Green Smoothie By StormyNite March 1999 "Ummm! That tastes wonderful!" Nat sat the container back on the counter top as she drank from her glass. She picked up the glass and smiled in appreciation, then turned to Sidney who eyed her closely from the floor. He smacked his lips as Natalie took another sip. "Oh okay, Sid." It's almost St. Patrick's Day and it does have some nutritional value in it. Nat reached over and poured some of the creamy smooth concoction into his bowl. He attacked it quickly. Nat laughed and drained the glass. She'd better hurry if she was going to be ready when Nick got here. Her car was in the shop again. She smiled to herself then spoke out loud. "Well, at least I get to sit next to him for awhile." She headed for the bedroom as the doorbell rang. She stood on her toes to peep through the little whole and smiled immediately. "Come on in, Nick. I'm not quite read yet." She opened the door and Nick smiled at the pink fuzzy bathrobe she'd wrapped around her snugly. She smacked him on the arm playfully. "Stop that, Nick Knight. I know it's not sexy, but you're early...and I was cold. Some of us feel the temperature!" She pulled the collar up defensively on the robe. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be quick. There are protein shakes in the fridge. Feel free to try them." She cast an all-knowing eye when his face distorted and grimaced at the words. Laughing at his expression, she turned and headed for the bedroom to change. Nick headed into the kitchen. "Well Sid, what are you drinking?" Nick reached over to pet the little furball. He would win him over yet. Sidney growled as Nick's hand got closer to his bowl. Only then did Nick notice the green creamy fluid in his bowl. "Great...she's got you drinking protein shakes now, too...and you like them." He rolled his eyes in disbelief. Finally, afraid he'd tick Nat off further, Nick opened the refrigerator and started looking for the shakes. He noticed several jugs on the shelf. He wasn't sure if they were all meant for him, but he noticed the green ones in particular. Sidney seemed to like it, so what the heck. If you got to hurl, it might as well be green stuff. Nick's mind flashed back to horror movie he and Nat watched 2 nights earlier. He pulled the jug out and poured a glass. "Bottoms up, Sid!" Nick brought the glass to his lips and took a big slug of the creamy mixture. First the smell caught his attention, then the texture and finally the taste. He swirled it around in his mouth and waited for a reaction. The vestige of the fluid in his mouth seemed to get sweeter...and he liked it. He waited for his body to react...nothing...a full minute and still nothing. This was a good thing. Nick turned to see Sid eyeing him closely, along with the green jug still sitting on the table. The smooth texture and the unique flavor lingered in Nick's mouth and he wanted more. That was odd. Never before could he actually say he liked the flavor of anything except blood... but this was different. Nick smiled and poured another glass. Sidney meowed, so he caved and gave the little nuisance more in his bowl to keep him quiet. They sat together in the kitchen guzzling the mixture all smiles. Nat poked her head around the corner and watched Nick finish off the contents of the jug. She then noticed which one he had. Nick noticed her and smiled. "See, Nat. I drank the whole thing...matter of fact. I like this one." He smiled from ear to ear. "I finish the whole was great..." Nat stared at him in disbelief. First she started to speak, then stopped. "Ah...ah...that's great Nick! I'll make you more." She stood waiting for him to rise so they could be on their way to work, but he didn't move. "Nick?" "You mean you're not going to make it right now? " He looked saddened. "I mean, Nat, I reaaaaallllly like this one." His bright blue eyes sparkled as he licked his lips. "It's actually better than blood." He finally jumped up and wrapped his arms around her joyously. "This is progress, right? I mean...I've never liked any of the others before. The tasted like..." Nick stopped when he saw anger flash in her eyes. "I mean, Nat. It not like I hated them or..." He was digging the whole deeper with each word. "Enough, Nick. I'll make more when I get home. We wouldn't want you to go through withdrawal or anything? " She smirked knowingly, then pulled him toward the door. ------------------ Nick held one jug in his hand and guzzled while he drove. It was incredible...He actually liked this stuff. There was something about it. He just couldn't get enough of it, so he drank as he drove. He stopped at the light. Vachon appeared in the caddy's seat beside him as Nick fumbled with the lid on the second container. Nick waited at Natalie's for 30 minutes after work for her to make him more. He couldn't get his mind off the taste, the texture. It was better than sharing blood. "Are we distracted, Knight?" Vachon chuckled as he watched Nick flip the lid on the container and down a big gulp of the green fluid, then lean back and smile as the flavor washed over him. "Knight? Are you alright?" Vachon grabbed the container from Nick's hand. Nick growled and snatched it back. "Get your own, Vachon! This ones mine!" Yellow eyes flashed at the young Spaniard in the seat next to him. "You are sick, right? I know that's not steer blood and you're not barfing your guts up. So what's in it?" Vachon's eyes glanced at the container in Nick's tight grasp. "I don't know, and I don't care. All I know is that it's better than anything you've ever tasted." Vachon snorted in disbelief. Nick raised a skeptical eye, then shoved the 3rd container into Vachon's hand. "Just try it!" Vachon tipped the jug and waited. Finally, he stared at Nick, smiled and drained the container. "I stand corrected." He reached for the 4th container, but Nick's hand clamped down on his wrist until it almost snapped. "Get your own, Vachon. These are mine. Maybe Nat will make you some if you ask her." Nick grabbed the remaining bottle and shoved it under his seat as Vachon glared at him. "I'll just do that, Knight!" He disappeared. "Good!" Nick smiled and pulled the remaining bottle out from under his seat and debated on whether to drink it now or go back for more before sunrise. Maybe he should wait until he was ready for bed and savor it slowly. He finally opted for slow sensual gratification and headed for home, with the container safely tucked under his arm. ------------------ 2 days later: Nat was exhausted and there was only one way to get this under control. She couldn't keep this up. By the time she got home until sunrise, she did nothing but run the blender. She was starting to have nightmares in the color green. She had to put a stop to it now. She pressed the up button on the lift and sighed in exhaustion. She could hear arguing as the lift rose. "You will let go of it, Nicholas!" LaCroix hissed as he jerked the container out of Nick's hand. "You've already had 5 jugs. You're making a fool of yourself." Nick lunged at his father only to find him faster. He tumbled to the floor when he missed. "Give it to me, LaCroix. Who do you think you're kidding? I watched you steal 2 jugs from my fridge less than an hour ago. Get your own supply!" Nick stood angrily and tried snatching the plastic jug from his father's fingers. Finally they started to fight and roll around on the floor like little kids, both trying to possess the last jug. Nat walked in as they tossed each other on the floor. The jug went flying across the floor until she rescued it. Both men stood simultaneously, eyeing the jug in her hands. "That's it!" She yelled and they froze in place. "I have had it with you...both of you! You need help. The community needs help." She reached into her pocket and pulled out several business cards. She walked over calmly and placed one in each of their hands. "There is help out there...those of us who have the same problem have dealt with it. You can, too!" Her voice softened as they looked at her confused. Finally, they glanced at the card. Mint Chocolate Addicts Group Therapy! Every Sunday night, 7 p.m. No Questions Asked Dial: #1-Green-Smoothie You...Too...Can Be Cured! The End Don't even ask, but green shakes were running through my mind and I couldn't control my fingers. "It's a disease and mint chocolate is the cure!" I'm sure someone said that somewhere...I'm sure of it! All comments to: StormyNite**** **NN Packer to the End ** Hopelessly Hopeful Romantic** **Light Cousin***MadNatter*** X-File DieHard***Xenite**GWDFC** ******Only Love is Forever and Death Shall Have No Dominion******* > FK SciFi Window > StormyNite Fiction