Think of Me by Kristen Fife Nick stared at the flames dancing in the fireplace. No matter how many different options technology provided for light and heat, his immortal heart found something comforting in a fire. The music from the stereo played and brought memories to his mind. He and Natalie had gone to see "The Phantom of the Opera" the previous evening, and one of the songs had caused him to think of not only his feelings for Natalie, but also his centuries- long history with Janette. Think of me think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye remember me once in a while, please promise me you'll try He and Janette had said their goodbyes so many times, decades and centuries going by between meetings. She had once promised him that one day they would see each other and fall in love all over again. For many years he had thought it was possible, even inevitable. Think of me think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye remember me once in a while, please promise me you'll try But that had been before he had met Natalie. His mind conjured the image of tears in her eyes at the play. Clear, crystalline tears that streamed silently down her face at the tragedy of the love triangle between Christine, the Phantom and Raoul. When you find, that once again you long to take your heart back, and be free if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea... but if you can still remember, stop and think of me Natalie was always so stoic and brave. Occasionally she would let him see some of the vulnerability that tugged at his heart. He tried not to compare the two great loves of his very long life, but it was almost impossible not to. They were so alike, and yet so different. He had so many memories with Janette, and so few with Natalie. And yet, the memories he DID have with Nat all said "home" to him. Think of all the things we've shared and seen, don't think about the things which might have been Think of me think of me waking, silent and resigned... imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind... And then he remembered the kiss from a few days ago. He had taken the painting back to her, and she had shocked and surprised him with a passionate kiss, telling him that perhaps it was time to fall back in love again. What had changed? And how was he to tell her about his growing feelings for Natalie? Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do... there will never be a day when I won't think of you As long as he remained immortal, he would continue to have the chance to make more memories with Janette, but his time with Natalie was fleeting, and always sliding away with the ticking of the clock measuring her mortal life span. We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea... but please promise me, that sometimes you will think of me He knew that for as long as he lived, immortal or mortal, he would always think of these two women, the two true loves of his life.