Just Like Old Times Part 1 Kristen Fife, 12/2003 As Nick took a sip of his bloodwine, he looked around the Raven. It was a light crowd, being that it was a Tuesday night. He could see the usual assortment of vampires and mortals mixing. He wondered, as always, what the mortals would say if they knew that the very epitome of the “gothic” ideal was mixing with them, in the flesh as it were. He smiled grimly to himself. At just that moment, he turned and saw LaCroix coming through a door marked “private”. His master’s eyes met his unerringly, and he casually walked over to his prodigal son. LaCroix motioned imperiously for the bartender to give him a drink, his outstretched hand waiting. As he brought the goblet to his lips he sidled over to Nick. “Nicholas, what brings you here this evening? I haven’t seen you in many weeks.” His casual indifference didn’t fool Nick. He was focused on his fledgling. “I needed to get out. It’s my night off. I was restless and wanted to see what crowd was out tonight.” Nick looked at his master and shrugged, taking another sip of his own drink. “Hmmm, yes. Not a very exciting evening.” LaCroix suddenly got a look of inspiration on his face. “Would you like to come upstairs for a game of chess? It has been so long since we pitted out wits against each other.” Nick glanced at him, trying to decide if there was anything malicious about LaCroix’s invitation. But nothing in either the elder vampire’s face or their psychic link caused him concern. And, he really did want some company. Finally, with a tight smile, he nodded to his sire in acquiescence. LaCroix grabbed a bottle from under the bar, and gestured for the bartender to give Nick the entire bottle of bovine bloodwine that he had been drinking. Nick raised his eyebrows in surprise, but smiled his thanks at the bartender. LaCroix turned to the door marked “Private” and invited Nick to follow him. As they walked up the steep stairway to the living quarters above, neither man said anything. The entered the living room, lavishly paneled in dark wood. There was a fire burning merrily in the hearth, and a chessboard was set up under one window on a small games table. LaCroix put his drink down and moved the table in front of the fireplace, and then pulled two large leather wingback chairs up on either side of it. “I’ll assume you would prefer the white, as always.” LaCroix baited Nick, but not too badly. He then sat down behind the ornately carved ebony pieces, waiting silently for Nick to take his seat. Nick did so, studying the board and trying to guage his master’s mood. It had been almost forty years since they had played a convivial game. They were fairly evenly matched, or had been in the past. Nick silently moved one of his pawns, thus beginning the game. As they continued playing for the next two hours, neither man said anything, both concentrating on the game. Finally, Nick looked at the board, moved his bishop, and smiled. “Checkmate”. LaCroix scowled, but after examining the board he toppled his king. “Well Nicholas, that was well played. I haven’t had that stimulating a game in at least a century. Thank you.” He raised his glass in salute and took a deep drink. Just Like Old Times Part 2 Kristen Fife 12/2003 Continuing on, he said “It sometimes amazes me how far you have come from the rude Crusader you were. Have I told you my theory on our existence?” Nick frowned and took another sip of his bloodwine. “No, I don’t think so.” LaCroix settled back into his chair. “You know that I consider the vampire a superior species to the pathetic mortals we share the world with. Well, I have developed a theory that part of the reason the vampire exists is as an evolutionary step up the Darwinic ladder. Fascinating man, Darwin. I had some interesting conversations with him. But I digress.” Taking a long drink from his goblet, draining it, he poured himself another full glass. “As I was saying, I have watched our kind over the millennia. I have seen the changes wrought in us individually. Take you, for example. When Janette begged me to bring you into our fold, I was very skeptical. You were uncouth, uncivilized and generally not very appealing to me. But Janette insisted she saw something in you. Her ‘golden treasure’ she called you. She wore me down for two weeks before I finally agreed just to have some PEACE.” He paused and stared at Nick, boring into his soul. “I must say, Nicholas, regardless of your recent deviant behavior, you have far exceeded any expectations I could have held for you. You are intelligent, articulate, polished. Those first few centuries you soaked up knowledge like a sponge soaks water. When you discovered the music, I was truly amazed. But, you have fulfilled not only the potential that Janette sensed in you, but also gone beyond what I would have thought possible for a creature of your background.” Nick looked at his sire, stunned. “I don’t know quite what to say, LaCroix. Thank you.” LaCroix waved his hand in the air. “Don’t get all sentimental on me, Nicholas. It was only an observation. You are not the only one I have observed. Take that young Spaniard, Vachon. More of a ne’er do well I have rarely met, but in the last two years he seems to have settled down. I don’t know if you are aware of the fact that he plays here several nights a week. He has taken to writing and producing some truly original music. And, believe it or not, he has been attending Council meetings and his input has been very thoughtful. There may be hope for him to yet become a functioning member of our society.” “The point is, over the millennia, I have seen several examples of members of our race strive to become…more. It seems to me that intellect and artistic endeavors are stimulated in a certain way once a fledgling passes the 300-400 year mark. I saw it with Janette as well. With her it was a keen interest in fashion. Not every vampire develops a winning sense of style, as you know. But Janette can not only set a trend, she can identify views of the population at large and almost instinctively know how attitudes are going to affect styles. Did you know that Janette was the first woman in Paris to dress as a ‘flapper’ in 1924? Uncanny. It didn’t hit the states until 1925. But our dear Janette could sense the changing political and social structure of the times and was one of the first to actually capitalize on it.” He paused, taking another sip. Nick stared at his sire. He was stunned. And, he had to admit, fascinated. He and LaCroix had not had a civil conversation in almost 200 years, and these observations of his were new to Nick. “Well, Nicholas. What do you think of my theory? I have dozens of examples, some of whom you know. As I was saying, I believe that the vampire, apart from being an obvious superior breed, is actually an evolutionary step forward. Think on it. Mankind is a warlike and contentious race to begin with. They kill each other, millions at a time. Their religious wars alone argue for their eventual extinction. But we, on the other hand, have the ability and the natural predatory drive to cull the human herds. To wisely choose our prey. And, to carefully choose our offspring. We can elevate the best to the next evolutionary plateau, and then continue to watch and cultivate the best of the breed.” LaCroix looked at his watch. It was nearing dawn. “Well my son, you should probably head back to your mundane existence. I must say, I have enjoyed this evening. Think on what I said. If nothing else, it will make for an interesting course of study if you ever return to academia in the future.” He got up and politely waited for Nick to get up. As Nick got to his feet, he tossed off the last of the bloodwine. He looked speculatively at his sire. “Yes, this evening has been interesting. Thank you for the game and the conversation. I may not agree with everything you have said, but it certainly does bear thinking about.” He held out his hand to his sire. “Good night LaCroix. Perhaps we can play again soon.” LaCroix took his hand and shook it. As Nick left, he smiled. “Ah Nicholas, I rest my case. The man you were 700 years ago would never even have CONSIDERED thinking on a point of view that goes against so much that you profess to believe in.” He chuckled as he put out the fire, drew the blinds and readied himself for slumber. ===================================== Disclaimers: Nick, LaCroix, Vachon, Janette et al are property of Sony Tristar. I've been trying to writer "shorter" short stories. Don't know WHERE this one came from, but it seemed an interesting theory. Permission to archive at Fanfic2, FTP site. Anyone else please contact me directly. KMF