****Happy story alert!!!**** This is a VERY short little thing that came to me this morning. It was inspired by the song "Real Life" with words and music by Jonathan Larson. It takes place in that wonderful place in the morning between sleep and wakefulness when everything is just right. Disclaimer: Although no names are mentioned, the characters herein are not mine. I am just borrowing them for a little while. Permission is given to archive on the ftp site and if there is a current fkfanfic site. The story will be posted on my site also. Questions, comments, angst-ridden blond vampires can be sent to nicholas_debrabant1228@yahoo.com Flames will be used to melt the ice on the driveway. Is this real life? 01/01 by Amanda Berendt Copyright February 2004 He opened his eyes and the world came slowly into focus. The soft morning light filtered through the curtain, falling across the bed. He squinted against the brightness and could see the leaves of the maple tree dancing across the window as the breeze tickled the branches. He lay there motionless, not wanting to disturb the perfect beauty of the moment. *Sunlight, through the window across from your bed Beauty is still, can you see it? What more do you want? Is this real life? Is this real life?* Closing his eyes again, he imagined he could hear the heartbeats of his children sleeping in the next room. He had willingly given up that ability so that he might have the chance to have this moment. He could picture them curled up under the blankets, their dreams filled with wonderful adventures in magical lands. Sometimes, at night, he would stand in the doorway just watching them as they slept and marveling in their complete trust in him. But why shouldn't they trust him? They only knew him as he was now. Smiling he drew in a deep breath, letting the smell of the fresh linen wash over his senses. *Heartbeats of your children asleep in the next room Trust so still, can you hear it? What more can you want? Is this real life? Is this real life?* He never thought that this kind of life would ever hold sway over him. For so many years, he had sought out lust and power, but this simplicity was what had finally satisfied him. Throughout his time in the darkness, he had often considered what heaven would be. He had always assumed he would have to die and be judged in order to experience it. It turned out to be far simpler than that. As he lay in the early morning light, he knew the face of heaven was smiling down upon him. *Why do we seek out ecstasy in all the wrong places? Why is it hard to see that Heaven can have simpler faces? Hearing a sigh from the figure laying next to him on the bed, he turned to face her. He propped himself up on his elbow and watched her as she stretched and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Her curly chestnut colored hair was tousled around her soft round face. The gentle sunlight from the window made her even more beautiful. When she finally opened her eyes to see his face silhouetted against the morning light, she smiled. Neither needed to say a word. Each knew, after waiting for so long, that no moment should be taken for granted. *One breath of an angel awake next to you Love, so still can you feel it? What more do you want? Is this real life? Is this real life? ~Fin~ Questions, comments, angst ridden blond vampires can be sent to nicholas_debrabant1228@yahoo.com ===== And there's no way ever to apologize, repent or make amends - No release and no redemption, the hunger never ends. http://debrabantfoundation.tripod.com/fiction.html http://www.darksideoftheglass.com