The Power of Love June 2003 By: Patty Costantino Summary: Sequel to I Will Always Love You. If you haven't read this songfic, you might want to, as it sets up the basic plot to this story. You can find it at my web site under fiction. Disclaimer and Characters: Nick, Natalie, LaCroix, Janette, Schanke and the other FK characters along with Celine Dion's song At Last don't belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for a little while. The character of Tony Cappelletti comes from my twisted mind, thus I would be grateful if you would please ask permission before borrowing him. Dedication: I would like to thank Phylis Sullivan for beta-reading this story and always encouraging me to write more. I couldn't have done it without her wonderful suggestions. Hugs and virtual chocolates. Permission is granted to archive at FKfanfic2, FK FTP archive. Will be archived at my site: http:/ Any constructive criticism or thoughts are greatly appreciated and welcomed at or *****One note: I would like to thank everyone who encouraged me to write this sequel. All the wonderful emails that you sent me with your great ideas inspired me to write this story. As a result, I hope you enjoy the devised plot and the outcome. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I would love to hear from you! ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 01/18 ************************************* A gentle breeze fluttered across the pale skin of the woman's face while she drifted towards consciousness. Stretching, she smiled inwardly, recalling her dream about a particular blond haired detective. Nicholas B. Knight. Recently, the dreams of him had come with more frequency, and though he and Natalie considered each other to be only friends in real life, the dreams were distorting this friendship into something else, something much more erotic in nature. Natalie's smile broadened while the memories of her dream kept filling her mind. Unlike the many others, this one had been different. It had been so real…so tangible. Even now, she could almost feel Nick's hands and lips on her face, as she reached up to brush her hand across her cheek and felt... Pulling her hand away, she stared at the brown spot on her fingertip, rubbing her fingers across the rusty colored flakes. Her brow furrowed into a puzzled frown, as she continued to gaze at her hand, recalling the rest of the dream and his words… < …You were right. I do revere all that is mortal, all that is human, and because I love her truly, couldn't take that away from her. I couldn't take that away from you, Natalie. > All at once, Natalie sat up with a start. Natalie scrambled out of bed, and sprung to the dresser, studying her reflection in the mirror. She moved her hand back to her cheek, realizing with growing dread what it was. A blood tear! A lump began to form in the pit of her stomach while she continued to run her hand across her cheek, her mind recalling more of his words. Her brow creased into a deeper frown. Had he really left her? Had he truly said goodbye? No, it couldn't be. Granted things between them had been reduced to strained awkwardness since she had asked him to bring her across during the asteroid scare, but he wouldn't have moved on for those reasons, would he? The lump began to grow larger as her fears climbed. Natalie swallowed hard, her eyes shifting towards the mirror again, and through the reflection, her gaze fell on the bedside table. She drew in a deep breath. There, on the hard wood surface, were resting two objects and her answer. Stepping to the table, she gathered up the first one: a sealed, white envelope. Across the front, her name had been written in Nick's elegant, concise handwriting. She paused. She thought. < He wouldn't! > Natalie's heart began to race, as she held the envelope in front of her, reading her name over and over before sinking down on the bed with a huge sigh. With trembling fingers, she slid one under the seal to open the letter. Again, inhaling deeply to brace herself, she removed and unfolded the paper. Her eyes traveled to the words on the fine stationary. Dearest Natalie, By the time you see this letter, I will have moved on, as I think we both know it's for the best. Natalie, my sweet Natalie, I cannot begin to tell you with words alone how much you've come to mean to me. You are everything: my light, my strength, my anchor … My true love. But, because I truly care, truly… love you, I must leave. When you had asked me to bring you across, a sort of awakening had occurred. I realized I loved you too much to condemn you to this living darkness, this hell in which I've placed myself. To damn your soul would have torn apart any remnants of my existing, tattered soul. As much as I was tempted, I couldn't do it. And you're now probably asking yourself, if I wouldn't bring you into my world, why I wouldn't have stuck around to see if there was a way to bring me into yours, to find a cure. I was tempted, Nat. I really was. But, again, I realized the burden I'd be placing on you if I stayed, having to wait for a possible cure, which might never come, in order to have a life together. Not to mention the temptation of allowing our hearts to override reason and one day, perhaps throwing caution to the wind, consummating our love for each other. Every time I think about the latter, it scares me. Therefore, you must go on without me in your life, my love. And, as much as it pains me to say this, I hope someday, you will find a good, kind man to bring you joy and happiness. Someone who can shower you with love and give you the children you richly deserve. Of which I cannot... Knowing you as I do, you're probably seething with anger over my words. But, I hope, in time, you will come to accept the decisions I've made for us as being right and proper and will forgive me. Be happy and remember… I will always love you, Nick For a long while, she sat on the bed staring at the letter, as the full impact of Nick's words began to sink into her mind. < He loved her. > Another time, under different circumstances, she would have been overjoyed to hear those words *again*. Yes, again, as her memory of Valentine's Day and L'Azure had gradually returned a few months ago, and with them the knowledge of his feelings for her. At the moment, though, more important matters were an immediate concern. < He'd left…Just picked up and moved on without her. > Staring at the wall, she blinked back her disbelief and blew out a frustrated breath. Damn! This was so typical of him. Always making the decisions. Never including her. How could he do this to himself…to her…to them? He was throwing away a chance at mortality, giving up on a possible cure. Even though the last one~ The Litovuterine-B~ hadn't worked, only resulting in a quick fix, she knew there would have been other opportunities. She was sure of it. If only he had stayed. Instead, he had to be the veritable knight in shining armor, feeling obligated to leave in order to protect her from himself, his quest being discarded like some old tool in the garbage heap. Dropping the letter in her lap, Natalie shut her eyes against the sudden anger seizing her. Tears were forming in the corner of her eyes, as she reached over to pick up the other object on the table. A single red rose. Natalie began running her hand over the soft red petals as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat. Bringing the delicate flower to her nose, she inhaled the light scent as she thought more about his quest. She hoped not. < He wouldn't have given up on a cure. Would he?> A shadow of doubt suddenly washed over her followed by the stirrings of despair. She shook off the feelings, declaring with silent resolve. But, as she continued to run her hand over the petals, the despondency returned while another thought gripped her. She thought with a pang. < I won't be there to… love him! > Tears were streaming down her cheeks, as despair finally descended. She cried out, the sound resonating against the four walls of the room. Releasing the rose from her grasp, she reached up with her hand to clutch her bosom as if by doing so, she could quell the piercing ache in her heart. She rolled onto her side, her chest heaving, as she let the tears fall unheeded onto the down comforter and continued to cry with only her feline, Sydney, and the morning birds to hear her uninhibited desolation. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 02/18 ************************************* One Year Later: Paris, France Nick gazed over a balcony into the street, a bottle gripped in his hand. Two people, a man and woman, had passed on the Rue de St. Germain de Pres. For a moment, they had stopped in his line of vision to share a brief kiss and warm embrace. Then like so many others had moved into the welcoming darkness, undoubtedly with the joint promise and mutual expectancy of things to come~ of a possible life together~ leaving him behind. He smirked at the thought, and raising the bottle to their retreating forms, proclaimed to the darkness. "Here's to celibacy! May it continue and never wane. Love, who needs it!" He tilted the bottle before bringing the cold, sterile rim to his lips, swallowing the bovine. The taste and feelings in the blood seemed to match his mood, bitter and stinging, and his soul, empty and hollow. After a few more gulps, Nick drew the cold brew away from his dark face and slammed it down on the guardrail. On impact, it shattered into a hundred pieces, shards of glass flying everywhere, including a few into his hand. But if his hand was throbbing with pain, he didn't seem to notice or care. Instead, he heaved a forlorn sigh and ran his uninjured hand through his blond, tousled hair. In his mind, it had seemed like a century since he had left his life in Toronto and her. His other half…His very being…His love… He drew in another breath, and then like a thousand times before, reminded his conscience, it was for the best. He was no good for her. She had probably forgotten him anyway, moving on with her life into the arms of another man. A man who could provide her with the life she deserved: A normal, mortal life. A… All at once, intruding vibrations bombarded his mind, breaking into his thoughts. He sighed again. They were home. Pushing down their link with him, Nick stood and walked into the kitchen, as the door opened and two figures entered. They were dressed in formal attire. One, a woman, glided past the other, a man, into the living room. Draping her dark red cape over a chair, she moved to intercept Nick, who was she saw in the process of disposing of his usual fare~ the cow blood on which he insisted on partaking~ into a trash can. She shivered, repulsed by the sight, but suppressed it when her eyes beheld his woebegone expression. She sighed, and moving close to him, molded her body to his, reaching up with her black-gloved hand to rub his cheek. "A sullen, but delectable feast, n'est ce pas?" She teased, a glint of merriment in her eyes as she moved her lips tantalizingly close to his. Gently, Nick pulled away from her cool, but alluring touch and enticing lips. He didn't want to be tempted, not now, not when the raw emotions and deep feelings for Natalie were still fresh in his mind and soul. "You know I'm not ready, Janette," he stated, and walking over to the couch, sunk down into the red velvet softness. "Not now. It's too soon." "Oh Nicolas," Janette said in an exasperated tone. "When then? In a month, a year…decades or centuries from now? When?" She slid next to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I don't know." Nick countered, untangling himself from her grasp, sliding over. "Maybe never." "Mon Dieu!" Janette exclaimed, her eyebrows arching in amazement, and then seeing the pained anguish in his eyes, softened her tone. "Ecoute, Nicolas. We have needs just as mortals do. You can not bury yourself in celibacy for eternity." "Forget it, Janette." The man, who had remained all this time in the shadows of the doorway, finally spoke, his voice laced with impatience. "Let him wallow in his incessant misery if it will make him feel better." "What would make me feel better, Lacroix, is for you and Janette to move on." Nick snapped, turning his dark expression on his master. "Why you insisted on coming to Paris two months ago and have stayed, remains a mystery to me. I seem to irritate the both of you with my brooding, so why not leave me to~ how did you put it? `Wallow in my incessant misery.'" "Because we are your family, the only one you have, whether you like it or not. And at the moment, you need us," Lacroix explained with patience as if he were talking to a child. Nick regarded first Janette, then Lacroix. "I don't need anyone." He bowed his head. "All I need is to be left alone." "Oh mon coeur, you are so wrong!" Janette grasped his shoulders, forcing him to look at her. "You need us to help you forget." "Forget!" He retorted ardently. "Forget. How will I ever forget? She will *always, *" he choked, "exist in my heart and soul." Lacroix rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you, Nicholas? You have no soul. These heartfelt feelings you purport to have for the good doctor are nothing but mortal folly. They will pass." "Oh, just as your feelings for Fleur passed." The words seemed to slip out before he could stop himself. He closed his eyes against the wrathful glare that was undoubtedly on Lacroix' countenance, bracing himself against the strong reaction that was sure to come. Nick did not have long to wait as he suddenly felt powerful hands lifting him from the couch and pushing him hard against the wall. "Do not *ever* mention her name again, do you hear?" Lacroix snarled snaking his hands tightly around Nick's neck, his eyes burning a vibrant red. Janette rushed over to Lacroix attempting to thwart any more violence this encounter was sure to produce. "LaCroix, please, let him go." Janette grasped his shoulders, meeting his dark expression with her pleading eyes and anxious voice. "He didn't mean it." Lacroix roughly pushed her hands away. "Stay out of this, Janette." He warned with feral red eyes before moving his hand back to Nick, tightening his hold around his neck. His reddish eyes bore into his son's amber ones with fierce hostility. "If I have to use drastic measures to ensure his obedience I will, Janette. I will not tolerate insolence from you, Nicholas!" He pushed him hard again, against the wall. "Do what you want with me, LaCroix," Nick replied through a defeated voice and resigned eyes. "It doesn't matter. If you kill me, you will be doing me a favor." Janette looked at both of them; worry still etching her face. For a few minutes longer, time seemed to stand still as she watched Lacroix continue to hold Nick in a tight grasp against the wall. More minutes passed before she finally heard a low growl and watched Lacroix' hands pull away from Nick's neck. She closed her eyes in relief, and upon opening them again, saw Nick fall to his knees onto the floor. Janette rushed to his side. When she reached him, she could see his breathing was labored and his neck was covered with purplish bruises. Pulling him down into her arms, she moved his head to her lap and began to brush her hand across his forehead. "Nicola, oh my sweet Nicolas." She murmured. "Why do you always try to provoke him?" "I don't always try, Janette." Nick gasped, still trying to fill his lungs with air. "He brings it on himself." "What nonsense!" Lacroix growled his eyes still glinting with specks of red, laced with amber. "You bring everything on yourself Nicholas with your tedious guilt and boring convictions." "Please, both of you stop!" Janette again beseeched, turning anxious eyes on them. For a second, her pleas were met only with the sound of Nick's prolonged labored breaths. Then, as calmness returned, Nick spoke first, "Okay, Janette, I'll stop. I'll try to be good." He cupped her chin and brushed his lips across hers in a tender kiss. Placing his hands on both sides of her face, he drew away and gave her a forced smile. "At least, it is a start in the right direction," Lacroix said, his eyes beginning to return to their normal blue as he watched his children. For a moment, Janette returned Nick's smile, but it soon faded when she glanced down to look at his palm. Drawing his hand back to hers, she declared, "What has happened to your hand, Nicolas?" Damn. He'd completely forgotten about the broken bottle and shards of glass. He had intended to remove them from his palm before their return from the opera. Looking over, he saw the concerned expression on Janette's face. "It was nothing," he said trying to pull his hand out of her grasp. "Just a stupid accident." "One that must have resulted from a turbulent mood, no doubt." Lacroix smirked, his anger returning. "Let me guess. You were sitting on the balcony with a bottle of that deplorable swill you insist on drinking, and then deciding to torture yourself again, watched some mortal love-birds waltz by, sharing in mortal pleasures in which you can no longer indulge. Am I getting warm, Nicholas?" His voice was taunting, his eyes gleaming with amusement. Lacroix was met with silence and Nick's unreadable expression. Anger flared within him. "Answer me!" Lacroix brought his fist down on the table with a loud thud, causing Janette to tense slightly. Nick sighed in a resigned way against Janette's comforting lap before rising to a sitting position, and pulling his injured hand out of her grasp. "Yes, but what difference does it make?" "It makes an enormous difference to me, Nicholas," he said, emphatically. "Why do you waste eternity coveting something so mundane as simple mortal pleasures? They mean nothing to us. We can live beyond all that in a world where there are no boundaries, no rules. We are free to do whatever we want, go anywhere we please, and love… Within reason." "Yes, within reason!" Nick spat back acrimoniously, his eyes glaring with hostility. "Love for us equates to killing, taking a mortal's soul, giving back nothing in return!" "You know as well as I do it doesn't have to be that way, Nicholas." Lacroix said. "As much as the good doctor has been a thorn in my side with her exasperating belief of making you mortal with some medical miracle, I find her to be quite intriguing at times. And…" "And…what Lacroix?" Nick glared at him, his tone threatening. "And, consequently I think you should give serious consideration to returning to her, and making her your own." He finished, fixing Nick with an intent stare. "In other words, bring her across." Suddenly the room went quiet as Nick continued to glare at him. "No, I refuse!" He finally spoke, his voice fervid and still laced with anger. "You know I can't condemn her to this existence. The world needs her beauty and light." "A beauty that will fade and a light that will dim with age, Nicholas," Lacroix argued, his tone aggravated. "She will grow old and die. Is that the fate you have in store for her? To condemn her to an existence of decay and death?" "It is better than our damned existence," Nick responded with unceasing vehemence, self-loathing apparent in his voice. "To be a creature fallen from grace." "Oh Nicholas." Lacroix shook his head and sighed. "I grow weary of your continual medieval, ecclesiastical mindset. Just consider it, that's all. And while you ponder that, think about this. If Dr. Lambert's feelings for you even remotely parallel yours for her, how do you think she is coping with your unselfish or *possibly* selfish departure~ depending on how one views it~ from her life?" "She's strong. I'm sure her feelings for me have already subsided and she's been able to move on with her life," came the stubborn reply. "Are you so certain?" He asked. "What is the old adage: Absence makes the heart grow fonder." "There's also the saying: Out of sight, out of mind." Nick responded. "Well…for your sake and hers, I hope it is the latter," LaCroix said. "And, for *our* sakes, I hope your feelings for her will soon pass." "Yes, mon cher," Janette breathed against Nick's ear. "And I will be here to ease your burden when they do." She enclosed him in a cool embrace. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 03/18 ************************************* Natalie was *tucking* one of her patients, Mr. Ogilvie, in for the night and returning to her desk to tackle the unceasing load of paperwork when she saw Schanke enter the morgue. "Hi, there," she said producing a smile, one that she wasn't feeling much like conveying to anyone these days. "Hi yourself." Schanke returned the smile. "How's my favorite M.E?" "At the moment, buried in paperwork." "I know the feeling." Schanke acknowledged, as he leaned against the cold steel of the examining table, clasping his hands together. "Cohen is after me to get that Reynolds' report completed but…" "But…let me guess, Schank, it's so boring." Natalie finished, grinning. "Well…yeah. It is!" He admitted, smiling back. For a moment, they continued to trade grins before a sudden awkward silence befell them. Finally, Schanke, clearing his throat, spoke, his voice laced with seriousness. "Anyway, I didn't come over here to talk about my paperwork, I came over to talk about…." Alarm suddenly graced Natalie's eyes as she realized what he was about to ask. She couldn't let him finish. She wasn't ready to talk about the possibility. Not yet. "Oh geez, Schank." Natalie blurted out, slapping her forehead. "I forgot. You must be here for the Phillip's report you requested yesterday." She handed him a file from her cluttered desk. "I wanted you to know that my preliminary findings on Ogilvie will match my final autopsy report. Suicide," she said. "A starburst pattern was apparent on his left temple, suggesting that the 22 was pressed close to the skin and his partial fingerprint was…" Her words trailed away as she saw someone enter. Schanke's eyes followed hers to the doorway, and then, seeing who it was, shook his head in disdain, muttering under his breath. Since Nick's mysterious resignation last year, Cohen had assigned this bozo to be his partner. Granted the guy could probably give Fabio a run for his money in looks with his olive-colored skin, brown eyes and hair, and perfect physique, but he would definitely lose in the manners and deportment area. The guy had zero polish and charm. Schanke knew he didn't exactly shine in this area himself, but next to this clown, Schanke looked like he had graduated with honors in finishing school. "Hey gorgeous!" Tony flashed one of his fake smiles at Natalie. (He also had perfect dental work.) "How's it going? Have you gotten that fickle headed Knightmare out of your head, yet? Because I was thinking you and me could head over to Smitty's for a couple of brewskys after our shifts, get acquainted and then head to my place and even get better acquainted. Or we…" Tony didn't get to finish, as he felt a pair of arms spin him around to pin him against a cool surface. "You slime ball!" Schanke exclaimed through clenched teeth. "You apologize to Dr. Lambert this instant. She's a lady in case you didn't notice. You don't talk to her that way. She is not some kind of disposable trash." Schanke pushed him harder against the green- tiled wall, his eyes blazing with fury. "You, on the other hand, are." Natalie stood up, and rushing around her desk, tried to pry Schanke's hands away from Tony. "Easy, Schank! I'm sure he didn't mean it. Let him go!" She pleaded earnestly. "No, he meant it!" Schanke's rage-filled eyes continued to fix on Tony. "And he needs to apologize to you. Right moron?" Tony smiled inwardly, staring down at Schanke's fierce glare. He knew he was in better shape than his partner and could take Schanke on in an instant, but there was the good ol' doc to consider. Natalie Lambert. For a moment, his eyes shifted from Schanke's piercing glare to her imploring look, and then down to her soft alluring curves. Those curves, which she always tried to hide under those scrubs, but failed to do, under his close scrutiny. His eyes continued to take her in as he mused further. She was some kind of piece of work. In fact, simply put, she was some kind of piece. And, once she stopped mooning over that blond-haired, blue- eyed overgrown Boy Scout, he wanted to be first in line to sample the goods. It had been at least a year since Knight had flown the coop. It was just a matter of time before the ol' doc got back in the saddle. And, he wanted to make sure it was *his* saddle that she got back into and no one else's. With mounting reluctance, he had to admit he was puzzled about the elusive M.E. In the past, women were always drawn to him like bees to honey, but she was different, totally apathetic to his blatant advances. For one *brief* moment, he had considered the unimaginable thought that her indifference stemmed from her disinterest in him. He had dismissed it almost immediately, knowing he was God's gift to women. No, it must have been Knight, whose spell had her mesmerized. But as far as he was concerned, the spell was soon going to be broken. However, he needed to be patient and savvy to win her over. Taking Schanke on, a person for whom she obviously had a deep friendship, wouldn't be a smart move and not the way to catch her. No, this time, he'd make amends with his souvlaki loving partner and bide his time to win the attractive M.E. Tony looked at Schanke giving him another artificial smile before pushing Schanke's hands away. "Okay…okay." He raised his hands. "I was out of line." "You're damn right, you were." Schanke stepped back, still glaring at him. "You apologize." Tony first looked at Schanke, then Natalie. "I'm sorry, for my ill- conceived remark." He apologized. His tone was serious, but only for a moment. As Schanke moved away from him, Natalie could see another taunting smile begin to form on Tony's lips. "But if the urge ever comes over you Natalie…" His words and smile soon faded again with Schanke's warning glare as Schanke turned back to face his partner. "Watch it. You're skidding on thin ice." "It's okay, Schank," Natalie smiled weakly at him, her voice betraying fatigue, and then regarded Tony. "I accept your apology. Don't give it another thought." She turned away from them, and returned to her desk. Schanke watched her sit down, his face reflecting concern, an eyebrow cocking in surprise, no… astonishment. This wasn't the same Natalie Lambert. A year ago, with her anger sometimes getting the better of her, she would have continued to scold someone like Tony despite Schanke's intervention. She wouldn't have given in so readily. A year ago, though, things had been different. Knight had been in her life, and although they had always claimed to be "just friends," when Nick had left, Natalie's passionate vitality had gone with him, leaving her an empty shell. Schanke knew she continued to work with diligence at her job, at times more than ever, taking on double shifts, driving herself to the point of exhaustion. Schanke understood what Natalie was doing: Trying to occupy the unfulfilling void with her satisfying job. But it wasn't working and he was becoming increasingly more anxious for her welfare every day. Schanke approached her desk, his worried eyes continuing to wander over her passive disposition. "Ummm…Natalie," he spoke up with quiet tentativeness. Natalie looked up from the stack of folders and forced another small smile. "Yes, what is it, Schanke?" She began twirling a pen in her hand as she searched his eyes. Schanke could feel Tony's eyes on him and turned around. "Hey, Tony. Why don't you meet me at the car?" He suggested. "I need to talk to Nat about something." "I'd love to hear what you've got to say, partner," Tony replied with the same detestable smirk on his face, the one Schanke always hated and wanted to wipe away with the end of his fist. Schanke shot him another fierce scowl. "Out!" He thundered, pointing his finger towards the exit. Tony put up his hands in a defensive stance. "Okay, I get the message," he responded, the loathing smile remaining on his face, as he turned away. "See you outside." Schanke watched him leave before turning back to meet Natalie's tired eyes. He shook his head. "Man o man, that guy won't quit. He thinks he's quite the ladies man." "Yeah, he ought to brush up on Manners 101." She gave him a wry smile. "I presume, he isn't your type," Schanke responded with a grin. "Not a chance!" Her smile vanished into a disdainful frown. "Good, for a minute there I was worried," Schanke began to chuckle, and then seeing Natalie's immobile face, stopped. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, he cleared his throat running his hand under his collar before going on nervously, "But, anyhoo, if he isn't the one, I was thinking, Myra has a friend of a friend, who knows this guy. I mean. He is a real priz…" "Hold on, Schanke." Natalie put up her hands to stop him. "Before you begin telling me about Myra's endless line of Mr. Right's for me to meet, I must decline. As I told you a few years ago, when you attempted to set me up with her friend's brother, it was very considerate of you to try, but I don't like blind dates!" She said, her stiff look boring through him, making him feel uneasy. "Okay…okay," he replied in a flustered way, backing away from her severe gaze. "I can understand, but at least meet the guy over dinner at our house next Sunday. I know you're going to be off." "And, how did you come to find *that* out?" Natalie inquired, her eyebrows arching in surprise. She came around her desk, walking towards Schanke. "Er… you see it's like this," Schanke stammered as he continued to back up. "Oh." She continued to step towards him, her eyes glaring. "I'd love to here it." "Well…. er…" he continued to stumble over the words, still trying to move out of her reach, turning his head away from her angry stare down to the floor. Suddenly, Natalie stopped her advance as it sunk in. "Oh, I get it! Grace told you." She crossed her arms in front of her. "Have you two been conspiring together?" "Nah, it's been nothing like that, Natalie," Schanke said dismissively as he regarded her tense posture, and irritable look. "Oh…what then?" She asked. "It's… well…it's just…" "Spit it out, Schank!" Her tone was becoming impatient. "Okay, in the last year, Grace and I have been very concerned about you. You know ever since…well…ever since…." His words trailed off. "Yes?" She asked again, tapping her foot restlessly, her tone harsh. "Okay…ever since Knight took off. You haven't been yourself." There, he'd said it! He heard her emit a long sigh, and watched as she returned to her desk, sitting down heavily into the chair. A slight silence ensued, before he heard her tired voice, "As I've already explained to you and Grace, there has been an influx of *customers* here and I'm working some double shifts. As a result, I'm tired and naturally not myself." "You know that's not what I'm talking about," he said quietly. "You seem to be sapped of energy, all empty inside as if when Knight left, he took…" "Look Schanke, Nick and I were friends," she replied, the answer coming automatically. "I was helping him with his allergies to food and sunlight. That was all. If he decided it was time to leave, it was his business. My frame of mind has nothing to do with him. It's the work that is sapping my strength." "Yeah, whatever!" He shook his head again before regarding her pale, wan face. "All I know is what I'd witnessed around Valentine's Day. I saw the way you looked at one another. Friends don't look at each other that way. It was obvious you two had it bad." "You can believe that if you want, but we *were* friends," she repeated fervidly, the tiredness being temporally replaced again with irritation. "Period!" "Okay…okay." Schanke threw his hands up in defeat, regarding her exasperated demeanor. "I know when I've been stood corrected. But, if it's the job and not my bean-headed ex-partner that has you in a weary state, you can come to Myra's for dinner and at least meet the guy. Okay?" He regarded her smugly, knowing he'd outsmarted her with his logic. "Schanke, you rascal." Her face broke into a weak smile. "Okay…" She threw up a paper in mock surrender. "I give up. I'll be there." "Great!" Schanke clapped his hands together, jubilant. "Now, as soon as I get Mr. Tony the Phony off my case, I'll call Myra with the good news." "Schanke, don't expect anything to come of this." She warned, her eyes becoming severe again. "Okay, I won't. " Schanke acknowledged with feigned seriousness as a joyful feeling continued to spread through him. "Somehow, I don't believe you," she said. "Now go." She waved him off in a shooing motion with her hands. "I need to get back to work." "Okay, whatever you say." Schanke started to leave when he heard her soft voice, "Schanke?" He turned back to see a big warm smile spread across her face. "Yeah?" "Thanks for coming to my rescue with Tony," she replied appreciatively. "No problemo," he said, a slight grin touching his lips. "After all, we both know that a certain someone would want me to uphold your honor while he's gone." For a brief moment, Schanke watched as sorrow flashed across her features, then the immobile mask, the one he'd seen her wear frequently in the past, appeared. "Schanke, I think we both know he's gone for good." Her voice was filled with that same weary tone, her eyes clouding over in sadness. She turned her eyes abruptly away from him and back to her work, making it clear to him the discussion was over. Concerned for her unworkable relationship with Knight, but hopeful for her success with Myra's friend, Schanke resignedly departed, leaving her in the cold, unfriendly morgue with her sad musings and lonely thoughts. ----- Note to the male reader: In this chapter, Natalie's blind dates were only meant to generate tongue in cheek humor. I don't feel personally that the male race is truly like these characters. Please do not take offense! ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 04/18 ************************************* Natalie walked into her apartment, and dropping her purse and keys on the table, moved towards the sofa. Plopping down into the cushions, she let out a frustrated breath. She'd just come from dinner at the Schanke's and her blind date with Larry Jones, a defense attorney with Smith, Williams and Barnes. For most of the evening, Larry had captivated them with tales of his adventuresome exploits in the Himalayas in Nepal. Recently back from his attempt to climb Mount Everest, but unable to complete the trip to the top due to an unexpected snowstorm, he'd declared his staunch determination to try again in a few years. He'd also made it very clear, especially to Natalie, his pre-conceived intentions to make partner at his law firm. In fact, he'd practically staked his life on doing it by the end of the month. Natalie shook her head, and blowing out a deep breath, rose from the couch, making her way to the kitchen. Pulling out a mug from the cabinet, she started to make some hot chocolate as she pondered more about the evening's events. Not only had Larry's offensive boastfulness grated on her nerves, his insufferable ideals about cuddling the criminals in the justice system had made her seethe with anger. Myra and, especially Schanke were seemingly appalled by his liberated views. Then, came the close of the evening. Larry had insisted on escorting her to her car, and as not unexpected, asked her out to dinner the next night. She was actually in the middle of an internal war with herself about giving the guy the benefit of the doubt and accepting his invitation, when he grabbed her unexpectedly, and kissed her long and hard on the lips, forcing his tongue into her mouth. For a moment, she had stood there, immobilized, shocked, while his tongue continued to ravage her mouth and his hands wandered over her body. Finally, with seething rage, she had pulled away, breaking off the kiss abruptly. Then raising her hand, she had brought it down hard against his face, the slap being heard all the way down the street. Giving him a severe glare, her internal debate now resolved, she'd told him in no uncertain terms to "buzz off," and then getting into her car, drove off. And presently, as she poured the rich aromatic chocolate into her mug, she wondered why she had agreed to accept Schanke and Myra's invitation to dinner in the first place. Hadn't she learned from past experience that blind dates were a disaster, at least in her book? Not that she was a real authority on the subject, but during residency she had accepted a few, and each one had been worse than the first. First, there had been Stanley Burnett, a second year resident, with whom her friend Angela had fixed her up or Stan the Man as she had so aptly nicknamed him on their first date. He had taken her to the movies, and no sooner had they gotten situated in their seats in the middle rows, the beginning credits starting to roll, when he had attacked her. She couldn't believe his audacity. Right in the center of the theatre, surrounded by people, he was pawing at her! Pushing him away with force, she had told him the date was over and she was leaving. He had responded by telling her that was fine with him. She was too frigid for his tastes. He liked his women fancy free and easy, not ones who guarded their virginity like some sacred relic. Next was Harry Fishback, the CPA, or as she had fondly called him Harry the Hypochondriac. During dinner at a restaurant near the CN tower on their first date, upon discovering her MD status, he had enlightened her on his numerous physical ailments since childhood. According to him, he had had every conceivable medical condition known to man. By the end of the evening, totally bored by the discussion, Natalie had politely declined when he had offered to take her to a Maple Leafs game the following Friday. She never saw him again. Finally, there was frugal Fred Sorenson. On their first and only date, Natalie had discovered quickly his parsimonious ways and unbending support for women's rights when he had insisted they split the bill at dinner and tickets to the movies, and never once offered to open doors or pull chairs out for her. Finally the ultimate kicker had come when he had reached over to kiss her goodnight, said he would be in touch, and hailed his own cab, leaving her to find her own way home. Calling a few days later about splitting tickets to a concert, she had told him with biting sarcasm her pocketbook couldn't handle the strain at the moment. But when her great aunt Tilley, who was at death's door, passed on, leaving her a much-anticipated inheritance, she would call him. After that, Natalie had sworn off blind dates at least until tonight with Larry. < And he was the last straw! No more!!! > Natalie drew in another deep breath and then exhaled loudly. Shaking her head, she picked up the mug and returned to the sofa. Seeing Sydney curled up in the soft confines of a cushion, she scooped him up and sat down, cradling him in her lap. Brushing her hand across his soft fur, she continued to lament about her love life or lack thereof. Granted she hadn't had much luck with blind dates, but if the truth were told, she had also been shying away from social situations and the chance of meeting anyone at office parties and social gatherings. Lord knew, in the last year, Grace had tried relentlessly to get her to go out, inviting her to attend various functions, but she would make some lame excuse and decline, preferring the bleak solitude of her apartment and Sydney's company to meeting anyone. If she were being honest with herself, in the last year, she had remained hopeful of Nick's return. < I will always love you. > Like a thousand times before, his words echoed through her mind, keeping her burning expectations alive that one day, through the power of their love, he would come to see his mistake in leaving her and would come back. Several months ago, this belief had also been reinforced when Schanke had conveyed to her some interesting piece of information. It seemed a friend of his, who was a property manager and had known about Nick's friendship and pairing with Schanke on the police force, told him that Nick had never put his loft up for sale. The rent payments continued to be forwarded through his friend's management firm to the landlord. Why would Nick have done this? She had mused at the time in a pragmatic way. She had known about Nick's charitable contributions through the Debrabant Foundation. Wouldn't it have been more practical to sell this property and use the monies for various charities? Granted Nick had emptied the loft~ a discovery Natalie had made the day of his departure, going there in hopes of talking him out of leaving~ leaving only the items, which were part of the rental agreement and should have been a clear message that he wasn't ever returning. But then, why hold on to the property, wasting monies on rental payments that could have gone to viable charities? It seemed so unlike him to do this unless… He was holding onto the loft for a possible return someday. Like so many times in the past, Natalie's heart skipped a beat at the thought. But then, pain shot through her as she was reminded of another bit of news. Something Schanke had relayed to her last week. Janette… It appeared Schanke had gone to the Raven to ask for Janette's help on an old case of his and Nick's and discovered from Miklos, the bartender, she'd also departed Toronto, selling Miklos the place. When Natalie had gotten wind of this, the small glimmer of hope she had been carrying all these months, was instantly snuffed out like a burning candle. After Schanke left the morgue that night, she had scolded herself for wasting the past year on an illusion that Nick would have ever returned, thinking real love would have somehow found a way to bring them together again, overriding everything else~ the dangers from Lacroix and the Enforcers, the risk to her life, his medieval thoughts about damning her soul to hell if he brought her across. Somehow, she had held to the slim hope that he would have come to his senses, and realizing he couldn't live without her, would come back and perhaps consider bringing her across into his world. But, in the end she'd been a fool to hold to such romantic thoughts, imagining all too well, whom Nick was with at this very moment: Janette. Having a fairly good idea of the life Nick and Janette had shared over the centuries, their history together, Natalie had surmised where Janette had gone and whom she was with. Undoubtedly, with her seductive allure and dark beauty, Nick would have been unable to resist the temptation, probably falling in love with her all over again. And now as Natalie sat in her apartment, petting the one male in her life, Sydney, the stinging reality was setting in that, as Nick had probably moved on with Janette again, Natalie needed to move on as well. She needed to get on with living again. She just had to! Looking down at her feline friend, a sudden sense of renewed determination was beginning to bloom. If Nick could set aside his feelings for her, she could do the same. >From this point on, Natalie swore she would begin to rebuild her life and go on. And, perhaps in the process, find that good, kind man Nick had so emphatically suggested she find. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 05/18 ************************************* Six months later: Paris, France LaCroix was in the middle of reading his well-read version of The Rise and Fall of the Holy Roman Empire, hoping this time Rome had not fallen, when the phone rang, shattering his musings. Slightly disgruntled, he picked up the phone with more force than intended, knocking over some historical literature on the table next to him. "This better be good!" He growled. For a moment he was greeted with only loud music, and then growing impatient, yelled into the receiver, "Janette, what is it?" Silence continued to ensue, as Janette moved the phone away from her ear, panic gripping her. Had she made a mistake calling him? Should she have handled the situation herself? No. He needed to know. He needed to get here immediately or else… She shuddered to think. Reining in her fear, she brought the phone back. "Lacroix, you must come *now*. It's urgent." LaCroix sighed as he heard the emphatic plea in Janette's worried voice. "What has Nicholas gotten himself into now?" "Oh, LaCroix, c'est tres mal. (It's very bad.) I've never seen him this way." She acknowledged. "He's out of control and scaring my customers away first with the heavy drinking, and raucous behavior, and now, another woman. At the moment, they are dancing, but if I know Nicolas, it won't be long until they move to something else." "Is this one a convert like the last one?" He queried, his voice still laced with irritation at being interrupted by Janette over one of Nicholas' foolhardy exploits. "No, I am afraid, mon pere, she is mortal." Janette replied. "Mortal?" Lacroix' voice rose slightly in surprise. Maybe there was hope for his insolent son after all. "But, Nicholas must know this." "Perhaps." Janette conceded, a trace of doubt in her voice. "It is difficult to say. At the moment, he is either too inebriated with blood wine or simply indifferent for me to know whether he is aware." "Maybe this is for the best, Janette. Let him give into his nature with this mortal woman." "You know the repercussions if you allow him to do that." She spat, her tone suddenly ardent. "He will *never* forgive himself if he takes her and will slide deeper into despondency, distancing himself farther from us." "You may be right, my dear" he replied, as a sense of uneasiness, seldom felt, swept over him. "On second thought, perhaps I should come." Hanging up the phone, he took to the sky. ************************************* Lacroix was about to open the massive oak door when a mortal couple emerged from the dark gothic confines of the club. Giving them a harsh glare, they stepped aside quickly, allowing him entrance into the shadowy interior. For a moment, he hesitated at the door, smirking inwardly at the sound of the couples' rising heartbeats as they moved swiftly away in fear to their car. He thought. He continued to smile for a moment longer, then his amusing thoughts turned serious, as he remembered why he was here. He grimaced before opening the door to enter into the depths of the club's blackness. A month ago, Janette, being bored with Nicholas' constant brooding and tired of trying to entice him to her bed, had decided to open this nightclub in Place de Pigalle, which she had fondly named Le Corbeau Noir (The Black Raven) after her last club in Toronto. And like that one, its gothic décor and dark ambiance were the same. So was the music and crowd~ loud and boisterous~ especially tonight as Lacroix made his way through the gyrating figures on the dance floor. At first glance, he didn't see Nicholas and his scowl deepened as he caught sight of Janette at the bar. He could see she was drinking from a wine glass and smoking one of her long-filtered cigarettes. Her eyes were flitting over the room, looking anxiously for either him or Nicholas. Moving to her side, Lacroix' dark expression penetrated her concerned one as he sneered into her ear, "Where is he?" "I don't know," she said, her troubled voice still apparent. "He was here a second ago, dancing with that mortal. I can only guess he took her into the back." Her anxious eyes darted to a long hallway, which led to the club's backrooms. "I'll take care of this, Janette." "Please hurry, Lacroix." She implored gripping his arm in her black- laced hand. "I am worried this time. I did not tell you over the phone, but this woman bears an uncanny resemblance to someone we know." Her eyes fixed on him intently as the full impact of her words sunk into his mind. He peered at her, surprised. "Natalie. Dr. Lambert." "Yes, same petite carriage, auburn hair, blue eyes." Janette sighed. "I do not want to see what this indiscretion will do to sweet Nicolas' already fragile psyche. I know he won't be able to recover for at least two centuries if something happens to this woman and he has already endured enough with Natalie and his quest for mortality." For a moment, Lacroix stared at her in surprise, as she continued to grasp his arm, seeing the concern in her face and hearing the worry in her voice. < Janette *really* did love and care for him. > He mused in wonder. Lacroix' thoughts were interrupted when a second later, perhaps realizing she'd shown too much of herself to him, he saw her stiffen and heard her candor, "Besides, I can't have the community jeopardized because of Nicholas' foolishness." "You can be reassured my dear, this matter will be settled before the community is endangered," he said, his momentary surprise forgotten as rekindled anger rushed through him at Nicholas' brainless acts. He patted her arm before turning away to move down the hall. As he arrived at the first four doors, Lacroix discerned from the opened doorways, that Nicholas wasn't there. Walking further into the darkness, he came to the final door, which was closed and he soon discovered was locked. Lacroix paused for a moment before turning the knob in his hand, and then pushed the door open. As he advanced into the room, his eyebrows arched in delight. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 06/18 ************************************* Her hand reached to turn the doorknob. At the same time, she pushed against the heavy wood of the door to open it. Entering, she made her way to the first available counter. "What will you have tonight, Natalie?" A soft voice asked. Natalie's eyes peered over at the blond haired, blue-eyed young man, dressed in black. She gave him a wicked smile. "You know, Jake, tonight I feel daring, wild, impetuous! Make my usual with a triple shot!" "A triple shot?" Jake's eyes widened in surprise, his eyebrows arching in disbelief. What had gotten into her? Was it the full moon? After all, it could do strange things to people. "Are you sure?" He asked again, still betraying astonishment. Natalie nodded. "Let's do it!" Her lips curled into a deeper grin, her eyes glistening with anticipation. "Okay," Jake said. For a moment longer, he studied her devilish smile and excited countenance before realizing she wasn't going to change her mind. He shrugged and turned to Joe. "Make that one Vente Cappuccino with *triple* shots of espresso." "Okay. Coming right up," came the reply. Jake turned back to Natalie. "Anything else?" He queried. "We have some great *dark* chocolate croissants?" "No, I think I've done enough damage," she conceded. "How much?" "$4.50" "Okay, here you go." Natalie handed him the exact amount. "Thanks, you have a great night, Natalie and don't blame me if your coworkers struggle with your caffeine high when you're bouncing off the walls." "I'll try not to," she chuckled. "See y' Jake." Natalie kept smiling at him, as she began backing up from the counter towards the waiting area when suddenly she brushed up hard against something. A split second later, she knew as she heard a splat and then a sharp intake of a breath. Natalie silently groaned before turning around to see the damage. At first, her eyes moved towards a brown spot spreading quickly over a powder blue shirt. She shut her eyes against the despicable sight before opening them to allow her gaze to move upwards to see… …The most handsome man she had ever beheld, since… She admonished, < Not tonight. > as she continued to regard him. Along with the blue shirt, he was dressed in khakis and wearing a dark blue blazer around his medium 6'4" frame. His slightly wavy hair and deep-set eyes were both brown. Natalie's heart began to race slightly. "Oh I am so sorry," she said regretfully. "Look what I've done to your shirt." "It's okay," he replied. There was amusement in his eyes, and an encouraging tone in his voice. For a second, Natalie was relieved to see in his expression and hear in his voice that he wasn't upset; however, she kept feeling she needed to make amends. With firm resolve, she insisted, "No, it isn't. At least let me buy you another…?" "Another Mocha Frappacino." He finished. "Really…you don't have to do that." He gave her a beautiful smile, his teeth perfect and pearly white. Her heart began to race more, as she stared at him a moment longer, and then steeling herself, tried to insist once again. "At least, let me pay to have your shirt dry cleaned." "No, it's not necessary," he said. "But there is one thing you could do?" He asked in a hesitant voice, his eyes gleaming with hope. "And what is that?" Natalie queried back, puzzled but excited by the look in his eyes. "Have a coffee with me? Okay?" His hopeful gaze remained on her breathless, bewildered face. "Okay." She smiled as excitement continued to rush through her. "Great. I'll get another Frap and join you at a table." "Alright." She made her way to a table in the corner, and moments later; he was back again, sitting next to her. Smiling, he extended his hand to her. "By the way, my name is Lionel Phillips." Natalie grabbed it. "Natalie Lambert," she said. "Pleased to meet you." "Likewise." There was a brief silence as Lionel reached up to run his hand over the light stubble on his chin, his eyes narrowing in deep thought. "Natalie Lambert." He spoke slowly. "Where have I heard that name?" "I don't know." She shrugged. "Maybe from the journal of accident prone lunatics." Her face broke into a wide grin. "You aren't that bad." He returned the smile. "Oh no?" Natalie's eyes were sparkling with merriment, her tone teasing. "You don't know me very well. I seem to have this way of causing potential bodily harm to men that I meet for the first time." "Really!" Lionel's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Yes, and once to boot, I'm a doctor who should be trying to heal, not kill people, especially men," she admitted with a sheepish smile. "You're a doctor?" "A pathologist with the city morgue," Natalie confessed reluctantly, bracing for the typical disdainful response, which she always seemed to get from people whenever she mentioned her profession. Instead, Natalie was met with an intense stare. After a moment, beginning to feel self-conscious, she turned her eyes away from him to look down at her coffee. Seconds later, Natalie jumped in her seat at the sound of a loud clap, and then Lionel's emphatic voice. "That's it. Now I remember!" "You remember what?" She managed, pressing her hand to her chest, trying to quell her racing heart. "Where I've heard your name." Lionel explained. "By chance, you aren't acquainted with Don Schanke?" He asked. "Yes, he works at the 96th precinct, in the same jurisdiction," Natalie elaborated. "Why?" She gave him a bewildered expression. "I guess you don't remember," Lionel explained. "A couple years ago, Schanke wanted me to meet you, and when I came to the station, he'd changed his mind. Said it wasn't a good time to meet you. That you were going through a rough period with a guy, who hadn't worked out, and were departing on some vacation." "Omygosh!" Natalie exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. "You're Myra's friend's brother. *That* Lionel!" "Yes." He grinned, flashing a beautiful smile, which left her slightly weak in the knees. "That's me, and here we are, meeting at last, two years later." For a moment longer he continued to smile, then his expression turned serious, as he added in a low voice, "Must be fate." His eyes held hers for an eternal moment, his intent clear as she tried to force down the warm feeling of anticipation brewing inside of her. Natalie returned his steady gaze, her eyes getting seemingly lost in the brown depths of his. "Yeah, fate." She finally murmured back. For a few minutes longer, they both sat in silence, continuing to exchange intense looks. Finally Lionel spoke up, "I was wondering, if I'm not being too presumptuous, would you care to join me on Friday for dinner? Say around 7:30? That is if you are free." A warm smile touched at Natalie's lips as she replied, "I'd love to." "That's great. So where might I send the coach?" He asked in a playful tone. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 07/18 ************************************* The room was dimly lit with a few candles and tastefully decorated in late 17th French. As Lacroix stepped into the room, he immediately sensed two figures against the far wall in a close embrace. Moans of pleasure filtered up to his sensitive hearing as he moved even closer. He had found him. And, from what Lacroix could detect in their strong bond, Nicholas' passion was growing quickly. He was going to take her. Should he allow it? Instinct told Lacroix it was the right thing to do. Nicholas needed to give into his nature, to give into the vampire, to revel in the power of it, to kill again. But could his sensitive spirit handle it? No, Lacroix knew it couldn't. Until Nicholas learned to live without his guilt, he would always despise himself for whom he was. Janette was right. Taking this pitiful mortal would only ameliorate his depressed state, separating him from them more. And if there was one thing Lacroix didn't want, he didn't want more centuries to go by, where Nicholas continued to ostracize himself from them and their kind. He wanted his son back, warts and all. The sound of a low growl broke into Lacroix' thoughts. Glancing over, he saw Nicholas' head rearing back, his sharp canines glistening in the soft candlelight, as he prepared to descend on the mortal's exposed creamy flesh. LaCroix stared at his son with a mixture of disbelief and delight, as he watched Nicholas' fangs sink closer to the pulsating vein under her white satiny skin. From this short distance, Lacroix could smell her blood, the spicy, cinnamon scent not unlike the good doctor's. For a second, he watched his son's unceaseless descent towards that sweet ambrosia. Lower and lower he drifted until…. Suddenly Nick felt powerful hands land on his shoulders, pulling him roughly away from the warm body and the intoxicating nectar flowing underneath. He tried to turn in the vicelike grip, but it was in vain, as he felt himself being lifted into the air and thrown with force against the wall. Stars began to appear, as he slid down the wall onto the floor. Shaking them off, Nick tried to get up, but through a reddish haze could see someone holding him down with a foot. Nick snarled, as rage rushed through him that this intruder would dare to interfere with his evening, one that had started out like so many in this last year and a half: dismal and unpromising. Nick growled at the stranger again through reddish eyes that were slowly diminishing to amber, recalling how everything had begun this evening. After a depressing walk along the quai de la Tournelle near the Seine River, watching many lovers stroll by in contented bliss, Nick had decided to drown his sorrow in drink, arriving at the club a few hours ago. The blood wine, as usual, was flowing rich and free down his parched throat, easing the anguish in his soul slightly, as he had filled his mind with memories of her. As the night had worn on, Nick was gradually offered some comfort, as the memories had slowly faded into a blur with his increased drunkenness. That was, until *she* had walked into the place. Seeing her, his breath had caught in his throat, the memories of Natalie bubbling up like champagne. She was the spitting image of her from the auburn hair, blue eyes, heart-shape face, to the petite carriage. Dressed in a simple black dress with matching pearl earrings and necklace, she had strolled up to the bar. Attempting to swallow down his mounting excitement, he had watched as she had ordered Natalie's favorite drink, Scotch on the Rocks. His eyes had continued to follow her as she had taken her drink to a table in the corner. Suppressing his emotions, Nick had decided to follow, weaving in a drunkenly fashion through the crowd to her table. As he had reached it, she had looked up and given him a warm, friendly smile before reaching up with her hand to move aside some stray tendrils of hair from around her face. The smile and action had been so indicative of Natalie; Nick had almost lost his composure. Finding his voice, he had managed to introduce himself, and then discovering her name was Angelina, asked her to dance. After that, one thing had led to another, and before Nick could have mentally reacted, found that he was in one of the back rooms with her. Knowing she was mortal, he hadn't intended for things to go too far. But the apricot scent of her hair and spicy, cinnamon blood, reminding him so much of Natalie, had spurred him on, firing his desire. It had also been most helpful that she hadn't put up much of a fight. In fact, Nick had soon discovered Angelina was demanding in his attentions to her, going from a demure woman in the nightclub to sultry vixen in the back room. As soon as Nick had shut the door, she had molded her warm sensuous body to his, kissing him passionately and deeply, pressing him hard against the wall. Shivers of pleasure had rushed through him, as he had quickly traded places with her, pushing her against the wall, their tongues dueling in a firey dance. Breaking off the kiss, his lips had made their way down to the pulsating vein in her neck and inhaling deeply, relishing the smell of her blood calling to him, he had brushed light kisses along this spot. Nick had thought through his drunken haze, rearing his head back, ready to strike. His fangs had moved closer. Then, there was nothing but cold air and unwelcoming darkness, as he was thrown from her. Now, as Nick peered up at the figure through a drunken, golden haze, still feeling the weight on his chest, he growled, "Let me go!" "Only if you promise not to race back to your delectable prize, whom I believe is presently cowering in the corner behind me," The unperturbed voice above him replied. A sudden silence descended on the room while Nick continued to focus on the voice, then reaching up with his hands, covered his face. Some time passed before he removed his hands and let out a huge sigh. "LaCroix, what have I done?" Nick moaned meeting Lacroix' penetrating gaze with regretful contriteness. "Nothing, Nicholas." Lacroix replied, removing his foot, and then turned away. Nick watched as his master made his way over to Angelina in the dark corner, and then raising her up from a crumpled heap on the floor, cupped his hands around her face, drawing her eyes over evenly with his. Locking onto her heartbeat, Nick heard his master's low, hypnotic tone; "You will remember nothing of this evening with Nicholas and will leave this club, never to return, do you understand?" "Yes," Nick heard her empty reply before seeing Lacroix release her. Nick began to stand up as she left the room and Lacroix returned. "As I was saying, you did nothing, Nicholas." He paused. "Unfortunately." "What do you mean by `unfortunately'?" Nick asked, a mixture of worry and bewilderment creasing his brow as he came to a standing position. "I mean it is a great misfortune I did not allow you to proceed with the young lady, but I know you too well." Lacroix spat, an edge of bitterness in his tone. "Your insufferable guilt would have consumed you, probably driving you away this time to Siberia, anywhere where you could inflict punishment on yourself for giving into your nature, for taking her, killing her." "I was only going to take a little." Nick tried to sound convincing, but there was doubt in his voice and his eyes still reflected guilt. "Are you so sure?" Lacroix purred back, meeting Nick's angst-ridden stare with omnipotent complacency. "No, I wasn't," he responded, uncertainty now evident in his tone. "What were you thinking, Nicholas?" "I was thinking that for just *one* moment, I could pretend…" Nick's words began to fail him as his voice cracked, his eyes filling with tears. "Pretend?" Lacroix was slightly puzzled. "Pretend Angelina was she." Nick trembled, as the blood tears began to fall freely down his face. Lacroix looked over at his son, shaking his head at Nicholas' disturbing state. "Why do you continue to torment yourself with memories of Dr. Lambert while there are many other beautiful women in this world you could have for the taking?" "I don't want them!" He snapped with vehemence, his eyes glowing amber with renewed fury at Lacroix for suggesting such a notion. "They'll never come close to being like her. Never!" "I must admit she's an unique woman, Nicholas, but time heals all," Lacroix explained, his voice carrying an unusual gentleness. "I know it is difficult for you to believe, but these feelings you have for the good doctor will fade away." "When, Lacroix?" Nick pleaded, turning a long-suffering expression on him, his anger gone. "When will they pass? There isn't a day, a night, a moment, a second that doesn't go by where I don't think of her." "As I've advised you on this matter before, there is a solution." "And you know my answer." Nick turned his eyes away from him to the floor. "I won't bring her across. I won't…" "Yes, I know you won't damn her into this hellish existence for which you seem to think I have brought you," Lacroix said. "But try to recall when you elected to cross over; you were willing to take the chance of damnation to be given the gift of immortality. You wanted it more than anything else." "I was confused at the time," Nick explained. "Disillusioned by the pious clerics who insisted we, the crusaders, conform the Moors to our religion. You and Janette caught me at a weak moment. And, the promise of a thousand lifetimes was the *only* information I was given." "Yes, Janette and I were deceptive and could have been more forthcoming," Lacroix admitted with reluctance. "But don't you see Nicholas? If Dr. Lambert elected to come across, there would be no deceptions. She already knows much about our kind and would understand the consequences." "But until she actually becomes one of us, she would not grasp fully what it's like," Nick went on. "The incessant hunger for blood, the unceaseless desire to hunt and kill mortals. I couldn't bare it if…" "She despised you for it." Lacroix finished, his eyes broadening in understanding. "That's it, isn't it, Nicholas? You are afraid if she becomes one of us, eventually she will despise what she has become, and in turn, hate you for bringing her into this existence." "Yes, I think I could stand anything, even leaving her to live a mortal life without me, with someone else than ever seeing her look at me that way," he responded, his voice cracking with emotion. "But, you don't know for certain if she ever would," Lacroix argued. "Wouldn't it be better to risk possible hatred for you by loving her now? As I said once, Nicholas, blink and they'll all be gone. If you wait too long, Natalie will be gone, either into the arms of someone else or into mortal decay and eventual death. And you will have only yourself to blame." Lacroix hesitated as he placed a hand on Nick's shoulder. "Eternity is too long to waste on regret." There was a long silence as Lacroix watched Nick turn away. Removing his hand, Lacroix moved around him to the doorway where he spun around to look once more at Nick's bowed head. He shook his head in frustration. "Think about it." He spoke into the quiet darkness and then he was gone. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 08/18 ************************************* Ten months later: Grace entered the room, smiling inwardly, as she saw Natalie's head buried under another mound of paperwork. Coming closer, she spoke up, "Must be a busy night." Natalie looked up from her work and smiled. "Yeah, tell me about it. I've been here for twelve hours, and I was about to stop for a lunch break and go down the street to Sardinos with…" "With that handsome boyfriend of yours?" Grace piped up, producing a wide grin. Natalie returned the grin. "No, actually, Lionel went out of town for a few days to a stockbroker's meeting at his company's main office. He won't be back until Friday." "Friday!" Grace exclaimed. "It's a long time to be away from each other and I don't think I've seen you two apart much since you started dating. What will you do?" "I think I'll manage." Natalie teased. "After all, I have my work to keep me going." She stood up, coming around the desk, and then started to make her way to a file cabinet in the corner of the room when she felt Grace reach for her hand, and heard her gasp. Turning around, Natalie met Grace's astonished face with an amused expression. "What is it, Grace?" She asked, feigning ignorance. "You've got a diamond ring on your hand," Grace stammered as she continued to stare at the large tear-shaped diamond resting on the left finger of her friend's hand. Grace mused. Natalie looked down at her hand then back at Grace. "So I have," she stated, playing innocent. "I wonder where that came from?" "Oh don't give me that," Grace slapped her shoulder playfully, as she caught the capricious tone in Natalie's voice. "Come on and spill it. When did he propose?" "Last night." Natalie smiled with excitement. "Lionel took me to this wonderful French restaurant and had this waiter bring over a heavenly chocolate mousse. When I was about to take the first bite, he slid from his chair down to his knees, and reaching over, took the ring out of the mousse, placed it on my finger and proposed." "Oh my!" Grace clapped her hands together as tears of joy came to her eyes. "That is one of the most romantic proposals I've ever heard." Unable to say more, Grace hugged her. After a moment, she drew back from Natalie, wiping the tears from her cheek with the back of her hand. "I'm so happy for you. Does Schanke know?" "No, and you mustn't tell him." Natalie pointed a finger at her, regarding her evenly. "I won't, I promise." Grace held up her right hand as if she were being sworn in. "Yeah, I hope so," Natalie said, still with a trace of firmness in her tone. "What do you think I'll broadcast it everywhere?" Grace placed her hands on her hips in an indignant fashion. "Yes, I do!" Natalie voiced honestly. "And, I want to be the one to let Schanke and Myra know, if you don't mind." "Okay, okay." Grace raised her hands in defense. "I get the message. So I have a little problem with suppressing information." "A little problem?" Natalie's voice raised in astonishment. "Okay…huge problem," she admitted sheepishly before clapping her hands together again. "Oh, Myra and Schanke will be so thrilled for you both." "I hope so." Natalie said pensively. "Oh gosh, I'm going to cry again." Natalie saw Grace reach for a tissue on the desk and heard her tearful voice, "I'm just so happy for you, honey." "Thanks, Grace," Natalie gave her friend a small smile. "I'm still trying to believe it myself. It was kind of sudden." "Sudden!" Grace looked up from wiping more tears from her face. "You've been going out together for months now." "Yeah, I know, but I was thinking maybe we are rushing things a bit." "You aren't having doubts, are you?" Grace asked as she studied Natalie's unreadable face. "No, not at all," Natalie replied, trying to suppress the growing doubt. The doubt she had been having ever since she had accepted. "Are you sure? You don't sound convinced," Grace commented, her eyes narrowing in worry. "He does rock your boat, doesn't he?" "What?" Natalie looked at Grace with a confused expression on her face. "Rock my boat?" "Yeah, rock your boat. In other words, does he make you tingle inside? Does he make you spend the following day after an evening with him wandering around in a romance-induced daze? Simply put, do you love him?" She asked, concern in her voice. "Of course I do," she stated, trying to meet Grace's anxious eyes with firm resolve, one that she wasn't feeling. "Why would I accept a proposal from him, if I didn't?" "Maybe because you can't have what you truly want?" Grace's shrewd eyes bored into Natalie's now faltering ones. "Don't be ridiculous, Grace." Natalie crossed her arms over her chest. "I know what I want. Lionel is everything a girl could possibly want. He's kind, generous, thoughtful, considerate, has a great sense of humor. We also have a lot in common and…" "Yeah, I know." Grace sighed. "He sounds wonderful. But that's not the point. Is it because you can't have someone else that you are settling for Lionel?" "Settling!" Natalie tossed her an indignant glance. "I'm not settling for Lionel. I love him." "Okay, okay." Grace put up her hands in surrender. "I didn't mean to upset you. I only wanted to make sure that a certain person~ we won't mention names~ was completely out of your system and you were accepting this guy's proposal out of love and not out of settling for second best." "Yes, I am." Natalie said with phony resolve, as another wave of doubt washed over her. "Good, then let's celebrate." Grace forced an uncertain smile, still not convinced Natalie was being honest with herself. "Ah, Grace." Natalie began hesitantly. "Could we wait until after the shift? I'm dying here of hunger and can't wait to sink my teeth into some brushetta." "Okay. Could you bring back some for me?" "Sure, I'll only be gone an hour." "Okay." ******************************************* Emerging from a side door of the morgue, Natalie raced to her car. Normally, she preferred to walk over to Sardino's since it was only a few blocks away. But tonight, the winter air was too brisk for a stroll, so she had decided to drive. Inserting the key into the lock, she opened the door and slid behind the wheel. As she adjusted the rearview mirror, she thought back to her conversation with her friend. Was Grace right? Was she settling for second best? In the last year, since making her resolution, Natalie had accepted dates, gone out to parties, done everything she could to brush aside thoughts of Nick, trying to go on with her life and get him out of her mind. It hadn't worked, though, until the evening she had met Lionel at the coffee shop. Then her life had changed, growing brighter each day with his presence. From the first dinner date, they had begun spending every free moment together. And for a while, thoughts of Nick had begun to fade, but not completely. At times, if Natalie were willing to admit it, she had continued to hold Nick secretly in her heart knowing she could never really let him go. She loved Lionel; it just didn't run as deep as her love for Nick. In other words, he didn't rock her boat, as Grace had aptly put it. Only Nick could that! Lionel was a good man, tender and kind, and she knew there weren't too many like him. Natalie also knew it was unhealthy to go on dreaming about a man, a vampire, she could never have and who had probably moved on again with Janette or someone else, having forgotten her by now. Thus, she needed to do the same, firmly resolving in her heart to make a life with Lionel. If it were settling for second best, so be it. An unexpected low gurgle broke into her thoughts. Looking down, Natalie grinned inwardly as she patted her abdomen. < Okay, Okay! > She voiced silently, still studying her stomach with amusement. < I'll stop with my internal debate and get you some nourishment. > Still smiling, Natalie looked up to check the rearview mirror one more time. Her broad grin faded into wide-eyed terror. A scream started to escape from her throat, but was drowned out by a gloved hand coming around her face and then seconds later, something cold being pressed against her temple. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 09/18 ************************************* The plane was making its ascent as the two figures, a man and a woman, settled back in their first class seats. A handsome, well- built, dark haired steward came up the aisle, stopping next to their seats. "Would you care for a drink?" He asked the woman, flashing a handsome smile. Looking up, she smiled back, her golden eyes first taking in his magnificent physique, then the pulsating vein in his neck. "I'm debating that." She gave him a hungry stare, as she ran her tongue around her burgundy-colored lips. The steward jumped back slightly, a shiver creeping up his spine. Was he imagining it or were her eyes glowing? Reaching up with his hand, he slid a trembling finger unconsciously around his collar before turning unsettled eyes away from the woman to the man. "While the lady contemplates, would Monsieur care for a cocktail?" "The lady *has* decided!" The man gave her a telling look. "She will have the same as I. Your finest bottle of burgundy, s'il vous plait." His blue eyes moved from the woman to glare at the steward, his tone harsh. "Certainly, sir," he stammered again. "I'll get that for you right away." The man watched as the steward hastened down the aisle away from them before letting out an impatient sigh. "Janette, how many times must I tell you? Never consider draining a mortal, who can provide a service to us. Once we arrive in Toronto, you can have the steward, but not before!" "LaCroix, you know I would never put the community at risk by doing something so indiscreet." Janette purred. "I leave that up to Nicolas." "I know, my dear." Lacroix sighed deeply as he patted her hand. "Besides, I was just having some *fun*." Janette touched her tongue to her upper lip. "You know as well as I do, the scent of a mortal's blood can smell so sweet, and spicy when it boils with fear. And the *young* handsome steward's simply sizzled with a smell of cloves and ummm…I believe a touch of ginger." "And some nutmeg," Lacroix volunteered. "Nutmeg?" Janette shrugged. "His other fine qualities must have made me overlook that one." There was a long pause before Janette continued with careful reserve, "LaCroix, do you think it was wise for *both* of us to leave poor Nicolas behind?" "Janette, in the last eighteen months, we have *both* tried to help him, giving him advice, but it is pointless. If he still prefers drowning in his misery over the good doctor to enjoying our delightful company, let him brood alone! We cannot do anything more for him." "At least, Nicolas isn't brooding all the time, not like before," Janette acknowledged, her face pensive. "And, he did return to teaching, replacing that charlatan professor at the Sorbonne. Normally I detest his incessant need to be with mortals, but for once, I was glad he took the position. Now, the students can learn about the French Revolution in the proper way!" "He may be trying to forget her by occupying his time with another repugnant act of atonement," Lacroix said in a gruff voice. "But, it isn't working, Janette!" "C'est vrai." She sighed, her eyes becoming regretful, her voice resigned. "Sometimes, I try to suggest my art of rest and relaxation as a way for him to forget her, but he always declines. Instead, night after night, I watch him sit on the balcony with dull, lifeless eyes until the first deadly rays of sunlight start to burn his skin, and then slowly, he gets up to move into the darkness. When I see him this way, Lacroix, I'm frightened that, one day, he will not come in." "Yes, well, Janette," Lacroix said in an omniscient voice. "Nicholas may be impetuous, contrite, and foolhardy, but he is not suicidal." "I hope you are right, Lacroix." "Nicholas believes redemption comes through good deeds," Lacroix explained with a grimace, the last two words leaving a bad taste in his mouth. "In his mind, suicide would be an undeniable path to hell and damnation. He would not consider taking his own life even in his miserable state." "I see your point, Lacroix." "Besides, let us not dwell on Nicholas any longer. We must concentrate on enjoying our brief sojourn in Toronto." "Yes I agree," Janette nodded before continuing, "I talked to Miklos and Alma last evening. They have considered a whole new makeover for the Raven and would like me to help." "Good. I am pleased you have something entertaining to do with your time, as I will be tied up for days with the Elder's meeting." "Will you be voting for a new Elder to join the Council?" Janette asked curiously. "Yes, and Claudius will be a fine addition." Lacroix said in a proud tone. "I have heard Rufus does not like your choice," Janette spoke with some hesitancy. "He will try to undermine it, will he not?" "He will not dare, if he knows what's good for him!" Lacroix boomed. "Besides, he owes me for the time I saved him from a near staking during a Charlemagne campaign. He will vote for Claudius, that I am sure!" Startled by his sudden outburst, Janette melted into unnerving quiet. For a moment, Lacroix watched her withdraw before turning away to settle into his own unsettled silence as he reflected on the other matter, bringing him to Toronto. Talking Rufus into a vote for Claudius was the least of his problems. However, convincing a certain doctor to listen to him would be a different story all together. ************************************* "Start the car!" Hissed a gruff voice next to Natalie's ear. Swallowing hard through his hand, she started her car; as she heard another harsh command, "Drive out to the 401." Veering the car out of the parking lot, Natalie felt his hand relax around her mouth, finally pulling away. "We are going on a little excursion," She heard the voice breathe against her ear. "Just you and I, doc." Natalie looked up through the mirror in horror. "You can't be serious, Tony." She managed. "Everyone will be looking for us. You won't get away with this." "Oh, yeah?" Tony Cappelletti smirked. "I heard you tell Grace you'd be gone for an hour. She probably won't start worrying until at least another half hour after that. By then, we'll be out of the city. So get moving!" He pressed what she now knew was a gun against her hair. Natalie choked down her fear and sped up. Making her way out to the 401, Tony instructed her to turn east. As they headed into the countryside, Natalie began to wonder if she would ever see daylight again. ************************************** Grace tapped her foot impatiently as she waited on the line for Schanke to pick up the phone. Finally she heard a click, and his impatient voice, "Yeah, Schanke here." "Schanke, it's Grace." "Hi," he said, his tone becoming friendlier. "What's up?" "Did Natalie come by to see you after her lunch break?" Grace asked, trying to suppress her worry. "She told me she'd be back at least a half hour ago, but she never returned. I thought perhaps she'd swung by the precinct to give you the news." Grace explained, the words unconsciously slipping out. "What news?" Schanke queried in puzzlement. "Oh nothing," Grace brushed off. "I guess she isn't there." "No, I haven't seen her. But I'll let you know if I do." "Schanke, I'm worried," Grace admitted. "This isn't like Natalie. She should've been back by now." "Okay, okay, Grace. Relax," Schanke calmed hearing the growing anxiety in her voice. "Where was she going?" "To Sardinos for *lunch. * She explained. "I already called there. They said she never showed up! I thought maybe she changed her mind and went somewhere else to eat. Then dropped by the precinct to see you." "Okay, I'll be over in a sec and we can discuss this some more. Don't worry Grace, I'm sure she's fine," Schanke reassured. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 10/18 ************************************* "Pull over there," came the brusque voice. Driving along the outskirts of the city, Natalie looked up into Tony's frightening face. With dread in her heart, she could see through the mirror his gun still pointed ominously at her head. Fighting back tears, she spoke up in a pleading tone, "Tony, don't do this! If you take me back, we can forget this ever happened." "Yeah, right! Why should I trust you when I couldn't trust you not to meet some other loser?" He sneered. "Just pull over!" Natalie turned into the service station. "Drive to the back." Tony ordered. Natalie complied, pulling the car next to the rest rooms. Turning off the engine, she started to turn around when she saw him emerge from the backseat of the car. A second later, she heard the front door open, and then felt a hand grab her hair, pulling her forcefully from the car. Standing up, Natalie felt Tony's body push her against the cold chrome of the car and heard him threaten against her ear, "One wrong move or scream and I'll use this!" She felt the steel metal of the gun being pressed hard against her rib cage. Natalie whimpered inwardly in pain, as he continued to hold her hair tightly in his grip, dragging her to the back car door. Shoving her into the interior, she watched with growing fear as Tony produced duct tape, and bindings from within his black coat pocket. Natalie started to shake her head at him. "Oh no, please that's not necessary. I'll be good." "Yeah, sure you will." Tony smirked sarcastically. "But to make sure…" He pushed her down on the seat, and began to bind her wrists and legs. "I think I'd feel better if you were tied up like a Christmas goose while I go take a leak." "No!" Natalie implored as she watched him finish binding her before he moved to cut off some tape. "I'll just sit…" "Yeah, you'll just sit tight because you have no choice." The tape came down firmly against her mouth, cutting her words off. "Now one more thing, doc." Natalie looked over to see him reaching into his pocket again and a second later, she shivered in dread as she saw him produce a black silk handkerchief. Natalie started to mumble loudly through the tape, shaking her head violently as the handkerchief came closer to her face. Tony pulled back briefly and glared at her. "Don't move! I'm sorry, but you can't see the surprise I have in store for you." He placed the handkerchief around her face, covering her eyes. "Now, I'll only be a moment, and then we can get going," he went on. "By the way, I think you'll like where I'm taking you doc. It's a special place, where Mr. Boy Scout or Mr. Stock Man would've *never* considered." There was a momentary silence as she listened for his breathing, trying to ascertain whether he had left. Suddenly she jumped as she felt a hand on her thigh and heard an eerie whisper, "Once there, we can kindle those fires." A chill crept up Natalie's spine as she felt Tony's hand pull away from her skin and heard a creepy laugh escape from his lips. Then there was silence. Immediately, wasting no time, Natalie shifted onto her back, and then pushing outwards with her arms, tried loosening the binds around her wrists. After a few more tries, she stopped, frustrated. It was no use. They'd been tied too tightly. What was she going to do? Her mind began to race with ideas. Perhaps, when he returned, she could convince him she needed to use the bathroom. Once in there, knowing she had some lipstick in her purse, she could use it to leave a message on the mirror. It might work! If she could only get him to remove the duct tape! Natalie's heart began to pound with excitement. Suddenly she heard Tony's approaching footsteps, and tried to brace herself, as her heart continued to race. Forcing her heart to steady, Natalie settled back against the leather seat. "Miss me?" She heard his glib tone, and then the sound of the backdoor beginning to close. Her heart began to lurch in her chest. Frantic, she scrambled into a sitting position and then, drawing in small pockets of air into her lungs through the tape, let it out into what she hoped was a loud bellow. To Natalie's dismay, it came out a muffled cry! She tensed inwardly, praying that it had worked. "I'm afraid I can't understand a word you're saying." Came the smug reply. Still determined, Natalie tried again. Breathless, she waited for his response. It came a moment later. "You know I like you this way where you can't talk. It's like that old saying, `children should be seen and not heard.' It should apply to women as well." He laughed complacently. Natalie's chest heaved inward, her body into numbness at the sound of his words and a second later, the door's final close. For a long moment, she could only find the strength to take a breath. < Her one chance gone! Shot down! What was she going to do now? > Natalie fell back into the seat with defeated exhaustion. She barely heard the engine start up, as the car lurched forward to drive away. ************************************* "I want an APB out immediately, do you read? Over!" Amanda Cohen exclaimed into the phone. "Over," came the firm response. Hanging up the phone, hands on hips, Cohen met Schanke's worried frown with one of her own. "Okay, we've done everything we can to put out a search for Dr. Lambert. You and Grace are positive she told Grace she'd be gone only an hour?" "Yeah," Schanke replied. "In fact, Natalie said she'd bring back some food for her." "And you checked all the other eating spots she could've stopped at?" "Yeah, we even called Natalie's apartment thinkin' she might've gotten sick and gone home. She never picked up. We came up with nada, nothing." He blew out a frustrated breath. "Okay, I want you to sit tight for now and…" "But, captain," Schanke interrupted in an emphatic voice. "Don't you think I should go out on the street and…" "Can it Schanke! It would be better, if you stayed here to receive calls from the officers when they call in," Cohen replied in a stern voice. "Okay?" "Alright, ma'am. But…" "No, buts Schanke," She insisted. "That's an order." "Okay," he agreed reluctantly before turning away from the captain. "What is Grace going to say to her fiancé?" He mumbled under his breath. "What was that, Detective?" Cohen stared at him with a bemused expression. "Natalie's fiancé," Schanke explained. "Lionel Phillips." "Natalie is engaged?" Cohen's eyebrows arched in surprise. "Yeah, no one was suppose to know yet," Schanke said. "Grace, in her upset state, spilled the beans to me. "And, where is this Mr. Phillips? Should we be investigating him?" "It's not what you think, captain." Schanke looked at his boss. "Lionel is Myra's friend's brother." "Oh, and that makes it all right!" Cohen rolled her eyes. "I know this guy. He wouldn't hurt a flea. Besides, he wouldn't hurt someone he was going to marry," Schanke insisted, disbelief in his voice. "Why would he do that?" "I don't know," Cohen shrugged. "But, you know as well as I do anyone that's been close to Natalie is a potential suspect." "But, ma'am, I gotta tell you you're barking up the wrong tree with ol' Lionel." Schanke shook his head. "Let's hope so," she replied. "Is Grace going to contact him?" "Yeah, she found his phone number on Natalie's desk," Schanke acknowledged. "He's at a stockbroker's meeting and knowing Lionel and how he feels about Natalie, he'll be back here in a flash. In fact, he'll be completely distraught over the news." "So he'll probably have an alibi?" "Yeah, he will, won't he?" The realization was slowly slipping into Schanke's mind. He sighed with relief. "Yes, he will. Now get to work!" Cohen exclaimed, sitting down in her chair, reaching for the phone. Turning away, Schanke began to leave when he heard her ask, "By the way, where is your partner?" Schanke faced her again. "Tony?" He shrugged. "I have no idea. Come to think of it…" His eyes narrowed in thought. "He said he was going to pick up his car from some auto mechanic, then run some errands and come back in about two hours. Said you gave him the time off." "I never did that!" Cohen snapped, putting down the phone, her voice laced with irritation. "You didn't?" Schanke regarded his captain in surprise. "No, I haven't seen him since he started his shift three hours ago," She went on, her vexation being replaced with bewilderment. "Man o' man!" Schanke blurted out. "You don't suppose…?" He asked, letting his words trail off, as he shot Cohen a fearful look. "You don't want to know what I'm thinking, Schanke," Cohen responded with more exasperation. Schanke didn't appear to hear her, as he turned his eyes away, mumbling under his breath, "I knew the guy had the hots…" He began, and then remembering where he was, stopped cold, as a slight flush came over his face. Meekly, he looked up at his captain, giving her an awkward grin. "Er… I mean…*liked* Dr. Lambert." For a moment, Schanke continued to regard Cohen in a sheepish way, as he began recalling his partner's endless lewd remarks and growing determination to conquer Natalie like so many other women. It had really angered him so much at the time; he'd been tempted pummel the guy with his fists. Schanke also remembered Tony's displeasure when she'd started dating Lionel. Tony had been furious, his extreme rage unnerving Schanke. Schanke's uneasiness had continued when Tony, with calm reassurance, announced some day Natalie would get Lionel out of her system, like she had with Knight, dump him and he'd be there to step in. A sudden fear came to Schanke as he wondered. Had Tony grown impatient with having to wait, finally giving into his desires for her and done the unspeakable. Taking her somewhere and…? "You son of a b…" he blurted out, fear forgotten as anger swept over him, his sudden outburst causing Cohen to jump slightly in her seat. "If he's done anything to her, I'll rip his…" "Put a sock in it, Schanke," Cohen declared testily, recovering quickly. "Let's not jump to any conclusions. Detective Cappelletti might not have done anything. But, if he has, do you know of a place where he might've taken her?" For a moment Schanke's eyes remained dark then with an effort, he forced down his emotions and tried to think calmly. After a moment, he snapped his fingers. " I got it! Tony once talked about a cabin he had. It was…Damn it! Where was it?" He voiced, discouraged then he remembered. "Oh yeah, it was near Ottawa, some place called Paradise Lake." "Do you have the directions?" "Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. Tony gave them to me. Said Myra and I could use it sometime even though I've told him many times we had our own place. I swear that guy never listened to a word…" "Okay, Schanke. We don't have time for one of your tirades. Just provide me with the directions and I'll notify the Mounties. They'll authorize a helicopter to follow the route to the cabin." "Okay," Schanke said resignedly. "But if he so much as lays one hand on her, I'm afraid to think what I'll do to him." He threatened through clenched teeth. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 11/18 ************************************* Natalie slowly swam towards consciousness. While her mind began to become more aware of her surroundings, she could feel a gentle rocking motion and something restraining her body. Clearing her head more, she struggled to open her eyes, moving onto her side. Finally, as she opened them, she gasped, startled to see only blackness. What has happened to me? She thought frantically. Where am I? Then, the momentary panic settled into renewed hopelessness, as the memories returned. Tony! The gas station. Being tied gagged and blindfolded. Her one chance at a possible rescue dashed. Despair overtaking her as she'd cried silent tears, finally falling into a fitful sleep. And now? How long had she been asleep? Natalie wondered. One, two, three hours maybe longer, maybe less. She couldn't say. Were Schanke and Grace looking for her? Had they alerted the precinct? Put out an APB on her? Would they *ever* find her? Or would Tony do something before…? She warned. But Natalie's thoughts were never completed, as she felt a sudden lurch of the car. An image began to form in her mind, as she heard the screech of brakes and a yell from the front seat. She tried to brace herself, as she saw the picture grow in clarity and size, offering her comfort and solace against the coming onslaught. It came a moment later as she heard a loud crash and felt a brief pain, her head hitting something solid and hard. Then there was only darkness. *********************************** Toronto General Hospital: Grace and Schanke looked up into Lionel's distraught face as he rushed into the waiting room. "Grace…Schanke…Please, tell me what happened!" "Why don't you sit down?" Schanke offered with feigned calmness as his worried eyes glanced at Lionel, who was now pacing the room in a nervous frenzy. Lionel stopped, and then considering, took a seat adjacent to them. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and swallowed hard. "Tell me!" Grace began to fill Lionel in on the sequence of events from the time Natalie had left the morgue, being kidnapped by Tony to the moment the local authorities discovered Tony's dead body and her unconscious one in the car. "The police were able to ascertain that the car hit some black ice, causing it go into a skid and slide out of control into a tree." She went on in a gentle tone. "They say Tony died instantly from a broken neck…" "Of course if the tree hadn't killed him, I would have." Schanke interrupted in an angry voice. "There wouldn't have been a bone left unbroken in his scumbag body once I would've gotten through with him." "Schanke, that's enough!" Grace interjected, giving him a stern look before regarding Lionel again with gentle eyes. "As I was saying Lionel, Tony didn't make it. The police saw Natalie was alive and they airlifted her to this hospital. Schanke and I got the news through Cohen a few hours ago and rushed over. We've been sitting here ever since, anxiously awaiting some news." There was a brief silence as Grace reached over with her hand to pat Lionel's, and then she heard his soft cry. "Oh God." Looking up, Grace saw him bow his head, covering his face with his hands, and heard him add in a wretched tone, "I can't bear the thought of losing her." "You won't Lionel!" Grace said firmly, choking down her sudden feeling of anxiety over Lionel's desolate state, as she patted his knee. "Think positive." "Yeah, she's a fighter," Schanke said with vehemence. "She'll pull through." Lionel removed his hands from his face and regarded them with troubled eyes. "I hope you're right." He said. "It took me so long to convince her to marry me and I don't think I could bear it if something were to happen to her." "Oh!" Grace exclaimed. "Natalie told us you proposed for the first time the other night." Her eyes denoted surprise, as her momentary anxiety vanished. "Yeah, I did *formally*, but informally I've been hinting around to it for some time." Lionel explained. "So why has Natalie been reticent?" Schanke asked, his eyebrows furrowing in bewilderment. "Nick." Lionel let out a sigh. "Knight?" Schanke shrugged, trying to feign ignorance. "But they were just friends." Lionel gave him a look. "Schanke I know all about Natalie's feelings for Nick." "You do?" Grace asked, still surprised. "Yeah." Lionel admitted. "I knew something was holding her back from taking our relationship farther and accepting any marriage proposal from me. A few months ago, when I'd asked her about it, she finally opened up to me about her feelings for Knight, explaining that things hadn't worked out between them. At the time, she'd asked for patience. Well…you know me Schanke." Lionel regarded him. "I'm about the most patient man around." "Also pig-headed." Schanke smirked, trying to lighten the mood as he gave Grace a wry smile. "Yeah." Lionel forced a chuckle. "And I guess my pig-headed patience paid off because this week, Natalie told me she was ready to move on into a more serious relationship with me. And that's why I decided to formalize everything the other evening." "And we were so happy to hear about it." Grace added as tears formed in her eyes. "Yeah, when I told Myra, she broke down over the phone." Schanke reached over to slap Lionel's shoulder. "She said to tell you congratulations." "Thanks." Lionel said as his eyes became anxious again. "I just hope…" His words trailed off as raw emotions swept over him. Seeing his agitated state, Grace was about to reach over to console him when they heard someone clear their throat. Looking up, they caught sight of a white-haired, balding man standing by the doorway, wearing the standard MD white-coat. As he approached the group, Schanke noticed with growing alarm the doctor's sincere, but grave expression. "She's not…" Schanke began, words failing him, as the dreadful feeling continued to wash over him. "Oh my God," Grace burst into tears. "She can't be…" "Oh no!" Lionel gripped the armrests, fighting back tears. "No!" The doctor spoke up, dismissing their first thoughts with a shake of his head and a wave of his hands. "It's not what you think." "Oh thank goodness!" Came three relieved sighs at once. Schanke was the first to find his voice. "Give us the facts, Doctor…" "Tate." He added. "I'm Doctor Nathaniel Tate." Dr. Tate extended his hand to each of them. "Dr. Tate," Schanke repeated. "How is Natalie?" "I'm not going to say she is out of the clear yet." Dr. Tate's sobering eyes bore into each of them as he spoke. "Despite being in the backseat, cushioned by the front ones when the car hit the tree, Dr. Lambert sustained some minor bruising around her ribs and a broken ankle." "Oh, what a relief." Schanke interrupted with a huge sigh, bringing his hand up to pat his chest. "It sounds like she's going to be okay." "Let's hope so." Dr. Tate's eyes were still somber, his tone tentative and concerned. "What do you mean, doctor?" Schanke's momentary relief was disappearing into renewed fear. "Besides her other injuries, Dr. Lambert has sustained some trauma to the frontal lobe region of her brain. There is a lot of swelling and some bleeding. The next twenty-four hours will be critical, as we wait to see if she regains consciousness." "And what happens if Natalie doesn't?" Grace asked in a frightened voice. "We'll wait to see first what happens," he repeated carefully. "Doctor? Could I see her?" Lionel asked, almost in a pleading tone. "Only family at this time, son," Dr. Tate explained gently, patting his shoulder as he saw disappointment flicker across Lionel's face. "But, doctor, Natalie has no family." Grace explained. "Her brother and parents died some time ago. We are the only family she's got." "Yeah, and besides, Lionel is Natalie's fiancé," Schanke added. "Doesn't that count for something?" "Normally, hospital policy is strict about immediate family only, but I guess we can make an exception this time." Dr. Tate gave Lionel a brief smile. "Oh thank you!" Lionel said in a gracious, but worried voice. "Could I see her now?" "Of course." Dr. Tate began walking towards intensive care. "This way." Lionel turned back to Grace and Schanke. "Give her our love," Grace said, hugging Lionel, as she fought back more tears. "And tell her to hang in there." Schanke added, patting Lionel on the back, as he choked down his own growing concerns. Grace and Schanke watched as Lionel followed the doctor down the long sterile hallway, before melting into each other's arms for a comforting hug and silent prayer. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 12/18 ************************************* Four days later: There was a spirited crispness in the night air, as Lacroix emerged from the clamorous noise of the Raven into the dark silence of the alley. Since the Elder's council had agreed to adjourn for the evening, Lacroix and Claudius had decided to take advantage of the moment, dropping by the club to see Janette, toasting Claudius' election win with a bottle of one the Raven's finest vintages. For a while, he and his long time friend had passed the time reminiscing about glorious female conquests and delicious battlefield exploits. However, as the evening had progressed, and the crowd had begun to thin, Lacroix had realized with growing reluctance it was time to take care of his other matter. This other tedious situation, which had been occupying his thoughts these last few months and needed a resolution. It could no longer wait. Finishing off his last drop of blood wine, he had made his excuses under Janette's puzzled scrutiny and departed the club. Presently outside, still in the alley, Lacroix began to consider how to tackle this situation. Dr. Lambert. How should he approach her? What should he say? Whatever tactic he used, Lacroix knew he needed to do so quickly. Time was of the essence because Nicholas's woeful state was not diminishing in fact it was growing. Never in the entire eight centuries had Lacroix seen his son in such a deplorable mood over a woman. Even with Alyssa, Nicholas had managed to pull himself out of his grief-stricken bereavement within a year, returning to him and Janette and his pursuit of other female conquests. But with Dr. Lambert, it was different. It was as if he had left a part of himself behind ~his passionate vitality~ when he had left her, becoming nothing more than a hollow being, simply existing for the sake of existing. More than anyone, Lacroix understood what it felt like to leave someone behind who one truly loved. Under Nicholas' persistence, he had reluctantly left his sister: At first, the anguish had been unbearable for Lacroix, but somehow he had managed to climb out of that seemingly endless hole of despair and begun to live again. With growing fearful concern, though, Lacroix believed the same would not hold true for Nicholas. Over time without Dr Lambert there, Nicholas would dig himself deeper into his hole. He mused. Convincing the doctor to return to Paris with him was not going to be easy. During his one encounter with her at L'Azure, he had sensed the same bothersome stubbornness in her as Nicholas. Thus he knew this present confrontation with her could be difficult. But perhaps if he took advantage of her good nature and heart, she would reconsider. And of course, he hoped her feelings for his son had not waned. *That* would simply *not* do! A feeling of uneasiness suddenly swept over him and without another moments hesitation, Lacroix flew off into the night. ************************************* Lacroix landed on her balcony, melting into the obscure shadows. Through his vampiric sight and hearing, Lacroix was able to ascertain Dr. Lambert's absence from the bedroom and no discernable heartbeat within the apartment. He let out a disgruntled breath. Oh how tedious! She had not arrived home yet from her job at the morgue. Regarding the star lit sky with concern, Lacroix knew he would only have two hours at the most to talk with her before the dawn came. A sudden creak and a low murmur from the living room shattered his thoughts. He mused. Flying to another window, he peered through the off-white drapes into the room. Floating on the cool night air, his ears began to pick up two mortal heartbeats. Two? The doctor must have company. Lacroix had never considered this possibility. Oh bother! He thought, his lips curling into an irritated frown. He would have to come back another time. But, his sudden annoyance turned into puzzled curiosity when he saw the two mortals come within his line of vision. It was that annoying garlic-reeking ex-partner of Nicholas', Donald Schanke and someone who he did not recognize, a tall, big boned very attractive black woman. What were they doing in the doctor's apartment? And where was Dr. Lambert? Again, he frowned, as his bewilderment deepened. Through the glass, he could see the woman appeared to be very distraught, pacing back and forth, wringing her hands. Schanke, he observed, was trying to calm her. With his vampiric hearing, Lacroix honed in on their conversation. "Oh, Schanke!" Lacroix heard the woman exclaim as he saw tears form in her eyes. "I can't bear the thought of her not recovering." "Grace, we have to think positive," Schanke was saying. "The doctors told us Natalie has a 50-50 chance of pulling through this." "But, everyday she remains in an unconscious state is another day the doctors feel she will slip away from us into a permanent coma. Every time I think about it…." "Don't Grace," Schanke warned. "We have to be strong for her and we know she'd want us to take care of matters around here, starting with Sydney." "Yes, you're right," Grace started to walk towards the bedroom. "You get together the cat's things while I pack some more clothes for Natalie and then we can return to Toronto Central." Lacroix turned away from them and for a moment, shut his eyes and sighed. So, it appeared Dr. Lambert was in a most critical situation. Wasting no more time, Lacroix took off into the soon-to- be dawning sky. ************************************** Lacroix slid the window to the side. Climbing through with quick agility, he stood for a moment to gain his bearings. The low murmur of voices from the medical staff carried up to his sensitive ears. He closed his eyes to concentrate on finding the good doctor's unique heartbeat. In situations like this, with a multitude of heartbeats assailing his ears, sometimes it took a few minutes. Ah, there it was! She was located a few doors down on the left. Smiling briefly, Lacroix headed down the silent hall away from the nurse's station. Arriving at his destination, he glanced sideways before twisting the doorknob with his hand, to enter the dimly lit interior. Lacroix approached the bed as the intermittent beeping on an electric monitor and the swooshing sound of oxygen drifted up to his ears. He could see she was on minimal life support with two lines running into her: one for her heart, the other for breathing. As he remained in place, his enhanced hearing picked up her shallow breathing and weak heart beat, providing him with more information about her critical condition than those infernal machines ever could. Disturbed, he moved closer to her, and then did something unexpected. Reaching up with his hand, Lacroix brushed a stray curl from her forehead, while an unsettled feeling came over him for this mortal woman: compassion. Despite the good doctor's ill-conceived hopes for a modern day miracle cure for his son, she had always displayed profound courage, unfailing determination and genuine loyalty to Nicholas and the vampire community. She was a remarkable individual, one Lacroix reluctantly had to admit he admired and for which now in her weakened state, felt sympathy. A sudden click of the doorknob interrupted his thoughts. Blast! He had been immersed so in his musings; the approaching footsteps and heartbeats had gone undetected. With nimble swiftness, Lacroix slipped into a closet in the corner. No sooner had he closed the door than the other one opened. Two nurses entered the room. "There appears to be no change." Lacroix heard one of them admit with a frustrated sigh. "I've never seen anything like it," He heard the other one's gravelly voice. "Her head injuries were serious from the car accident, but not critical. What do you suppose happened?" "I don't have any idea. She should be improving. It's almost like she's lost the will to live." "Strange, I knew Dr. Lambert when she worked here during her residency. She was warm-hearted, but strong-willed and determined, not one you'd expect to give up on life." "Yeah, I'd heard that about her. She was always a fighter, not a quitter. I don't understand it. Maybe something happened to her to lose heart. After all, you hear stories about spouses dying, and their loved ones dying shortly thereafter without any previous medical condition. Do you suppose she's giving up the ship because she lost someone very dear to her?" "A relationship gone sour? Someone she knew who died? Maybe. Who can say."? "Whatever it is or was, she should be getting over it with…" Lacroix heard the words trail off, as someone yelled from the hallway. "Hey, Lena …Mary…I need you in Mr. Fellows room ASAP. We've got an emergency." "Okay." As Lacroix heard the door shut and the voices fade, he slipped out of the closet. His brow creased into a worried frown as he approached the bed again. Could these women be correct in their assumption about Dr. Lambert? Had she lost the will to live over the loss of someone special? A mortal man? Nicholas? Would she give up because of an unreachable love with him? Could she possibly love his son that much? Lacroix recalled the time at L'Azure, where she had stuck up for Nicholas despite her underlying fear of him, displaying such courage. Yes, looking back on that evening, he had seen the depth of her love for his son. She would have done anything for Nicholas, even sacrificing her own life. Now, it was up to him to try to keep her from giving up while he convinced Nicholas to return. Reaching down, locking onto her heartbeat, Lacroix placed his hands on both sides of her face as he came to a decision. "Natalie, listen to me!" He commanded in a low, hypnotic voice as he thought inwardly. Most of his kind could not use hypnotism on a comatose patient, but his power and age allowed him to do things others could not. Reaching into her mind, Lacroix gazed into her still, immobile face. "If it is true that you are giving up out of love for Nicholas, you must not, Dr. Lambert! You must hang on!" Was it his imagination or had her mouth moved when he had uttered Nicholas' name? Was he getting through? Suddenly anxious, he pressed his hands more firmly against her face, as he went on, "I understand what love can do. The power of it. It can distort your senses, and twist your heart, taking you beyond hope until you feel like you can't go on. But, you must not let that happen! Because Nicholas would want you to live!" Lacroix paused as he caught sight of something on her face… a flutter of the eyelids? A twitch of the mouth? Yes, there it was, again at the mention of his son's name. Anticipation grew as he continued, "Listen to me, Natalie. I assure you Nicholas will be here soon. You must hold on for his sake and yours. Do not give up hope, do you hear me?" All at once, another low murmur of voices and loud thump of heartbeats nearby shattered his connection with her. Annoyed, Lacroix removed his hands from around her face before glancing down to ensure the life support was in place. Moving swiftly to the window, he slid the glass frame along the treads to open it. One last time, he turned back to study the doctor's face. Had he gotten through? Would she hold out? He could only hope. He sighed. Now he would have to deal with Nicholas. Turning away, he slipped through the window and then closing it, flew off into the darkness. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 13/18 ************************************* Daytime, moments later: Paris, France Nick explored her body, running his hands over her soft flesh as his lips found hers in a searing kiss, and then drawing away, blazed a trail of kisses to her neck. He paused with his eyes closed, relishing the feel of her warmth and the scent of her spicy blood calling to him. Just a taste. Just one little taste. That was all he needed. The taste was incredible, sweeter than he had ever imagined. Her emotions, her life, her passion, her love for him surrounded him, cradled him. He couldn't get enough of her. After a short while, the pain began to seep into his mind, her anguish at losing him in death, knowing they would soon be separated for eternity. < Good-bye my love. > He heard her whisper. Nick woke with a start, wiping the blood sweat from his forehead, as the dream came back to him in total clarity. Natalie. Comparable to the last hundred or so other dreams he'd had of her, Nick would always try to take just a little, only to end up killing her instead. It was his worst nightmare! And one of the many *many* reasons Nick couldn't bring himself to return to Toronto and ask her to join him in eternity. What if he took too much, draining her to the point where she couldn't return to him? Memories of his wedding night with Alyssa would always come to the forefront of his mind whenever he thought about it. Granted in almost five hundred years time, he had learned the subtle art of bringing someone across. But with Natalie, he knew he loved her more than he had ever loved any woman. He wasn't sure he would be able to stop, wanting to take every drop of her precious lifeblood, to draw her inside of him, knowing her in every way possible and subsequently killing her. This last thought, of course, would drive him into boundless gratitude that there was a wide ocean separating them. The ringing of the phone interrupted his thoughts. Reaching over, Nick grabbed it, pulling the receiver towards him. Before he could say anything, he heard an authoritative voice over the line, "Nicholas!" "What is it, Lacroix?" Nick sighed with impatience. "Nicholas, there is something I must tell you. You might want to sit down." Lacroix advised, his tone impelling "What?" A growing fear was beginning to wash over Nick at the palpable urgency in Lacroix' voice. There was a long pause, as Nick heard a heavy sigh. "What is it? Lacroix. Tell me!" Nick demanded, becoming slightly irritated as the fear climbed. "There is no easy way to tell you this," Lacroix went on, his voice betraying regret. "What!" "It's Natalie. Dr. Lambert." "Natalie!" Nick exclaimed, panic now gripping him. "What has happened, Lacroix? If you've done anything to her, I swear…" "I haven't done anything," Lacroix fired back, and then forcing down his anger, went on in a calmer voice. "She has been in a car accident." "Oh my God!" Nick shut his eyes against the sudden emotions: fear, panic, rage. Swallowing hard, he asked in a trembling voice, "What happened?" "I don't have access to the details. But, your very annoying ex- partner…" "Schanke?" "Yes." Lacroix acknowledged. "I overheard him and Grace ~I believe is the woman's name~ talking over the doctors' prognosis. They said Natalie had a 50-50 chance of survival. Apparently she has been unconscious for a while. I presume for at least 4 or 5 days. Much longer than the doctor's had predicted." "She's in a coma?" Nick asked, as a mixture of shock and pain swept over him. He thought. Lacroix' voice seemed to be coming from far away, as Nick tried to focus again. "What did you say?" "I said that Dr. Lambert is indeed in a coma, as I went to see her." "You went to see her?" Nick repeated in disbelief. "Yes." "You didn't do anything to her, did you?" Nick threatened, his surprise temporally forgotten, as sudden anger overtook him again. "Why must you always think I have some ulterior motive for your mortal pet, Nicholas? Lacroix clenched his jaw as he met Nick's anger with his own. "Because I know you," Nick snapped. "You are only altruistic when you want something in return." "That may be, but this time I went to see your mortal love to try to help and as a result, I only expect you to do one thing." "I knew it!" Nick fumed. "What do you want?" "For you to get on the next flight and return to Toronto," Lacroix explained. "When I saw the good doctor, she did not look at all well. In fact, her vital signs were deteriorating quickly. The doctors appear to be baffled, but the mind can do strange things to a person's will to live." "What do you mean?" "I mean Dr. Lambert seems to be giving up. Doesn't want to live any longer." "Oh no," Nick denied, trying to fight back the tears. "Natalie has always been one to live life to the fullest. Why would she give up?" "I think you already know the answer to that, Nicholas." "What?" "Must I spell it out for you." Lacroix said with a trace of impatience. "You, of course!" "Me?" Nick queried, slightly taken aback. "I can't be the reason. She probably has already forgotten me." His voice broke with sad regret. "Well, whether you think so or not, when I tried to probe into Dr. Lambert's mind, I…" "You, what?" Nick bellowed. "Relax, Nicholas," Lacroix said in a composed voice. "I didn't do anything to harm her, quite the contrary, I attempted to provide her with my infinite wisdom about the hopelessness that can arise from the trial and tribulations of unreachable real love, but encouraged her to hang on, saying you would want her to live and not give up." He paused, clearing his throat, and then added quietly, "And I assured her I would bring you to her." "You said all that?" Nick asked, incredulous, as he wiped some blood tears from his face with the back of his hand. Maybe his master wasn't a monster, after all and did possess some shreds of humanity. "Yes, well…" Lacroix said slightly uncomfortable. "Do not think for one moment this will become a habit of mine! I did it solely for medicinal purposes. But no matter, there seemed to be a slight reaction from her when I had mentioned your name. Perhaps she has not forgotten you as much as you first thought, Nicholas. So, I think you should come. And, if you won't bring her across because of your infernal convictions, at the very least, come to say good-bye to her, to give yourself closure." "Yes, I'll be there as soon as possible." Nick croaked, his eyes misting over with more tears. "And Lacroix…" "Yes, Nicholas?" "Thank you." Nick managed in a quivering voice. "You're welcome." Lacroix replied, meeting Nick's unsteady tone with one of his own. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 14/18 ************************************* Nick slid the window to the side. Climbing through, he dropped to the carpeted floor. A quick glance down the hall to the nurse's station let him know the coast was clear. Looking away and down the long hospital corridor, he began to make his way towards Natalie's room. Lacroix had given him the room number, but Nick didn't need it, as he could hear her unique heart beat, telling him exactly where she was. The one heartbeat that had always soothed his soul, and warmed his heart. God he had missed hearing it! And it sounded strong and regular. Maybe she was improving! Excitement began to build as Nick cast one last glance down the hall. As he saw no one, he reached over, turning the doorknob with his hand. Pushing the door slowly ajar, he entered the darkened room. As he approached the bed, his heightened vision began to take in the enclosed space of the room, and then moving closer, began to focus on her. At first, Nick simply took in the wonder of seeing her again. In two and half years, she had not changed. In his eyes, she was just as beautiful as ever. But on closer examination, Nick could see dark circles around her eyes, a pallor to her skin, some purplish bruising around her cheeks, and under the covers, the outline of a cast on her foot and part of her leg. The sight made her look small and vulnerable, triggering a sudden sharp pain in his heart and blood tears in his eyes. In that instant, he wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms, and never let go. Instead, he somehow resisted the urge, and sank into a chair next to her. With tender care, Nick took her hand, and pressed it to his lips, then to his damp cheek, feeling the texture of her skin against his, feeling her warmth. "Nat," he spoke softly. "Can you hear me? It's me. Nick." He searched her face for any response. None came. He kept talking. "Nat, I came as fast as I could. Lacroix called me. It seems you have gained his respect as he was quite concerned for your welfare." He smiled briefly through his tears at the thought of Lacroix's unselfish aid and tightened his grip slightly on Natalie's hand. "Anyway, once he told me what happened, wild horses couldn't have dragged me away from you. I had to come. I needed to see you. In fact, I knew you would be angry with me for what I'm about to tell you, but I was so anxious to see you, I flew solo all the way from Paris and came immediately to your side. That's how much of an effect you have over me. Oh Nat…" His voice cracked from the emotions welling up inside him. He reached over to stroke her hair with his other hand, searching with his eyes for any response. Again, there was nothing, but her strong heartbeat and steady breathing pressed him on. "I missed you so much. When I came to your apartment that last night before I left, I told you in my letter and in person that I would always love you. And I meant it. I have never loved any woman as much as I love you. You mean more to me than anything in this world. I only left you because I was afraid, Nat. Afraid that we were heading towards something that would result in tragic consequences to you. I wanted to protect you from me, from endangering your life." Nick whispered, his voice hoarse with emotions, his eyes still brimming with blood tears as he pressed a kiss into the palm of her hand. "I don't know if you realize how difficult it was for me to leave you that night. I thought I was going to die from the pain of it. I was torn between giving in selfishly to have you join me in the darkness and giving you up unselfishly to lead a normal life in the light. I felt you deserved the latter, Nat: a home, a husband, a family. The things I couldn't give you and wanted to. It hurt and still does hurt to know I can't be the one to give you those things you so richly deserve." He nuzzled her hand with his lips. "But, now, seeing you again, I don't think I could find the strength to ever leave you for a second time. I don't think I could survive it." He squeezed her hand with the same force of his intense emotions. "Nat…" His other hand moved down to stroke her cheek as tears continued to flow unheeded down his face to his shirt. "Please don't give up. Come back to me. I need you and love you. I promise I won't leave you again. Somehow we can work things out. I know we can." A sudden faint pressure to his hand caused him to look down at their clasped hands, and then over to her face. Was it his imagination or had she tried to squeeze his hand? Mounting excitement rushed through him as he studied her face, searching for any sign, any movement. "Nat, can you hear me?" He asked, squeezing her hand again, as he continued to study her face. "Give me a sign, if you can." The low murmur of voices suddenly interrupted his words and actions, as he heard several heartbeats coming closer. His eyes darted to the door. He thought. Nick turned back to Natalie and began to caress her face again, and grip her hand. "Nat, listen to me. It's Nick. Do you hear me?" He asked, his tone almost frantic in quality as he looked over to the door again, then back to her. Searching her face and squeezing her hand, he could see or feel no response. He sighed as disappointment swept over him. He felt certain she was so close. If only he had had more time. A sudden click of the doorknob shattered his thoughts. With no time left, he pressed his lips to her hand, and rushed over to make a quick escape through the window, as the door opened and three people entered, a doctor, nurse and a tall dark haired man. Peering through the tinted glass, Nick watched as the man rushed to Natalie's side, snatching up her hand while the doctor and nurse were checking her vital signs. Who was this guy holding Natalie's hand? His eyes began to glow with anger. He looked so familiar. Hovering around the window, with his preternaturally acute hearing, Nick began to pick up pieces of their conversation. "What do you think, Dr. Tate?" Nick heard the man's hopeful query. "I think, Mr. Phillips, that she may be showing intermittent signs of consciousness," came the doctor's careful reply. "Oh thank goodness!" The man called Mr. Phillip's breathed in a relieved sigh. "Try talking to her, Lionel." Dr. Tate said, clearly excited. "See if you can get her to hear you." Nick's eyebrows narrowed in thought as he continued to watch. Lionel turned back to Natalie and kissed her on the cheek. "Natalie… it's Lionel. Can you hear me? Please press my hand if you can." All four, including Nick, turned simultaneously to regard Natalie's hand, waiting breathlessly for any response. None came. "Try again, Lionel." The nurse suggested in a soft voice. "Natalie, it's Lionel, your fiancé…." Lionel began. The rest of Lionel's words and actions were lost on Nick as his world suddenly crumbled before him. Turning away, he closed his eyes against the roiling emotions, assaulting his senses: rage, hurt, bitterness. With a fierce growl, he turned into the wind and flew away. He didn't know how long he was in the air; he just kept going, trying to dispel the aching pain in his heart. Finally, stopping in a park, Nick landed near a clump of trees. Leaning against one, he shut his eyes again, as the pain of loss bore down on him like a heavy chain. What a fool he had been to hold out hope that she would continue to love him. Of course, she would have moved on with her life. Isn't that what he had wanted her to do in the first place? Isn't this why he left her? To allow her a sense of normalcy in her life. To protect her from him. He couldn't give her the kind of life she deserved and this man, Lionel, could. He should be happy for her. And, part of him was happy for her. But, another part was saddened by the fact he had wanted her happiness to be with him, not Lionel. To share a life with him. And he knew it could never be. Not now. Nick sank down to the ground, as he began to turn his anger and hurt, inward, berating himself for leaving her, for waiting so long to return to her because of his ongoing self-debate about bringing her across. He had been considering it since Lacroix' words with him in the club's backroom, but fear had been keeping him away. Fear of losing control, of not being able to bring her across when the time came. But now, it was a moot issue because she was with someone else. Bowing his head, Nick wondered how he was going to live without her. How was he going to get through this? He loved her more than life itself. But he knew he had to somehow endure it. For her sake. He abruptly turned into the wind and flew off towards an unsure future without her. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 15/18 ************************************* Two weeks later: Raven The loud cacophonic beat resounded in Nick's ears, as he took another long pull on his drink. After he set it down, he looked up from the swirling blood wine in the glass to his forlorn reflection through the large mirror over the bar. Janette, worried, moved behind him, wrapping her long black-gloved hands around his neck. "Nicola, why don't you dance a little with me, oui?" Nick turned around in his seat and patted her arm. "Not now Janette. Maybe later." He said gently, slurring his words slightly and forcing a smile to his face. "Oh, Nicola." Janette gave a frustrated sigh. "When will you realize it is time to move on with your life, mon Coeur? Your Natalie has moved on with hers." She could see him flinch in pain at the mention of her name, but went on anyway in a more gentle tone, her hand moving up to caress his cheek, "She will be leaving the hospital soon, n'est ce pas?" "Yes, the doctor's say she will make a complete recovery and expect to release her tonight." Nick explained. "And how did you come upon this news, Nicholas?" He heard a silky voice purr next to his ear. "I went to see her, Lacroix as if you didn't know." Nick sighed into his drink before downing the rest of it, and then gently untangling Janette's arms from around his neck, turned back to the bar. "Another bottle, Miklos!" He barked down to the dark-haired man. Lacroix regarded the bartender. "Miklos, I believe Nicholas has had his fill." He explained in a patient tone. "I have not!" Nick bellowed, his eyes glowing amber with anger. "Miklos, bring the damn bottle!" His fist came down on the bar with force, the sound startling people around them, causing some to move down and away from him in fear. Miklos first looked over at Nick with concern, then Lacroix with uncertainty. "Bring Nicholas one glass and *one* glass only of the house special." Lacroix said in a quiet voice, giving Miklos a severe look. The bartender sighed and shook his head as he turned away to pour the drink. Nick started to raise his arm and yell in protest when Lacroix' hand came down firmly around Nick's arm. "Do not make a scene." Lacroix gave him a warning glare before calming slightly, and releasing his arm. "Both Janette and I sympathize with your loss, Nicholas. We really do, but you must put your thoughts of Dr. Lambert behind you. And, you must stop torturing yourself by going night after night to see her at the hospital." "I go to check on her progress." Nick explained. "No one even knows I'm there." "Is that the only reason you have been going?" Lacroix probed, fixing Nick with an intense look. "Yes, of course." Nick averted his eyes. "What other reason would I have?" "Oh, perhaps curiosity about Dr. Lambert's fiancé." "Lionel?" Nick turned back to Lacroix, surprised. "I know he checks out. In fact, after the first and only time I saw Lionel in the hospital with Natalie I finally remembered where I'd met him." "Really?" Lacroix queried, curious. "Where?" "At the precinct," he explained. "Once Schanke was planning to introduce Natalie to Lionel. He came to the police station to meet her, but she'd left on a vacation. They never got to meet until…" "Until you walked out of her life, Nicholas." Lacroix finished. "Yes." Nick whispered in a regrettable voice. "But you say after all the evenings you've spent at the hospital watching over your mortal pet, this Mr. Phillips has never returned." Lacroix' eyebrows narrowed in surprise. Nick shrugged. "Maybe he works at night and sees Natalie during the day. Does it really matter, Lacroix? The simple fact remains she's going to marry him and I'm now officially out of her life." "Yes," Lacroix agreed. "But you were never really back in her life to begin with, were you?" He gave Nicholas a knowing look. "True." Nick sighed. "Although I had hoped…" Nick's words trailed off with Miklos' return, as he watched him set his drink on the counter and walk away. Nick took a large swallow before facing his master again. "Anyway, it doesn't matter what I had hoped. As of tonight, I won't be seeing her again. In fact, I plan to return to Paris tomorrow night." "Bien, Nicola that is a good idea." Janette's tone was laced with approval, as she snaked her arms around his waist, molding her body to his. "After I finish helping with the club's new décor, you and I should take a little excursion somewhere." She leaned forward to brush her lips across his cheek and downward to his neck. "We could return to that charming villa in Florence where we made love for hours on end in that lovely garden." She ran her tongue seductively around the pulsating vein in his neck. Nick pulled out of her delicious reach. "Janette, it sounds like a wonderful idea." He let out a huge sigh. "But I'm not sure about my plans once I return to Paris. I'll make a decision once the school semester ends in May." "Yes, you do that my love." She breathed against his ear. "But decide soon because I do not want to spend an eternity waiting for you to push aside your feelings for Natalie. Make up your mind." Drawing away, Janette moved away from them to the end of the bar in a regal manner. "I agree with Janette." Lacroix rose from his seat. "Spending an eternity brooding over what would've could've, and should've been is a huge waste of time. Start making the most of it, Nicholas and live among the living again. Or in your usual mindset, the *un- living*." Lacroix walked away into the crowd of dancers leaving Nick to his solitary drinking and brooding thoughts. ************************************ The turn of a key in the lock shattered the feline's dreams. Glancing up, Sydney saw the front door open, revealing his mistress and her friend. He hopped down from the sofa, and scampering over to his mistress, began rubbing up against her leg, as he heard her warm welcome. "Sydney, there's a good boy." She scooped him up in her arms, nuzzling his fur against her cheek. She turned to Grace. "Could please you take Sydney for me while I get situated?" "Sure, honey." Natalie handed him to her and hobbled over to the chair with her one and only crutch under her arm. Resting it on the sofa, Natalie sank down into the soft cushioned chair, her eyes closing. Grace regarded her friend's seemingly apparent weariness with worry, as she dropped Sydney gently to the floor. "Everything okay?" Natalie opened her eyes, and met Grace's concerned expression with a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm alright. I guess the trip from the hospital wore me out a bit." She hesitated before adding, "Let me help you with those groceries." She started to rise when Grace shook her head. "No, I'll take care of them. You relax." Grace moved over to the kitchen and began putting everything away. "That's all I've been doing the last couple weeks *is* relaxing." Natalie called over her shoulder in an irritable tone. "I've had enough sleep to last me a lifetime. What I need is to get back to work." "Not until the doctor gives you the okay, Natalie." Grace gave her a stern nod, as she came back into the room and sat down next to her. "You know you need to take it easy on that ankle." "No I don't! Because I've already taken it easy." Natalie quipped. "Besides I have my trusty crutch to get me around and I could use the exercise." "Okay, but don't go overdoing it!" Grace warned with a severe wag of her finger. "I don't want you going back to the hospital again." "Don't worry," Natalie calmed. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't care to see the inside of one for a long time." "Okay," She gave Natalie one more stern look before standing. "Feel like eating? Can I get you something?" She asked. Natalie shook her head. "No thanks." Her voice was becoming quiet, her eyes pensive and sad, as she began to look through Grace to a spot on the wall. "I don't feel much like eating at the moment. Grace's lips curled into a troubled frown as she saw Natalie's expression. She reached over to grasp her hand. "What's really troubling you, Natalie? Because if it has anything to do with…" "Nothing's wrong." Natalie snapped, anger flashing in her eyes, as she regarded her friend again. "Okay." Grace raised her hands in surrender. "I thought maybe you were upset about…" "No, I'm not." Natalie finished with a huge sigh. "Okay…good." Grace acknowledged with relief. A brief silence ensued while Natalie gathered her thoughts, then she began in a softer tone, "Grace?" "Yes?" "I did want to ask you one thing?" Her voice was tentative and curious. "Sure, what is it?" Grace turned in her seat, intrigued. "Well…" Natalie pulled at her lower lip, her brows narrowing in thought. "I know you, Schanke and Lionel visited me at the hospital, but…" "But what, honey?" Grace asked, puzzled. "But…" Natalie sighed. "Was there anyone else?" Grace shrugged. "Well…let's see. Amanda Cohen came a few times. And then, our supervisor, Mr. Daniels, and many from work…Pete, Lisa, Terry…" "I mean anyone other than from work." Natalie interrupted. "Not that I know of." Grace said. "Who did you have in mind?" She asked slowly, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Oh, no one in particular," Natalie stated, a trace of ignorance in her tone. "I thought perhaps…" Her words trailed off, as her eyes became distant, a puzzled frown spreading across her face. "You thought what, Natalie?" Grace probed gently, as she studied Natalie's remote, bewildering expression. Natalie shook her head, coming out of her reverie. "What?" She turned back to Grace. "Oh…" She pinched her fingers between the bridges of her nose. "I didn't mean anything. It was nothing." "Yeah, right." Grace frowned. "Well, if you ever feel like clueing me in, call me." "Grace, it wasn't anything. It was probably a figment of my imagination. Don't worry about it." Natalie reached over and patted her friend's hand. "Okay, but if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you." "Thanks. You're a true friend, Grace." Natalie said with grateful sincerity. "I try my best." Grace smiled. "I know." She smiled warmly at her. "Now, I know you need to get going." Natalie ordered, as the smile faded and she began to wave her away with her hands. "When I get hungry, I think I can manage on my own." "Are you sure?" Grace asked her voice still filled with concern. "Yeah, besides I kind of want to be alone for a little while," Natalie added softly. "I need to think things through." "Okay, but remember. If you need me, I can be here in 20 minutes." Grace patted her hand one last time. "I know." Natalie grasped her hand. "What would I do without you?" "I don't know. I'd hate to find out." She grinned before leaning over and giving Natalie a gentle hug. Pulling away, she said, "Bye for now," as she walked to the door. "Bye, see ya." Natalie waved from the chair, as she watched Grace depart. For a moment, she listened to her retreating steps before scrambling to her feet with the aid of her crutch. She hobbled over to the window, and sliding back the drape, peered down to the street. A minute or two went by before she saw Grace come out of the apartment building, walk to her car, get in and drive off. Natalie let go of the drape, and minutes seemed to pass, while she stood with her eyes shut, roiling emotions spreading through her. She swallowed hard and opened her eyes, as she came to a decision. Natalie turned and moved slowly over to the front door, snatching up her purse on the way before exiting. As she made her way out into the mid-day sun over to her car, she began to pray her assumption was correct. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 16/18 ************************************* Natalie stepped into the darkened space, being greeted only with the bitter silence of the empty room. A shadow of doubt flickered across her face, as she slowly crossed to the massive, ornate structure against the wall. Running her hand across the dusty surface, her eyes flitted across the room. In two and half years, nothing had appeared to change. Everything was the same as she had remembered it from the covered furniture to the bare tables, no longer laden with his most treasured artifacts. As she veered towards the kitchen, looking for any sign of habitation, her heart began to grow heavy with despair. Could she have been wrong? Had she been mistaken? Was it only a dream? For the hundredth time, Natalie closed her eyes, as images began to seep into her mind. Lacroix reaching over to cup her face, and saying…something… Natalie shut her eyes more tightly, straining to see more and hear his velvety, eerie-toned voice. And then, suddenly, letting out a gasp, she opened her eyes, as his words came rushing forth like a gushing waterfall. Natalie thought. < She was sure of it. > With force, she brought her palm down on the kitchen table in unconditional certainty, and then moving over to the fireplace, began to recall more images and words, not from Lacroix this time, but from Nick. She closed her eyes, as she remembered… His cool lips against her skin, his light touches against her face. And his tender voice… With quiet determination, Natalie had tried to reach out to him in her hospital bed, as his words and voice had been like a soothing balm flowing into her broken heart and empty soul. She had awakened shortly thereafter to see Lionel's concerned face. At first, still under the influence of drugs and painkillers, Natalie had thought it had only been a dream. However, after refusing medication a short time later, the images in her mind had become clearer, reinforcing the belief it had been real. She was certain she had not imagined it. With each passing day, and no sign of Nick, however, a thousand questions had begun to run through Natalie's mind. Had Nick shown up again during one of her drug-induced naps? Had he found out about her relationship with Lionel? And, perhaps seeing them together, had he drawn conclusions? And, deciding it was best not to complicate her life, had he left again? Or had Nick simply been a dream, based on her aching desires to see him again? Maybe he hadn't shown up at all. Discouraged, her certainty had begun to fade into intermittent periods of hopelessness. And, as more days passed, her doubt had grown, but she had tried desperately to hold onto a glimmer of hope that Nick had returned. But presently, as she stood at the fireplace in the quiet darkness of Nick's obviously empty loft, the hope was fizzling quickly like the last embers in a fire. She had felt so sure it had not been a dream; Nick had somehow come back to her. But he hadn't. And he *never* would! Sudden despondency began to sweep over her at the grim realization, tears forming in her eyes. Gripping the mantle with her one free hand, she tried to quell the pain, and with the last bit of the strength she could muster, she cried out to the silent loft. "Oh Nick! I thought you'd come back!" Her desolate cry seemed to vibrate against the closed shutters all the way up to the skylight. Then, she felt it. The aching despair, consuming, devouring, encompassing her very soul. A pit seemed to open at her feet. Down and down it went, bottomless, and never ending, as she felt herself being drawn into it, the top closing over her head, suffocating her heart and soul. Pain vibrated in every pore, as her whole body began to shake, causing her to let go of her crutch, sending it clattering to the floor. And then, a guttural, almost animalistic sob erupted from her chest. Her legs seemed to give out, as she began to slide very slowly downward, winding up in a curled heap on the floor. Her cries came in audible gasps, as the tears rolled down her skin, hot, like molten metal. If only she could stop the pain. If only…she thought as her chest heaved once more with anguished sobs. On and on they went. And just when she thought her body couldn't take much more, and she would die from the pain of it, she gradually became aware of a distant voice calling to her and a pair of arms engulfing her. For a while, she kept sobbing uncontrollably into the comforting embrace. But as the arms tightened around her, and the voice became clearer, her sobs began to melt into soft whimpers as coherent thought slowly eased back into her mind. Was she having another dream? She wondered as she pressed her tear- laden face against the cool silk shirt, still crying. Could this really be happening? Could it be…? Almost afraid to look up, afraid that he would only be an apparition, Natalie continued to burrow her face in his chest as the tears subsided. With awareness returning, she could now hear clearly his tender words against her ear and feel his soft lips against her hair, as she lay nestled in his arms. As the moisture began to dry on her face, she finally pulled away from his tear-stained shirt, and looked up into those oh-so-familiar angst-ridden blue eyes~ also laden with blood tears~ and smiled. Then, something odd happened. Something that in her thirty-three years on this planet she had never done before. She fainted. ************************************* As Natalie swam up towards consciousness, she felt a light pressure across her cheek and over her hair. Over and over again, it fluttered around her face like butterfly wings, soft and soothing. She moaned inwardly, contented by the feeling, as awareness continued to return. At last, she opened her eyes to behold a welcoming sight~ Nick kneeling beside her in his black silk pajamas, his hand caressing her face while his tired blue eyes studied her with guilt- ridden concern. Joyful tears sprung to her eyes. Natalie let out a euphoric sigh, and looked over to see his worry turn to surprise. "You're awake!" He shouted, causing her heart to race with disconcertion. Before she had time to react, he scooped her up into his arms so tightly it took her breath away. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Nat." He murmured as he smothered her with soft kisses. "I didn't mean to make you faint." "It's okay Nick." Natalie managed to whisper against his cheek, as her heart raced now for a different reason: excitement, and growing desire. She entwined her arms around his neck and kissed him back. "I heard your cry from upstairs and came down immediately." He explained as he cupped his hands around her face to pull away slightly. "You were in such a state. I didn't know what to do, except to hold and talk to you." "You did the right thing. I guess I lost it there for a second, " Natalie hesitated, drawing away farther from Nick, trying to swallow down the mounting desire, and gather up rational thought. She began to fill him in on the sequence of events from the time she awakened at the hospital with her strange feeling about him and Lacroix each paying her a visit to the moment of her search at the loft for him. "When I found it empty," she went on. "My hopes of ever seeing you again seemed to dissolve and I broke down." Her face suddenly flushed with embarrassment. "You were right, Nat." Nick sat down beside her, seeing her discomfiture over the earlier hysterics. He took her hand in his. "I came every night, but only once did I come into your room." "Only once?" She shook her head, puzzled, her embarrassment forgotten. "But if you weren't inside my room the other times, where were you?" "Um, outside your window." Nick admitted, bowing his head and averting his eyes, as he started to run his thumb over her palm. "Outside my window?" Natalie's eyebrows arched in surprise. "Why?" "Because I didn't want to intrude on your new life with…" Nick stopped as he raised his angst-ridden eyes to regard her. "Lionel." Natalie said quietly, her eyes widening as understanding dawned. Nick suddenly dropped her hand. "Nat…don't worry. I didn't come here to interfere with your life. I had to see you, to make sure you were okay. In fact, I'm leaving tomorrow night." On his last words, there was a trace of regret in his voice. "Don't you dare think about leaving me again!" She snapped, anger and shock flashing across her features. "What? I don't understand." Nick looked at her with surprised bewilderment. "I thought…" "You thought I was starting a new life with Lionel." She finished. "Well, I'm not, Nick." Her voice softened. "We broke off the engagement." "But how, why…when I saw you with him at the hospital…" Nick stumbled, still baffled, but excitement was beginning to sweep over him at the news. "Yes, when I woke up, Lionel was there *physically* beside me." She acknowledged. "But do you know who was there inside my soul, emotionally and spiritually?" Natalie paused to let the words sink in, her passionate eyes boring into his confused ones, while the darkening room enveloped them in a veil of silence. Finally, she spoke, "You!" Nick seized her hand in a tight hold, as he looked at her in surprise and heard her voice catch on a shudder of emotion. "When I thought I was going to die in the car crash, do you know of whom my last thought was?" Another hesitation, another shudder. "You! Always you!" She squeezed his hand. "Do you have *any* idea *how* frightening that is, that power you have over me?" There was a long silence, as her question seemed to crackle in the air around them. Trembling with his own overwhelming emotions: Joy, regret, pain, longing at her words, Nick kissed her hand, and then each finger one by one, as he swallowed the lump in his throat. "How could I not know." He finally whispered. "For I feel it, too." He pressed her hand to his cheek. "Since I left, there hasn't been a second, or a moment in a day I haven't thought of you. I've missed you so, and I *never* stopped loving you." "Oh Nick…neither did I!" She admitted with vehemence. "I loved you so much, that at times, it hurt right here…in my heart." Natalie drew Nick's hand over, placing it over her chest, as tears pricked at her, burning down her cheeks. Nick reached over with his other hand to wipe them from her face, love reflected in his eyes. "Can you forgive me for leaving?" He whispered, as his own splashed down his cheek. Natalie released his hand, and then reaching over to cup her hands around his face, wiped the blood tears away with her thumbs. "Of course." Her voice was gentle, her eyes filled with devotion. "I know what you did~ what you *thought* you did was purely for my welfare, for my safety. You have always had nothing but good intentions for me, for us, but…" "But what, Nat?" Nick asked, kissing her hand again, as relief washed over him that she had forgiven him. "But, you didn't allow me to make a choice in this relationship at all." She gave him a telling look, a trace of disappointment in her tone. "You simply decided that you weren't good for me and left." "I know." Nick sighed. "I realize I was wrong. But, I wanted the best for you. I wanted you to have a chance at a normal life with a mortal man who could give you children and everything you deserve. The things I couldn't give you, but wanted to." "But don't you see, Nick?" Natalie asked gently. "A normal life, having children, are meaningless to me without you." "I guess I should have seen it, but I was afraid you would come to hate me if I offered you my world." Nick admitted, his hand wandering down the side of her face in a whisper of a caress, a flicker of fear in his eyes. "Oh Nick, I could never hate you," she said fervidly, brushing her hand across his cheek. "I know you have always felt your existence is a curse, a fall from grace…" "Yes, and the thought of bringing you into it scares me," he confessed with quiet reluctance. "I don't want to condemn you to this life. It isn't living." His voice carried a trace of regretful anguish. "But existing the last two and half years as an empty shell, just trying to survive day to day, isn't living either, Nick." She spoke emphatically, gripping his hand, as she searched his eyes for the same understanding. It came a moment later, as his eyes filled with profound longing, his voice raw with intensity. "I know, Nat." He said, reaching over to cup his hands around her face. "Because I've been living that way myself." A shiver of excitement washed over her, as she looked back at him with the same yearning. "Then let's not waste another moment Nick." She breathed against his skin, as she lifted her lips to his in muted appeal. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 17/18 ************************************* Nick caught his breath, before all coherent thought dissolved, his lips finding hers in a long, deep kiss, full of need and love. Slowly, Natalie found she was sliding backwards, down onto the sofa, with Nick following after, the length of his body against hers. His lips drifted down her cheek, her jaw, and with deliberate sensuousness, her neck, while his hands wandered across her, touching, caressing, exploring… Natalie kissed his neck as she heard him moan and felt him tremble at her touch. His mouth captured hers again, forcing it open hungrily, wanting more and more of her, not able to hold her close enough to assuage the need growing in him. Every nerve in Natalie's body was electrified while the kiss went on, intense and urgent. She slid her hand down his neck and undid his top button. Nick shuddered against her as his lips, once more, made their way down her cheek to her neck, to the flowing, vibrant blood calling to him. His fangs descended, and he lingered there inhaling her sweet spicy scent, craving it, desiring it, as he kissed and licked her creamy flesh, teasing her, spiraling himself into exquisite bliss. Natalie uttered a soft whimper at the sheer pleasure of Nick's delicious kisses and soft touches. Reaching up, she tangled her hands through his unruly blond curls and arched unconsciously towards him. Nick hesitated again over the pulsating vein, his fangs grazing her supple skin, before trailing a blaze of kisses up to her earlobe. "Nat." He whispered, as he swirled his tongue around the outer reaches of her ear in wet, slow motions and his hands continued to stroke up and down her body. "What." She moaned, her breaths slightly ragged, as she ran her hands over his back, pressing him hard against her. "I don't want to do this here…" He sighed, as he rubbed his cheek against hers. "Where?" She breathed back through lips tantalizingly close to his. "Somewhere with ambiance." He whispered, his lips seeking hers again in a demanding kiss. She felt herself being pulled up into his arms. The kiss went on, raw and explosive in intensity, as Natalie felt herself floating upwards. When Nick finally released her, she opened her heavy-lidded eyes to discover that she was lying on top of black silk sheets in Nick's bed with his body pressed against hers. She had a feeling how they got there, but didn't care, as she captured his mouth in another searing kiss. Natalie moaned at the feel of his relentless lips pressing against hers, his demanding tongue plundering her moist depths and his cool skin molding to her heat-filled flesh. It was beyond anything she had ever hoped for, as tremors of pleasure rushed through her. She ran her tongue over his sharp canines and heard a sudden low growl before impaling herself on one. A burning fire ignited within Nick, as droplets of her blood fell onto his tongue. Their thoughts, feelings, emotions mixed together in one breathless moment as Nick allowed the spicy liquid to flow down his throat. Breaking off the kiss, Nick leaned forward to press his forehead to hers. "Oh Nat…" He whispered in a husky voice. "You taste better than I could have ever imagined." "Really?" She gave him a bashful grin, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Yes, really," Nick sighed, looking at her through amber eyes shining bright with love. "Nick?" She reached up to sweep the back of her hand along his face, caressing and kneading the smooth skin. "Yes, my love." He nuzzled his nose against hers. "When you tasted my blood…" Natalie paused, clearing her throat, while her blush deepened. "I could sense your thoughts and emotions, and see images of you in the past." "Yes, you see, Nat, every drop of your blood has your whole life in it." His hands began to trace a repeated pattern along her cheekbone, to her jaw line, to her neck, his voice carrying a gentle quality as he spoke. "It isn't just our food, it is the way we live, the way we feel life." "So when you drink from me, we are like an open book to each other?" Her blue eyes bore into his. "Does it bother you?" His face became concerned as he tried to read her expression. "Because I know you are like me. You put up a wall behind your feelings, only allowing people to see what you want them to see. We don't have to do this, if you don't want to…" His eyebrows furrowed more in worry as he started to pull away. "Nick, hush!" She said firmly and leaned forward to capture his lips in a long, hard and deep kiss. After a while, she drew away, cradling her hands around his face. He smiled at her. "What was that for?" Her lips curled into a wide grin. "I had to get you to listen to me somehow." Nick's smile broadened. "Well…it worked." He reached up to intertwine his fingers in her rumpled mass of curls as he became thoughtful. "I suppose that was a yes." Natalie's own smile faded as she regarded him seriously. "This blood exchange is something I never expected, but it is certainly an added bonus and I want to experience it with you." She pressed her hands more firmly around his face. "I love you, Nick and I don't want to hold anything back." There was a long silence, as Nick reached up pulling Natalie's hands away from his face to clasp them in his, tears coming to his eyes. He finally spoke, "Why you love me I'll never know, but God help us, I love you, too. And Nat," His eyes were becoming strong of faith. "I promise I will take care for you are the most special… most precious thing I have ever come to know in my entire existence." "You are too, Nick." She entwined her fingers through his. "You may not believe it, but you are because you have been able to hold onto your humanity despite what you've become. You are more mortal than anyone I've ever known, and it saddens me to realize that you're unable to see it. I wish you could." Blood tears began to fall onto her blouse as he squeezed her hands, his eyes worshiping her. "Nat, I don't know what to say." He choked. "Don't say anything, Nick." Natalie's eyes brimmed with tears. "Just love me." Nick bent down to press a cherishing kiss to her lips before drawing away. "Nat." He cupped his hands around her face. "I'll be right back, I need to get something." Before she could react, he was gone, but not for long, as she saw him reappear moments later holding several bottles with the Raven label. As he uncorked one, resting the others on a table, Nick saw Natalie's eyes wander over to the one in his hand, a question forming on her lips. "Nat," he began, contriteness in his tone. "When I thought our situation hopeless, I…" "Sssh, Nick." She slid across the bed, and reaching up with her hand, pressed it to his lips. "Don't say any more. I understand." "Really?" His eyes were questioning, his voice still laced with guilt. "Yes, go ahead." "Because if it bothers you, I can leave and come back." He started to move towards the door. "No, you need it." She pulled him back before he could escape. "I need it to keep you safe Nat." Nick explained, uncorking the bottle. "I don't want to lose control." He swallowed down the cool human blood, which paled in comparison to Natalie's moments ago. "You won't." She watched him drink before placing the empty bottle on the table. "I have faith in you." Nick sank down on the bed, rolling them over onto the silk sheets. "How did I ever come to deserve you?" "I could say the same." Natalie leaned forward to capture his lips in a tender kiss. "Oh Nick, make love to me and everything else will fall into place." Drawing her to him, his lips found hers in a long, passionate kiss. She moaned beneath him, tightening her arms around his neck, as the kiss seemed to go on indefinitely, their tongues dueling in a fiery dance. Nick's hand traveled down to her shoulder, then lower as he touched and explored her soft flesh through the silk fabric of her blouse. He heard a low groan in the back of her throat as he continued to touch and kiss her ardently. An incredible exhilaration swept over her as she felt the taut muscles of his body pressing down on hers, and his hands and lips weaving their magic over her mouth and flesh. How many times had she dreamed of this moment? A hundred times? A thousand? A shiver of delight rushed through him as his lips moved from her swollen ones, down her neck, over her shoulder to her collarbone, and then back to her neck where he nuzzled the soft hollow. He could sense and feel her excitement as he smothered her neck with languid kisses. Natalie uttered a soft whimper as she arched her back, pushing herself against his questing lips and wandering hands while she dusted her fingertips down his broad muscular back to his waist. Sensing and smelling her succulent blood rushing beneath the surface of her silky white skin, Nick could wait no longer and reared his head back slightly, while she instinctively moved her head to the side. With measured gentleness, he penetrated her flesh with his fangs, drinking from her deeply. Vivid images of her life and intense feelings for him assaulted his senses and moved him beyond all thought or reason, as her sweet ambrosia continued to flow down his throat. He drank from her until he heard the slowing of her heart before he reluctantly pulled away, licking the twin wounds. Unbelievable sensations were bombarding Natalie as she felt Nick's lips against her neck and his hands on her body before a pain swept over her. It quickly melted into rapturous bliss as her mind was overwhelmed with images of Nick, past and present. She sensed his moods, his compassion, his guilt, and his fear of bringing her across~ losing control, her damnation, and the possibility she would leave him out of regret. But most of all, she felt his devoted love to her, as their thoughts and emotions merged into one soul, and one mind. Never before had she felt such completeness as she did with him at this moment when slowly drifting away into unconsciousness. Sliding off Natalie's body, Nick gently laid her back against the pillows. "Come back to me, my love." He tore into his wrist with his fangs and allowed the blood to flow onto her lips, but she didn't swallow as he watched it run from the sides of her mouth. He called to her repeatedly, fear beginning to grip him with each passing second. As he started to panic, her lips began to move across his skin and she started to drink. Natalie's eyes opened and she grasped Nick's wrist with force, greedy for his blood. "Welcome back, my darling Natalie." Nick murmured as he ran his other hand through her hair and watched through relieved tear-filled eyes her drink from him hungrily. Natalie pulled away from his open wound and smiled at him in perfect contentment. "I gotta say Nick that was the most erotic experience I've ever had." He smiled back at her, a shiver of delight rushing through him that he could have such an effect on her. "I'm glad you thought so." He slipped his arms under her shoulders, kissing her forehead. They smiled for a moment, contented just to hold each other. It soon died, though, as Natalie suddenly grimaced in pain, her eyes turning red. Nick moved to the table and quickly grabbed the bottle, turning back to her. Pulling her into a sitting position, he pressed the mouth of the bottle to her lips. "Drink." He encouraged. The aroma of the thick liquid assaulted Natalie's senses, causing her nostrils to flare in anticipation. She upended the bottle, drinking the sweet elixir. After drinking the second one, the pain began to subside. Setting down the bottle, she glanced over at him, her eyes returning to their normal blue. "I understand what you mean by having to fight your urges." She swallowed hard. "The hunger is so strong." "In time, Nat, you will be able to control it. For now, you'll need to drink human to make you stronger and to sate your urges." "I hope it won't sate *all* my urges." She teased, her voice low and sensual as she removed the cast easily from her leg and started to unbutton her blouse. "Oh…it won't do that, I'll make sure of it." Nick lightly trailed his fingers along her neck. "Starting right now." Nick pushed her back against the pillows and kissed her lips, as the flames of desire consumed them. ************************************* The Power of Love By Patty Costantino/ Chapter 18/18 ************************************* The kiss became more demanding, their tongues dancing in a deep motion while they began to discard their clothes. Now, completely naked, bare skin to bare skin, their lips and hands began hungrily exploring each other. At last My love Has come along With earnest, Natalie spread her hands across Nick's broad shoulders and over his muscular chest, brushing the blond hairs with light touches; then down his firm stomach to his waist where she stroked his hips; then across his backside to his firm buttocks where she placed her hands around him, squeezing each cheek. At her soft touches, Nick moaned against her hair, his lips nuzzling against the soft tendrils of curls around her face as his hands stroked down her neck, over her collarbone and lower, to cradle her breasts in a worshiping hold. His lips followed shortly thereafter, blazing a trail of kisses down her creamy flesh. Licking, nipping and sucking his way downward, he spoke to her with warmth and gentleness, in soft breaths between kisses, the sounds warming her soul and kindling her desire as his sweet endearments whispered across her skin. My lonely days are over And life is like A song Nick's lips moved lower, as he sensed the swell of her breasts not too far away. Planting kisses down her front, he found them, and taking each aroused nipple into his mouth, suckled gently, before tracing his tongue around each aureole. Sudden bursts of pleasure sang through her as his lips continued to dance across them, and his hands drifted lower to find the soft spot of her inner thighs. Slipping between her legs, he wandered up to brush his fingers over the wiry curls of her mound. At last The skies above are blue My heart was wrapped up in clover The night I looked at you Natalie emitted a soft purr and arched her back against his questing lips and gentle touches, winding her fingers through Nick's tousled hair, over his shoulders and down his back, her nails lightly stroking his damp flesh. She moaned against him as she felt him slip a finger into her sensitive core. For a moment, it remained tight and snug within her, as his lips moved up to her ear, licking, nuzzling and kissing, his tongue moving in slow wet strokes around her earlobe while he teased and traced circles around a nipple with his other hand. A second later, her lush juices began to flow with wild abandon over his probing finger. Inhaling the sweet scent of her arousal, he sighed against her ear. "Oh, Nat. You feel and smell so wonderful. Une riviere de miel, mon amour. (River of honey, my love)." "Oh Nick." Natalie breathed against him, pushing her hips against his finger. "I want you. I need…" His mouth crushing hers in a deep and explosive kiss drowned her words out. She felt him remove his finger, shifting slightly to align their bodies for their much- anticipated union. But Natalie had other ideas. I found a dream That I could speak to A dream that I Can call my own Nat drew away from his lips, and for a long moment gazed into his eyes before she moved her legs over him to straddle his body. Slowly, she lowered her body onto his throbbing penis. I found a thrill to press My cheek to A thrill that I Have never known Nick closed his eyes and groaned as he felt her tight moistness envelope him, the slight friction caused by their joining sending thrills of breathless wonder through him. "Oh Nat." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to rub his cheek against hers before finding her lips in a long deep kiss. After a while, Natalie lifted her lips from his, and pulling back, caught his loving amber gaze with her own. For an instant, she held him inside her, settling her body against his. Then, unable to stand the stillness between them, she began to move. Hands on his abdomen, she began to slide up and down, his arousal filling her with each movement as waves of pleasure began to course through her. As Natalie continued to ride him, moving from holding only the tip of him inside her to plunging down the length of him, enfolding him again, Nick decided suddenly to change tactics, flipping them over with him still inside her. On her back, Natalie's arms and legs snaked around him, her hands wandering down his back to his buttocks, pressing him to her, and allowing him to penetrate farther. The erotic sensation caused by this deep penetration sent them spiraling into a different realm, as another wave of bliss washed over them. He smiled down at her glowing eyes, and raised her hips. With slow deliberation, he withdrew completely, only to plunge seconds later into her moist cavern, thrusting in slow, sensual movements. And you smile you smile And then the spell was cast A passion-dazed smile flickered across Natalie's face as she felt herself lose all of her bones in delightful splendor. She locked her arms around his neck, tangling her hands through his hair as his strokes continued in a slow languid way. She moaned against him feeling the taut muscles of his body, pressing down against her, his cool member moving inside and against her, his hands and lips weaving their own magic over her flesh. Every subtle stroke, every brush of a hand, every dusting of a fingertip, every tender endearment was igniting a bigger fire within, sending her to the next crest, and upwards to that ultimate peak. At the same time, electric currents were racing through Nick, almost taking him over the edge with the feel of her damp skin molded against him, her soft legs and arms wrapped around him, her moist chamber surrounding him and the sight of her eyes boring into his, unwavering, filled with rapture. After a time, Nick pulled back slightly, and changing the tempo, began to thrust deep, hard and fast within her. She gasped as more shudders passed through her with the intensity of his piston-like strokes pounding against her. His lips and hands now burned across her skin in feverish intensity, worshiping every crevice of her body that he could reach, as he continued to pull back and push within her with quick and steady movements. At some point, Natalie cried out in frustration, feeling an unsatisfied ache building within. Sensing her tense, her climax fast approaching, but unable to reach her release, Nick leaned close to her mouth, turning his neck towards her. "Bite me, Nat. It's what you need." Natalie's fangs penetrated his neck and with Nick's blood rushing down her throat, she was catapulted over into a wave of orgasms. Her body trembled with ripples of radiant blissfulness, as she felt Nick's fangs slice into her neck, his hips continuing to push against her flesh. She felt him shudder against her as he finally met his own climax, burying his seed deep within. The commingling of their blood was like nothing else, all-consuming and intense, as they continued to drink without restraint, reaching into each others souls, becoming more complete than Natalie ever thought possible. And here we are in heaven For you are mine At last At last, Natalie felt him draw away from her throat and she followed, licking the remaining droplets from his skin. Wrapping her arms more tightly around him, she held him so close she could feel the contours of his bones as the shudders continued to pass through him. After a time, she felt his lips placing kisses along her throat. Lifting her hand to his head, she began to stroke and tangle her fingers in his hair. Minutes passed, as they continued to kiss, touch and hold each other before pulling away. Nick raised his head to see Natalie give him a warm satisfied smile and sighed. "I told you the last time was sensational, but this one was…well…it was…indescribable. I could feel you inside me, enveloping me with your love." Her eyes welled with blood tears at the emotion of it all. "Sharing our blood makes it possible." Nick leaned in to kiss her tenderly before pulling away to brush her tears away with his fingers. "We also have a link, you and I." "A link?" She gazed at him, bewildered. "What do you mean?" Nick's response came a second later, as he pushed into her essence, surrounding her with his love. "What did you just do, Nick?" Natalie closed her eyes and sighed. "Through our bond, you can express your feelings to me." He nuzzled her nose with his. "I can?" Her eyes widened in breathless, naive wonder like a child, who marvels at something for the very first time. "Yes." He smiled down at her, relieved to see her innocent awe in spite of being brought over into his dark world. "You can tell me your thoughts and emotions in here through our bond." Nick placed her hand over his heart. "Like this?" She closed her eyes and reaching through their link, conveyed her deep abiding love, and her happiness at being reunited with him and becoming part of his world. Feeling her touch, warm relief swept over him. Nick drew her into his arms, hugging her to him. "I take it that means there are no regrets." He rubbed her cheek with his. "None, whatsoever, Nick" She whispered against his skin. "You can't fight the power of love." "No, you can't, Nat." He sighed, his lips drifting down to the hollow between her neck and shoulder where he began planting light kisses on her cool skin then up to rest within inches of her lips. "And, I don't want to ever fight it again." His eyes gazed at her with adoration. "I want to share my love with you forever." "Forever," she echoed, her words being vanquished by his lips capturing hers in a breathless kiss, their desires sparking quickly. ******************************** Epilogue: The loud music vibrated around the Raven as Lacroix placed the phone down and turned to meet Janette's questioning concern with his usual immobile facade. "Well?" She grasped his arm with her hand. "As we suspected," Lacroix explained. "We have a new addition to our entourage." "Natalie…" Her words trailed off as she searched his face. "Yes, Nicola made me a grandfather and you, my dear, an aunt." He finished as he took a pull on his drink. "Bien." She sighed, releasing Lacroix' arm. "I could sense something happening through our link," she explained. "Though, I wasn't certain what it was." "Yes, Nicholas has an irritating way of broadcasting his moods to us. In fact, this time, the vibrations were strumming with exasperating happiness." Lacroix' face narrowed into a bothered frown. "He said the good doctor's control is extremely good and since they have renewed their spiritual faith, a *church* ceremony surrounded by their mortal friends is in order." Lacroix paused, his face turning a shade paler than normal, as he swallowed down the nausea threatening to surface. "We are most welcome, but he understands if we decline. Afterwards, there will be a reception at the Four Seasons, which they would like us to attend. In a few weeks after the wedding, they intend to move on to Paris." "And, we will return as well?" Her eyes were hopeful. "Yes, we'll leave as soon as possible." "Bon," Janette smiled. "Just think after all these centuries, I'll finally have some female companionship, perhaps Natalie and I can have that long-awaited girl talk." "Yes…well…that is all very quaint, and I wish you the best in that regard with the good doctor. But for the moment, I have other pressing matters. One of Nicholas' endless favors. Apparently, the love-smitten mortal, Lionel Phillips, needs *assistance * in forgetting the good doctor." "Oh." Janette's face was becoming thoughtful. "Perhaps I can help, mon pere, since you must attend to the elder's meeting." "Alright." Lacroix pushed a piece of paper towards her. "Here is Mr. Phillips' address." Janette regarded it for a second before pocketing it. She started to move towards the exit, but felt a hand grasp her arm. "Janette, only use hypnosis on him, he is not meant to be one of your playthings." She saw Lacroix' glare. "I know that." She glared back, flinging her arm free from his tightened hold before marching out of the club in an exasperated fashion. ************************************ Janette landed on the balcony, retreating into the dark shadows. With her enhanced hearing, she picked up the lone heartbeat of a mortal within the apartment. She moved closer, and reached out with her hand to slide the glass door along the treads. At the sound, the mortal spun around, a look of fright painting his countenance. "Who are you?" He asked, backing up slightly. "You have nothing to fear from me," she said, entering, and then as her eyes roamed over his body, gasped inwardly at his magnificence. She thought as a shiver of desire and a feeling of love overcame her. "It's Lionel, is it not?" She asked, approaching him slowly. "Yes, but how did you know that and how did you get up here?" He stared, puzzled, at the dark-haired beauty as he continued to back up. "I live on the seventeenth floor." His back finally hit the wall. "It doesn't matter." She moved in quickly, pressing her body against his before locking onto his heartbeat. "You must listen to me Lionel. I have come here to help you." "Help me with what?" Lionel gazed at her amber eyes, his voice fading into a melodic monotone as he fell into her hypnotic trance. "To forget." She held his gaze, her eyes glowing with passion. "Forget." He repeated, his voice sounding far away. "Yes you must forget your love for Natalie Lambert." She pressed soft kisses around the his lips, eyelids, nose and chin as she made her way down to his neck, her excitement growing. "I must forget." He echoed, closing his eyes and sighing against her cool lips and body. "Yes, bien." She licked the pulsating vein around his warm flesh and brushing her lips across it, inhaled the sweet nectar flowing underneath. "Instead, you have found someone else." "Someone..." He breathed. "Yes, mon amour." Janette moaned against his skin. "You are my new love." She began to press delicate kisses down his pliable neck. Finding the pulsating vein again, she reared her head back, and with measured accuracy, her fangs penetrated his flesh. She lavished in the ambrosia of his blood as it glided down her throat, sweet and succulent, and drank from him deeply until she heard a voice call to her. Abruptly, she stopped and for a moment, looked around the room, perplexed. "Lacroix?" Came the reply through their link. Without another moment's hesitation, Janette sliced into her wrist, bringing it to her new immortal beloved's lips. **************************************************** The End If you have made it this far, I commend you. A few items to be shared with you. 1. The Lionel/Janette pairing was strictly meant to be tongue-in- cheek humor. I felt bad about just leaving Lionel heart broken at the end of the story. At first, I was going to have Lacroix whammy him to forget Natalie, but then I thought of Janette. 2. I reflected over many songs off Celine Dion's New Day album. At Last, I thought was the best choice as it was simple, right to the point and reflected N&N relationship in this story. 3. Please let me know your thoughts and what you thought about the outcome. Normally, in my fiction, I like to have N&N mortal, but I can go with Natalie being a vampire as long as she has scruples like Nick.