who among them wanted not only Nicholas' attention, but also his own? Was this death meant to anger Nicholas or tease him with the future? Either way it had accomplished something he'd been unable to do with his errant son. The taste of his son's blood lingered even now in his mouth. He pushed into the images and felt his son's submission to his will for a price. Was Fleur worth it? Could he give up his revenge for Nicholas' return to his side? Would his son be worth it if he did or would Nicholas lose what he craved most? LaCroix pulled out a new bottle from the cooler and checked the label. Today's stock...it would have to do. He drank straight from the bottle and let the myriad of questions play in his mind. "Master?" Khalis appeared in the doorway to his private chambers. "Can I be of assistance?" LaCroix stared at his new progeny and smirked. Why couldn't Nicholas be like Khalis? Why did everything with Nicholas have to be so tedious and time consuming? He took another drink, closed his eyes, pushed into the memories of his son and it all became clear. When he opened his eyes, his anger had returned. He would have answers and then make his son accept the truth. -------------- Nick groaned and Natalie was at his side immediately. She'd just given him her last unit of plasma. They would have to wait for the supplies to arrive now. "Nick, can you hear me?" She touched his face and brushed a stray lock of blond hair from his forehead. Red eyes greeted her. She gasped, but didn't pull away. "It's okay, Nick. We'll have more blood shortly." She could see the pain dance across his features and he growled in anger as he moved. His sharp gasp told her more than she wanted to know. In a blink of an eye, she was caught in his grasp and he'd locked onto her heartbeat. "There's no shortage here." He pushed them both to their feet and backed her into the wall. His power washed over her until she gasped for breath, but still she refused to run. He traced her throat with his thumbs causing her to shiver under his touch. He nuzzled her neck and let his cold breath dance across her skin. "Your scent plays in my mind and tempts me with the ambrosia you keep from me." The soft cadence in his voice played havoc with her senses and she was not immune. Instead of fighting, she raised her hand to his blond hair and pulled him to her neck. "If you need me, then my blood is yours. If it will take away your pain and free us both then I give it willingly." He sank his fangs deep within her neck and she groaned in pleasure as the connection between them was made once more. "I love you, Nick...all of you." Tracy lunged at Nick only to find Vachon there to stop her. She'd run up the stairs at the first sound of commotion. When she opened the door, she found Nick pressing Natalie to the wall. Power flooded the room and she gasped in need of oxygen. Was that Nick? She saw the flash of fangs and the red in his eyes as he nuzzled Natalie's neck. Natalie's soft voice carried on the wind, but she couldn't believe it. "Nick!" Vachon held her tight and she fought. "He'll kill her, Vachon!" Her blood flooded his mouth and the pain was gone. Warmth spread over him as her words drifted into his mind and soul. There was no fear, only love in her blood and she welcomed him with open arms. They were soulmates destined for eternity to be together. Her hopes and fears flooded his mind. He was awash in her dreams and they all included him. Stunned, he released her neck in awe. Resting his forehead on hers, he took a breath to regain control. "I love you too, Nat. Forgive me," he whispered as a blood tear slipped silently down his pale skin. She ran her hands through his hair once more and kissed his forehead. "There is nothing to forgive." He stared into her beautiful blue eyes and saw only love. It warmed his heart once more, but the vampire still craved the woman within just as the man did. His fangs were still visible as well as the gold in his eyes as he fought for control over both. "I want you so badly." Pain laced his voice with a need only she understood. "I want you too, Nick. It's okay. We'll get through it together." "This will help." Vachon shoved a bottle of blood into Nick's hand. He downed it immediately before he responded. Another appeared when that one was empty. After the third bottle, Nick turned only gold-flecked eyes toward him. "Thanks," he said softly and offered him the empty. "I owe you one." His eyes caught Tracy's and he saw anger. "Stake me later, Trace. We need to find a killer remember?" He watched her closely for her reaction. "I thought we already had done that." Her words came out a little sharper than she intended and she watched the effect in his eyes. It was quick but still noticeable. "Nick, I didn't mean..." "Me? Of course you did, Trace, and you're right. I deserved it." There was such sadness in his voice she instantly regretted the comment. "I didn't mean you, Nick. I meant LaCroix is the one responsible for Natalie's look-alike death." She was struggling with all the new information and trying to make sense of it all. "LaCroix didn't kill the woman, Trace. We need to find out who did or Natalie will never be safe." He took a step forward and stumbled. Natalie and Vachon caught him before he collapsed. "You need to go back to bed, Nick, not out playing detective." Natalie guided him to the bed and forced him to sit. "How do you know that for certain?" Tracy questioned as she came forward and stood at the foot of the bed. "Trust me when I say, I know what's in his evil heart...up close and personal. He didn't kill the girl and he won't hurt Natalie...at least not now." "How? I mean...how do you know for sure, Nick? You can't possibly trust him and what makes you so certain he won't hurt Nat now?" Disbelief was laced in the tone of her voice. Nick raised his eyes skeptically and waited for her to understand. He knew full well she understood what sharing blood with another vampire did. Vachon had discussed it with him before talking with her. Finally, he pulled his collar away from his neck and let the bite marks shine visibly in the low light of the room. She gasped and understood immediately. "As far as why he won't hurt Natalie now..." Nick folded Nat's hand in his and sighed heavily. "...The price would be too high." She stared at her partner, but instinctively knew he'd closed the door on information for tonight. She shook her head to clear the fog. She would never understand him in a 1000 years, not that she would ever get the chance at the rate they were going. She began pacing in front of the bed. "Well if LaCroix didn't kill her, who did?" She mumbled as she paced and let her anger build once more. "Someone who is close enough to know what is between LaCroix and myself. Someone who wanted me to do exactly what I did. Someone who had enough knowledge of our past history to use it against me." Nick's mind played the information over and over again. He was missing something important and he just couldn't put his finger on it. A burning ache began to grow in the pit of his stomach and his head began to throb once more. His body was demanding time for it to replenish its supplies. He moved a bit too quickly and the dizziness accompanied the pain in his head. Natalie shoved another bottle into his hand. "Drink that and lie down. In case you hadn't noticed it's well past dawn and there's nothing you can do until tonight." She pushed him down on the bed, and then turned to Tracy. "You both get out of here and get some rest." She tossed them Nick's keys on the nightstand. "Take the caddy, it has a bigger trunk. We'll get it later tonight." Vachon smiled and they headed for the door. Part 7/ADULT explicit m/f "You know mumbling is not a lady-like trait, Trace." Vachon's soft Spanish accent became more obvious in the silent garage. Confused eyes met his. "He bartered his life for Nat's, didn't he?" She asked but already knew the answer. It was so like Nick. Vachon smiled sadly. "The safety of the woman you love is the only thing I know worth an eternity of bondage." He walked around to the trunk and inserted the key and wondered if she really understood. "How could a father hate his son that much? What would require such an act of revenge?" Her mind was running at full speed and there were more questions than answers. "Get used to it, Trace. There are lots of questions when it comes to Nick and LaCroix. There's been lots of money lost over the centuries. Most of the community has settled for wagering on the fights between them and giving up the idea of ever figuring them out. Take me to the Raven instead of the church. I have an idea." He jumped into the trunk and slammed the lid. --------------- Eric uncovered the body and immediately called the precinct. "It's another one, Captain. She is not quite as perfect as the other girl, but she looks enough like Dr. Lambert to make me concerned. Her throat is slashed and most of her blood is missing. It's the same killer. I would stake my life on it. I think we should put a guard on Dr. Lambert until we catch this guy." Eric left no room to doubt about his concern. Eric dialed Natalie's number but only got her machine. He then dialed her pager and waited. Concerned after 10 minutes when he didn't receive a call, he called the Captain once more. ----------------- Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard the phone ringing and a familiar voice. The feel of Nick's silk shirt on her cheek and his arm around her made her feel safe. The phone rang again. She looked at her pager on the bedside and saw the number of the morgue shining brightly on the dial. She picked up the phone and mumbled 'hello' as she tried to wake up. She glanced at the clock and it was after 2pm. She'd only been asleep a couple of hours. Nick lay peaceful sleeping beside her. All signs of the pain were gone now. His metabolism had finally caught up. "Lambert!" She said groggily. "Natalie?" Eric said more than a bit surprised when she answered Knight's phone. It was obvious she had been sleeping. "Eric?" Natalie said a bit surprised as she recognized his voice. "What's wrong?" Eric stuttered a bit shocked but realized the department had been right. Knight and Natalie were a great deal closer than friends. He let the news depress him and he shouldn't have. Pushing it behind him, he plunged ahead. "I called your boss and he called Captain Reese. We didn't get an answer on your cell phone or your pager, so I got worried. Captain Reese suggested we try Nick's number before we became concerned. I wasn't aware you and Detective Knight were..." "Eric, my relationship with Nick is personal and very complicated and I'm not going to discuss it with you or anyone else. I appreciate your concern for my welfare, but I don't understand the urgency in tracking me down when I'm off, Eric." Irritation was starting to show in her voice. It wasn't intentional, but it had been a long night and a long morning. She needed a great deal more sleep and some hot coffee before she was going to ever be congenial again. "Well...ah...I'm sorry, but they brought in another woman who looks like you. She is the same as our lady the other night with her throat slashed and minus a lot of blood. I mean...I know I only met you the other day, but she looks like you and has had cosmetic surgery as well. Captain Reese said he was putting a unit on you around the clock and you weren't to come into work until they catch this wacko. I just thought you should know." Eric said sadly. His disappointment was obvious throughout the conversation. Instantly, Natalie regretted her tone. Eric was only trying to keep her safe and got worried after seeing the body. She smiled and it warmed her heart to know he cared. "Thanks for caring, Eric. I appreciate it more than you know. I'm sorry my being at Nick's upset you and I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm sorry!" She tried to think of a nice way to let him down, but was at a loss. "I want you to know I'm flattered that you care, but my heart belongs elsewhere. I don't want you getting the wrong idea and getting hurt." She waited and heard him sigh heavily. "I was that obvious?" He sounded surprised. "Yes, and I'm flattered but..." "Your heart belongs to Knight. Got it! Can we still try to be friends? I'm still new in town and don't know very many people." "Friends sounds great to me." She said cheerfully and meant it. "I have to get some more sleep, Eric. You tell your Captain and mine, I promise to stay put. I'm safe here. Nick has the best alarm system in the city and with the patrol car outside...I'm in no danger. Thanks again, Eric, for caring." She hung up with a sigh. "I think I'm jealous." Nick's soft voice echoed behind her as she hung up the phone. Nat smiled as she turned back to him. "As you should be. He's a much younger man than you…and I'm told quite eligible according to the gossip mill." The humor sparked in her eyes. He pulled her willingly into his arm and fit her body next to his. "Almost everyone you know is younger than me." He smirked and stopped his lips only inches from hers. "Does that mean you've found a newer model you'd like to try?" His cool breath teased her lips as his hands wove a magic spell over her back. It felt so right to be here. His touch sent shivers up her spine and the warmth she felt from him was like a living, breathing thing. Was this the magic of the vampire or her desire to be loved by the man? At this point she wasn't sure she cared. It was where she belonged. She pressed her lips to his and opened her mouth in an invitation. It was like coming home for the first time. Each touch begged for more and she was lost to the sensation of his body next to hers. Each curve fit into his and the growing need between his legs gave credence that the man desired her in every possible way. She just wanted to touch the real Nick like she had in the laboratory, to be a part of him...his body as well as his mind. Was that only possible if she was a vampire and they shared blood? He groaned as she let her hand wander farther south and kneaded his ever-growing manhood. He still wore the tight jeans he'd had on the night before and the blue silk shirt, now stained with his own blood after his confrontation with LaCroix. None of that mattered now. Her own body responded in kind. Her breasts became hard nubs, sensitive to every touch and her mind wandered to the idea of rubbing them over his naked chest. As if her hands had a mind of their own, she unbuttoned his shirt while his lips worshipped hers. Sucking, delving into every corner of her mouth, tasting every inch of her. Her blouse had somehow disappeared and she lay in his masterful hands wearing only her lace bra...and it was too confining. He kissed her neck and sucked gently on the healing wounds. The blood began to ooze once more and he licked it gently. The connection between them grew and she wanted more. She felt his fangs drop and she was unafraid. This was Nick and he loved her. Logic was a thing of the past and she gave into the pent up emotions she held at bay too long. She arched into him and tore his shirt away. The feel of her breast on the soft hair of his chest caused her juices to flow and she was instantly ready for him any way he wanted her. "Natalie?" Nick's breath was ragged now as he fought for control losing the battle and unsure if he cared. Golden eyes locked to hers and she became lost in them. She pressed her lips to his and ground her hips into his growing need. He groaned in pleasure as she devoured his mouth. The fire between them burst into life and they were lost to each other. Each treasuring and touching the other in ways they'd only dreamed about, knowing in the back of their minds there was a price. "Let me love you, Nick." She broke the kiss and whispered into his ear. "Love me the way we were meant to love." She unbuckled his belt and he didn't resist. She melted under his touch and he wanted more. He knew he should stop, but the pain it would cause her would destroy him. Tonight he would sacrifice his whole life to keep her safe and return to LaCroix's side, but today he would let her feel the love inside him to ease her pain and keep his own sanity for the centuries to come. Only then would he know he'd done the right thing. There were no longer doubts that he could stop before harming her. He loved her both body and soul and for the first time…he knew it was enough. He stood them up and removed both their clothes. Each touch was a promise, each kiss an enticement. She reached to turn out the light and he stopped her hand in mid-air. "Don't...I want to see your face when you come to me. I need to see the love in your eyes." She lay down and reached out her arms in an invitation. He accepted and they were lost to the feel of each other once more. His cool fingertips danced across her abdomen needing, teasing, creating a need only he could fulfill. His lips followed until he found the soft mound of desire he sought. He sucked gently and parted her labia with his tongue. She moaned in appreciation and arched toward his mouth wanting more. Her hands found his head and ravaged his hair urging him onward to his quest. He cupped her buttocks in his hands to get better access and plunged his tongue deep within her. Her juices were sweet with the taste of her and he wanted it all. He retreated and sucked on her clit until she screamed in pleasure. Her breath coming in ragged gasps now, he sucked harder and plunged two fingers deep into her core until she bucked beneath him. "Nick, don't torture me, please." She tugged at his head, but he was relentless as he sucked harder then swirled his tongue around the sensitive nub driving her over the edge. Bright colored lights danced behind her eyes when she screamed his name in release. He lapped the juices from her wet core with sheer joy. She whimpered in need and he was rapidly losing control. Panting heavily, the gold flecked his blue eyes hinting the coming of the vampire. He slid his cool body over hers letting every hair, every curve, every muscle claim her as his for eternity. He pushed her hands over her head and held them tightly in his to slow the process and gain control, but he was lost when he looked into her eyes. It wasn't passion...it was love he saw there. "I love you, Natalie. I want you to come to the man. I want you to feel how much you mean to me." He plunged his hard cock into her wet core and she gasped in pleasure. He didn't move until she'd adjusted to his size, then he began to rock gently inside her watching her give into the passion within. Each stroke was long and slow, penetrating her to the very core and her body craved the union beyond all else. "Nick, please." She gasped again as he found the right spot and ground his hard cock against it. Pleasure shot through her and she cried out in ecstasy. "Oh, Nick don't stop. Come with me, be a part of me." She freed her hands and rocked harder onto his shaft by pulling his buttocks toward her. He was driving her insane with need as the head of his cock ground into her cervix, filled with the one thing she craved beyond all else. "Release me, Nick. Release us both!" She cried out as her body began to contract around his hard shaft. Everything about her was so sensitive; so much a part of him and he never wanted it to end. Pleasure coursed through him as the hot burning sensation deep within his groin became unbearable. He plunged within her once more and found the spot they both craved most. The man reached out to her. For the first time in centuries, he was no longer cold. The warmth inside him flowed like a hot river guided by what he felt for her. She began to contract around him and he gave into it. She pulled his release from him willingly, letting the love pass between them as it had always meant to be. He exploded inside her causing her to scream in pleasure. His fangs dropped and he knew there was more. She arched her neck and offered it freely. He sank his fangs deep within her neck and drank deeply. She climaxed again and this time he experienced it with her, each a part of the other for all eternity. He released her neck filled with something stronger than blood that would last beyond time. They both panted heavily, but she needed something more. Images flashed through his mind and the unity she'd felt from his blood when it managed to get into the cut on her hand was becoming an obsession. Her desire to experience more of it, as he watched her willingly pour his blood onto her wound in an effort to be a part of him. Images of what she wanted to do to him danced through his mind and he grew harder inside her. "Natalie, we have to..." She silenced him with a kiss and raked her tongue across his fangs implanting the images even further into his heart. She rocked on his hard cock once more until he was once more deep within her, then she rolled him onto his back. He growled in protest, but she knew what she wanted and what they both needed. Pushing him down she crawled between his legs and licked her way up his inner thigh. His hard penis was covered in bloody cum and it beckoned her like a siren-call on the open sea. She licked it like a candy cane until the low growl in his chest became constant, then she sucked him deep within her hot mouth. His hand wove through her hair, but she ignored it and continued to drive him over the edge of pain into pure pleasure. Images of LaCroix flashed in her mind and she knew instantly what he'd done last night and why. Fleur danced through her mind and she felt his pain as if it was her own...then there was need. He'd grown harder at her tender ministrations and she wanted him to come to her this way as she had him. She wanted to taste and feel all that he was through the very heart of his body. "Natalie, please!" He begged now as she sucked harder and deep throated him. Her hands pushed and needed his scrotum until the heat in his groin was now a hot poker ripping him apart with something he'd never known. She scraped his shaft with her teeth and tasted his blood once more. No longer able to stop, he pushed her head down harder onto his shaft and she took him full into her mouth. She sucked hard as she pulled off him, dragging her teeth over his sensitive skin and he was lost to the feel of her hot tongue. He exploded into her mouth and she lapped all that he was into her without hesitation. Images flooded her mind in such rapid succession she couldn't make sense of it all. Warmth spread through her and she knew instantly it was his love. She latched onto it and sucked him dry. He screamed in agony and in pleasure as his hard cock jerked inside her mouth. He pulled her away from him and ground his mouth on to hers. The taste of himself on her mouth only made him hard again. He would never have enough of her. His hands forced her back on top of him to ride his stiff shaft. Each touch made the flame between them burst brighter until they rode the light of pleasure only they could create. She sat up and pushed him deep within her willing thighs. When she lifted, he lunged upward to plant himself deeper with the next stroke. The tension built once more as their bodies sought the release only the other could bring. When he touched her very core, she screamed in pleasure and both were lost to the feel of their bodies. Images of each other life, the hopes and fears they'd kept hidden for so long passed between them like a roaring wind. Each cherished the moment as if it were the last. Finally, they collapsed in exhaustion and slept. Part 8 "Are you sure about this?" Tracy said a little more than doubtful. "You know the shadow from the car isn't any guarantee." "I'll take my chances. Just get as close as you can." Tracy pulled up on to the sidewalk and Vachon popped the trunk, slipped out and ran into the Raven with little more than smoke trails. Needing more specifics on the most recent murder victim, Tracy was off to the morgue with only a second glance at the Raven's closed door. ------Inside the Raven------- "General?" Vachon yelled in vain. After receiving, no reply he started for the back living quarters. "The General can't be disturbed." Khalis hissed, appearing from nowhere. Vachon stared at him as if he'd lost his mind. "Get out of my way, Khalis!" In seconds Khalis attacked. Vachon batted him away like an insect. "You forget yourself!" Vachon gave into the anger he felt building. In a blink of an eye, he shoved Khalis against the wall with ease. "You need a great deal more skill and a lot more age to take on your elders. Try to remember that!" He let him drop to the floor and his normal dark brown eyes returned. "Now where is LaCroix?" "He's not in a very good mood. He doesn't want to see anyone." Khalis growled, but remained seated. He knew when to fight and when to back away. He wasn't stupid. Khalis was his master's son. Vachon looked at him in disgust, another 'wannabe' slave to the General. He turned and walked through the doorway unhampered. It was well past 10am and LaCroix stood staring at the closed window. Power swept over the room taking his breath away. It was filled with rage and something else. Vachon couldn't describe what he felt from the ancient Vampire. "LaCroix?" There was no answer only more of the strange sensation he'd felt when he entered. He walked to his side, but still the ancient vampire didn't move. He stepped in front of him and noticed the bright red of his eyes and the stillness of his body. It was as if he weren't really there. "LaCroix?" Vachon spoke louder. "What is it you want, Spaniard?" His voice was distant but forceful. "I need to speak with you. It concerns Nick." Instantly, Vachon was slammed against the wall. "There is nothing you can tell me that I don't already know, young one." He growled at the intrusion. The red still in his eyes as well as the anger, but the other sensation was gone now. Vachon fought the urge to strike back, being smart enough to know he couldn't win. He'd seen LaCroix and Nick get into it once. He was no match and he knew it. He simply waited for his elder to gain control. Gold now replaced the red of earlier and finally he was released. He waited patiently for the General to address him. He was the elder and certain rules had to be respected. LaCroix turned to the blood bottle on the nightstand and drained it in one gulp. "What is it, Vachon?" The smooth controlled voice of the General had once more returned. "I came to tell you that Nick is going to be okay and let you know there has been another murder." He eyed the half-filled glass of blood on the nightstand. Anger and fear made a vampire thirsty. LaCroix handed it to him and smiled. "Thank you." He walked to the other side of the room and pulled out his rebec. "Was there something else?" Vachon wasn't sure why he was sticking his nose into this, but his curiosity was getting the better of him. Maybe it was because he felt like he owed Nick. He wasn't sure. There was just something about Nick you couldn't put your finger on. Something you knew you wanted for yourself, yet weren't sure exactly what it was. Vachon thought for a moment as the cold evil surrounding LaCroix washed over him and he knew the answer. The sensations he'd felt earlier weren't LaCroix's. They were Nick's. He stared at LaCroix in disbelief. "You were channeling him, weren't you?" He spoke in a whisper already knowing the answer. LaCroix smirked and raised one eyebrow. "Age has its advantage, young one." Vachon started to speak then thought better of it and headed for the door. When he reached it, he'd decided to voice his opinion anyway. "You will never possess his mind or spirit. He's found the way back and nothing you can do will stop the inevitable. If I could feel half of what he feels right now, I would be a satisfied man. I never realized what I was missing until tonight, but somehow I think you did. I think you have for a long time and that's why you want him by your side...but you're wrong." He stared at the ancient vampire and watched the truth touch his eyes for a brief second then disappear behind the cold evil that overshadowed his whole being. "Nick is the only man in my life I've ever envied...now even more so than before and I think you do too." He closed the door and walked down the hall. ----------- Natalie rubbed her hand over his bare chest as he slept beside her. The images of what happened with LaCroix were permanently etched into her memory. Nick had gone to LaCroix to offer himself in exchange for her life. Images of Fleur in the garden, along with the pain and fear Nick felt for his baby sister tore at her heart. He'd done the only thing possible to save her life that night, not knowing what horrors would await him in the future. Nick had lived in constant fear since the day he realized he was falling in love. The warmth spread through her at the thought and she knew it was real. It wasn't fair. Nick had sacrificed his own happiness for his sister's life and now he would sacrifice his sanity and live in eternal Hell to give his own love a chance at a happy life. A single tear followed by another slid silently down her cheek. She finally gave into the hopelessness and wept. Strong arms pulled her to his chest. "It will be okay, Nat." Somehow they were connected. She'd ingested his blood and he'd drunk hers, why would he think she would remain unchanged. Her sorrow tore at his heart and he regretted his stupidity. "I should have just walked away. I'm sorry...I just couldn't cause you that kind of pain. I hadn't planned on it getting so out of control. I thought I could..." Tear-filled eyes met his and she placed her lips over his to silence him. "...stop me from wanting you, stop me from loving you as much as you love me." She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. "Don't regret what we did today...I don't!" She stared into his bright blue eyes and saw the pain mirrored in hers. "You shared a part of you that I will treasure forever. I will never regret that and neither should you." He traced his thumb gently down her tear-filled cheek and smiled sadly. "I have to do this, Natalie, or he will claim you in payment for Fleur." He rested his forehead on hers and sighed heavily. "If he loved my sister half as much as I love you, then I deserve this for denying him her love for eternity. The thought of you suffering with me is unacceptable. Let me take the pain away. I can make you..." "NO!" She jerked from his arms and stood indignantly beside him. "You will not take my memory! You can't ever take away what I feel for you. Don't you understand, Nick. Pain, loss, joy, love...they are all part of what makes us human. Don't you understand that's why he wants you around him? Why he wants your blood? He can't feel those things anymore and he wants them as badly as you do...as badly as we all do. Immortal life is nothing but immortal Hell if you don't have love in it." She crawled back in bed and covered his body with hers. "This feeling of closeness, the connection we have when we touch, the warmth I feel inside every time you're near me is what life is about. It's what makes us who we are. What we do with it makes it eternal." She ran her hands up his chest and caressed his face. "You are human, Nick, and have always been. He changed your blood chemistry 8 centuries ago, but not your heart. That's why you're different from the rest of them. You're not evil nor have you been for a long time. Each day you are changing, each day you are letting your heart reclaim your blood. I saw it on the slide in the laboratory. Don't quit now. Fight for us, fight for what your sister believed in. Love is a beginning...not an end." She waited and prayed he was strong enough. "Help me find a way, Nat." He caressed her face and brought her lips back to his. "God knows I don't want to leave you, but I won't let him hurt you. If I lose you, evil will win and I will be lost to it forever. I know that as sure as I know the sun will rise in the morning. You are a part of me forever and I won't ever let that go." He reached up and sliced his neck with a sharp fingernail. Totally unafraid of the consequences, he pulled her lips to his neck and let her drink. Pleasure and joy flooded his heart and he gave into it. Tonight they would find an answer. Part 9 ------------ All day long, LaCroix indulged in his new connection to his son. Nicholas was totally unaware of it for the moment, but he was sure that would change shortly. His son was too involved in this new connection between the Good Doctor and himself. Not that he could blame him. If the passion and pleasure he'd experienced second hand all afternoon was an inkling of what she was capable of... then his trade was more than worthwhile. A brief sadness swept over him when the image of his beloved Fleur danced before his eyes. She was such an innocent filled with a light of her own...and she had truly loved him. That thought warmed his cold heart. Would it have been enough? Could she have made him feel as Nicholas does about the Good Doctor? He'd pondered the thought many times in the last few months since his son's loss of memory. With the first drop of Nicholas blood in the hospital, he'd been unsure. After draining his son completely, he was more uncertain than before. Would he have sacrificed everything for Fleur? Did he sacrifice anything by walking away or was that a sign of his own insecurity? LaCroix shook his head in disgust. He had never been insecure in his life, even his mortal one. The answer was there all along...he just didn't want to accept it. "Can I get you anything, General?" Khalis voice interrupted his reverie. "Yes, Khalis, you can. A case of our best would be appreciated. Bring it to me quickly as Nicholas and the Good Doctor will be here shortly." A quick flash of anger was visible in the young vampire's eyes before he answered, but he quickly disappeared to perform the task. ------------ Natalie ran into the lab and pulled out the samples from the latest victim. She did a quick cursory check then grabbed her slides. She did a count, then a recount until she was positive of her result. Tracy popped in moments later. "Nat?" Tracy said breathless, but Natalie signaled for her to be silent while she counted the third time. "Nat you have to listen to me, we need to..." "It's the same vampire and he's very young, Trace. He can't be over a hundred at best. I've learned to determine age by the number of..." Tracy grabbed her arm letting the fear shine in her eyes. "We have to go, Nat. There's been an explosion at the Raven. They think Nick is in there. His car is out front!" Nat bolted for the door and Tracy ran to keep up. ------------- Nick stepped into the Raven and felt the connection between he and LaCroix burst into flames. He gasped and dropped to his knees at the strength of it. It had never been this strong before. Pain tore through his shoulder with such intensity, he had to check and see if there was damage. Finally, he understood. He rushed to the back room. "Nicholas, behind you!" LaCroix screamed through their link in time for him to avoid the fatal blow. "Good, de Brabant! They said you were tricky, but then I already knew that!" Khalis hissed from beside him. The ax in his hand coated with blood. Nick didn't need a close examination to know who's it was. His father's scent permeated the room, but he dare not take his eyes of the fledging. "Yes, it's Daddy's blood. Our father's blood! We're brothers, Nicholas, didn't Daddy tell you?" The madness shining through the red in his eyes made Nick pay closer attention. "You're his favorite, but not for long! Soon you'll be dead and that little mortal plaything of yours as well." LaCroix groaned from behind them, but Nick refused to take his eyes off his fledgling brother. "Does it hurt, Father?" Khalis laughed hysterical. "You will heal just as you always do...only this time it will be my blood that brings you back. Your faithful son, your son that is grateful for your generosity, your son that would do anything for you including forcing my pathetic brother to his knees by your side. You have won, Father, he has submitted to you. He is willing to sacrifice everything for that wretched little mortal just as I suspected." Khalis disappeared then reappeared behind Nick in the blink of an eye. He'd been practicing. One quick motion and the ax was in flight, but too late for its intended target. Nick was already across the room. He knelt quickly to check on LaCroix. "He's mad with the power, Nicholas. His blood boils with hatred for you." LaCroix's voice was weak, but his life force was still strong. Khalis screamed and lunged at them both. Nick expected the attack and tripped him easily before he came close to either one of them. LaCroix was in no condition to move around, as he arm lay almost completely severed while his leg was lanced clear to the bone and bleeding freely. Before Khalis could catch his balance, Nick grabbed the ax and tossed him across the room. The stud collapsed from the force and the wall began to crumble around him. Enraged further, Khalis screamed in anger as he regained his footing. After centuries of practice, control came easily for Nick. He opened his mind and released the power from within. Electricity flooded the room drawing all the oxygen with it and crushed Khalis to his knees. Nick was on him instantly. He grabbed the ax and easily snapped it in two. Pushing into the power he hadn't summoned in centuries, Nick crushed Khalis to his knees before he reached over to pull him to his feet. With one hand, Nick lifted him off the floor. Khalis no longer struggled, but the madness still danced in his eyes. "You have no idea what you are dealing with, Khalis. You've let the desire for power drive you mad. There is only one escape for you now." He tossed him easily across the room. Gold flashed brightly in Nick's eyes as he advanced, yet a part of him felt sorry for the young vampire. "What's yours is mine, de Brabant, as it should have always been. I am the dutiful son, not you!" He held up a small remote. "If I cannot have his love, then we all will die with him." He laughed hysterically. "Fitting don't you think, Father and sons killed in the same accident leaving behind that pathetic mortal to grieve herself to death." Khalis eyes were black now with the insanity, so Nick stopped. "Yes, think about it, dear brother. You think I don't know how much he craves you? How much it hurts that you reject him and his gift? I am a part of him, just as you are and shall be for all eternity. There is no going back, no forgiveness for the evil within us. We are all one and shall die together!" He pressed the button. The explosion rocked the building. Nick dove to cover LaCroix. Wood shards filled the air followed by intense heat. The room burst into flames and Khalis screamed. He'd rigged the explosion to erupt where they'd stood. He planned his own death from the beginning. The second explosion took out the wall behind the bar. Nick instantly felt the pain from the wood stake when it pierced his body still covering LaCroix's. Flames shot up from the floor and caught the drapes on fire. Smoke began to billow and choke what oxygen was left in the room. Khalis screams were gone now while the smell of burning flesh permeated the air. Nick pulled the wooden shard from his right shoulder and snapped the one buried in his leg. He picked up LaCroix and crashed through the only remaining wall into the adjoining room. Slightly disoriented and hampered by the smoke, he headed for the back door and the alley. The gas furnace exploded causing the entire building to erupt into a ball of flame. Stumbling with LaCroix's extra weight, they crashed to the ground outside in the alley, only seconds before the roof collapsed. LaCroix groaned in pain when they landed. The sirens could be heard and Nick knew they were in trouble. He tried to rise, but the pain in his leg was now a flaming torch. He crawled to the dumpster and used it for support until he managed to stand shakily. Summoning his strength, he hobbled back to LaCroix and bent to pick him up. Pain shot through his shoulder as a reminder of his other injury, but he ignored it, knowing full well they couldn't be here when the police arrived. LaCroix was already unconscious. Nick jerked him to his feet and tried to throw him over his shoulder, but the added weight with his own injuries was too much. He stumbled again. This time strong arms caught him. "Let me take him." Vachon's soft Spanish accent was music to Nick's ears. He picked LaCroix up as if he weighed nothing. "Can you fly?" Nick nodded and they were gone. Part 10 Tracy and Natalie jumped out of the car as the furnace exploded. A giant fireball painted the night sky. Natalie screamed. Pain tore through her shoulder and leg and she knew Nick was injured. "Nick!" She screamed and started for the burning building. Tracy tackled her to stop her from entering. "Nat you can't go in there!" She tugged the smaller woman away from the flames. "I have to get him out. He's alive, Trace. I have to..." Tracy continued to pull her back to the car. "I believe you, Nat, but not in there. No one is alive in there." Another explosion rocketed the midnight air as the fire engines announced their arrival followed by the police. She turned to Natalie to find her gasping for air. "Natalie!" "We've got to find him, Trace. He's hurt...I've got to find him." Desperation laced her voice, but somewhere in the back of her mind there was a soft hum. "We'll find him, Nat. Just calm down and breathe slowly. You won't do him any good if you pass out." Natalie took a deep breath and pushed into the warmth she felt from the soft hum in the back of her mind. It was Nick. She knew it as sure as she knew his scent. They were connected and he was reaching out to her. The word 'church' popped into her mind along with an image of Vachon. She jumped up and headed for the car. "He's with Vachon at the church. Come on, Trace!" The motor was started before Tracy made it to the seat. The sound of screeching tires could be heard above the clamor of the fire engines hard at work. ------------ Vachon laid LaCroix's limp form on his bed and headed for Nick who leaned heavily against the closest wall. Blood poured from his shoulder and leg. The broken wood shaft still visible in his flesh, Nick breathed heavily. Vachon shoved a bottle of blood into his hand. "Drink this!" He ran to the small fridge for more. Nick had already drained the bottle by the time he returned. "I'm going to have to buy you a case at the rate I'm going lately." Nick said weakly. He glanced at LaCroix lying silently on the bed. Their connection was weak but still present. With a little help from Vachon he hobbled to the bed. He propped his head up and poured some of the life giving fluid down his master's throat. LaCroix choked, but finally managed to drink a few swallows. Nick checked his arm still barely attached by a fragment of bone and some muscle tissue. "We're going to have to find something to attach it soon or he will lose all function when it heals." He stood slowly and hobbled across the room toward Vachon's guitar. "Why are you helping him?" Vachon said puzzled. "He's tortured you, tried to enslave you at his side and threatened to kill the woman you love. How can you help save his life?" Nick turned to him without thought and smiled. "I honesty don't know. It never crossed my mind not to help him." He stared at his injured master. "It's the right thing to do and I know it. I just can't explain it." He turned back to the guitar and pulled the strings free with a quick jerk. "Nick!" Natalie rushed across the room and threw her arms around him. Her love enveloped him and he felt safe for the first time in a long, long time. He held her close and kissed her forehead. "You heard me?" He said in awe then smiled. "I was afraid I dreamed the whole day." She kissed him softly. "It is a real as what is between us." He ran his hands through her hair with a sigh of relief. They would find a way to work this all out. He was sure of it now. "Help me with LaCroix." "Let me take a look at you first." She tried to help him to the chair and force him to sit down. "My wounds aren't fatal and I'll heal. We have to reattach his arm or he'll lose all the function in it." She stared into his eyes in disbelief then recognized the determination in his eyes. "It's the right thing to do, Nat." He waited and she nodded in agreement. She helped him to the bed, then grabbed her medical bag and started to work. Twenty minutes later, LaCroix's arm was attached enough to heal without complications. She'd removed a wood shard from the ancient vampire's shoulder and stitched his leg back together. She set up an IV and started a unit of blood to his stomach then she was ready for Nick. Vachon helped Nick to the chair. Nick groaned when she probed his leg. She gasped for air as the pain shot through him and she felt it, too. Nick stared in amazement. "I'm sorry," he gasped between waves of pain. "Give me a second to concentrate. I should have known. I'm sorry." "No, Nick, it's okay. I can handle it. Just lie back and let me get this out of your leg." She looked at Vachon. "You're going to have to hold him. This is going to hurt. You take his shoulders and, Trace, you put your hands right here." She pointed to his thighs. "Take a deep breath, Nick." He did and she shoved the broken wood shard though to the other side. He screamed in pain and she gasped for breath, but continued on. With a quick jerk, she pulled it free. A second scream of agony tore from Nick's lips before he blacked out. Panting heavily, she saw the world start to spin out of control and Tracy grabbed her before she hit the floor. "Oh, this is great! They both are out like a light." Tracy tried to revive her friend as Vachon steadied Nick's limp form and smiled sheepishly. "I'd say they are just a little more than friends at this point, wouldn't you?" Tracy stared at him amazed, then smiled as she realized what he meant. "About time, too!" She laughed and laid Natalie down carefully. "I think we need to make them a bed and let nature take its course." "I think that has already happened, Trace, or the Doc wouldn't be feeling what he does." He shook his head in amazement. "I have never seen that happen between a mortal and a vampire. I guess we're into new territory now." He smiled feeling lighter than he'd felt in years. He stared at Nick propped up in the chair. What was it about this guy? He wedged a pillow beside Nick's head and set out to prepare another bed on the floor for the injured couple. ----------several hours later-------- LaCroix opened his eyes to the low light and the myriad of shadows dancing on the ceiling of the old church. He took a slow deep breath and reached out with his senses. Moving his arm and leg slowly, he assessed the damage. He stood slowly and checked out his stability. Moving his arm again, he noticed the stitches encircling his arm, holding the still mending flesh into place. He could feel others inside the muscle as well. Quickly checking the bandage on his leg, he knew immediately who had repaired the damage. Two heartbeats echoed through the room causing the vampire to respond immediately. He searched the table behind him and downed the bottle of blood he found there. With his control once more restored, he started for the mattress on the far side of the room. "They're sleeping." Vachon spoke softly as he watched the ancient vampire pull himself together. Slightly limping, LaCroix managed to walk slowly to Nick's bedside. The low hum that always connected them was still there and something new. He stared at his injured son in amazement and listened more careful. Nick's heart beat 3 times in succession...then stopped. A strange tingling sensation touched the hairs on the backs of his arms and he turned immediately to Natalie. Bright blue eyes greeted him. Her hand gripped the wooden shard she'd removed from Nick's leg earlier and he had no doubts she would use it if required. "If you had intended to stake me, Doctor, you could have done so earlier without wasting your efforts." He moved his arm slightly and winced in pain for his efforts. "I helped you because it was the right thing to do. I told you once before that I don't play God, unlike others that I know. I will stake you without regret however, if you try to hurt Nick." She left no room for doubt as she rolled to a sitting position and prepared for a fight. In the time it takes to breathe, he was behind her, his cool breath blowing over her neck with his arm around her waist. "And what about yourself, Doctor? Am I in danger if I try to harm you?" She hadn't moved, but her heart leaped in spite of her efforts. Before she responded, she shoved a needle in her other hand deep into his arm wrapped around her body. She waited with the plunger poised. "It's curare in a very concentrated form. It won't kill you, but it will slow you down very quickly." He chuckled. "I see Nicholas has chosen wisely…not only beautiful…but smart as well." "Is this how you repay your debts, LaCroix? I was under the impression that all debts had to be repaid or there was a price? The term Enforcers was mentioned, I believe." LaCroix tightened. "Always pays to do your homework, doesn't it, Doctor?" He started to move and she held him in place with a tiny movement of the plunger. "It seems to me that you owe Nick for saving your life. You owe me for saving the function of your arm…and lets not forget my efforts in the fever epidemic." She lifted his hand and arm around her waist without protest. She pulled the hypodermic free once she was out of his grasp. They sat eye to eye now. Humor danced in his cold eyes for the first time in a long time. She was such a challenge and he loved challenges. He noticed the marks on her neck and finally understood the tingling sensations on the back of his arms. He glanced at his son, who now sat calmly watching the scene going on before him. "It would appear, Nicholas, the Good Doctor has a great deal of hidden potential. It would be a pity to waste it." He smirked and raised an eyebrow as he rose gracefully. Nick was in front of him instantly. "You will not harm her, LaCroix. We agreed and I have kept my end of the bargain. I am by your side this night. She is free to live her life without fear of harm from you. I claim payment for your life debt now." LaCroix smiled knowingly. "Very good, Nicholas! I always said you played the game well. If you hadn't shown up tonight our contract would have been breached...but then of course, I would have been dead. I'm not sure you made the correct decision, but I am appreciative none-the-less." He smoothed his suit jacket and straightened himself. "You are released from your promise and your debt wiped clean." He stared at Natalie. "As for you, Natalie," he said her name for the first time, "...I will await your terms and conditions of payment." He disappeared then reappeared behind her once more. Pulling the hair from her neck as he moved, he kissed her gently over Nick's bite marks. His sultry voice played havoc with her senses. "You may have a special need soon it would appear." He released her and stared at his son. "You have always been a challenge, Nicholas, and it would appear your mate is full of even more surprises." Natalie blinked and he was gone. "Do I even want to know what just happened?" She finally remembered to breath and stared at Nick. Nick pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. Relief flooded his features. "He just accepted you into the family as you are." He twirled her in the air, then let her slide down his body feeling every inch of her lithe form. She smiled and moaned in appreciation. "Guess that means you have to marry me now." He smiled mischievously, but meant every word. Joy spread across her features as she wrapped her arms around his neck and stopped her lips only inches from his. "We wouldn't want to disappoint Daddy now would we?" Her lips melted to his and a new adventure was about to begin. The End All comments to: ****StormyNite at: nitewind@plantnet.com**** *****Only Love is Forever and Death Shall Have No Dominion***** **NN Packer** Light Cousin**MadNatter** X-File DieHard**Xenite**GWDFC** >http://www.plantnet.com/~nitewind/Fiction2.html StormyNite Fiction ************NO feedback IS feedback*************