Fulfilment Jarvinia *+.*+.*+.*+.*+.*+.+*+.+*.+*.+*.+*.+*.+* Written December 2002-March 2003 ~ Posted December 2003 This is/was primarily a combination of some adaptations of my original unwritten ideas for what eventually became 'Pawns of Kings', along with a few newer ideas tossed in. However, it is *completely* different other than the background thread and stands entirely on its own. Also, hopefully my Screed-speak isn't too dreadful...if so, it is *entirely* my own doing, as are any other various errors, and the like, including my tendency toward using British spellings. May *not* be archived without permission (sorry), but please *do* ask if you would like to. It's mainly because I like to know where things are wandering off to. And...this is an Adult story containing...well, adult themes, relationships, and descriptions.... Both m/m and m/f sexual situations, as well as a bit of violence are present. So please, don't read this if you're not of legal age or might be offended by the content. Oh, and FK and its characters and concepts aren't mine...Cedric is, however, so please don't use him without permission. This story takes place mid-third season, just before the episode Fever. Please send feedback to jarvinia@gmx.net Now, on to the story...and enjoy! ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ Fulfilment (01/32) Screed grabbed a rat with a grin, holding it up in front of him. The grin slid away as he looked closer at the animal. It was scruffy and thin...practically nothing to it but fur and bones. "Oye...wot's the world comin' ta when ya can' ev'n scrounge up a decent loik meal?" Screed dropped the ball of fur, letting it scurry away as he headed deeper into the alley. After a few steps, he heard something and spun. It was several sounds, but one caught his attention more than the others. A single human heartbeat pounded in his ears...one that was so close, but.... He couldn't place it. The rhythm was calm and didn't falter. He brushed it off, realising it was probably just some human sleeping in one of the nearby buildings. And, with that, went his concern of the other sounds...the only sounds that he wanted to pay attention to were the ones belonging to the little scurrying mammals running at his feet. Spotting another, healthier rat than the last one, Screed caught it with one simple motion. "Now this's more loik h'it." He smiled a fanged smile, biting into the small animal and getting a mouthful of blood. It was satisfying...a taste of his ambrosia...even if the blood of this one was a little thin. The flavour was still his favourite, and since the night wasn't over.... He grinned and finished the rat off, tossing it away. Heading further into the dark alley, he felt the heartbeat closer. He spun, finding a man standing several metres toward the entrance of the alley. A mortal was watching him. Aware that the other had a full view of his fangs, he froze. The man was partially obscured by a dumpster, staring calmly at what stood before him. The human moved a hand to the bag at his side and took a step back. Screed approached, knowing he had to do something as the man had seen him. The mortal tensed slightly, the heartbeat only now increasing in frequency. "Wot did ya see?" "Nothing," the man said while backing away. "*That's right. Nuthin'. You didn't see nuthin'.*" "Nothin'," he replied somewhat sluggishly, under the influence of the other's words. Pleased that it was taking, Screed didn't waste any more time. "*Nuthin. There's no 'ne in this 'ere alley 'cept you. It's empty.*" "Nothing...no one here...empty...." "Good," Screed said, more to himself than to the other. In the next instant, he was gone, leaving the mortal alone. Shaking his head, the man looked around. He could have sworn someone else was there, but...there was no one...it was empty. Yet, there in his bag was his camcorder, still running. He pulled it out, stopped the recording, and watched the last couple of minutes play back. There, he saw the thing he'd been following...catching every movement as it fed. He smiled. He'd gotten what he'd wanted to after all...even if he didn't fully remember getting it. This was going to be just what he needed. This, and perhaps something else.... He went down the alley to where the creature he'd watched had killed the rat, before he'd been caught and seen his reflection in the vampire's golden eyes. His grin increased. He knew exactly what he'd been watching. Spying the dead rat, he pulled out a plastic bag and put the rat in it. Then, with a cursory glance around the area, he fled back to his car with a twinkle in his eyes. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Arriving at the Raven, Vachon approached Urs, planning to talk with her. Then, he spotted Screed at the back of the club. That in itself was unusual as Screed often avoided the club and other vampires, but even more so was the glass of blood--human blood-- sitting in front of him next to a bottle of the same. "Excuse me a moment," he said before Urs could get a word out, and started for his friend. He sat at the table, looking over at Screed. Something was clearly wrong. It wasn't just the blood and being here...there was something else, too. "What's up?" "Just the usual," he answered, pulling his glass a bit closer. Vachon reached for the glass, pulling it from Screed's hands. Lifting it toward his nose, he took a whiff of it. It was blood- wine, heavy on the latter. "Then what's with this?" "You know, just need a little somethin'. The vintage is quite good, the wine, anyways. I don't much care for the rest, but you got to give the Ole General credit for somethin'." Seeing his friend wasn't buying it, he figured he might as well spill it. "Just a run in with a mortal. Wiped 'is memories clean, I did, but he saw me. I think something else might 'ave, too." Vachon stared ahead, not sure he had heard right. "Are you trying to say this man caught you on video?" "I didn't see nuthin', but I think I heard somethin' goin' before I spotted him. It didn't 'it me till later, tho'. It's probably nothin'." Screed took a swallow from the glass, cringing slightly at the taste of human blood. But at least it was decent...and he really didn't feel like rats' blood right now. His stomach churned even thinking about it. "I wuz outta there like a bat outta 'ell, that's wot I wuz. Screed wasn't going to wait 'n see what else 'e had up his sleeve, particularly of the pointy variety." Having listened in on the conversation, LaCroix quickly and quietly made his way over to the table. "What man?" Screed's eyes widened upon seeing LaCroix. "Just some mortal." "Some mortal.... With a camcorder, perhaps?" "I wiped 'is memories!" "Which means *nothing* if he taped you!" LaCroix stiffened as several of the vampires nearby turned their way. Once they had turned back, he exclaimed, "You let him go?!" Calming somewhat, he continued, "Did he record you?" He met the other's eyes. "Like I said, didn't see it, just the man, but 'e put somethin' in a bag." Gold flashed down at him, visible to no one but himself. Screed swallowed, not wanting to be LaCroix' focus, not with that look. "He could 'ave, I suppose." Suppressing a snarl, LaCroix pulled the carouche to his feet, yanking the other in the direction of his office. When Vachon moved to follow, he glared at the Spaniard. "You aren't involved in this. Stay away and be glad you're not coming with him." LaCroix continued to the office, shutting the door behind him. Remaining by the door, he started, "Now, the man...?" "Just some mortal. Nuthin' else." LaCroix advanced on the other, Screed backing up and out of his way. "You've never seen him before?" "Ne'er." Staring up at the other, he waited for some reaction. When LaCroix stalked away and sat at his desk, Screed relaxed somewhat. "So, can I go?" "No, you may not. Sit before I change my mind." He quickly did so, watching as LaCroix reached for the phone. He didn't like this...not at all. Dialling a number, LaCroix kept his attention on the other. When it was picked up, he immediately spoke, "Cedric, I have something you may want to look into. It could be a potential problem." Screed swallowed. It wasn't often that he was terrified, but right now, he was. The General had called in the Enforcers--not the best situation for him. At least LaCroix wasn't going to kill him right off. That was a plus, albeit small. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. As sunrise got closer, Screed became more nervous. He had expected to be allowed to leave by now. But then he also expected that Enforcer to be there by now. "Wot you wait'n for, General? I'd appreciate leavin' before sunrise." LaCroix glared across the desk. The other was supposed to remain here until later, until Cedric arrived...but the carouche was getting on his nerves. Fully aware that Vachon was still in the club, he picked up the phone and had the bartender bring Vachon in. Once the other was standing in the office and the door was closed, he told them, "Vachon, Screed is under your close watch until Cedric finds out if we have a problem. Neither of you may leave the city, nor go anywhere without permission. Is that understood?" "Yeah, I understand," Vachon answered relatively quickly. "Same 'ere." "Good. Get out and make sure no more mortals see you." LaCroix glared at them until the two had left. Then, as the door shut, he leaned back. It shouldn't be taking Cedric this long to find out what was happening...unless, of course, they did indeed have a problem. He hoped this would only be a minor difficulty and that Cedric could take care of it. He, as City Elder, had no wish to get involved in this matter, nor did he wish to have Nicholas involved, who was at present second eldest. Unless necessary, his son would know nothing of this. Fulfilment (02/32) Natalie gently slid the door to the lift open, put her jacket and purse on the chair, and then made her way across the dark room to the stairs. Nick wasn't expecting her...in fact, it wasn't even night yet. She walked up to Nick's bedroom, quickly entering the room. Nick had been through a lot recently. Between his recent amnesia and being possessed...or whatever had happened...Nick was pulling away from her. Sure, he didn't act any different around her, but she was losing him. He'd been drinking a lot of human blood the last several weeks. Honestly, she wasn't sure if he was going to stop. He had spent many days with LaCroix doing who knows what. Nick was pulling away from her and returning to LaCroix as each of his lost memories became clearer. And then, there had been when Nick didn't have his memories. He had known there was something between them. He had known and nearly acted on it. They had kissed in front of the fireplace...and kissed again. Not once had she seen anything but Nick--the man, not the vampire. She wished they could have gone further, but they had both pulled away. Without a word, they had each headed to bed. After that, there hadn't been another chance. Not only that, but he hadn't kissed her since, not like that night. Now, as she watched him sleep the day away, she wondered if Nick still cared about her. She knew that what she'd done when he had amnesia had affected him. She'd seen him try to bring it up and then something would interrupt. Then, when he'd been possessed, he'd shut her out more, pushing her away. Nick seemed to be having a nightmare. She stood in place for several minutes she guessed, just watching him. She was afraid to wake him--not because of what he was, but because of what he would say. He'd tell her she needed to be more careful, that she shouldn't wake him. She could make her own decisions, something Nick didn't seem to get. Natalie moved closer to the bed, sitting on its edge. He slept deeply, the slight jostling of the mattress not enough to wake him. She reached forward, putting her hand on his forehead. He was just faintly warm--probably because of the nightmare. Touching the side of his neck, she found the skin icy cold and clammy. He calmed at her actions, the nightmare ceasing somewhat, but he didn't wake. Inching nearer, she waited for his eyes to open, waited for him to notice she was there...but he didn't. He just slept, lying still among the sheets. She was a little scared, wondering what he'd do when he woke...especially considering what she wanted to do. She remained where she was a moment longer, but he didn't move. Finally, after a little longer, she leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. He didn't wake. Kissing him again, she pushed her tongue past his lips, trying to get some reaction. After a few moments, he returned the kiss, a hand coming up and pulling her closer. Their tongues duelled, and she felt his fangs as she explored his mouth. At that, he drew back, sitting up and pulling away from her. His golden eyes stared at her, but she didn't move. "Natalie...." She looked down. She knew he would do this. "Don't say it," she told him with a soft, but harsh whisper. His eyes burned brighter at that, wondering how she could say that. "Natalie, I don't want to hurt you. I could have killed you before I even realised you were there!" "Don't you think I know that?" she said, looking at him. "Nick...please, I have to know something. You don't have to answer, but it would be nice if you did." She paused, unsure if she should ask or not. "I know things have been hard lately, but I'm starting to wonder if you care anymore." "I care, Natalie." "Please...just wait until I'm done. I...Nick, what happened when you were shot? Do you remember what happened, what almost happened?" He turned away. He remembered. Every second was engraved into his thoughts. Every kiss and every touch would never be forgotten. "Yes, I remember." "Then what I want to know is if there can there be anything between us? I'm not asking for a physical relationship with you. What I want to know is if you love me--not like a sister or a friend, but something more." She waited, but he didn't react. "Please, Nick. Do you love me?" "I can't." "Can't, or don't? Please, just answer the question, Nick, yes or no. Or tell me you won't answer. Any of those are fine, I just need something." He couldn't look up at her. How could he explain it? He loved her, yes, but...that love would only lead to her death. He didn't want that, and he suspected she didn't, either. It would only hurt her if he answered, so he wouldn't. "You can be honest with me, Nick, it's okay." His attention snapped up to her. "Is it, really?" he asked through his fangs. "Yes it is, Nick. And don't try to scare me like that--it won't work." Natalie did her best to keep her face straight. In truth, he was scaring her...and very probably would if he tried later. "Tell me." He stared at her, his mouth slightly open. Several times he tried to say something, but shook his head each time. Finally, he managed, "The answer is yes, but I can't. I shouldn't even be saying this, Nat. I wish I could, but...I don't want to hurt you. I can't love you the way I want." She watched as the gold melted from his eyes. He meant it, she knew, but.... "I know that, Nick. But...please, let me ask another question, and again, you don't have to answer. If we were either both mortal or both vampire...if we could be together without the danger of you hurting me, would you be with me? Would you love me enough to marry me?" He looked down. "If it was possible, yes, but...." Natalie stopped him with her fingers, smiling faintly. "That's all you have to say, Nick. But will you at least try? I know it's dangerous, but please...just let me stay here with you tonight. Let me feel your arms around me." He shook his head, holding her hand and pushing it toward her. "Please. I'm not asking much. Tonight is both of our nights off." "I'll be right back," he told her, and stood. "I need...I...." He backed up toward the door, slipping out of the room and flying down to the kitchen. He quickly retrieved a half-full bottle from the refrigerator, yanking the cork out with his teeth and taking a large swallow of it. The blood was human blood, and lowering the bottle, he nearly threw it against the wall. He wished he could do what Natalie wanted, but it was too dangerous. He could kill her if he pushed himself too much, and he could do so in a matter of seconds. At the same time, he *did* love her. He couldn't say it with those precise words, but he did. He wanted to show her how he felt, but couldn't. He finished off the bottle, trying to drown out his emotions. It didn't work. The blood only calmed his hunger--but not his wants and needs. He grabbed a second bottle and drank some of it, trying to satisfy his hunger further. Then, putting it back, he looked up toward his room. He could hear movement, and feared what Natalie was doing. Nick went back upstairs, stopping when he reached the door. There, sitting about where she had been when he'd left, Natalie sat wrapped in a sheet, specifically the one that had previously been on the bed. Her clothes were in a pile on the floor...all of them. "Natalie?" She stood as he approached her, seeing his confusion. "It's okay." When he shook his head, she closed the distance between them and gently kissed him on the mouth. Giving him a second kiss, he allowed her to deepen it. She drew back, able to taste a hint of the blood he'd just drank. She didn't say anything about the blood, aware that he had needed it. "Nick, please, it'll be okay, right?" He kissed her in response. The action was short but controlled, and pulling away, he gave her a weak smile. Then, he moved behind her, sitting on the bed and pulling her with him. Covering them both with the comforter, he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her firmly against him. Her warmth literally oozed into him, his muscles relaxing somewhat. He hoped, for both of them, that Natalie was right. He was afraid of hurting her, but as long as she didn't try anything else, he knew it would be fine. The blood he'd drunk helped him keep his control, enough that he could trust himself until he woke again. Burying his face in her hair, he breathed slowly out, willing himself back to sleep. Fulfilment (03/32) Arriving at his son's, LaCroix stared up at Nicholas' room. A mortal heartbeat lay sleeping with Nicholas. His anger rose just a little, hating the hold the mortal doctor had on his son. He flew up to the landing and entered the bedroom, glaring at the two occupants of the bed. Nicholas' friend was undressed, a sheet wrapped around her, exposing her bare shoulders and neck. Hands wrapped protectively and possessively around her, holding her tight and close. He didn't have time for this. "Wake up, Nicholas!" he shouted as he pulled the comforter off, waking them both up in an instant. Both Nick and Natalie sat up and locked their attention on the intruder. Finding his sire a few feet away, Nick stiffened somewhat. "Why are you here, LaCroix?" The other didn't immediately answer, and he glanced at the clock. "It's barely sunset!" "It involves a Community matter. She should not be here, but there is no time. Cedric will arrive momentarily." "What?" He held Natalie closer. "Why is he coming?" "Because he is. Do not worry; it has nothing to do with you. We have a problem, one that requires all of us." "I told you I didn't want to be involved in the Community, LaCroix!" "You don't have a choice! As of last night a certain event is forcing us to assemble." Natalie sat, watching as the two tried to stare the other down. But, before they got very far, another entered the room. The vampire landed in the doorway, striding toward them with quick, long steps. The man was roughly in his mid to late twenties, but carried an authority that spoke of much more age. His clothes reminded him faintly of Nick's--black dress shirt and pants--with a long, flowing trench coat hanging from his shoulders. He turned to Nick and LaCroix, which broke their gazes, and then he looked straight at her with icy blue eyes. "What is the mortal doing here?" Cedric spoke, his gaze focused on her. LaCroix stepped closer to the new arrival, saying, "She stays, Cedric. I take it you know who she is?" "Of course." Natalie held the vampire's gaze, wondering just who he was. At first glance, he reminded her a little of Nick. The two were probably about the same height and had similar complexions. Cedric's hair was just a little darker than Nick's--more brown than blond--and a little longer, the ends reaching just past his shoulders. When Cedric looked away, turning to LaCroix, she felt Nick hold her tighter. "I still don't like her here. This is a Community matter, and she is a mortal!" "I am City Elder, and I said she's staying. My word is final." Cedric tensed. When LaCroix said his word was final...it was final. "Nicholas, the Community is, as I'm sure you've been told, in danger. One of us may have revealed us, or at the very least, increased suspicions." "Screed thinks he could have been caught by a mortal--and on film," LaCroix elaborated. "So far, the rest of the Community is, for the most part, unaware of this, but that may change. Screed is currently under Vachon's supervision." "And what does that have to do with me?" Nick asked, seeing no reason he should be involved. Natalie stared in LaCroix and Cedric's direction. "Or me, for that matter." LaCroix ignored the mortal. "You are my son, Nicholas, and second eldest in the city. You--" "I am second eldest! Nicholas is third." Trying to remain calm, LaCroix stated, "Nicholas is older." "By less than two years! I've been a vampire longer than he has, and I am also an Enforcer. The position is mine," Cedric countered, his eyes glowing. "Besides, he doesn't even want it. He doesn't want any position within the Community." "Be silent, Child!" LaCroix hissed, causing both Cedric and his son to tense. Cedric's temper broke further. "I may do as I wish, LaCroix. I am not yours!" "Can we just get through a conversation without arguing?" Nick asked, turning the other two vampires' attention to him. No noise was heard until a cell phone went off...from a pile of clothes on the floor. At that, Natalie tensed, aware that it was hers. LaCroix stepped forward and retrieved the phone from the clothes, holding it out to her. "Yours, I believe." She took it and answered it under heavy gazes. "Dr. Lambert here." "Look, Natalie, it's Reese. I got something for you brought in here tonight. I need you to come in and look at it." "What is it?" she asked, glancing across to LaCroix and Cedric. She had a bad feeling about this. "I'm not at liberty to say, just that it's outside your normal field." "Okay, I'll be in as soon as I am able." Reese acknowledged her, and then hung up. LaCroix and Cedric were now looking right at her. "I take it you heard that? If this has something to do with you guys...." As she trailed off, LaCroix told her, "Do what you can, if anything. But do not cover anything up. Do not purposely try to hide us." "What?" She was stunned, surprised at what he was asking. "Do as LaCroix says," Cedric commanded. "If they think you're covering this up, they might follow you to us." She nodded, and then looked down. The sheet was still wrapped around her--although barely. She pulled it up, gripping it tightly. In the surprise of everything, first LaCroix arriving and then Cedric, she had nearly forgot she wasn't dressed. "Uh...would you mind? I need to get to work and...well...." Cedric nodded, quickly turning and leaving the room. LaCroix remained in place until after his son got out of the bed and approached, and then the two remaining vampires left together, joining Cedric downstairs. Once out of the mortal's earshot, LaCroix commented, "I wasn't expecting for you to have company, Nicholas. I thought you didn't want to risk harming her." "It just...happened. I warned her, but she...well, I came down here to get something to drink, and when I returned, she was as you saw her." "How is her blood? I would think it would be interesting...considering her knowledge of us." Nick glared at Cedric for the comment. "I haven't tasted it, nor do I plan to." "You will, you know. If you get any closer to her, eventually you will want to taste her blood." The other didn't comment. "You should taste it, anyway. Make sure the Community can trust her. Mortals have a tendency to betray." "She won't betray us. I've known her--" "For five and a half years. You probably know the Code better than most of us. LaCroix has seen to that. How do you know she won't betray us? She's a mortal and a scientist. She could gain much by revealing us." "She won't." Natalie stared down from the landing at the two, arguing. They glared at one another as she descended the stairs. "Why are you arguing so much? If you're afraid I'm going to turn you guys in, I'm not." Watching and examining her reactions, Cedric listened to her heart rate and breathing. By all indications, she was speaking the truth. As an Enforcer, he was an expert at discerning truth from deception...but he still wasn't entirely sure. He didn't like trusting any mortal with information about vampires, and, in his opinion, she knew far, far too much about them. She would have to be tested in some form or another, or at the very least, have a close watch kept on her. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to head on out. I'll see what I can find out about...well, about whatever I'm going to be looking at." With that, Natalie started past them, feeling the Enforcer's eyes on her every movement. Cedric continued to follow her until she had retrieved her things and headed over to the elevator. Only when she got in it did he turn back to the other two vampires. "Nicholas, if this becomes a serious problem...." Nick nodded. "I know. My participation in the triumvirate is required as I am second eldest. I will take my place, but not until there is no other option." "Very well. I must return to the others and see what progress has been made, if any. It was too late to act by the time I knew about what happened...the mortal was too quick. The sooner we know what this mortal plans, the better." Cedric gave a nod to each of them, speaking their names, and then took to the air, flying out of the skylight. LaCroix looked at his son, feeling the tenseness. "Nicholas?" Nick turned to the other, not sure exactly what to say. "I should dress, LaCroix. I'll let you know when Natalie returns." With a faint nod, LaCroix headed out of the loft through the skylight, leaving his son alone. Fulfilment (04/32) Natalie sat in one of the interview rooms at the precinct, trying not to seem too nervous. The night, so far, had been anything but ordinary. Arriving at the morgue, she had been given a rat, of all the possible things, to look over. She was asked to attempt to find out what killed it and if it was possible that something resembling a human had taken a bite out of it. She had done as told, and she couldn't lie about it. Whatever had bitten it was at least partly human. Or, more specifically, it was a vampire...but, she hoped, only she knew that. She fingered her report, which sat in front of her. It was the original, several extra copies of it having been made upon arriving at the precinct. She wasn't quite prepared for that, nor was she prepared for sitting in here. Suddenly, the door opened, admitting two people. Neither seemed like police...but both were probably connected to the government. One looked to have about the height and build of LaCroix, with brown, slightly silvering hair. The second was about ten years younger than the first and slimmer than his partner. Both were calm, not revealing anything to her. "Dr. Lambert," the older of the two addressed her, continuing, "We apologise for doing this--calling you in on your night off for something that I'm sure is puzzling you." 'Puzzling her' was an understatement. "Yes, it is. I was told to find the...well, the cause of death for a rat. That's not exactly normal." "Yes, and we're sorry we couldn't say more beforehand," the thinner man said, his voice not as firm as the other's. The first man stepped forward, setting a folder on the table. "By your report, you say that in your professional, scientific opinion, what took the bite out of the rat was human?" "Uh...pretty much. The teeth marks, the cuts in the rat would be consistent with a human's bite." When she finished, the older of the two continued, "And what of the two anomalies? It's mentioned that there were two deeper incisions." "Yes." She paused, not wanting to explain further, but she knew she had no choice. "They're from the canines of whoever or whatever bit it. They're unusually long and they're sharp." The first man met her gaze, and she again reminded herself to remain calm. "Would you mind coming with us, Dr. Lambert?" he said, picking the folder in front of her up with one had and holding the other out toward her. "I..." she started, but realised she probably didn't have much choice, or wouldn't if she protested. "No, I don't mind." She stood and let the man lead her out of the room, her original report clutched tightly in her hands. When they simply went a couple of rooms down the hall, she was faintly surprised. She had expected to be taken to another building, at the least. Entering the room--this time one of the conference rooms--she looked around. Inside, she could see that the security camera had been covered. There was that, and then there was a television and VCR set up. "Sit, Dr. Lambert," one of the men ordered. She did so, and this time the two sat with her at the table. "We've looked over your records. You are the top medical examiner in your field in this area. I hear you have also done quite well with several live patients." "Uh...yes, may I ask what relevance that has to this?" The two looked at one another, and the younger continued, "We're not sure at the moment, but we may need someone in a position such as yours in the future." Natalie tensed, having a fairly good idea what that might mean. "First, we would like to show you something," the older, slightly greying man said, turning on the television and starting the VCR. She turned toward the screen and almost immediately found herself frozen in place. There, she watched as a...man made his way down an alley, picking up something. It was a rat. He said something, dropped the animal, and continued. For a moment, he seemed confused...as if he was hearing something, but he seemed to dismiss it. He managed to catch another rat, and with a few more words, he bit into it without even a second of hesitation. The rat was killed, and then tossed aside a moment later. The man continued down the alley, but suddenly stopped and spun, staring almost directly at the camera with gold, glowing eyes and shiny, sharp fangs. A vampire. Natalie knew those features from the many times she had seen Nick. The camera shifted, the screen going black. But, the sound continued. Listening, she heard the vampire hypnotize whoever had filmed this, trying to make him forget. Then, the VCR was shut off. Natalie jumped slightly as the screen flashed off and it too was powered down. The older man walked over to Natalie, stopping next to where she sat. "That's what put that wound in the rat. My question is what do you think of it?" She stared ahead for a moment. "Uh...what? I mean, what do you mean by that?" "What do you believe was just on that tape? I'm sure you know quite a bit, especially considering I know you've had several cases that have been a bit...out there. In your opinion and using your professional knowledge as well as simple observation, what would you say that man is?" She swallowed. She didn't want to answer, but from the tape, it would be pretty obvious to just about anyone who had ever read or seen any movies containing vampires. "I'd say--offhand--some kind of vampire, but--" "Vampires don't exist. Or, they're not supposed to," the younger stated. At that, the other quickly asked, "What we'd like to know is if you'd be willing to work with us as we investigate similar anomalies?" Natalie glanced between them. She felt like she was some suspect in one of Nick's cases, being grilled. "Do I have a choice?" "Not really," the younger man told her. Leaning back, the older of the two continued, "But it would give you something to work on when you're slow at the morgue. After all, only so many cases require an autopsy. You would, of course, be paid for your work in addition to your usual pay." She couldn't believe it would be that simple. "And what's the catch?" He smiled, explaining, "No catch. Obviously, you would be expected to keep silent about whatever you find. You would be expected to make no contact whatsoever with any television, newspaper, or other reporters, and if they approached you, to give no comment on anything you know." "You will report your findings on whatever cases you get to us only." "Your superiors will be informed you are working on special, federal government cases, but otherwise will know nothing. Neither will you tell them anything about these 'cases'." The two stopped, and she stared blankly at the older man, who had just finished talking. He seemed to do the majority of the speaking, and was probably the one in charge. "And what if I see something in one of my other cases?" The elder man smiled slightly. "That's a good question. You will report it to us, but not say anything to your superiors. You will make two reports--one for them, and one for us. My name's Robert McKinsey, and my partner here is Grant Keller." McKinsey held his hand across the table, and she took it, shaking it. His partner did the same, which she also shook. "Do we have a deal then, Doctor?" McKinsey asked, flashing a smile. Not having much choice in the matter, she nodded. "Good." McKinsey reached into his pocket, pulling out a cell phone. He held it out to her, telling her, "Take this. We'll use it to contact you when, and if we find anything you should need to take a look at." "One question: How did this information come to you?" After the two seemed to consider their answer, McKinsey told her, "Let's just say you aren't our only source of information. Through someone in the newspaper, actually. Luckily it was our agent that got the story, otherwise it would have been all over the news and would probably be causing panic about now. Panic is something we want to avoid, if possible." "Just a reminder, but don't speak to anyone about this, not even to your friends and co-workers," Keller stated, meeting her gaze for a moment. After waiting a moment, the other continued, prodding, "We are aware you have a friend a...Nicholas Knight, here at the 96th precinct. By his records, you are his...physician? May we inquire as to his health?" "Uh...Nick's in good health. He has an unusual skin allergy, which I'm sure is why you're asking me this, but otherwise doesn't have any major health problems." "He's human, then?" "Yes, he is," she told them, which wasn't exactly a lie. "Why? Do you think he's not?" "Let's just say we're keeping an open mind. You've spent some time with him, I take it? You've seen him eat?" "Yes, of course." McKinsey again waited a moment before answering, but eventually nodded. "Just remember that you can't talk to him about this. Don't change anything, but perhaps observe him a little closer?" She stiffened just a little. They wanted her to, basically, spy on Nick. "I think I can manage that. I've been spending quite a bit of time with him recently, though, so I don't know if I'll see anything." McKinsey raised an eyebrow at that, but decided not to comment. "Good. We'll keep in contact." With that, McKinsey stood, his partner doing the same. Natalie did so as well, watching as Keller pulled the tape out of the VCR and removed the cloth covering the security camera. Then, a moment later, they were gone. Finally, she could relax. Fulfilment (05/32) Cedric paced, Natalie's heartbeat being just about the only sound in his ears. The Community had, indeed, messed up this time. What had created such a problem was the apparent disappearance of the tape...and it sure had disappeared. It was now in the hands of whatever group of mortals had just 'hired' Natalie to do some of their dirty work. Now, there was nothing he could do. By the time his people found out where the possible tape was...it was out of their hands and into those that would notice if it suddenly went missing. He felt like staking something, and he didn't care if it was a mortal or vampire at the moment...or even human, for that matter. As long as he could kill it, it would be plenty. "Calm down, Cedric. What's done is done," LaCroix told the younger vampire, wishing he would stop pacing. "It might be done, but the mortals have the tape! And they have quite a nice view of us, too. They practically know Screed's a vampire, and they're looking for more information." "Which they obviously don't yet have," Natalie interceded, causing Cedric to snap his attention to her. "Which is one of the few things going in our favour. Now, more than before, it is of utmost importance that you do not betray us, Natalie. You, a mortal privy to us, cannot leak anything to them. If you tell them anything more than what can be deduced scientifically, you--" "I think I know the consequences. Besides, you can't touch me, or any of them, without spurring more investigations and, very possibly, leading them right to you." "Listen to her, Cedric," LaCroix snapped. "She might be mortal, but in case you haven't noticed, she's on our side." "That coming from you, LaCroix? And what are we to do now? You seem to want Nicholas involved in this, but, and I think Natalie here will agree, he is under investigation and could lead them right to us." Cedric stared at her, and Natalie felt her anger grow. They were both using her in their argument, something she was becoming tired of. Nick listened as Natalie's pulse increased, her emotions visible on her face. He stood and approached Cedric. "I'm sure she does, and even I agree with that. But, the Community must have some plans made in case this situation becomes worse. As second eldest, I must participate." "'Must'? It is your place, but I hardly think it is required." "It is required, and you know it!" Nick hissed, still holding back. Stepping between the two, LaCroix faced the Enforcer. "Nicholas will participate. For now, his involvement will be kept to a minimum, until suspicions regarding him have died down somewhat--and they will." LaCroix stared at Cedric, his eyes glowing faintly golden. When the younger glanced away in defeat, he smiled slightly. "As an Enforcer, Cedric, you are to co-ordinate involvement and make sure no others break the Code. Announce that there is to be no hunting, and that any who wish to do so, should do so well away from the city and take great care. No word of exactly what has transpired is to be given. I don't want panic to spread more than necessary." Cedric suppressed a snarl, fully aware that LaCroix had meant the last for him. "Okay, this might not be my place, but--" Natalie paused, finding three golden glares focusing on her. "Well, why are you three arguing so much? No offence to any of you, but it's almost like watching a father and two little children." LaCroix softly laughed, as Cedric stalked off. Meeting her gaze, the elder vampire affirmed, "That is exactly what you're watching." "I am not yours, LaCroix!" Cedric exclaimed from anger and even a touch of hatred. LaCroix turned toward Cedric, commenting, "But that was your choice. Hence, I have Nicholas." "And I am not a child," Nick said in almost the same instant LaCroix had spoken. Cedric calmed somewhat, his gaze not budging. "Nor am I." "See? Children. One is plenty, but two...?" Tired of LaCroix' taunting, Cedric flew at the elder vampire, only to be spun and held tightly. "Release me! You have no--" "Be quiet!" LaCroix hissed into Cedric's ear, at which he felt the other tense. "Good. Now, perhaps you would like to explain this to the Doctor, here? I'm sure she's curious as to your behaviour." Cedric looked to her, his eyes widening somewhat. "She has no right to know any more than she already does. Nicholas may be an open book, but I am not!" "Okay, now I'm more confused that I was before," Natalie mentions, looking between the two. "Apparently, you've known each other for some time. And, correct me if I'm wrong, LaCroix, but you're treating Cedric like a child, almost like he was yours." "Yes, on both of those." LaCroix waited, but the Enforcer remained adamantly silent. As Cedric seemed uncomfortable with this, he decided he would make the younger endure the mortal's curiosity. "Cedric was nearly mine," he stated, a hint of anger showing in his golden eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Leeds, England - 1222 - Early January] LaCroix watched as the young mortal ate his meal. He had taken the young man in, and, surprisingly, they had grown quiet close. It was difficult to keep Janette away as she wanted to 'play' with the mortal a bit, and even he found himself becoming more intrigued by this mortal as time passed. Cedric was the mortal’s name. Originally an orphan, the young man had surprisingly done quite well in the world. Yet, he had also lost his home and belongings in a blaze several months before. He had been lucky to be away from his home that night. So, after their initial meeting and he had learned that Cedric had nowhere to go, he had offered the young man a place to stay. In return, he had required nothing to be given, but found that the mortal was quite interested in the world...and so they talked. He talked of history and places far away, which tempted the young man's mind with things that were nothing more than tales for the mortal. Tales of places he would never see. In a way, Cedric had become a son to him. Unintentionally, but it had happened, nonetheless. He hadn't brought many over, Janette being his last 'child'. He kept her close, enjoying her company. Cedric was much like Janette--obedient, but with enough of a mind of his own to not become boring. LaCroix approached the sitting mortal, standing behind Cedric and putting his hands on the young man's shoulders. "Where is Janette? I have not seen her tonight." "She is in London." Sensing the other's confusion, he explained, "It is time for us to move on, Cedric. She is preparing a new place for us to live. You may come with us, if you wish." At that, Cedric stopped eating. He turned, at which LaCroix' hands pulled back. Standing, he faced the older man. "I don't want to impose...I've already done enough of that." "Nonsense. In fact, I have a...proposition for you." LaCroix let loose a controlled smile. "You have no family here, nothing to hold you to this place. Come with us, and be my son." "I...cannot. LaCroix...Lucien, you have been more than kind enough to me." "And you the same to me. Accept, and I can make our relationship permanent." At his last word, he watched the other's eyes widen and lock onto his gaze. "Permanent?" Now, he openly grinned. "Yes, permanent. Have you not wondered why I do not eat with you?" "Yes, but--" "But nothing." LaCroix let his eyes glow, turning gold. Then, speaking, which exposed his fangs, he stated, "Allow me to make you my son, just as Janette is my daughter. It is a choice, one you must make soon." "I wish to go with you, of course." Smiling, LaCroix changed back to normal. "Yes, of course." "And this is why you enjoy the hunt so much, even though you don't participate in it?" "I suppose you could say that. Although I do, indeed, participate." "You hunt when you and Janette go out." "Hmm...yes, we do." He waited a moment, and then got an idea. He was aware Cedric enjoyed the hunt quite a bit, enjoyed the kill, in particular. "Perhaps you would like to come with me tonight?" LaCroix watched as the mortal smiled, at which he did, too. "Then we shall go. The weather is decent--wet but not too cold. Get your cloak and we shall leave." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You took a mortal with you, hunting?" Natalie exclaimed. "Yes, and it was quiet enjoyable, was it not?" Cedric, still confined within LaCroix' hold, shrugged free of the elder vampire's loose grip. "Yes, it was. But then...by that time I had spent several months with LaCroix. I had been very interested in the tales he had told--several of which included hunting and often the unusual. At the time, I was not aware of the prey. That first night...the prey consisted of animals--like deer. So were the next several times. LaCroix remained in Leeds for nearly a month, and we became even closer." He stopped, not sure what to add. "LaCroix then...he killed another hunter one night. At first I was stunned, but...I saw more to it, and soon I wanted to take part. By then, my thoughts were much like a vampire's. I know it sounds depraved, but...it's the truth." LaCroix grinned, laughing slightly as he watched Cedric become uncomfortable. "And so he did. We played games with the mortals. Cedric helped to lure them in, after which I would take their life and their blood. We hunted as one." Natalie sat on the couch, somewhat stunned. A mortal helping a vampire hunt mortals. It was...strange in her mind. She turned to LaCroix. "So, what happened? I mean, from what's been said, it seemed like you were going to go through with it--making Cedric your son--but apparently that didn't happen." "No, it didn't." With that, it was LaCroix' turn to tense. But, he had opened this line of questioning up and accepted it. "Enforcers had gotten wind of what we were doing. And, as having a mortal know about us was against the Code, one was dispatched to deal with the matter." Cedric nodded, remembering that very clearly. Fulfilment (06/32) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Leeds, England - 1222 - Early February] For several nights, LaCroix had not gone hunting...neither did he leave Cedric alone. A vampire was trying to find something, almost like he was looking for someone, and was focusing on him. As he ate his own dinner, Cedric watched as LaCroix tensed. Then, a man stepped out from a shadow in the room. The man's eyes were gold and focused right on him. The man was another vampire. The vampire then turned his attention to LaCroix. "You are in violation of the Code." LaCroix stood and faced the other, causing the newcomer to shrink back slightly. "You would not dare harm me. You are young, not even half my age. Turn around and depart." Cedric watched this, and even as the other snarled at him, he stood and moved around the table until he was standing next to LaCroix. "Do you know who this vampire is, LaCroix?" "No, just that he is an Enforcer." The vampire's eyes turned red and started for LaCroix, only to find himself pinned against the wall a moment later. Approaching, Cedric's eyes twinkled with interest. "An Enforcer?" "Go ahead, tell him what you are. He is to become one of us, anyway." The vampire remained silent until LaCroix took the stake he carried and pressed its point against his throat. "I enforce the Community's Code, our laws." "A necessity," Cedric stated, now standing right next to the two. "Every society needs a controlling force. Otherwise, all is chaos. Chaos destroys. I'm curious...what, exactly, does an Enforcer do? How does one become one?" LaCroix waited, but the vampire didn't want to give a reply. "Answer!" "Like I said, we enforce the Code. We make sure mortals such as you do not endanger our existence. Mortals are as much of a threat as they are our food supply. They will hunt us if they suspect a vampire to be the cause. There are other rules, other things we follow...but that, along with not openly revealing ourselves to mortals and anything leaning toward those two, are the most important." He stopped, hesitating before continuing. "Enforcers are...picked carefully. The only way to become one, officially, is to be brought over by one. The only way to leave us is through death." "I would expect that to be the fate of those who break the code," Cedric mentioned, pulling the stake from LaCroix' grip. He held the wood up, asking, "Quick and painful, by any chance? The best of both worlds?" The Enforcer's eyes mellowed, a slight grin appearing on his face. At that, LaCroix released the vampire, taking a step back but still standing protectively nearby. "Your 'companion' here seems...quite like-minded for a mortal. You have not influenced his choices any?" "No, I have not. He speaks of his own prerogative." Sliding away from the wall, the Enforcer walked around the two. Cedric felt the Enforcer's eyes on him, examining him. LaCroix had done the same on a couple of occasions in the past, so it was nothing new to him. "Have you tasted his blood? I'm sure this one's is quite wonderful, a mortal such as he." There were no visible marks on the mortal, something he would have expected. Reaching forward, he took the mortal's arm, pushing up the sleeve. There, he found a half-healed wound, one that appeared to have been opened several times. "You have, LaCroix. And more than once. His blood must be very tempting...I'm amazed you haven't brought him over yet. Hmm...may I have a taste? I'm curious...." Cedric turned to LaCroix, and he could see anger just under the surface. It was clear LaCroix wasn't pleased with the suggestion. "Let him, LaCroix. I have nothing against it." The vampire pulled the mortal's arm closer, but was stopped by LaCroix. Meeting the other's eyes, LaCroix pulled Cedric's wrist closer, biting into the wounds already present. Cedric closed his eyes, feeling the faint pain as the wounds were once more reopened. His blood flowed freely, down his wrist toward his hand as LaCroix released his arm. He followed the other vampire's movements as the other took his arm, lapping up the blood as it poured out of him. The Enforcer sucked on the wounds, pulling more blood from him. Feeling a little light-headed, the other pulled back, releasing him. He felt LaCroix' hands grab onto him, preventing him from swaying. He shrugged the touch away, but it only made LaCroix hold him more protectively. "Hmm...yes, very tempting. He is more like us than I could believe a mortal to be." The Enforcer stood in front of the mortal, stepping closer until they were face to face. "He has shed his morals, but how far? Does he realise what the bond between a father and a son of our kind will almost certainly lead to?" When the two didn't react, the vampire closed the distance, kissing the mortal on the lips. Surprisingly, he found the action returned. LaCroix shoved the Enforcer away, again pinning the younger vampire against the wall. "Do not touch him! He is mine." When the other calmed within his grip, LaCroix released the vampire. "He knows doesn't he? You've already been with him, haven't you?" Cedric advanced, standing just to one side of LaCroix. "Yes, we have." "Then that adds to it, doesn't it? You are lucky to have found this one, that's for sure." Pausing a moment, the Enforcer grinned. "He would make a wonderful Enforcer." "Is that an offer?" Cedric asked, his curiosity piqued. Taking several steps forward, he felt LaCroix holding him back. "If you want it to be one." "It is no offer!" LaCroix hissed, gripping Cedric's shoulders tighter. The Enforcer's eyes burned golden. "It is an offer, and the offer is to him. It is his decision and only his decision if he should take it. He may stay with you, and become your son, or come with me and become an Enforcer. You have no right to interfere with his choice." Cedric watched the two stare one another down...and eventually LaCroix looked away. Meeting the Enforcer's gaze, he asked, "How long do I have to consider this offer?" "It is an immediate choice. You either reply with a firm allowance, or you do not. Choose, and choose now." He glanced to LaCroix, who he had come to think of as his father, his brother, and more. But, these Enforcers interested him greatly. Vampires needed order, and if he could be a part of that, then he would. "I choose to leave with you," he said, facing the Enforcer. At the same time, he was saddened for LaCroix--who had, effectively, just lost a son. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, Natalie was flat out stunned as Cedric stopped speaking. Looking over at LaCroix, she could see the vampire's anger. Memories of that time were still very fresh to both of them, she could see. They were, despite everything, still somewhat close. And Nick...Nick was smouldering. "If it hadn't been for Cedric's choice, I wouldn't be here. LaCroix should have brought him across when he had the chance." Standing, Nick stated, "It would have saved all of us so much grief." Then, before anyone else could comment, he flew upstairs, slamming the door to his room. Natalie stood, preparing to go after him, but found LaCroix stopping her. "Let me go, LaCroix." "Let him brood. He's very possibly right. I would not have brought Nicholas over if I had Cedric. Or, for that matter, I would not have been so prone to Janette's insistence in doing so." The two vampires went eerily silent--but at least they weren't arguing anymore. Natalie watched them, remembering some of what Cedric had said. Two things, actually, that she wanted to know more about. "Cedric, by what you said...you mean you and LaCroix had sex when you were a mortal?" Although he was a bit surprised by the bluntness of the question, he saw no harm in it. "Yes." She was stunned. From what Nick told her, they couldn't be with a mortal without risking killing them. But.... "How...I mean, how did that happen?" "I was talking with LaCroix, he mentioned that as a vampire, as his son, we would eventually be drawn to one another. I told him that I would like to start exploring that relationship, so we did." Natalie looked over at LaCroix, who was remaining unusually silent. "Does the relationship between sire and fledgling always become intimate?" "If you are wondering if myself and Nicholas have had sex, your answer is yes." "Actually, I figured you had. My question was of curiosity." LaCroix raised his eyebrows. "Curiosity is not the best trait, I'm sure you know. However, the answer to your question, then, is yes; the relationship almost always becomes intimate." He stood, taking in a large breath. "Now, if you'll excuse me...it is nearly sunrise." Natalie followed the vampire's movements as LaCroix stood and took several strides, and then took to the air, flying out the skylight. Cedric stood, but before leaving, he turned to the mortal. "I wish to remind you once more that we must not be discovered if at all possible. Help Nicholas avoid further investigation." She tensed, and then, before turning away and leaving, he told her, "Go to him, Natalie. Go to Nicholas and comfort him. Don't let him push you away." A moment later she was alone downstairs. She looked down, unsure of exactly what she should do...and there really wasn't much to do except what Cedric said. She went to the refrigerator, pulling out one of the bottles. Fulfilment (07/32) "Nick?" Natalie made her way into his room, finding it silent. She turned the light on, catching some movement from the bed. On it, lay Nick with all of his clothes on, spread out flat on his stomach. She quietly put the bottle of blood and a glass she'd retrieved on the nightstand, and then sat on the edge of the bed. She had hoped he would react...but he just remained where he was, not doing anything in response. So, after a moment, she moved closer, putting her hands on his back. Again, she got no response. "Nick...please." "Just let me go to sleep, Nat. I'm tired." "I know, and so am I." Sitting next to him, she gently rubbed his back in an attempt to loosen his muscles. After a few minutes, it started to work, and she worked her way down his back until she reached his waist. Once there, she untucked his shirt, pulling it up a little. He still didn't react, which concerned her. Carefully, she rested one hand on his bare lower back. He shifted at the action, but that was all. She gently massaged his skin, working her hand up his back, pushing his shirt further up until his whole back was bare. Then, she paused, not sure if he would allow anymore. But, she would try. She moved closer to him and straddled him. At that, he pulled his arms under him, pushing up slightly, but she leaned forward, telling him, "Don't, Nick. Please don't." Once he had again relaxed, she sat up, letting her hands rest on his upper back for a moment. Then, slowly, she began to massage him, trying to rub the tenseness from him. Something between a moan and a purr came from his chest, and she wasn't sure exactly what it meant. Backing off somewhat, she heard a muttered, 'don't stop', at which she continued. The sound increased somewhat, until it was quite clear Nick was enjoying himself, which was her intention. As she pressed and kneaded harder, she felt him start to tense. Suddenly, he shifted, and she stopped, knowing something was off. "Nick? What's wrong?" "Nat...pour me some of the blood you brought up, please. I need it. Now, Natalie," he told her, his voice deep and demanding. Getting a confirmation of her feelings, she got off him and did as he asked, grabbing the bottle and glass from the table. Quickly, she poured half a glass for him, watching Nick out of the corner of her eye. He sat up, but didn't face her. Moving behind him, she handed the glass to him. He drank it quickly, and she refilled it for him. This one disappeared just as fast, and she again filled it, this time as full as she dared to get it. He drank this one slowly, and she put the bottle back. Again moving behind him, she stayed on her knees, her hands on his shoulders as he sipped from the glass. He leaned back into her, and she held him as he calmed. As the glass emptied, she held him closer to her and told him, "I'm sorry, Nick. I shouldn't have--" "It's okay, Nat. I had hoped I could control it. But...I'm just not very good at that, I'm afraid. I'm the one who should be apologising, not you." She rocked him slowly, shaking her head. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't think it would bother you like this...I should have stopped before it went too far." She paused, recalling the sound he had made. She felt herself flush, and she knew Nick would notice. "You know, I have to say I'm a bit embarrassed...." Nick managed a smile. "Hmm...embarrassed that you aroused me without even hitting my erogenous zones?" he said, just how close she got audible in his tone. Natalie stiffened, blushing further. She figured she had pushed him close to the edge...but not *that* edge. "You mean...I...you...." He took her hand from around his waist, pulling it further downward and slipping it under his waistband. As her fingers touched him, he closed his eyes, trying not to pull back as her hand slid along his skin. Feeling something damp, Natalie momentarily froze and then drew away, her heart rate quickening. She had brought Nick to orgasm doing something that...well.... Nick turned and caught her as she tried to get off the bed, at which she saw a mostly healed bite mark at the base of his palm. "Oh Nick...I'm sorry, I didn't mean...." She trailed off as he turned her face to look at him. There, before her were two beautiful golden suns, each pleading to her with pure need. Nick smiled, closing the distance between them and kissing her. He quickly pushed his tongue into her mouth, doing all he could to deepen the kiss and quicken the pace. When her tongue contacted his fangs, he almost stopped, but then she teased them, caressing them. As Nick let her do as she pleased, he moaned, falling back on the bed and pulling her with him. She licked the front of his canines, running her tongue along their sharp points. Touching the gum line where one of his fangs came in, she both heard and felt the same half- purr, half-moan he'd made earlier, but didn't back off. She repeated her action, and then found herself moving sideways, Nick rolling on top of her. He stared down at her, his face showing his desire. She could see his fangs; see their tips wanting to sink themselves into her. Both of their breathing accelerated as they remained relatively still. Breaking the calm, Nick pulled his shirt the rest of the way off, only having to undo a couple of the buttons. Once it was out of the way, he again kissed Natalie--first on the lips, then on her neck, and then her collarbone, making his way downward. He stopped upon reaching the top button of her blouse, but didn't waste any time with the buttons, tearing it open. "Nick...that was...." She gasped as he pulled one of her bra-straps down and kissed the top of her breast. He quickly rid her of the constraint, his mouth occupied fully with her breast as he sucked on its tip, his fangs stroking her sensitive skin. Natalie moaned, and Nick went to the other breast, not holding back in the slightest. He nearly bit into the flesh before him, but pulled back, stopping at the last moment. Then, he found Natalie pulling him down. Bare flesh met bare flash, and Natalie discovered Nick's passion started again as he kissed her neck and throat, as he nibbled lightly on her skin, just shy of scratching her, just shy of biting her. Like earlier, she felt Nick tense. She looked at him as he raised his head. And there...there stood two ruby red pits of fire accompanied by two gleaming white blades, all ready to consume her. Panic flowed unwillingly through her, her muscles stiffening as he struck...but she didn't feel anything. Turning to where he had gone for, she found him biting into his wrist. Her fright passed, and she held him. She held him as he spasmed from his climax, simply holding him tight and close. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Mid-day, Natalie awoke, only to find herself alone in Nick's bed. She sat up, seeing a faint glow coming from the lower level. Quickly, she spied Nick's robe and pulled it on over what remained of her clothes, going downstairs. Nick was sitting at the table, a bottle of blood sitting in front of him. She approached and suppressed the urge to put her hands on his shoulders or touch his face. It was the wrong time. So, she sat across from him, patiently waiting for him to say or do something. "I'm sorry, Nat," he finally spoke. "I shouldn't have let it go that far." "Nick, you needed it, you needed something. So did I." He snapped his attention up to her. "Natalie, I nearly killed you!" "But you didn't." She paused watching him tense. "Nick, you didn't even take my blood, you didn't even bite me." "But I did think about it...and I did come extremely close," he countered. "Please, Nick...just accept what happened for what happened. I don't regret it. Do you?" He shook his head. "No, I don't regret it. I just...I'm sorry that I can't give you what I'd like to." A sliver of hope cropped up, and she prodded, "But you do want to be with me?" He nodded, not able to speak. "Nick...if you want to...I know this is probably a crazy idea, a stupid idea, really, and quite an abrupt one, too, but at the same time it might help, but...well, how about we get married?" His jaw dropped open, stunned at what he'd just heard. "What?" She watched as Nick stood, starting for the kitchen. She headed after him, stopping just behind him. "How about we get married? I mean, if we're around each other more, it might help you, and it might help dispel some of the suspicions about you, too. Just a couple of people could be present. It could be a church--just long enough for the vows. I mean, what vampire is going to get married in a church?" He turned, a faint smile on his lips at her last sentence. "You know, it is a crazy idea." "But?" she asked, hopefully. "It's crazy enough that it might work." The smile vanished. "At the same time, you have to understand that it's not as simple as it sounds. Being married won't change our relationship much, if at all. Besides, who are we going to invite?" "Well, there's Reese and Tracy. Stonetree. LaCroix if you want, but...." Nick stiffened. "He's not that fond of churches." "I figured as much." "How about just Tracy, Myra, and Jenny? Keep it a private wedding. I don't think Tracy will say anything till later if I ask her not to, and same thing with Myra." Natalie waited a moment, waiting for another 'but' to pop its way in, but one didn't. "So, you like the idea?" "Well...somewhat. I'd suggest we don't mention it to anyone until just before the wedding, though. I can't say it'll go over well with LaCroix, but I don't think Cedric will have too much of a problem with it." "Even if he doesn't like mortals?" "He's an Enforcer--none of them like mortals much. It's more of a necessity than a want, too." He paused, remembering what Natalie had said. "Besides, like you said, being married might put off a little suspicion." "It'd have to be public for that." "If it's in our records somewhere, I think that'll be plenty public for those guys that you're working with." "Working for, not with," she quickly corrected. "But...yeah, that might be enough. What about my name?" "Hmm?" "My last name? If we get married...." "Think about it. That's up to you, Nat. For now, I want to get some more sleep." He started for the stairs, but stopped and looked back, to where Natalie hadn't moved. "Are you coming, or are you going to sleep down here?" She managed a smile before following him. Fulfilment (08/32) Tracy looked over at her partner in the driver's seat. Nick was...acting a little strange. "You seem awfully chipper tonight." "Hmm? So?" "Well...it's just not you. I mean...I swore I heard you humming when we came out of the precinct." "You did? Really?" "Yes, I did. So, what's up?" Nick sobered slightly. He had been in a better mood tonight than he had for a while. But, should he tell her? "Uh...Trace? If I tell you something, can you promise not to repeat it to anyone?" "Okay...." "Tracy, I mean it," he told her, seriously. "And so do I. I can keep a secret, you know." He glanced over to her. Yeah, he knew that all right. "Me and Nat are going to get married." "Married?" Her jaw dropped from the incredulity of it. "When?" "Yeah, I think, and I'm not sure." "What's with the 'I think'?" "Well, it was more of a mutual decision than a proposal," he explained and made a right hand turn. "That, and we just decided it last night." "So...why can't I say anything?" "Because it's going to be a very small wedding, with only a couple of people in attendance. That, and we're going to keep it private." "You aren't going to tell everyone?" "No, we're not." He paused, taking a moment to glance her way. "Please, Tracy, don't say anything. And don't tell Nat I told you, either." "Okay...but--" "81-Kilo, pick up." Tracy grabbed the microphone, glancing at Nick. "This is 81-Kilo." "We've got a murder scene for you three blocks south of the Raven, a club on--" "We got it." As Nick made another turn, starting them toward the club, she added, "We're on our way, dispatch. 81-Kilo out." Turning to Nick, she noticed he was tenser than usual, a complete opposite of how he'd been a few minutes ago. "What do you think it is?" "Not good," he muttered, keeping his eyes on the road. Realising he had spoken, he snapped out of his thoughts and told her. "Other than that, we'll see when we get there." *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Nick and Tracy started across the crime scene for Natalie and the victims. In one of the shadows, Nick caught a glimpse of Cedric--a warning that the cause of death was almost assuredly exsanguination. Not only that, but he noticed a couple of others on the scene he hadn't seen before. He nearly cursed, but set his jaw. The two men were probably the ones that had spoken with Natalie the night before. He continued forward, Tracy just a few steps behind him. Approaching Natalie, Nick watched as she stood. "What do we have?" he asked, keeping his voice as normal as possible. "Two victims, both in their mid-twenties. There's no ID or anything else on their persons. They have several injuries from before the time of death--the source of the blood you see. However, although blood-loss is very likely the cause of death, I don't believe it is from those wounds. The wounds were created seconds before death, by my guess, and none of them are very deep. I'll double-check when I get back to the morgue." "What about the slashes on their necks? There's not as much blood there," Nick mentioned, kneeling close to one victim and looking closer at the wound. He could clearly see where a vampire had bitten them, the puncture wounds only partially obscured by the cuts. "Nat?" "For now, it's an anomaly. Like I said, I'll find out more during the autopsy." Nick stood up and gestured to the two he didn't recognise. "Who are they?" "Ah...Reese wants to talk to both of you about that." Watching as Nick headed for the two, she started, "Nick...." but he was already halfway there. Reese saw his detective, and managed to catch him just before reaching his destination. "Nick, you're not in charge of this case." "What? I'm...." "Yeah, I know you're the senior detective on the scene, but I'm afraid we have a couple of additions." Nick thought about that. He'd had this happen before, although not quite like this. "So...what, are you saying that they're feds? Why are they here?" "Come on, Nick, let's get your partner and I'll explain." Nick stared over to the elder of the two men's eyes. He didn't like this...not one bit. He turned back, starting off toward his partner. "Nick...." Tracy followed her partner as he walked past her, and she asked, "Who are they?" "Feds, I take it." Turning, Nick faced first his partner, and then Reese, who was approaching. Tracy's eyes widened. "What? Captain?" "Yeah, Nick's right about that. Although don't ask me what agency they work with. I called some of the higher ups about them being here, and they're legitimate. They have control of the investigation, and before you say anything, I don't like it any better than you do." "Captain, why are they here? I mean, yeah it's a bit strange as far as a case goes, but--" "It's part of a pattern we've been following for some time," McKinsey stated, coming up to the detectives with his partner. "I'm Agent Robert McKinsey, and this here's my partner, Grant Keller. You're the detectives on the case? Knight and Vetter?" Nick tensed a little at that. "That's right." He didn't like how much the others probably knew about him and Tracy. "Good. Now if we can get back to the 96th, we'll bring you two up to speed with what we have." Tracy stepped closer, not liking this any more than Nick. "What about here? There's the crime scene to deal with." "We've already gotten statements from witnesses and dealt with this," Keller answered. "Back at the precinct you will have access to all of our findings. We would much rather work together on this instead of at each other's throats." Gripping Nick's shoulder, McKinsey stated, "Come on. We can discuss it over breakfast." Nick tensed at the touch, but managed a weak smile and a nod, glad for the moment for the long nights of winter. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Over breakfast, Tracy asked, "So, you've been following cases like this for the last two years? Wow...you must be getting close to the killer by now." McKinsey looked over at her, telling her, "Actually, this is the closest we've gotten. We just happened to be here in Toronto when this case came up." Nick stuffed another mouthful of his omelette in his mouth, McKinsey scrutinising his every movement. It was mostly egg, with some ham and cheese. He had been pleased when the cooks went sparse on the last two. Natalie had taken him to breakfast in the past, making him eat some of her eggs. As they were high in protein, they seemed to digest better than other foods...but only somewhat. Already he could feel his stomach beginning to protest. "Detective?" Realising he'd turned his attention fully to the food, Nick abruptly looked up and asked, "What?" "I asked, 'Have you seen anything like this before?'" McKinsey answered. "We've noticed that in most of the cities we find cases like this, there have been other, somewhat similar ones." Nick put his fork down, thankful for the break from his breakfast. "Uh...well, possibly. Not exactly like this, but with certain similarities, yes." "Perhaps the slash to the throat and unusual amount of blood-loss?" Keller asked and drank some of his coffee. Nick didn't know quite how he should answer that. "On a few occasions. I think a lot of homicide detectives have encountered that kind of case at some point, though. Perhaps not the blood-loss, but I don't find anything too unusual about the victims' wounds. I find it unusual that there's more than one victim." McKinsey turned his full attention on Nick, watching the detective. Under the continued scrutiny, Nick grabbed his glass of water, taking a swallow of it. The water, at least, would help the omelette go down if nothing else. "What's with that, anyway? I mean, the victims...they were slashed up pretty good." Tracy stopped, hoping one of them would comment. But, the two feds were silent on that. "What about the witnesses? What did they say?" Seeing his partner staring at Knight, Keller told her, "Just that whoever it was struck so fast that the victims couldn't do anything in defence. That, and that the killers disappeared in an instant." "Killers?" she continued. "Yeah. There are two of them--probably why there is almost always two victims." He turned to McKinsey, getting the other man's attention. "Tell them about our last one." McKinsey took another glance at Knight, and then explained, "New York City. This time it was three, not two. It looks like someone tried to attack our killers--they died, too. One of the victims' head was nearly ripped off, more bones broken in his body than a doctor would be able to fix--if he hadn't died from a broken neck. Other than that, and that there weren't any witnesses, it's pretty much the same story as here." "And no leads?" Nick asked. Holding the detective's gaze, McKinsey continued, "None. After the two had left, it's almost as if they were never there. Only proof of them being there is usually in the form of a couple of footprints-- light and usually not clear. Not even enough to give us a good indication of their weight. No witnesses, until here, have seen enough to give a decent description." At that, Keller explained, "We have two down at the precinct making up a composite of one of them right now." Nick just about choked on another bit of egg, then demanded, "What? Why wasn't anything said?" "Because, frankly, we wanted to talk with you two for a little first." McKinsey caught a touch of anger from Knight at that, telling him, "Don't worry, everything is, I'm sure, going smoothly back at the precinct. Look, Detective, I know you don't like working with us. Other instances where federal agents have been involved with local police show us that. Personally, I don't blame you, but let's please try to work together. I specifically requested that you and your partner be assigned to work with us, primarily because of your high arrest record. We want to work with you, not against you." Nick finished his glass of water, leaning back. He couldn't help but feel there was more to that than the other was saying. After all, Natalie mentioned they had asked about him. Noticing that everyone was either done eating or on their last bite, McKinsey suggested, "Now, how about we head back and see how those composites are coming?" Fulfilment (09/32) Tracy slowly made her way into Vachon's home. She'd checked she didn't know how many times to see if anyone was following her, but hadn't seen anyone. McKinsey and Keller were...well, she wasn't sure what they were. Other than being federal agents of some kind and in charge of her current case, she knew nothing. "Vachon? Come on, I know you're here." Sliding out of a shadow, he stopped behind her. "You really shouldn't be here, Trace." "And why not?" she said, and then continued further into the Church. Then, she suddenly stopped upon seeing Screed there, a green glass bottle in his hands. "Because Screed's in trouble, that's why." "That's right. The General won't ev'n let me hunt, 'e won't. 'aft to drink this pie," he said, holding up the bottle. All Screed's response did was make her even more confused than she was. "What happened, and who's 'The General'?" "The General--" "Screed...don't." "What? It's not loik she's not gonna ev'ntually know." "Perhaps not, but for now you need to stay right here...and quiet. I don't want to get put through the wringer, okay?" Screed set the bottle down, and leaned over with his elbows on his knees. "Yeah, fine." Although her curiosity wanted to know more, she could see she wasn't going to get an answer right now--and certainly not a truthful one. "So what happened?" "Got caught on vid-e-o tape, that's wot. By some mortal. And h'its because of that that I'm stuck 'ere--by the General and that nasty Enforcer type's orders." Vachon glared at Screed. "Yeah, well, you have 'Cedric the Nasty' to thank for your life, so don't hold your breath." "Who's that?" Vachon winced. He'd already told her more than she needed to know. "Cedric. He's an Enforcer. Just leave it at that," he stated. "You should get going, Tracy. Don't come over until I tell you it's okay, all right?" "No...wait." Reaching into her jacket pocket, she pulled out the composite that had been patched together while she was at breakfast. Apparently, by both witnesses, it was accurate. She unfolded it and handed it to him. "That's a composite we got from a witness earlier this morning. Vachon...the murder...I think it was done by a vampire. Two, specifically. Do you recognise him?" Vachon looked at the computer-generated sketch. The man had fairly short, dark hair, and a scar on one side of his neck. "No, I haven't. Tracy, I don't know all of the vampires in the city, and besides, I've been stuck here with Screed for the past two days." He handed it back, watching as she put it away. "Uh...Trace? If you think someone might be watching you--don't go to the Raven. Don't try to find out who it is. I'll mention it." "Vachon...just be careful, okay? We have these feds working with us, and...well, I think they know more about our case than they're saying. I think they might know about vampires, or at least have suspicions." Screed half-flew across the room, landing next to Tracy. "An' you probably led 'em roit to us." She turned to him, firmly stating, "No, I didn't. I made sure no one followed me. Besides, I think they might have gone after Nick, anyway. One of the agents seems to have something against him. I mean, he looked like he was just waiting for Nick to choke on his omelette." Vachon's eyes went a little wide at that, but he didn't comment. "Tracy, you really should go. When I can, I'll drop by. Okay?" "Yeah, okay. Let me know what you can find out about that vampire and if it's a vampire. I'd tell them to get out of Toronto, too, if you see them." Seeing Vachon nod, she turned and left, heading out of the church and back to her car. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. As Nick arrived back at the loft, Natalie watched as Nick flew across the room to the bathroom upstairs, completely ignoring her, LaCroix, and Cedric's presence. She went after him, and upon reaching the upper level, noticed the other two hadn't moved. She kept going, though, figuring she could ask why they didn't act later. Standing just outside the bathroom door, she couldn't hear anything. "Nick...I'm coming in, okay?" He didn't answer her, so she turned the knob and entered. Inside, she found Nick on his hands and knees in front of the toilet. Quickly, she stepped inside and closed the door, going to him. "Nick? What's wrong?" "I never want to see an omelette again. For that matter, I never want to see food again, specifically eggs." "Omelette? What are you...." Seeing the chewed but pretty much undigested food in the toilet, it hit her what he was talking about. "What happened?" "Those agents...they ended up taking me and Tracy to breakfast to talk about the case. I couldn't just sit there...not with McKinsey staring at me, watching. I had to order something, they insisted on buying us breakfast." She winced. That had to have been an interesting morning. "So, you actually ate an omelette, then?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Most of one...and had a glass of water. The water helped a bit, but--" She tensed a little, shaking her head. "But not enough. Yeah, I get it. Uh...LaCroix and Cedric are downstairs. They were here when I got back." "Because of the case," he stated, letting Natalie help him sit up. "Yeah." He pried her hands free from him, pushing her slightly away. "Go on...I'll be down in a moment." When she hesitated, he told her, "I've already lost everything in my stomach...I just want to sit here for a couple of minutes." "Nick...." "Maybe get me something to drink?" Natalie was going to protest again, but he stopped her with his finger. She pulled his hand away from her lips, giving him a weak smile. "Okay. Just don't take too long, okay?" Getting a weak smile, she stood and headed back downstairs. Cedric and LaCroix followed her every movement down the stairs, and Natalie tensed as she went to the kitchen, still under their scrutiny. Getting a bottle from the refrigerator, she pulled a glass out of the cupboard and set it on the counter. She paused a moment, and then retrieved two more glasses, setting them on the counter as well. Once Natalie had filled all three, she turned to the two--LaCroix who was sitting on the couch, and Cedric who was in the recliner. Neither made any indication of budging...but she really didn't feel like being their servant. "If you want them, come get them. I'm waiting for Nick." Cedric stood and turned to LaCroix, who nodded. Then, he went to the kitchen, picking up two of the glasses off the counter. He shot a glare at the mortal, and then headed for LaCroix. He held one out for the elder vampire, and LaCroix took it, deliberately touching his hand and letting it linger. Once LaCroix had hold of the glass, however, Cedric snapped his hand back. He turned to again sit in the recliner, only to see Nicholas staring down from the upper level. Nicholas had seen and probably believed he wanted the touch. And, deep down, he did. Cedric watched Nicholas' eyes glow, at which he took a step back and sat in the chair. As the other descended the stairs, he was thankful when Nicholas headed to the kitchen. Nick took the glass of blood Natalie offered, quickly drinking it. He poured a second, and then led Natalie back to the others, where they both sat on the couch. As he pulled her closer with one hand, she took the glass from him, at which he held her tighter. LaCroix turned to face the two. "Cedric tells me there was a...case that concerns us all?" "Two victims--mortals. Almost assuredly killed by two vampires," Natalie related. Then, Nick added, "There's a composite out for one of them--short dark hair with a scar on his neck. There's not enough to make up a sketch of the other." "Manns. That's his name," Cedric almost immediately responded. He momentarily clenched his jaw, his eyes flashing gold for a second. "He and his brother have been causing quite a bit of trouble recently. They've been killing, and they've been killing without care for the Code. They are at the top of our wanted list. They have a death warrant out for them." "Then it must be carried out, and soon," LaCroix said, his anger beginning to surface. Cedric stiffened, feeling the other's annoyance. "Yes, but...the problem is catching them. They aren't here in Toronto--I can assure you of that. But, they will be. They always make three or four killings before moving on, and tonight was just the first one. We're already trying to track them. Soon, we should call a meeting." "Soon, but not yet, Cedric. A meeting could cause panic in the Community, and as I've already mentioned, panic is the last thing we need right now." LaCroix waited, half-expecting Cedric to counter his words...but he didn't. He smiled slightly, turning to his son and the mortal. "I believe Nicholas has an announcement to make." When his son stiffened, he smiled a little more. Confusion crossed the Enforcer's features, and he looked between the other two. "Announcement? What kind of announcement?" Finally, he settled his gaze on Nicholas. "Myself and Natalie are going to be married." Cedric finished off his drink, but made no other reaction. "It should dispel some of the suspicions about Nick, and I think it's something we both want, as well," Natalie explained. Nodding, Cedric set his glass down. If suspicion could be turned away from the Community, even only one of its members.... "Then I congratulate you both. I do not envy you, though. Consider all of the possible results before vows are taken, and remember that this decision is not a light one and will possibly bring unforeseen problems with it." He stood, telling them, "If you would excuse me-- I must speak with the other Enforcers before dawn." After both LaCroix and Nicholas nodded, he flew out the skylight. Nick moved from behind Natalie once Cedric had left, picking up Cedric's glass and then reaching for LaCroix'. However, his sire stopped him, gripping his arm. "Let go, LaCroix." LaCroix pried Cedric's glass from his son's hand, feeling the other tense. Finally managing to get it, he put the empty glass next to his, keeping hold of his son. As the touch became more than a little uncomfortable, not even considering Natalie's gaze, Nick yanked his hand back. It was just barely enough to free himself from the grip, at which he stepped back. "Leave, LaCroix. I'm sure you have tasks to complete before dawn as well." LaCroix stiffened. "Very well." He stood, stepping into the open. "Good day, Nicholas. Doctor," he said, giving a nod to each of them, and then left. Once the other had left, Nick bowed his head and closed his eyes. He wished he knew what was going on...with everything. Between himself, LaCroix, and Cedric, none of them seemed to be able to carry on a conversation. "Nick?" He turned to her, following her as she stood. He approached her and pulled her to him, placing a kiss on her forehead. Drawing away, he told her, "I'm going to head to bed. You should probably stay down here, okay?" Although she didn't want to, Natalie nodded. She watched as he pulled ever further away from her, grabbed his glass and the bottle on the counter, and headed upstairs. Fulfilment (10/32) [11 Days Later] Cedric glared down from the roof of a building, his eyes burning gold. Below at the entrance to an alley was a busy crime scene, almost identical to the other one. Two more mortals had been killed. "Anger won't help, you know." He closed his eyes, feeling the other vampire approach. "Why don't you tell that to yourself, LaCroix." "My anger fuels me, yours only fuels itself." "Just shut up, okay," Cedric hissed, turning slightly to the side. LaCroix raised his eyebrows, and then walked to the edge of the building. "That is, I believe, number two." Nodding, Cedric turned and took several steps. "Two down, one or two more to go. We probably have about...oh, two to two and a half weeks before they strike again. This time, however, they *will* be caught. I will see to it myself, if possible. They'll be here just for the kill, and they will die then and there." "These kills are getting closer and closer to the mortals' eyes. You'll risk exposure to kill them?" LaCroix asked somewhat incredulously. "If it comes to it. The mortals won't be ready for us, though. We have more of the pieces than they do. They won't know about the next murder until after the killers have been destroyed." Cedric took in a deep breath, willing himself to calm. "How are Nicholas and Natalie?" "They are...fine. Too caught up in themselves to think much of other matters. The wedding is set for five days from now at sunset. I do not agree with it, and think it is a foolish thing to do." "Even if it lowers suspicion on Nicholas? He *is* being investigated. The Enforcers fear how close they are to getting something on him. Thankfully, his background, unlike most of us, is fully fleshed out. However, if they suspect him, they could very well follow that to you or the Raven, and I think you know that." When the other stiffened, Cedric tried not to smile. Now wasn't the time for it. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled a small pouch out. "Give this to Natalie," he said, holding the pouch out. "What is it?" LaCroix asked, taking it. "A...bit of protection should things get nasty in the future. She is, despite a mortal, important to us. With that, the others will know not to harm her." "Very well." When the other didn't move from his position, LaCroix asked, "Is there something else?" "I was wondering if I could spend the day at your place. I would like to talk, LaCroix. Nearly eight hundred years is a long time to go without having a decent conversation. I would like to actually talk--not argue. Please." He waited, and after a moment the elder vampire nodded. He stood in place as LaCroix took to the air. Into the slight breeze that resulted, Cedric whispered, "Thank you." *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Natalie sat on the couch, a plate of crackers and cheese on the coffee table. Putting a piece of cheese on one of them, she took a bite out of it. She heard the skylight unlatching, and she looked up from the food to find LaCroix standing on the other side of the table. "Good morning, LaCroix. Want some?" As she expected, he just stood there. "Guess not. You probably want to know about the case, right? Nick's upstairs." "Yes, that is on my list, but first I have something for you." He pulled out the pouch he'd received earlier that night, handing it to her. Putting the remainder of her cracker down, she took the offering, asking, "What is it?" Dumping the little satchel's contents into her hand, she found a necklace with some kind of charm. "It's from Cedric. His protection, he said." She held the chain up, getting a closer look at the round pendant. It was just over a half inch in diameter. On it sat a yellow dragon on one side and a pink one on the other. The chain and all but the dragons were in a white metal, either gold or platinum by her guess. "His protection? But...." "He is an Enforcer. With that, comes protection from other Enforcers should anything happen." Looking at the charm, LaCroix tensed slightly upon seeing just what it was. Suppressing his anger at Cedric's gift, he further explained, "It will also protect you from vampires in general. As long as the charm is visible, no vampire will dare touch you for fear of death." She looked closer at it, wondering how that could be...unless it was some kind of seal, or something similar. When she looked up, she found LaCroix gone, and glancing up to Nick's room, she just caught LaCroix disappearing through the door. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Stepping into his son's room, LaCroix found Nicholas looking for something, pulling things down from the closet. "What are you doing?" "Trying to find something." Turning to LaCroix, it was apparent the other was on edge. "What did you give Natalie? I felt you tense across our link." "Cedric's...protection. It's a bit more than that, but do not tell Natalie. Not yet." "A bit more? What does that mean?" "You'll see. But, that isn't important for the moment. What is, is your new case." Moving away from the closet, Nick explained, "No witnesses this time, but it's the same as the other one. Our two federal agents are having fun, it seems. They seem sure they'll strike again in two to two and a half weeks." LaCroix tensed further at the last, wondering just how much more info the Community had than these mortals. Seeing LaCroix' action, Nick waited for a response, but none came. "What?" "That was Cedric's estimation of the next attack. It seems those two know more than they should. I will inform him of this." Turning, LaCroix flew downstairs, landing behind the couch only to find his son had done so as well. Turning to face the younger vampire, he stated, "A meeting of the Community will take place within the next two weeks. I will inform you of its time when it has been decided upon. Take care, mon fils." Nick followed LaCroix' exit, his gaze remaining upward until after the skylight had been closed. Turning back to Natalie, he found her turned toward him. A charm on a chain around her neck glinted in the light--a rose gold dragon sitting in its centre and a serpent wrapped around the edge, staring at him, and making him instinctively tense. Although he'd never actually seen one of these charms, he'd heard of them from LaCroix. On the other side, he knew, would be another dragon. Cedric had, indeed, provided Natalie with more than just his personal protection. Far more. As she looked up at him, he managed a smile, and then came to sit next to her as she picked a half-eaten cracker with cheese up off the plate. A few seconds later, he found it coming his way, but quickly grabbed her arm, directing it instead back to her. She fought him, and as she fell backwards, the cracker still headed for her mouth, they both laughed, other matters pushed far from the front of their thoughts. Fulfilment (11/32) "You should have asked me before giving your 'protection' to that mortal!" LaCroix hissed, yanking Cedric from where he was sitting on the couch when he'd arrived back at his apartment. "Oh, now look who's calling her 'that mortal'." Instinctively, Cedric flinched back, aware that sooner or later LaCroix was going to break...and most likely from something he said. "She is still 'that mortal', but she is also marrying my son." Shoving the Enforcer onto the floor, LaCroix stepped forward, continuing his earlier rant, "What you gave her is, as I'm sure you know, not to be given out lightly--not even to one of us. You will be the one that explains just what that little charm of yours represents! I will not do it, and neither will Nicholas." Standing, he explained, "The others know I gave it to her, LaCroix. And there is no reason I should have told you, let alone asked you about it before giving it to her. I'm surprised you didn't look to see what it was before handing it to her." "I took you for your word, Cedric, that it was protection from you against the Enforcers!" LaCroix moved forward, backing the other toward the far corner of the room. "Which it is!" "Yes, but you gave her a lot more. With that little 'protection' of yours, she has as much say in the Community as any enforcer!" "Then just hope she doesn't decide to order your execution!" LaCroix' eyes immediately turned crimson at that, and he backhanded Cedric, not holding back in the slightest. "And you should hope she does not order yours." The action sent the Enforcer back into the corner, and a snap could be heard as he impacted with the wall on his right side. Cedric slid to the floor, fighting the almost uncontrollable urge to react. The elder vampire took a step forward, his gaze not wavering. "And I thought you wanted a civilised conversation." Cedric winced. They couldn't seem to do anything but argue. Shifting and trying to stand, he realised he had broken several ribs. "You know, I'm not sure I blame Nicholas for wanting to keep his distance from you." LaCroix turned away at the comment. As the sun was on its way up, Cedric would have to stay the day...and if they continued like this, the younger vampire wouldn't be around when night fell. "I will be in the kitchen," he eventually said, leaving the room. Pushing himself up against the wall, Cedric winced at the slight pain. It didn't really hurt all that much, but he knew LaCroix could have done much, much worse. He started after the other, and arriving in the kitchen, he leaned against the doorframe. There, inside, LaCroix calmly poured two glasses of blood. He accepted the one handed to him, silently backing a couple of steps around the corner as LaCroix took his own glass and the bottle back to the other room. Only once the elder vampire sat did he do so...and then only at the far end of the couch, a bit of a distance from LaCroix in the recliner next to the other side of the couch. "I am sorry, LaCroix. I didn't expect my gift to Natalie to be so unwanted. It is a privilege for anyone to wear it, and it took a lot of time to decide to do this. Why do you think it was only now given? It wasn't even my idea. One of the others suggested it. It's the surest way to protect her from those in the Community. And it's only as long as she wears it. If she chooses not to, she may." "You still should have asked, or at least mentioned you were going to give it to her. I had a right to know beforehand, and so did Nicholas. As third eldest in this city, you report to us." "I am an Enforcer and not one of yours, LaCroix. Perhaps you can do this to Nicholas, but not to me." LaCroix stood, setting his glass on the table and approaching the other. Grabbing Cedric's left arm, he pushed up the younger vampire's sleeve, revealing the remnants of several scars. They were the partial wounds that had managed to fully heal all those years ago when Cedric had been a mortal. "Whether you like it or not, I can still lay some claim to you. Whatever happened to your 'master', anyway?" Cedric jerked his arm back, and then watched as the other returned to his seat. He didn't like talking about his past. But...it was part of the reason he came. He wanted to heal some of the events in the past. "About a century ago, my master, that Enforcer that came, started taking more control among the Enforcers, started proclaiming himself in charge. As decades passed, he became...tainted with power. He used his position to get away with things, to break the Code. Fifteen years ago, I found out. He thought I would understand. He should have kept with his original opinion of me." "You killed him." "Yes. It was my duty. I do not regret it. Neither do I regret my decision to go with him. He was right in that I would make a good Enforcer. I enjoy what I am." "You enjoy the hunt, the kill." "Exactly. I always have, and you knew that. That's why you let me go with him, isn't it? I know you two spoke...." LaCroix picked up his glass and took a large swallow of the blood, remembering that night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Leeds, England - 1222 - Early February] "I choose to leave with you," Cedric told the Enforcer. The words bit into him. LaCroix stared at the other vampire, tempted to kill the Enforcer then and there. "Wait outside, Mortal," the Enforcer spoke. "I wish to speak with this one some more." LaCroix turned to Cedric when he didn't immediately leave. "I'm sorry, Lucien...I really am." LaCroix closed his eyes as the mortal left. He didn't move until he felt the Enforcer's presence behind him. Then, he turned and faced the other. "You can take him by force, if you wish. Kill me and take him. It is within your right." The Enforcer stopped, pausing for a moment. Then, his voice a little lower, he continued, "But think about what this does for him. He is a born hunter. Will he be content hunting the mortals, or will he want a stronger, more difficult challenge? He enjoys hunting with you, does he not?" He stiffened, unable to deny it. "Yes, he does." "And he enjoys the kill?" He nodded. "Ask yourself--what is better for him? Would he live better as an Enforcer, or as your son?" Again, LaCroix closed his eyes. Enforcers were trained to hunt and kill. They were trained to enforce a Code that had originated long before any who upheld it were even born. "Take him." "He will always partially belong to you. And, although he is mortal, you have taken his blood several times. I'm sure you can feel his thoughts on this matter?" "Yes. This is what he wants. Go...leave with him before my thoughts change." As the Enforcer nodded and turned to go, he added in a hiss, "Treat him well, and I suspect he will be a loyal son as well as Enforcer." He watched the other vampire again nod, and then slink out the door. He remained in place until Cedric's heartbeat had long faded from his senses. Then, he turned, his eyes catching on the half-finished meal on the table. In a second, his anger rose and the table was flipped; the single plate clattering to the ground with its contents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "LaCroix?" He turned to Cedric, seeing a hint of concern. "Yes, that is why I let you go with him." "It was for the best, you know that. I didn't mean to hurt you, but I know I did. I felt it, LaCroix." Turning away, Cedric continued, "You were more of a father to me during our time spent together than my sire ever was." A spark of anger at that made LaCroix' eyes turn gold. "No, LaCroix, he never hurt me. He just...he made me in the image of the 'perfect' Enforcer. He trained me, but he allowed me to mingle with the mortals, something that amused me. I liked to watch them. They are...intriguing. From them is how I truly learned to hunt. By observing them, I learned to anticipate my target and know what it was thinking. I learned that from you. It is you that helped me gain the position I have now, not him. And later, I wanted to speak with you, but...." LaCroix waited, but the other didn't finish his sentence. "But what?" "Nicholas. By the time I had enough courage to ask if I could speak with you...you had another." He felt his muscles tighten, realising what had happened. "And because of Nicholas...." Cedric stood, walking across the room. "I'm sorry. I saw him...I saw you with him and realised you had already filled the void created by me. I didn't think you would want to see me, so I just turned around and left." "I would have welcomed you." "I know, I just.... There was Nicholas. I watched you for several days before I left. I saw how close you two were. You two were as we were...closer. I...envied him. I did then, and I still do. He has you." LaCroix sat for a moment, finishing off his glass of blood. He focused on the other, and watched as Cedric turned, facing the wall. He then stood and approached, stopping behind the other. When Cedric didn't step away, he moved nearer and put his right hand on the younger's right shoulder. He pulled Cedric back to him, the action not met with any resistance. With his other hand, he reached around the other, unbuttoning the several top buttons of Cedric's shirt. Pulling the fabric slightly to the side, his lips brushed against the other's neck. At that, Cedric withdrew from the touch, turning to face the other. "Don't, LaCroix. Don't do this for of me." "Who says I'm doing that?" LaCroix asked, advancing slowly on the other. "But...Nicholas...." "My son is.... Nicholas has drifted from me. We are not close as we once were. True, there have been a few moments in recent months, but it will soon pass." "Still--" Cedric stopped, the wall coming up behind him. "Neither does Nicholas have any say over what I wish to do." Closing the distance between them, he kissed Cedric much like the Enforcer had all those years before. But, unlike that kiss, Cedric not only welcomed the action, but pulled him closer. Pushing his tongue into the other's mouth, LaCroix felt the other's fangs--two long and very sharp fangs, longer than a regular vampire's. Cedric pulled back, trying to flee...but was pinned to the wall. "No, LaCroix. I can't...please, let me go." "Why can't you?" "I..." he started, watching as the other's eyes turned gold. "I've honestly never been with a vampire--a normal, non-Enforcer, vampire, that is--since I was brought over. Enforcers aren't exactly welcomed by others in the Community. You know that. We're thought of as monsters." "You're not alone in this. Typically, I avoid Enforcers in normal conversation...let alone more intimate affairs." LaCroix took one of his fingers, cutting it on one of Cedric's fangs. "Quite sharp, I'd say...and quite long." "But what about--" A finger, the same one that had just been cut, stopped his words. He watched as LaCroix then brought his finger to his own lips and licked the blood away. "If you're so concerned about what Nicholas thinks of this and his needs, why don't you go offer yourself to him? Or ask him to join us? Nicholas can come to me anytime he wishes, but he does not. You however...." Before Cedric could comment, LaCroix again kissed him. This time, he purposely cut his tongue on the other's canines, causing quite a reaction from the other. Drawing back, he said, "Perhaps later? Nicholas has his own diversions. We can choose our own." LaCroix waited a moment for a response, but only saw Cedric's eyes begin to glow. A second later, he felt the younger strike, Cedric's fangs slicing into his neck. At that, he returned the action, tasting the flavour he had nearly forgotten. As they separated, Cedric licked the blood from his lips, asking, "Are you sure, LaCroix? I don't want any more tension between me and Nicholas than need be." "Like I said, Nicholas has drifted from me." LaCroix unbuttoned the rest of Cedric's shirt, pushing it back and off the other's shoulders. It slipped from the younger man's skin, falling to the floor. "Choose, Cedric. Yes or no. Decide quickly." The younger tried to kiss him again, but LaCroix kept space between them. "Yes...or no?" "Yes...." LaCroix smiled. Then, he let the other kiss him and work on removing his clothes with learned efficiency. It had been so long...but at the same time, he vividly remembered their time spent together as if it were yesterday. As the last of LaCroix' coverings met the floor, Cedric kissed the other, feeling hands at his waist undoing his pants. Cedric slipped out of the garment and his underwear with ease. LaCroix pulled away from him, and he flushed slightly at the other's attention on his bare body. LaCroix reached forward, pulling the tie that held Cedric's hair back. It was roughly the same length it had been when he'd first seen Cedric. He openly grinned, nearly licking his lips. "You've not changed in all these years." "Nor you." When one of LaCroix' hands went to his neck, Cedric moved forward, again kissing the elder vampire. His mouth met hungry lips, their cool bodies meeting. Cedric was pushed back into the wall, the other drawing momentarily back, a smile still staring at him. Spinning the younger, LaCroix pulled Cedric against him, his erection pressing against Cedric. He traced one finger up the younger's arm, across his shoulder, and then up the back of his neck. His eyes burned brighter as the actions sent a shiver down Cedric's spine, which arched slightly in response. "Hmm...so ready, so young, so strong...." LaCroix pressed himself harder against Cedric, letting his fangs descend and tease the younger vampire's neck. Cedric turned his head to the side, the sensation making his eyes quickly turn golden. "Very ready..." he said through his fangs, bracing himself against the wall. Slowly and almost gently, LaCroix positioned himself behind the other, pressing ever so slightly into Cedric's anus, just stretching the opening a little. The younger moaned and LaCroix slid gradually in. Once Cedric had relaxed--which didn't take long--he began to thrust, slowly and gently at first, and then gradually harder as time went by, needing this. LaCroix' hands first started out on the younger's stomach, steadying Cedric's body. While one remained, he let the other trace a line teasingly downward, and then lightly grasped the other's erection. He stroked it, paying careful attention to remember just what the other liked. A soft moan escaped Cedric's lips and LaCroix continued his ministrations. He repeatedly impaled the younger, only hesitating as he neared his climax. Abruptly ceasing his actions, LaCroix moved his hands upward, pulling Cedric away from the wall and making the younger's neck more assessable. When the younger vampire's head was to the side, taunt skin invited him in and he bit into it, taking what he needed. The blood calmed his senses, and his body relaxed. LaCroix felt Cedric's needs rise, the Enforcer needing only one thing in order to reach his own peak--blood. He offered his wrist, Cedric's fangs ripping into it. The teeth were long and razor sharp, digging deeper than a normal vampire's would have. But, it really wasn't much different. He felt as the blood was pulled from him a little quicker than he was used to, but that didn't really matter. What mattered was feeling Cedric lean back into him and sharing this with another. Fulfilment (12/32) [Three nights later] Getting out of her car, Natalie spotted the Caddy pulling up. Walking over to them, she waited for them to get out. "What are you two doing here? This is the 27th's jurisdiction." Neither spoke. "Nick?" "Yeah, well, we got a call from McKinsey over there," he said, gesturing to the agent, who was over by the victim. "He thinks it might be related to our other cases." "Great. That's all we need," Natalie mumbled. She started for the victim, Nick and Tracy following close behind her. "So, McKinsey, what do we have?" "Looks like our primary case, but one victim, and no extra slashes-- just the one at the neck. Looks like they might have been drained like the others." "Well, I'm going to see if there's anything else," Natalie said, kneeling next to the dead woman. McKinsey shook his head. "32 and homeless. It fits some of our other cases. We've seen this before, too." "Have anyone in mind?" Nick asked, wondering what the other was thinking. "No. She's just unlucky." McKinsey saw the younger detective tense. "It's not an exact science, but I'll bet no one knows her. Either that, or very few. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." "How can you say that?" Tracy exclaimed, her anger close to the surface. "It's not like she has much choice if she's out here." Again, the agent shook his head. "Truth is, the one laying there could be some Jane Doe with a thousand dollar suit on and I'd say the same thing." When the anger remained, Keller added, "What my partner's trying to say is, she was picked--not stalked, but carefully chosen in order to not draw much attention. We won't find her killer." "So you're just giving up?" Nick asked as Keller walked away. "Giving up?" McKinsey said. "No, not giving up. Just setting priorities. We've seen dozens upon dozens of cases like this one. Exactly like this one, down to the slash and blood drained. Look if you want, Detective, but you won't find anything. I'm sure you know the probably of solving a case like this." Nick simmered as the agent left, joining his partner. As the two agents left, he calmed slightly. He knew this was a vampire kill, one that ordinarily would have gone unnoticed. He didn't like it any better than Tracy, but.... It seemed like these two knew far more about vampires than they should. "Come on, Nick. Let's go see what Natalie's found." He turned to her, and then toward the empty place where McKinsey's car had been parked. Nodding, he turned and headed back to the victim, knowing full well that there wouldn't be anything new. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Two days later, Nick stood fidgeting in a church. Right now, between the location and why he was here, he wasn't even sure he could say a straight sentence. Natalie was in front of him, and Tracy, Myra, and Jenny were off to one side. A priest was speaking, saying something, but his only thoughts were that he wanted out of there. Now. This wedding thing was...unnerving under the circumstances. As their vows were finished, and all that was left was to kiss Natalie, he felt dizzy. This, he was sure, was from the church. Just a little longer, though, and he would be free. Natalie initiated the kiss, and he held onto her, pulling her close and using her for a little support. Then, after they separated, the next thing he knew Myra was hugging him. He quickly returned her thanks, thanking her for coming. Then, once everything was done, and truly over with, he heard Tracy ask if he was all right. That snapped him out of it a little, and he managed a smile, telling her he was fine. Once they where out of the church, Natalie standing in front of him, his hands on her shoulders, he felt much better, but was still weak. He hadn't expected it to last that long...however long that was. A bit uncomfortable with the two, especially since they'd just been married, Tracy prodded, "So...what are you going to do tonight, or should I even ask?" Natalie blushed at the question, looking back at Nick. "Well, I think that's up to Nick...and I don't know about him, but I want to get some more comfortable clothes on." "Something more comfortable, hmm?" he said, leaning over slightly, kissing her on the neck. "Well, if you want to call in tomorrow night, let me know and I'll cover for you. I'm going to go get some dinner...I'd invite you two, but...." "Yeah, we know." Feeling a slight nip on the back of her neck, Natalie tensed, realising Nick had changed. "Well, Nicky here I think wants to go home. We'll probably be in tomorrow, but who knows." Turning, she got Nick to go as well, and pushed him toward the Caddy. Watching the two, Tracy stared after the Caddy as it pulled away, wondering how things would change with them married. She hoped not much would change, but honestly didn't know if anything would or not. She was still trying to grab hold of the idea. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Natalie sat on Nick's bed, his pyjama top half-drowning her. There on her left ring finger sat her wedding ring and band. It was strange seeing it there, much more so than she had thought it would be. The ring was fancy and reminded her of an older style, but she knew Nick had it made for her. But...still, it was strange. Nick was downstairs, replenishing the energy he had lost earlier that night. He'd been so close to the edge during the drive back. She had seen his hunger trying to break through even then. He'd drank almost a bottle when they'd come back, then he'd changed clothes, and now he was getting more blood. Looking up to find him in the doorway, she smiled. "You know, being married won't change anything, will it?" she sadly said. He walked over to her and sat on the bed, pulling her close to him. "No, it won't. I told you that before. I wish it would, but...it won't." "Well, does it at least mean you'll let me sleep with you more?" She looked up at him, her eyes pleading with him, although she already knew the answer. "Nat...." "I know, I know...you don't want me to because of what you are." She sat up, pulling her knees up to her chest. "I just...I wish I could do something, Nick. You're my husband now, and--" "And I'm also a vampire. You're not." "So? Come on, Nick, it's our *wedding night*. I mean, getting married is supposed to be a good thing...unless you only agreed because it would help you. Then, I suppose--" He put his fingers up to her lips, stopping her before she said anything else. "No, I agreed because it was, I hope, something you wanted. Yes, it helps dispel suspicion, but I could have dealt with it if I had to." "I know we're not the typical couple, but couldn't we...I don't know...do *something*?" "Like?" "Well...something. I know what's out; I just don't know what else we could do. I'd rather not push you too far, Nick. If you don't want to, though, that's fine. I just...." He pulled her sideways, and then rolled so she ended up on top of him. His mouth met hers, and he felt his fangs drop almost immediately. After she had pulled back and pushed up a little from him, he asked, "Hmm...how about we just lay here...with a few less clothes on, that is?" Not waiting for an answer, he rolled them over so that Natalie was under him. Pulling back, he momentarily got off the bed, first taking off his robe, and then shedding his pants. "Uh...Nick, are you sure you're going to be okay? I mean, I thought...." He grinned at her and got back on the bed. "One-hundred-percent in control at the moment. Now...just a little less...." he said, pulling the pyjama top over her head, pleased to find she wasn't wearing anything else. He leaned over her, hungrily kissing her on the mouth, and then on the neck. "Nick...I don't know what you're planning, but I'd almost say you were going to have sex with me," she said, her fear starting to rise a little, wondering if he really was in control. "Well, you're almost right," he said while teasing her ear with his fangs. "May I?" "May you what?" When he pulled back, tracing a line down her middle and she followed it, she knew what. "I thought you said we couldn't--" "Have intercourse." A smile erupted on his face. "I didn't say we couldn't lay together, though. As long as I'm not aroused too much, it should be fine." He kissed her again, lowering himself on top of her until their bare bodies were right against each other. Again rolling so Natalie was on top of him, he let their tongues duel for a moment before pulling back. "Nick...." she pulled back, sitting up. She could feel Nick's erection just behind her, and it made her hesitant. She moved slowly back, getting up on her knees. Still, she wasn't sure of this. Even as he was nearly inside her, she held back. Then, before she could react, his hands were around her waist and pulling her down. Feeling Nick fill her up, her pelvic muscles instinctively contracted, and then, a moment later, they contracted again. Pulling Natalie down on top of him, he held her tightly, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "Just relax and rest." For several minutes, Natalie did just that. Then, her thoughts and the position she was in made her blush a little. "Hmm...you know, I'm almost tempted to arouse you more to see what happens," she said, tracing one of her fingers along his neck. He tensed, but as he didn't do anything else, she continued her action. When, however, she heard something a little more feral than she had before, she froze. "Nick?" Looking up, she found him pulling her quickly into a kiss. When she felt him moving inside her, she knew something was wrong. She pulled back, sitting up. She met his gaze suppressing a gasp when she saw his red eyes. He bared his fangs, his hands holding her in place. He shifted, sitting up and pulling her against him. She felt his hands sliding over her body, holding her close. She knew he needed to stop, but she neither had the nerve to do so, nor the want for him to. He kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue far into her mouth. She kept her eyes tightly shut, not wanting to see the blood red of his eyes. When his hands pulled her ever closer, until she felt his tight grip become painful to the point it would bruise, she pushed away only to discover he wouldn't budge. Sometime in the last moments he'd lost control. Natalie's fear hit her as he kissed her neck. She felt the tips of his fangs lightly slide across her skin. Any more pressure and she was sure they would reach what they wanted--her blood. Holding onto him, she whispered, "Nick...please, listen to me. Nick--" She gasped as she felt hands wrap around her from behind, pulling her away. They picked her up, one prying Nick's hand from her waist. Once she was out of Nick's immediate reach but still on the bed, the hands released her. Nick sat, staring hungrily at her. Backing up, she saw LaCroix approach Nick, pushing him back on the bed. Her eyes went wide at that, realising that it was LaCroix who pulled her away from Nick. As she watched, LaCroix moved Nick until he was lying sideways on the bed, facing the headboard. Then, he offered Nick his wrist, and Nick sank his fangs into it without a thought. Nick climaxed, spasming faintly before he relaxed. After Nick released his sire's hand, LaCroix turned to her. Natalie tensed, her eyes widening as he glared at her. He glanced to her neck, at which she turned away, grabbing the sheet. Getting off the bed, she backed away, watching as he spotted the necklace on the table. He picked it up and started for her. A hand wrapped around her arm, holding her captive. "LaCroix...please, let go of me." "Do not think this will protect you through its very presence. It has to be seen. If you were wearing this, it might have prevented the situation from getting out of control! It has no power of it's own, but does make us think," he said, dangling the necklace in front of her. "Take it!" She did, trying to pull away from him, but he wasn't letting her. Now, with his free hand, he yanked the sheet from her, and she screamed. "Get dressed! It doesn't matter what, just something. You will be given clothes to change into." He released her, and then turned back to his son. "The same goes for you, Nicholas. Get dressed and meet me at my apartment. The meeting will start as soon as we arrive. Cedric is already preparing it." Natalie was stunned, and for a moment, none of them moved. When LaCroix' glare again fell to her, however, she darted for the bathroom, remembering she left a change of clothes in there a few days ago. Quickly dressing, she came back into the bedroom to find LaCroix coming at her. She wasn't even quite sure why LaCroix wanted her to go to this meeting--it wasn't her place and they both knew it. Before she knew what was happening, he picked her up and flew her out of both the room and the loft. Fulfilment (13/32) "Unless you wish to end up like one of your 'patients', I suggest that you do not have sex with him again. Nicholas does not have the control needed to assure your safety." "And I suppose next you're going to say that you do, aren't you?!" Natalie spat through the door as she looked at the clothes LaCroix had put out for her to chose from and change into--all black and all decidedly too dressy for her taste. They were also apparently Janette's--clothes she'd left for LaCroix to put in storage, which he hadn't. She didn't need this right now, and certainly not with what they were discussing. "Oh, wait, I already know the answer to that one--Cedric said it. You had sex with him when he was mortal, so of course you do. Otherwise, he'd be long dead." Finally deciding on a long, black dress--a form fitting, sleeveless, low-cut dress--she started to change, waiting for LaCroix to respond in some fashion. It wasn't what he she really wanted to put on, but it wasn't velvet and there was a jacket that would look decent with it. But, as she finished getting the dress on and picked the shoes she'd brought with her and the jacket up, he remained silent. "Come on, I know you're out there!" Going to the door, she yanked it open to find LaCroix staring down at her, one eyebrow raised. Whether it was at her appearance or at her words she wasn't sure, but it made her even more uncomfortable than the clothes did. "Come on, don't just stand there staring at me. Don't you have *something* to say?" "Nicholas is not like me." "Okay, why can't he control himself enough to be with me?" The other kept silent, glaring at her. "Damn it, you know. Tell me." "Because I never told him how he could, that's why." She stiffened. She hadn't expected that...or maybe she had. LaCroix liked Nick by his side, dependent on him. "Does he know?" "Does he know what?" he asked, a faint smile trying to force its way to his lips. "You know exactly what. Does he know that the reason he can't make love to me or, I'll guess, any mortal, is because you didn't teach him a few things?" "No." The simple, calm answer grated on her. "What else haven't you taught him?" He turned and went to the living room, ignoring her. "LaCroix!" He spun, his eyes gold. "You will get no more answers from me. Now, sit and wait. Nicholas should arrive soon, and then we will leave." *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. When Nick arrived at LaCroix' apartment, Natalie ran to Nick when she saw him, embracing him. "This is no time for idle pleasantries. We must leave now. Come." With that, LaCroix started back the way Nick had just come in. "Nick...." she started, but found him turning her around, and guiding her toward LaCroix and the door. "Shh, it's okay. We can talk later. It's only a short distance." "But Nick...." "Later, Nat. Let's just get this meeting over with." She nodded and let him lead her outside, where first LaCroix took off, and then Nick picked her up and did the same. True to his word, the trip was short--a few blocks at the most. Once there, and they had entered the building, she leaned on Nick as she put her shoes on. Then, Nick took his coat and LaCroix' coat, then turned to her. She shook her head. "I'm leaving this on. The top of this dress is a little more bare than I'd like." He nodded, then told her, "Your phone's in my coat. You left it when...." She flushed slightly, LaCroix' arrival and her quick departure something she wasn't going to forget in the near future. She gave him a weak smile, then watched as he placed the two coats on a shelf and headed in. She went to follow, but LaCroix stopped her. "Let go of me," she evenly stated, waiting for him to comply. Reaching up to her neck, he took the necklace, pulling the charm from behind her so that the pendant fell in plain view against the bare skin framed by the jacket and dress. "Now come," he said, releasing her. "You will sit between myself and Nicholas." As he started off, she was a little stunned. She had expected him to do something different--perhaps warn her to keep her mouth shut-- but he didn't. Natalie followed after him, where he paused to wait for her just before entering the room. The room was square, windowless, and dimly lit. A table sat on the far side of the room with four chairs behind it, although, comfortably, there seemed only enough room for three. Already Nick and Cedric sat at it, on the two ends. The other three sides of the crowded room were filled along the walls with vampires. If the room had been empty, she suspected the room would have been comfortably large, but it was far from empty. The vampires varied in appearance from being dressed similar to her and Nick to several in casual jeans and t-shirts and others that she would fully expect to find at the Raven. None, however, were obviously vampires except for the hints of amber starting at her or the occasional flash of fangs. At a rough guess, she would say there were at least a hundred in the room, perhaps a couple dozen more. However many, all she knew is it was more than any fire code would allow. "Now, Doctor." LaCroix' voice snapped her attention forward, where he was heading into the room. And, as she stepped through the door and started into the room, she felt every pair of eyes focus on her. She continued as calmly as possible given that she was mortal. She felt the room first suddenly silence, then abound with whispers and hisses. Reaching her chair and sitting down, LaCroix doing the same, she tensed, hoping she wouldn't have to say anything. Cedric stood, clearing his voice. "Look around and make note of those absent. Mention the names of those not present to one of us after the meeting and we will make sure they are notified of our discussion." Once the room quieted to near silence, he resumed his seat. He paused, and then told them, "As you all know, Community meetings such as this are rare, and--" "What is the mortal doing here?" someone asked, several others nodding and waiting for an answer. Cedric waited for things to settle, then told them, "The mortal is Dr. Natalie Lambert. She is here at the request of myself and the other Enforcers. She was unaware she would be attending." "Then we would like to know--what is the grand emergency that caused this meeting to be called, and for a mortal to be allowed at it?" one of those in the back of the room asked. "Our discovery by the mortals," LaCroix stated, a rush of whispers flowing through the room at the words. "There is an...agency of some kind among the mortals that have information on us. They have at least one of us on video tape, and they have been documenting kills. They plan to reveal us." "And just how is this known?" the same vampire that had spoken first asked. "From a combination of information my people have gathered, as well as information supplied by Dr. Lambert." The same vampire took a step forward. "And how do you know she is trustworthy? As far as you know, she could be supplying false information." Cedric spared a glance toward Natalie, and then told the room. "She is trustworthy. She has--of her own volition--covered up countless kills by this Community." The one that had spoken seemed relatively satisfied with the answer, and resumed his place against the wall. "What if she is a mortal spy?" another vampire spoke, starting for the front table. "She will be the cause of our destruction, and should be killed!" he continued, leaning forward toward Cedric with a suspicious glance to Natalie. Another, an Enforcer, stopped his approach, pulling him back. "I suggest you hold your tongue," LaCroix hissed and locked gazes with the vampire. "Take a good look at her, and repeat what you just said." The vampire did just that, his eyes widening as he saw the pendant that at first glance blended in with her skin and examined at it closer. He knew little about it other than that it frightened him. The others in the room also examined it, a murmur of whispers again rising in the background as several explained what it was and what it meant. The vampire took a step back, fear in his every movement. He bowed his head slightly, telling her, "I apologise. I didn't mean...." The man tried backing off, but found the Enforcer preventing him. "Please, let me go." The Enforcer shook his head, turning to Cedric. "It is Dr. Lambert's decision whether you may be released or not. The insult was directed at her and she is trusted by us. Ask her for mercy, not I." Terror plastered on the vampire's face, he turned to the mortal, telling her, "Please, tell them to let me go. I did not realise you had the authority of an Enforcer. You must be trusted if you have their protection. Please, I apologise." Natalie, thoroughly confused, didn't know what to do. Not wanting to mess anything up, she considered trying to delegate the decision to Cedric, but guessed it would be best if she did it. That, and Cedric seemed to want her to respond. "Release him," she eventually voiced, and, to her amazement, the Enforcer did just that, the vampire backing away in fright, obviously fighting the urge to leave as he headed toward the back of the room along the wall by the door. "Now, does anyone else have anything to say about 'the mortal's' presence?" LaCroix demanded of the room, which went eerily silent. "Good," he said, pleased at the lack of response. Perhaps Cedric's charm was good for something. At least it stopped this argument. "We wish to know, which one of us was caught on tape? What is his punishment?" someone asked from a corner. Cedric nodded, and one of the Enforcers, this time a woman, grabbed Screed from those gathered and pulled him into the open. "Let go of me, you--" "Screed, be quiet before you piss one of them off," Vachon said, cutting the other off and diverting the attention his way. "A carouche! And he still lives?" another exclaimed. "He's been under house arrest and feeding from human blood," Vachon answered, taking several steps into the room's centre. "In other words, he's been protected." Screed turned, facing the vampire that had spoken. "You eat the e- quiv-a-lent o' card-board fer almost three weeks an' tell me 'ow you like it!" Before the carouche could comment again, Cedric spoke, "Screed has, other than given the mortals one piece of visual proof that something is walking around with glowing eyes and fangs, done nothing to endanger us. The mortals already had their suspicions. They were hunting for more proof. Screed's mistake did nothing to change that. He was a target. Screed is not our enemy, the mortals are. Besides, if needed we could use him without revealing ourselves further as he's been revealed to at least some of the mortals. Now, Dr. Lambert, would you be kind enough to explain just what the mortals know about us?" A little startled at being asked to continue, Natalie shifted, straightening in her chair. "They have a tape with Screed, their proof that something fitting the description of vampires exists. That, and they have been following murders where the victim has been drained. They are also certain these kills were done by vampires." "And how, exactly, do you know this?" a casually dressed woman off to the side of the room inquired. "What is the extent of their knowledge?" "I have been recruited by two of their agents to work with them on their cases, looking for specific things. They have had me check saliva found on two cases--suspected to be the same two vampires-- against each other and against other DNA tests they have had performed. I know the tests came back positive against their other samples. They have, obviously, been at this for some time. They have, at the very least, saliva samples from several vampires, possibly more. I am not privy to all their knowledge, neither can I find much more out without raising suspicions, but they know more than they've told me," she told them, her words shaking somewhat as she finished. "Enough to expose us?" yet another asked. "Very possibly, although we do not believe they have any of our identities--either here in Toronto or in other cities," Cedric stated before Natalie could answer. "The kills mentioned, are the vampires being dealt with?" Cedric nodded. "They will be. Myself and the other Enforcers are working on that. They are a difficult case." "How much do the mortals, in general, know?" "No more than they have for centuries," Nick said. "As far as most are concerned, we don't exist. To me, the mortal agents have done nothing but hint at us, hint that something isn't right, but not what. I think they are just waiting for the opportunity to expose us." "What is being done to stop this threat?" At that, the whole room went silent. After a moment, Cedric told them, "There's nothing we can do without drawing attention to us. No hunting is in affect--under any circumstances. If a mortal is found dead, killed by one of us, the--" A phone rang, the sound coming from the back of the room. Seeing Natalie tense, Nick headed toward the noise and, indeed, it was her phone. Quickly returning with it, he handed it to her. "Dr. Lambert," she quickly said, trembling. Feeling Nick's hand on her arm, she relaxed into the touch. "I need you at the precinct, now. It shouldn't take long," McKinsey's voice told her. "May I--" she started, stopping as the other line went dead. "Damn." Turning to Nick, she watched as he nodded. "Come on, let's get this over with," Nick said, leading her from the room. Cedric stood before the room went into chaos. "This meeting is adjourned until two hours before sunrise. You may stay here if you wish. If anyone has a request for the remainder of the meeting, please speak with either LaCroix or myself. You are dismissed if you wish to leave." With that, the room dispersed somewhat, about half of the room leaving. Fulfilment (14/32) "You know, we make quite a pair right now," Natalie commented, glancing at each of their clothes as they walked the couple of remaining blocks to the precinct from where Nick had landed. Nick was still in his all black from the meeting, and she was still wearing the black dress and jacket of Janette's. "You know, you probably shouldn't come in...." As they started for the entrance, he told her, "I'll be fine. I can work a little on a report or something." She nodded as they walked in and across the precinct, she saw McKinsey standing near one of the conference rooms. At that, she left Nick, heading for the agent. "Why is he here?" McKinsey asked, shutting the door. Turning back, his eyes wandered over the other's unusual appearance. "We were out," she said in an even tone, hoping it would be enough, not only to explain Nick's presence but their clothes as well. McKinsey raised an eyebrow at that, and then gestured to the table. "If you must know, Nick and I are extremely close. Nick picked me up yesterday morning and I spent the day at his place. Tonight is both of our nights off and we decided to go out. I don't see anything wrong with it." Once they were all seated, Keller asked, "How close is close? Enough to know his loyalties?" "What are you asking?" "Do you trust him enough to let him in on this?" Deciding to test out what she thought before, she told him, "He's my husband, and I’ll trust him with anything." Both men were surprised at that, McKinsey gesturing to his partner. "It's only official as of a few hours ago, but we do have a marriage license if it's needed for proof. Does that give you a good enough answer on why we were together?" Keller left the room, and McKinsey asked, "Why didn't you mention this?" "We wanted to keep our marriage ceremony private. Besides, I didn't think that would matter to you. I told you keeping a close eye on him wouldn't be a problem and that I was spending a lot of time with him. I know my way around his home as well as he does, and have for some time. Besides, I figure you've already done a background check on him." "Yes, we have. From what we can tell, he's somewhat of a hotshot, doesn't like authority much. And we know personally that he's not fond of federal agents." McKinsey glanced at her left hand as he spoke, seeing a ring. It wasn't quite a standard wedding ring, but the large clear stone in the middle hinted at its meaning. Looking back up, his eyes caught on the necklace she was wearing. "I haven't seen that before." Looking down, she saw the pendant. "Oh, I've had that for a while. I was wearing it under my shirt before." Keller came back in, moving the attention to him. Shutting the door, he stated, "She's telling the truth. They're married. There's a request for a name change waiting to be put in the computer." "So, doctor, can he be trusted with this? Do you trust him to keep this secret?" McKinsey asked again. "I trust him with my life and more. That is both a personal and observational opinion," she said almost immediately, having a feeling where they were going with this. "Go get him, Keller. Knight could be quite useful to us." Keller nodded and left the room, pulling the door solidly shut. McKinsey leaned against the wall. "This isn't want we called you down for, mind you, but we can use all the help we can get." Natalie tensed, trying to remain calm as she sat and waited. Very possibly, Nick had just found his way out of being investigated...but was now in what could be considered a bigger mess. A moment later the door opened, Keller holding it open as Nick entered. The door was then shut, the room going quiet for a moment. "Detective," McKinsey addressed, giving a slight nod to Nick. Nick returned the gesture, asking, "May I ask why you asked me in here? Is it something about one of the cases?" McKinsey ignored the questions, and asked one of his own, saying, "Are you aware Dr. Lambert has been working with us?" "We all have." "Yes, but in a...more official capacity. She is, although minimally, an employee of ours." "Nat?" he said, turning to Natalie, hoping he looked more confused by this that he felt. She kept still, not really sure what she could say. Nick knew, but she wasn't sure how much McKinsey and Keller wanted her to say. So, she didn't answer. "She has been acting in a scientific capacity, and has been helping us in our investigations," Keller explained after a moment. When Nick didn't change his expression, McKinsey added, "Using added knowledge from us, specifically uncommon, classified knowledge. Doctor, will you explain this to him in detail later? Right now, I want to tell you why we called." "Sure," Natalie answered, relaxing slightly. This would make things much easier, as Nick already knew what she did. This way, it would be a little simpler for them not to slip with them there, as long as Nick didn't say much. "Good," McKinsey stated, then told the two, "We must act quickly. More evidence has been found in another city, adding more credence to our research. Another of them was caught on tape, changed, and this time it's even better than the tape we showed you. The images are clearer and we caught it flying. We're getting closer to them." "What are you talking about?" Nick said, looking utterly confused at the statement. "Vampires, Detective. They are living creatures--not the myths that we are made to believe they are. They are here in Toronto and all around the world. They hide among us, only the unfortunate victims of their hunger being left for us to find. They are very difficult to find. In fact, we don't have the real identities of any of them yet. Just piles of photos and some tapes. We're close, though. Very close." Natalie tensed at McKinsey's explanation. She watched Nick do the same, wondering what he'd say in response to that. "You've seen them, then?" Nick asked, prodding for information. "No, not in person. No more than what we've got on tape, that is, although I think we all will, and soon. We are getting closer and are preparing. We are confidant that the perpetrators of the two double murder cases will be caught on their next try. And we will do anything possible to catch one." Nick became concerned. "You sound certain of this. How can you be so sure?" "There is a...pattern to their killings. The slashing killings. It's not obvious, but it's repeating." Nick knew what that could mean. "So, that means you either know where or when they'll next strike." "Where, but not when. That can only be predicted within a few days, unfortunately." "We were one day off last time," Keller stated. "One day too late. This time, we'll catch them." "Dr. Lambert, what were the results on comparing the last victim to the others? Different, right?" She nodded, aware they were getting more into the purpose of the meeting. "Yeah, they are. The puncture marks were better hidden with the homeless woman, only noticable through examination. But the double murders, those are done quicker, not as carefully." "Uh...Nat, this is...." "It's real, Nick. Very real." Figuring the agents wouldn't mind if she mentioned it, she told him, "They have one of them on tape, and I don't think it was faked." McKinsey turned to face Nick. This conversation had been the final test for the detective--which had been passed. McKinsey faintly smiled. "Perhaps you need a little time to digest this, Detective. If you'd like, you can go and the doctor, here, can explain everything to you later. It shouldn't be long. You can be reached through Natalie, I assume?" "Yeah, on all of that. Nat? I'll be waiting outside." Getting a nod from Natalie, he slowly backed up toward the door and left. Once Nick was gone, McKinsey turned back to the doctor. "Now, first I'd like to apologise for interrupting your night, but I do have a few questions, then I'll give you a more specific update, and then you can go. If Knight would like more proof, we can arrange for him to view the tapes we have." He paused, then flashed a smile. "Now, this won't take long, I promise." Natalie glanced toward the door before again focusing on the agent and nodding. She wished Nick hadn't come, but, truly, it was probably better that he did. At least Nick would now know more accurately what was going on. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Nick sat at the table, watching as the room again filled up. After leaving the precinct, he had flown them both back to the meeting, despite his suggestion that he take Nat home. Arriving, LaCroix and Cedric had made an overview of the remainder of the meeting. There were several topics to bring up. One of which was a hint of the information learned from the mortal agents. Another was Tracy-- apparently by request. Other than Natalie, Tracy was the only other mortal in the city that was extremely close to the Community, namely, close enough to endanger it. As he sat there, Nick knew two Enforcers were retrieving her. He didn't like it and wished he knew who demanded she be dealt with now. And then there was everything that didn't have to do with the meeting. There was LaCroix and Cedric. And there was what had happened early that night with Natalie. He needed to talk to LaCroix about the first and Nat about the second...but it would have to wait until after Community business was dealt with. He felt Natalie touch his arm. Her blood flowed quickly in her veins, calling to him as much now as it had when he'd lost control. LaCroix' blood had done nothing but fuel his anger. Feeling her tug on his arm a little, he turned to her, desperately trying to focus on her face and nothing else, and managed a smile. "Sorry, I was just thinking." When her other hand rested against his back and she gently massaged some of his muscles, he closed his eyes, feeling the action both push him closer to the edge and relax him more. He could hear some of the whispers in the room focus on them, effectively countering Natalie's efforts. "Nat...don't, please," he said, opening his eyes and looking at her. When she tensed, he knew they were gold and she remembered them from before. "We'll talk later, okay?" As she nodded, he felt the room settle down somewhat. Cedric stood, and as before began the meeting. Sitting down, he told the room, "A little more information on the present situation is available. Doctor, please elaborate." "Those that have 'hired' me to help them have become more certain of their goal. They believe they will capture one, maybe even two vampires within the next several days." Cedric nodded. "The two rouges." "The two that have eluded the Enforcers!" a vampire, a woman, hissed at Cedric. "You're an Enforcer. You're supposed to enforce the Code, to hunt them down and destroy them. Do so before the mortals discover us and have proof we exist!" "They already do," Natalie responded before Cedric could respond. The attention turned sharply on her, and she explained, "They have the tape of Screed. And they have tapes of other vampires--not from Toronto, but proof nonetheless. It's only a matter of time." "And just what are their plans, Dr. Lambert?" the female vampire continued, her harsh tone not softening in the slightest. "They presently want a live specimen. They want to have a vampire in their hands, and then, with that undeniable proof, they want to expose the others--which means everyone in this room." Finishing, Natalie stared around the quiet room. "And don't ask me what kind of agency it is. As far as I can tell, it isn't defined by national borders, but it's powerful enough to do just about whatever it wants." Cedric nodded. "She's right. We don't know what this agency is, but it is worldwide and it's well hidden. Even we can't find much about it. Those two have given this group something to follow, something to fuel their search, and it's paying off. The rouges will die for what they have done to the Community. I wish they could die slowly, but the situation may not allow it." "And what about the others?" the same vampire asked. She paused, and then pointed at Screed. "The carouche should die as well. He has also spurred the mortals' suspicions." "He will not die," LaCroix told her. "That is both the Enforcers' ruling, as well as mine." She stepped forward, becoming bolder, the vampires around her moving away. "Yours? Yours, or your son's? We all know he has a fondness for not killing and a liking of the mortal world." "Mine. Nicholas had little say in this decision. It was primarily a choice of Cedric and his Enforcers. I agree with them. We believe the carouche may be useful to us in the future." Glaring at the female, he let his eyes flash gold. "I suggest you take your place." Once she had done so, he continued, "Now, are there any further questions or comments?" The room remained silent. "Good. Cedric, please continue." "Another major decision is to be made tonight. First off, does anyone in this room have a problem with Dr. Lambert's presence at this meeting, or her involvement here?" When no one said anything, he told the room, "Those of you who are keeping your concerns silent may speak to me after this meeting if you wish. Second, as several of you are aware, there is another mortal that knows several members of this Community. Tonight, by request, we will decide her fate." He gestured to the back of the room, someone flipping the lights off. "No one will mention the presence of Dr. Lambert--even if it's simply a mention of a mortal in the room. If Nicholas is mentioned, you will not use his name. Violators will receive an as of yet undefined punishment. Now, we begin." Fulfilment (15/32) Tracy tried to pry herself free of the grip, but it only tightened. "Would you just loosen your grip or something? It's bad enough being hauled here like a sack of--" "Shut up. You are to be questioned, and will have plenty of time to voice your opinion," the Enforcer on her right spoke, momentarily tightening his grip. Glaring at him, Tracy found it slowly loosened. After a moment, she told them, "Oh, you're just the carrier pigeons, then? Look, I know what you are, I just want to know who's behind this. You can at least tell me that, right?" The other, a woman, yanked her a little closer, hissing in her ear, "The Elders. The three in charge." "Like that tells me anything." "Be quiet, Mortal!" the first said, his anger showing. "They are ready for us." Before Tracy could say anything in response, she found herself in the dark, the two Enforcers dragging her forward. Soon, she realised she had been admitted to another room, also black. In it, she could literally feel the others' presence, watching her. A slight rustle here, another there...all around her and very close by. She was surrounded by who knows how many vampires. Although she was nervous, she did her best to remain calm. When they stopped but didn't release her, she pulled away from the woman. "Come on, I'm not going anywhere, all right!" With her words, she heard a hiss from off to one side. That, and the Enforcers' grips didn't change. "Tracy, don't fight them," Vachon told her, but didn't move. "Vachon? What's going on?" "He knows little more than you, I'm afraid," LaCroix stated. "You are here for an inquiry." She knew that voice. It was the guy that owned the Raven, the guy Nick listened to on the radio all of the time. "You're LaCroix, aren't you?" "Yes." Tracy was a little surprised at how quickly he answered, but wasn't about to complain. "Okay...an inquiry for what?" "To see if you will keep your knowledge," Cedric spoke. She tensed a little. That was voice number two. But, there were three Elders.... "My knowledge...of the Community, you mean? But I'm a resistor." "There are ways around that problem," Cedric continued. "Considering the current circumstances, you cannot be killed. It would do more to hinder than help us. Therefore, we must consider this carefully." "Ways around...." They apparently couldn't kill her, but she suspected there were other things they could do...bring her over, for one. She wasn't sure about this, her pulse speeding up. "She should be killed!" a vampire spoke, his eyes glowing crimson. "She knows us. Mortals cannot be trusted!" Cedric's eyes burned amber, and he stood, glaring at the vampire that spoke. "Be silent and I will overlook your slip." "I will not be silent." "And neither will I," said another vampire. "It is foolish of you to bring a mortal in here, especially this one. She knows too many of us. She recognised LaCroix by his voice and was unsurprised by his presence. She knows Vachon. She'd recognise LaCroix' son if she could see him, as well as his mortal friend. This mortal should not be here. She knows too many of us and does not have our trust. She must be dealt with, and by dealt with, I suggest that she be killed, and now." Cedric's eyes flashed scarlet and narrowed. He spoke, his anger barely controlled, "Enforcers, remove this one from the room. He will be dealt with later." Tracy, mouth open, was confused by what had been said. She wasn't the only mortal that knew about this, she wasn't the only mortal in the room. And she knew LaCroix' son? How? Who? She knew it wasn't Vachon, and she really didn't know very many vampires. "What's going on?" "Turn on the lights. We might as well get this over with," Cedric spoke, frustrated. As the lights came on, Tracy watched as most of those present momentarily flinched back from the bright light. There, in front of her, she found four people sitting at a table. LaCroix, a vampire she guessed was Cedric, Natalie looking very much not like Natalie, and Nick. "Nat? Nick? What are you two doing here?" Cedric turned toward Tracy, telling her, "I suggest you remain silent for now. Perhaps you will be spared a repeat of this. Know that you will not die--we do not need the suspicion it could bring." Tracy was thoroughly confused by everything. "What are you talking about?" "Just do as he says," Nick told her. "I'm sorry, I'll explain more later. But not here and not this instant." "Are there any questions? If there are none, this meeting is over." Cedric waited, but no one spoke up. "Very well. Dismissed." Tracy closed her eyes, waiting as the others left, flowing around her, most clearly displeased with her presence. She heard Nick tell Vachon and Screed to leave, at which she tensed. Nick was a vampire, and she honestly didn't know what to think of it. Opening her eyes, she found most of the room empty and Nick standing within her reach. Nick purposely looked away from Tracy and toward LaCroix and Cedric. "I'm going to take Tracy to my place," he told them. "I want to talk to her about this. LaCroix...Nat...." LaCroix nodded. "I will wait before coming by with Natalie." "It's okay, Nick," Natalie told him, her voice betraying a bit of her true feelings. "I'll be fine for a little while." Nick nodded, slowly leading a silent Tracy from the building. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Tracy paced, occasionally glancing over at Nick, who was drinking from a bottle of blood. He sat at the dining room table, calmly following her movements. It was...unnerving. She didn't really have a problem with Nick being a vampire. She'd considered it in the past, but had always dismissed it for some reason or another. What bothered her, was that night. So much had happened.... "Nick, I want to know one thing. I understand what you are and most of the reasons you didn't say anything. You've explained that enough. But...what about Natalie? I mean...she's mortal, but you're not. You just got married...less than a day ago." She stopped pacing. "Nick...I just.... Do you love her, Nick?" He looked up. "Yes, I do. I care for her, Trace, and the wedding really does mean something to me." "You said you're eight hundred years old. How many times have you been married, Nick?" "Counting tonight? Three. It's not a decision I take lightly." "And vampires are really close to being revealed?" she asked after a pause. "Yes." She sat, staring at the bottle in Nick's hands. When the elevator switched on, she turned and waited, wondering who was coming up. A moment later, Natalie and Cedric stepped into the loft, approaching. "Sorry, Nick, LaCroix refused to come," Cedric said, stopping after crossing half the distance to the other vampire. Nick nodded. As LaCroix had more pressing business than fighting with him, he wasn't particularly surprised his sire had refused. "Could you take Tracy home? I know it's nearly dawn, but...." "Yeah. It's fine." Cedric turned to Tracy, watching as she became nervous, much like she'd been at the meeting. "Come, there's not much time. I won't hurt you or do anything to you. We have other things to deal with than your knowledge, other more pressing matters." "I'll see you at work, okay?" Nick asked, hoping she was doing better with this than she seemed. "Yeah." Turning to Cedric, she approached the other vampire. Cedric led her toward the elevator once she reached his position, and they got in, leaving. As the elevator made its way down, Natalie walked over to the table. "Nick...." "Why didn't you come in by the skylight?" "You had the shutters closed." He winced. He hadn't thought about that. "Sorry." "It's okay," she told him, coming to stand behind him, her hands on his shoulders. "Nat...please don't touch me." She complied with his request after a moment. "What's wrong? Does it have to do with what happened before?" "Yes, it does. Nat, I don't want to hurt you. If LaCroix hadn't come in when he had, I would have killed you." Seeing that she was about to protest, he told her, "You're lucky he pulled you away." "He's hiding a lot from you, you know," she stated, watching him stiffen. "I asked him about what happened...why you lose control around me when you're aroused. He hasn't taught you how to keep control during sex." He caught the anger in her last few words. It fuelled his thoughts, his emotions. He took a swig of the contents of the bottle, getting ever closer to the bottom. He looked away. "No, he hasn't. And he won't. He likes me like this. He likes to push me to the edge...although it doesn't matter anymore. He has Cedric." "What?" she asked, Nick's last words having been...unusually accusing. "LaCroix has been sleeping with Cedric the last couple of days. I can feel it. He's trying to hide it, but...." "But it's not working." She considered it a little, and then asked, "You're jealous, aren't you?" Natalie watched as he withdrew from her. "Nick...don't, please. I know you haven't explicitly said it, but you and LaCroix have been intimate in the past, right?" She waited, but didn't get an answer. "You've been where Cedric is right now, and want to be there. You want to be with LaCroix again, don't you?" "No, I..." he trailed off, realising it was a lie. "Nick, if LaCroix gave you the chance, would you take it?" She watched as he played with the ring on his finger, spinning it around. Before he could say what was on his mind, she told him, "If you want to be intimate with him, I won't hold it against you. I know your relationship with LaCroix can't really be explained and that it's different. Just know that I understand that." He didn't answer her, but kept messing with the ring. "I'm going to sleep down here today, okay? I know you're still on edge from what happened." He nodded. It was the best option. "I'm sorry, Nat. Tonight has ruined what you had hoped for, hasn't it?" "No...no, Nick. It hasn't. If anything, I pushed you. I pushed you too hard." "You pushed and I pulled. I knew that could have happened." He paused, aware their wedding night wasn't going to be anything close to typical...nor would anything else. "You take my room, okay? I can sleep down here." Natalie was about to protest, but instead nodded. She'd seen Nick asleep on the couch in the past. Although she didn't want him to do this...she knew it was necessary. Usually, she insisted she sleep on the couch, but she knew he would need blood later. Down here, he was closer to the blood and wouldn't have to worry about being tempted by her. Waiting a moment, she then turned and started for the stairs. Fulfilment (16/32) [Four days later] Cedric had just received a call from one of his Enforcers, and was now on his way to intercept the two rouges. They had finally decided to strike. Approaching, he realised there were three mortals close by. He paused before meeting the other; aware he had no choice but to act. Flying down, he landed where the two rouges were trying to overpower the Enforcer already present. She was fairly young, and would be no match for the two without help, even though her opponents were younger than herself. Their strength and impulsiveness counteracted her strength, plus, they outnumbered her. Pulling out a stake, he stabbed it into the first vampire before they even knew he was there. At that, he felt several mortal heartbeats closing in. As the first vampire disintegrated, creating a pile of ash next to two drained mortals, Cedric turned to the female vampire. "Leave, I will deal with this one." She hesitated, snarling at him at the order, but as Cedric pulled out another stake, she took to the sky. "Oh, look, finally one of you gets close enough, and you send your backup away? Stupid Enforcer." "You have done far more damage than you realise." Feeling the mortals practically watching them, he stated, "You will die, even if the mortals kill me for what I am." The vampire attacked Cedric fully vamped out and either unaware of the mortals or not caring. However, Cedric quickly overpowered the vampire, a stake slipping through him, killing him and making him burn. So young. Cedric hated killing these young ones, even if it meant no bodies. This was at least over with. At that, Cedric heard a gun going off, a bullet hitting him. However, it did not go through him, nor was it an ordinary bullet. It passed through his heart, stopping just before exiting him. The bullet, he could feel, was wood. Turning, Cedric spotted three mortals a short distance away. One had a gun, another a crossbow, and the third a camcorder. He prepared to take to the sky, but the crossbow was fired, the bolt hitting him in the thigh. He instinctively snarled at them. The crossbow was reloaded, and the two with weapons moved closer. Another bolt was fired, hitting him in the shoulder and knocking him off balance. One mortal, who had the gun, ran forward and pushed Cedric to the ground, the gun aimed at the vampire's head. The mortal with the crossbow reloaded it, another bolt ready for use if need be. Cedric lay there, staring up at them. If he moved, he died...or they put another bolt in him. He seriously considered making them kill him, but at least this way he'd be able to possibly control some of the damage remembering that these mortals wanted a live vampire...and now they would have one. He shifted, pain ripping through him from the various pieces of wood. The one that went through his heart was the worse, the bullet still touching some of the tissue there. He willed himself to stay conscious, but his injuries took his energy. He weakened, and soon blacked out. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Natalie arrived at the precinct, finding Keller waiting for her. Keller, but no McKinsey in sight. "What's going on?" she asked. Noticing the room was a bit more subdued than usual, she had a bad feeling. "You asked be to bring my bag, what happened?" "Come with me. Suffice it to say, you have a patient." She swallowed. They had bagged themselves a vampire. And, if they needed her expertise, they had probably injured it pretty bad. She followed Keller to the holding cells--which were unusually heavily guarded. There, she found Nick and Reese, as well as McKinsey and several agents. On the ground in the middle of one cell, was Cedric. She did what she could to remain calm. Cedric was lying on the ground on top of what she could only describe as a tarp. He was bleeding in a couple of places, lying eerily still. "What happened?" she again asked, this time to no one in particular. Reese faintly shook his head. "These guys say that this man is a vampire. I say get him to a hospital. They say to call you, Dr. Lambert." She walked up to the cell bars, looking at Cedric's injuries a little closer. "What did you do to him, McKinsey?" "He has a bullet and two crossbow bolts in him." McKinsey paused, walking up to her. "He killed our two vampires--we have it on tape. He's one of them, and there was another, as well. A woman who he told to leave. Later, we'll show you the tape. In the morning, it's going out to the news." "And what do you want me to do?" "Assess his condition. Then, if necessary, remove the wood. Off hand, I'd say it's necessary. He's unconscious, hopefully still alive." "Open the cell," she said to the officer near the cell's door. "Knight, you and Keller make sure nothing happens to her," McKinsey said as the cell was unlocked. As Knight approached him, he caught the detective's arm, holding a gun out to him. "Take this. It has wooden bullets in it." Nick took the weapon somewhat hesitantly. He was presently caught between wanting to have nothing to do with the weapon, and taking it and emptying it into the Enforcer's heart as it would solve at least one of his problems. As it was, he calmly took it, following Natalie and Keller into the cell. Kneeling next to Cedric, Natalie saw the two wounds from the crossbow--which was currently being held in Keller's hands, aimed at the vampire on the ground. The bullet wound, however, she didn't see. "Where's the bullet wound?" "Turn him over," Keller said, making no movement to aid in that task. She tensed, but quickly turned to Nick, telling him, "Help me with that." With Nick's help, they easily flipped Cedric over. There, in the middle of his back, was an entrance wound. She winced. From its position, it would have done a lot of damage. Natalie grabbed her bag, pulling out several items. "Aren't you going to put gloves on or something? I mean, he's not human." Natalie froze, trying not to either wince or tell them their blood was pretty much harmless. She put on a pair of latex gloves, and then turned back to her patient. Looking at where the bullet entered, she tore at the hole in Cedric's shirt, making it larger. Then, she went about the task of removing the bullet--which wasn't an easy task. It was deep, having passed all of the way through Cedric's heart. Once she had found the bullet, she hoped taking it out wouldn't do any more damage than had already been done. Soon, she had the bullet out and dropped in a small plastic bag-- primarily for the blood that was on it. Cedric, however, didn't react to having the bullet removed. "Nick? Help me again." He did so, and next she unbuttoned Cedric's shirt, focussing on the bolt in his shoulder. She tried gripping the bold, but kept losing hold of it. All of the eyes on her weren't helping. She looked over at McKinsey, wishing he would tell some of them to leave. "Is something wrong, Doctor?" "Other than that I can't get this out, and everyone being here isn't helping...." McKinsey noticed the number of people there. There were those in the cell, several armed officers, Reese and a cameraman. "Captain, take a couple of your people out of here. And you," he said to the cameraman, "We don't need a tape of this. All of you who leave must keep quiet for a couple of hours." Reese left, taking two officers with him, the cameraman following soon after. "Thank you," Natalie said, looking back to the wound. "Nick, can you hold his shoulder in place? It might help me get a better grip." When he nodded and did as asked, she again took hold of the bolt. This time, it began to budge. A moment later, she found it sliding out into her hand. She also got a slight moan from Cedric at the action, causing Keller to aim the crossbow a bit better. She looked up at him, telling him, "Could you aim that somewhere else? He might be your target, but it's practically pointed at me." "He's one of them." "And he's incapacitated." She held the agent's glare for a moment, but Keller eventually complied. Then she turned her attention to the other wound. Seeing that it was in his upper and inner right thigh, she winced. That had to hurt. Ripping the fabric of his pants, she again asked Nick for help so she could get the bolt out. And, as with the other, it did come out after a little trying. Cedric woke up a little more, one hand grabbing onto Natalie out of reflex. Natalie tensed, watching as Keller again aimed the crossbow. She looked at Cedric, seeing he was still in the process of coming around. "Don't, I think he's reacting out of instinct. He's not fully conscious yet." McKinsey nodded and his partner loosened his aim somewhat. Then, McKinsey told her, "If you're done, Doctor, get out of there." She nodded. Pulling away from Cedric, she left, followed by Nick and then Keller. As the cell was locked, she watched Cedric wake up. As he sat up, she saw his golden eyes. He needed blood. But, she already knew he wasn't going to get any. "Knight, you and Keller stay down here and keep an eye on him. He's not leaving." As Nick nodded, most of the others left--only himself, Keller, and two officers remaining. And then, of course, there was Cedric. Nick stared at the other, watching as Cedric made it to his feet. "What are you going to do with me?" Cedric asked, his attention flitting between Nick and Keller. "You will remain here until we decide what to do with you," Keller stated, aiming his weapon at Cedric as the vampire approached the bars. "In a couple of hours' time, you will be all over the news, proving the existence of vampires." Cedric's eyes flashed red, making Keller tense. Then, he slowly let them return to normal. "And just why do you want to do that?" "Do you know how many deaths your people cause? How many die to feed your hunger?" "As a matter of fact, I do," the vampire evenly stated. "I also know how many of my kind die because of those like you!" Watching as Keller raised the crossbow, Nick pushed the agent's aim to the side. "Lower your weapon, Keller. If he wanted to hurt us, he probably would have by now. You've already fired two of those things into him, don't push him with a third." "I'd listen to your friend there, Mortal," Cedric hissed, his eyes again turning gold. Keller backed off a little, but remained at the ready. He didn't like this creature that stood before him. "You're nothing more than a talking animal." At that, Cedric snarled at Keller, but held his position. Nick almost changed at the comment. Holding back his anger, he told the mortal, "If we're going to use him for anything, I think it's best if we don't push too far." "What are you, the voice of reason or something? Have your weapon at the ready, Knight. He's not human." "Typical hunter," Cedric muttered, just loud enough for Keller to hear. "What did you say?" Cedric took a step closer, taunting, "Hunter, vampire killer, it's all the same." "Well, just be glad you're still alive, then, 'vampire'." Even as Cedric hissed in reply, Nick saw how exhausted he was. He followed Cedric as the other walked across the cell and sat on the bench. Cedric then closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. Nick went to Keller again, pulling the other's aim down. "Just leave him. He knows he's not going anywhere." This time, Keller nodded and relaxed. Still, he kept his gaze on the vampire, ready to act if he deemed it necessary. Fulfilment (17/32) Nick arrived back at the loft angrier than anything else. He'd already seen the news. It, however, wasn't what fuelled his anger. LaCroix did. The news consisted of the announcement that vampires weren't myths. It showed several clips of various vampires, most of which hadn't been gathered in Toronto. Only a flash of Screed and what had happened tonight with Cedric were from here. But, of course, Cedric's face hit the screen several times. The mortals still didn't have his name, but they were already trying to turn him into the enemy. That, however, was proving to be difficult. The tape with Cedric on it had him killing two vampires-- not the two mortals on the ground. As such, the news was asking 'friend or foe'. There was nothing as to how the news was being reacted to. There wasn't enough time for an opinion to be seen yet. Nick paced, waiting. Not long after the morning news had finished its report, LaCroix had called him, mentioning that he would be by shortly. Right now, he had no wish to talk to his sire. Natalie stood and watched him from the kitchen. When she brought him a glass of blood, he thanked her and took a sip of it. Feeling LaCroix' approach, he told Natalie, "Go up to my room and stay there. I want to talk to LaCroix alone." She hesitantly left, and Nick watched his sire come through the open skylight moments later, landing a short distance away. "I don't want you here, LaCroix." The elder vampire tensed at the other's words. "What are you saying?" "I'm telling you to get out. I don't care what you want." "Even with what has happened? In case you haven't noticed, Cedric is--" "Cedric is this, Cedric is that," Nick said, his anger rising. "Cedric was the son you wanted, LaCroix, not me. You still want him as your son. You still see him as your son." "You are my son, Nicholas!" "But you'd rather have Cedric," Nick countered, pausing a moment. "Cedric was your first choice. I was second. You've been sleeping with him for the past week, LaCroix. You don't speak to him for almost eight hundred years, and then things are just 'back to normal'?" "I may do as I please," LaCroix stated, approaching his son. "And what about me? Did you ever care for me, or was I always him?" At that, LaCroix didn't comment. "Tell me, LaCroix! I was, wasn't I?" LaCroix backhanded the younger vampire, sending him to the floor. "You've been trying to make me in his image, haven't you?" Nick demanded as he stood. "All this time, you never wanted me. You've put me through hell for your own desires." Advancing, LaCroix took his son and again backhanded him, shoving Nicholas face down toward the floor. "You are mine, Nicholas." "I am no more yours than Cedric is!" Nick retorted from his hands and knees. LaCroix' eyes flashed scarlet at the exclamation. "Get that straight, LaCroix. If you want to be with Cedric, if you want him as your 'son'--take him. Take him, but know that you lose me. Before this I was seriously considering coming back to you." LaCroix started for him, and he stated, "I won't let you touch me again, LaCroix." "You are mine," he again stated. Approaching, he grabbed his son, only to be pulled to the ground. Standing, Nick glared down on LaCroix. "I am no one's." He watched as LaCroix stood, keeping his distance. "Now, either get out or tell me what you wanted to say." "You are in charge of the Enforcers now, Nicholas. Technically, since Cedric made Natalie an Enforcer, it is her position, but she does not know enough about the Community to take that role. As such, it is yours." "I want nothing to do with it." "You have no choice! Even if you were not my son, you are still second eldest. Take your place in the Community, Nicholas." Nick closed his eyes as LaCroix flew out of the loft. Up at the top of the stairs, he could feel Natalie standing, watching him. He turned, looking up at her. "Nick...." His eyes burned crimson. "He does not own me." "And you think he's going to let you go?" Nick turned away. He closed his eyes and looked down. "No. He will never let me go. As long as he lives, I will be his 'property'. His 'plaything'." Raising his gaze and opening his eyes, he stared at Natalie. Through a red haze, he saw her, focused on her. "I am a slave." "You're more than that, Nick." "Not when it comes to LaCroix!" he practically snapped. He spun on his heel, looking away from her. "Thank you for not getting between us," he told her, then stiffened somewhat. "Go to bed, Nat. Please." Nick waited and, after a short time, Natalie left. Then, he relaxed somewhat, starting for the kitchen. He needed something. Pulling out a bottle of blood, he took it and a glass to the table. Before sitting down, however, he grabbed a bottle of red wine. Once at the table, he opened both bottles and filled the glass up halfway with each. He took a swallow of it, the wine almost making him cringe back. But, he didn't care. He took another drink, and then added more wine, refilling it to the top. He stared into the mixture, his eyes doing nothing but getting brighter with his anger. LaCroix wanted Cedric back. He had felt it growing stronger and stronger, until his sire finally had the younger in his very hands. It hurt. It hurt to know LaCroix had picked him second. He was brought over merely a handful of years after Cedric would have been. He was, as LaCroix had even admitted a couple of times, 'a passing thought'. He knew it was Janette that picked him. Perhaps she had even asked for him for LaCroix, knowing that her sire was still affected by losing Cedric. He quickly downed the glass, this time filling it entirely with wine. The wine was...weak. He knew it wouldn't help much, but he also knew that he had other, stronger things in the cupboards. For now, however, he wanted his anger to simmer. He wanted LaCroix to feel it across their bond--something he knew, whether or not he acknowledged LaCroix as his sire, would remain right where it was. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Natalie sat up with a start, the sound of glass shattering surprising her. Although she had been awake, worrying about Nick, the noise broke her calm. When she heard it again, she got out of bed and went downstairs. There, Nick had already thrown two bottles against the wall, and was raising a third. "Nick!" He turned to her, his eyes a deep blue. "Let me be." She walked up to him, taking the bottle relatively easily from his hand. She looked at the label. It was a bottle of red wine. And, on the table, she could see there were another two bottles. One was partially filled with blood, and the other was a vodka bottle, surprising her somewhat. When he reached for the empty bottle, probably so he could toss it as well, she pulled it out of his immediate reach. And, when he completely missed it, his hand arriving a second too late, she knew he was drunk and probably hadn't gotten any sleep yet. "Nick..." she started, realising that a lecture wasn't going to be the best thing right now. "Go up to your room and change. I'll clean up the glass." He just stood there, staring at her. "Please. You need to get some rest. We both do." She raised her hand, resting it against his cheek. After a moment, he nodded and pulled her hand away. Then, he slowly started up to his room. Quickly, she put the bottle on the table and took the one partially full bottle of blood to the refrigerator. Then, she went about cleaning up the glass from the two bottles that had been thrown. That done, she headed upstairs, hoping Nick had done as asked. There, she found Nick on the far side of the bed wrapped in the comforter, his clothes in a pile on the floor. She got on the bed, moving as close to him as she dared without touching him. "Nick?" She watched him curl up more, at which she put her hand on his back. His skin was chilly, even for him. "This is from what happened earlier, isn't it?" He didn't comment. "Come on, Nick, I heard what you two said." "If you heard, then you know to leave it alone." He shifted, pulling away from her touch. She took his shoulder and pulled him toward her, pushing him onto his back. It wasn't difficult; although it was clear he was uncomfortable. Sensing he didn't want to talk, she leaned forward, kissing him lightly on the lips. "I'll be here if you want to talk, remember that, okay?" As she drew back and started to get off the bed, Nick grabbed her arm, catching the fabric of his pyjama top that she was wearing. "Stay. Please stay." She looked at him, now lying on his side from turning to stop her from leaving. She nodded, getting back on the bed. Sitting next to him, she watched as he sat up for a moment and then pushed her back onto the bed. He laid half next to her, half on top of her, his head resting over her heart. After a few minutes, Nick commented, "LaCroix' getting drunk." "What?" she asked, not sure she had heard that right. "Just what I said. LaCroix is getting drunk. I hit a chord with him. He's getting drunk, and I don't care. I really don't." Aware that Nick was lying from the tone of his voice, she knew she should change the topic a little. "How do you feel?" "Numb. I'm not even that sure of what I said to him. Only that none of it was a lie." He paused, gripping her a little tighter. "I'm tired." "Yeah, I know. Just sleep." She held him and waited for him to fall asleep. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Nearly sixty hours later, Nick stood, staring into the cell. Cedric lay inside it, sleeping. In fact, Cedric only slept when he was there. "You know, I'm not sure if you're fascinated by what he is, or wanting to kill him for the same reason." Nick turned, seeing McKinsey there. "Why do you say that?" "Just the way you look at him. It's like he's the enemy." In Nick's mind, Keller was closer than he wanted to admit. Cedric was the enemy that caused his very existence and was presently making it worse. "What's to be done with him? I know you and Keller were discussing it with your...superiors, I'd guess." "He'll remain here, for now. I think we'll have to release him fairly soon." McKinsey approached the bars, looking at the sleeping vampire. "It's not too much of a loss, though. We have the proof we needed, more than enough to bring the topic into the light." "And now that it has been, what happens?" Nick asked, more to himself than the other. "We wait for them to reveal themselves. We wait until one of them steps forward." "Under what conditions?" Nick nodded toward Cedric, commenting, "I doubt they're going to move anywhere unless they feel it's safe." "The only condition we have right now is that they reveal what they are. They will not be condemned for their past." Pausing, McKinsey continued, "But, they will be expected to change their behaviour. Whatever their opinions on hunting us are, they will have to change." "Do you think they'll come forward?" "I honestly don't know." McKinsey turned, focusing on the detective, a faint smile visible on his face. "But, if they don't, we still have some leverage with this one. You haven't managed to figure out who he is? Anything?" Nick shook his head, wondering what they would do to Cedric if and when no one stepped forward. "Nothing. He won't speak to us, and even if he would let us get his fingerprints, I doubt anything will come up if we run them. To us, he's invisible." "Perhaps," he said. Then, McKinsey grinned. "But not for long, he isn't. Neither will the rest of them, nor those who are close to them. We'll push them out." As the agent left, Nick closed his eyes. Could McKinsey and his partner really be able to do what they were planning? And yet, there, in the cell in front of him was Cedric, a vampire who McKinsey and Keller had captured through force. How could he not consider the possibility they would do just that? Fulfilment (18/32) Cedric paced in his cell. He'd been in there for five days now, and he wanted out. He was hungry and he was tired. The agents had shot him again the night before, making a recording of his healing. From what McKinsey said, there was a composite of him out and circulating in addition to his picture on the news. They wanted to know who he was, and he feared they might trace him to the Raven. He occasionally went there--the only place he was around mortals. So far, there had been no word on that, and he assumed they had nothing on him. Spying the agent entering the area, he asked, "What are you going to do, keep me here till I starve to death?" "You'll get something soon enough," McKinsey stated once he had reached the cell. "And, if you'd only tell us who you are, I would give you this right now," he said, holding up a unit of blood that he pulled out of his pocket. He watched as the vampire tensed but remained silent, and then again hid the blood from view. "I didn't think you'd go for that. Still, I can see your hunger. What would happen if you had a human within your reach? What would happen to the human, I wonder?" Cedric took a step back. Would this mortal go through with that idea? If so, it would almost assure an answer from any vampire. A mortal, in here, with as hungry as he was...would be dead or at least partially drained very quickly. To the mortals, it would add claim that they were animals and that they didn't deserve to be treated civilly, let alone live. He would have no choice but to answer if he were to keep the Community relatively hidden. "Let that thought stew a little while. I'll be back in a couple of hours." As McKinsey left, Cedric resisted the urge to leave himself. He looked up to the security camera, and then at each of the three officers guarding him. If he tried to leave, they had orders to shoot him--with wooden bullets. He would just end up back in this cell. Or, if he managed to get past them, the mortals would hunt him down. His eyes glowed amber for a moment, making the officers tense. He didn't have much choice other than to stay right where he was. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Cedric sat up as several heartbeats approached. The two agents and a woman approached. These mortals had been serious earlier. They really were going to put a mortal in here with him. Just at their presence, his hunger rose. If one of them entered...he wasn't sure if he could hold back or not. "So, Vampire, are you going to cooperate, or do you need more of a reason?" Looking to the woman with them, he wondered if she even knew what the others had planned. "No. As long as you still have that blood in your jacket pocket, I'll answer some of your questions." McKinsey smiled, pleased at the vampire's decision. He'd counted on getting the vampire to change his mind and consider this. "Good." He turned to his partner, telling Keller, "Take her back to the hotel and tell Knight to get down here." As Keller left, he approached the cell bars. "So, what can I call you?" "First, the blood." "First a name." Cedric clenched his jaw. He wasn't sure if this was the wisest idea, but he didn't see how it could do a lot of damage, either. That, and he didn't have much choice. "Cedric." "Cedric...what?" "That's what I go by. Now, the blood." McKinsey pulled a unit of blood out of his pocket, holding it through the bars. Taking the offered blood, Cedric backed off. Puncturing the bag with one of his fangs, he squeezed the blood into his mouth. The blood was like nectar to him, even if it was a little old. It was edible, and that's all he cared about. As the vampire finished the bag, McKinsey pulled out a second one and tossed it toward Cedric. "Think of it as an incentive." Cedric caught the bag, proceeding to drink it as he had the other one. Once it was empty, he put it with the other on the bench and turned toward the mortal. A moment later, Nick arrived, coming to stand next to the agent. "Our vampire's name is Cedric," McKinsey informed, locking his gaze on the vampire. "How old are you?" When no answer was given, he told him, "Answer, or no more blood." Cedric let his eyes glow. He didn't like these threats. "More than five-hundred, but less than a thousand." McKinsey raised his eyebrows in surprise. But, despite that, he calmly continued, "And where are you originally from?" "England, or thereabout, perhaps?" Nick suggested, his words directed at Cedric. "Yes, England. Leeds, if you must know." "Who made you a vampire?" McKinsey said, again taking over the questioning. "He's dead and it is not important." "Who was the woman seen with you on the tape?" Again the vampire went silent. Pulling out a photo, he held it up for the vampire to see. "The brown-haired vampire you told to leave." "She is someone I work with. I will not give her name." "And the two you killed?" "Rouges and a nuisance. They are dead and are no longer a concern of yours." Nick stepped forward, watching as Cedric's anger rose. Breaking the silence, he asked, "Why did you kill them?" Cedric hesitated, not sure how much information should be given. Although Nick shouldn't have asked, he also knew McKinsey would have eventually. "Because they were breaking our laws as much as yours." "So, you're what, a cop of sorts?" Nick prodded before McKinsey managed to speak. Meeting Nick's gaze and letting a little of his anger show, he answered, "Something like that." McKinsey walked along the bars, seemingly considering what that meant. "Do your people have a government? Are they organised?" That would be the end of the questions, Cedric decided. He would only say so much. "No more questions will be answered." The agent tensed, having expected the other's answer. "Let me guess, until you can confer with your people, right?" "Something like that." "'Something like that'," McKinsey repeated. He thought for a moment, and then said, "I think I can arrange something...if the information can get to your people, that is." Cedric couldn't figure out what the mortal could possibly be thinking of, but knew it probably wouldn't change his situation. "And what will happen to me? If they can speak with you, that is." McKinsey stared at him, stating, "You will remain here, in lockup, for the time being." He was tired of being locked up in this cell, but at least he had gotten some blood. If this would get things going, he would at least listen to the mortal's plan. "What is your...idea?" "I will give a phone to either you, or one of your people." McKinsey glared at Cedric, a smirk visible. "Preferably another, as we like you right where you are." "And, let me guess, only you will know the number?" Cedric prodded. "Exactly. What do you think?" Considering it, Cedric momentarily looked away. "It will be accepted, although I cannot guarantee the response you'll get. Arrange it, and announce the location and time of the pickup publicly. Make it a rooftop or other open area." "Good," McKinsey said, leaving the room. Cedric glared at the elder vampire, seeing the hatred in the other's features. The emotion had been building steadily over the past several days, and he knew exactly why it was there. Nicholas was jealous of him. Nicholas was jealous because he was, in a way, LaCroix' first choice. The other kept his anger barely under control. One slip and they would both have a major problem on their hands. A second later, Nick turned and left, at which Cedric exhaled. He wished they could talk so he would have the chance to explain, but...they couldn't. Not with all of the eyes and ears observing his every movement. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. "Why is Nicholas not down here?" LaCroix demanded, sending a glare up to his son's room. "Because he doesn't want to talk to you." When he focused firmly on her, his anger showing in his eyes, she told him, "Don't force him down here, LaCroix. I'm not sure he'd even let you." "You seem to forget my age, Doctor. He wouldn't have a choice in the matter," he prepared to walk past her and fly up to the upper- level, but her next words stopped him. "Are you sure about that? Nick's pretty mad at you. Do you want to risk making this worse?" He spun on her and suppressed a snarl. Nicholas could not do this to him. And yet, he was. "Very well. Make sure he knows my decisions in matters." Getting his emotions under tighter control, he began, "Now, what are the mortals doing?" "You saw the news broadcast, right? About the meeting place?" "Yes," he hissed, his distaste obvious. "Foolish mortals. They think we will be lured out into the open." "I don't think you have much choice, LaCroix. They'll continue until the Community is forced out into the open, or they use Cedric to turn opinion against vampires." His thoughts realised the full implications of what she was saying. "They have trapped us." "Exactly. These agents, and the public in general, know little about how the Community is set up. All they know is that there is some 'police' force within the Community, and that Cedric is a part of it." His eyes flashed crimson before settling into a light blue. The mortals knew about the Enforcers. "What do they know about Cedric?" "Just that, where he's from, and a five-hundred year range for his possible age." "And that's all?" "That's all Nick told me." LaCroix stiffened, remaining standing where he was. "If this is what the mortals want to do, then so be it. We'll play along with their games for now. Tell Nicholas I would like to speak with him." He glared up at his son's room, leaving a second later. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Screed landed on the roof, looking around a bit nervously. He could hear several mortals nearby. Mortals with their hearts beating and a video camera probably recording him. That was one sound he would never forget. That was one sound he never wanted to hear again. "Make ol' Screed do your dirty work," he muttered, looking for the phone he was told to pick up. "A guinea pig, 'hat's wot I am. Don't blame the General, though. Now...where's the nice little piece of modern technology...." Spotting the phone, he grabbed it, looked around once more, and then took to the sky, wanting out of there. Fulfilment (19/32) Sitting across from LaCroix, Natalie waited. She tugged at the hooded cloak wrapped around her. Her clothes--all black--were uncomfortable. Or, perhaps, it was just the situation. It had been two days since LaCroix sent Screed to pick up the phone. McKinsey and Keller arranged, via the device, a meeting with themselves and the Community's government. As Cedric was still stuck in lockup, that meant she took his place. Nick, she knew, didn't want either of them to have any part in this. At the same time, she knew they didn't have much choice. LaCroix had said it best--the Community either had to show the mortals they were not afraid, or cower back in a corner, waiting for things to miraculously get better. LaCroix wanted Nick there because they were family and Nick was second eldest in the city. And he wanted her there for her relation to Nick and the position she held in the Community due to Cedric's gift--as well as someone that wouldn't speak, something that was impossible for her to do given the situation. She looked down, seeing the small pendant dangling from the chain. Taking it, she put it beneath her shirt under LaCroix' scrutiny. "What are you doing?" LaCroix asked, tensing somewhat in his chair. "McKinsey has seen it. He'll realise it's me, or he'll connect me or Nick to the Community." LaCroix nodded, and after a few minutes passed, he looked at a clock. It was nearing the time they were supposed to meet with the two agents and a reporter. He disliked the last's presence, but it was apparently so a video recording could be made of events--which is the reason they would all be wearing hooded cloaks. "We will be late if we do not leave soon," he stated, fully aware that his son could hear him. "Get down here, Nicholas, so we can get this over with!" Not long after, Nick slowly descended the stairs, approaching. "It's an idiotic idea, LaCroix! Neither Natalie nor myself should be present. If they see us...." "They will not. I will arrive first to make sure there isn't enough light for your identities to be seen, and neither of you will be introduced nor need to speak." He stood, and told them, "We must go, and now." Natalie watched as LaCroix left through the skylight. She then turned toward Nick, whose anger was starting to fire up. The two really needed to talk; even if they only got into an argument...they had to do something before Nick completely ignored the other. Nick picked her up, and they were on their way after LaCroix and toward their meeting place--the top of a deserted building on the other side of town. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Nick landed on a secluded part of the roof, listening to the three heartbeats a short distance away. LaCroix was already there, and he heard the other tell the mortals to turn off the lights they had set up. When they didn't immediately comply, the lights were, by the sound of the protests, unhooked from their power source. Then, a moment later, LaCroix told them to approach. Nick and Natalie came up behind LaCroix, standing off to one side, with Natalie standing between the two vampires. The others, however, only saw three hooded figures, and other than being able to tell that two were probably male and the third female, knew nothing about them. "We are here and we wish to finish this as soon as possible." "Good, then we share something in common," McKinsey told the vampire. "You were the one we spoke to, but who are the two that accompany you? Is this your people's government?" "I suppose you could say that," LaCroix answered, his words neither a lie nor the full truth. "Suppose..." Keller repeated, taking a step closer, trying to get a better look at the three. "Just whom are we talking to, anyway?" "For now, that is none of your concern." "So, you're the...head of your people? The eldest of your kind, perhaps?" McKinsey prodded, trying to find out just who was standing in front of them. "The eldest in this area, yes. As such, I am the...leader, if you will." McKinsey wasn't surprised in the slightest. Neither was his partner. Looking to the other two, silent vampires, he asked, "And the two with you? What is their position in relation to you?" LaCroix considered this for a moment, trying to decide just what the mortals should know. Finally, he told them, "They are...Community Elders." "And this 'Community', it is what you refer to your people as?" "Yes," LaCroix replied, remaining calm. "Now, for our own questions. Cedric. What do you intend to do with him?" "He will remain under lock and key." "He has, I believe, done nothing wrong--even under the mortals' laws." "Ah, yes, he was executing two of his own kind, wasn't he?" McKinsey stepped forward, so that he was only a matter of feet from the eldest of the three. He could almost make out the vampire's face, but not quite. Continuing, he said, "Cedric will not be released." "Then at least treat him civilly!" LaCroix hissed, nearly moving to close the distance between himself and the mortal. "You've kept him locked in that cell for the past week, and you've practically starved him! He has done nothing to you during this time, and has, in a way, put his life in your hands but received nothing in return. Unless the conditions of his holding are improved, we will not cooperate further." McKinsey resisted the urge to react. "Fine. He will be moved, but I want something that will assure he will not try to leave. Your identity might suffice." LaCroix stiffened, but was aware he would have to reveal himself eventually. He reached up, pulling the hood of his cloak back. Staring at the mortals, he saw them tense ever so slightly, which he smiled at. "Lucien LaCroix," he introduced, almost imperceptively nodding in McKinsey's direction. "Now, if Cedric is to remain in your custody, he better be well fed. If he is not, I want it understood that you will release him or we will take him back." McKinsey, obviously not entirely thrilled with the demand, nodded anyway, as it meant Cedric would remain with him. "I also want it understood that any other vampires discovered by us will be held, and that if Cedric attempts to leave our custody, we will take him back to the precinct's lockup." He paused as the vampire tensed. "We would also like those of your kind, your...Community, as you described it, to step forward." "Until we have some kind of assurance--from more than just some 'agents'--we will do no such thing. Neither will we until Cedric is released." "He seems awfully important to you," Keller commented, poking at the vampire, seeing what his reaction would be. "I think of him much like a son," LaCroix stated, seeing Nicholas move a little forward at his comment. "But he isn't, is he?" McKinsey said, remembering what Cedric had said about the one that made him. "You've known Cedric for some time. How long?" "Since he was mortal." The agent glared at LaCroix, which only managed to put a grin on the vampire's face. "If you are eldest here, how old are you? By your little messenger's muttering during the pick-up, I'd say you're 'the General' he was speaking of. Were you once some general?" 'Some' general? LaCroix' expression quickly went from a smile to a hiss. "I was a general, once, a long time ago. As to how old I am...a bit more than twice Cedric's age. No more will be answered along those lines." "Your people have been revealed to the world. Vampires, living and killing amongst humans. What do you have to say, if anything, considering just what you are?" "Nothing. If you see us as killers and nothing else, I ask you to re-examine your conclusion. If, however, you see us as the opposite, I would also ask you to reconsider. We are what we are. We have lived among mortals for centuries, millennia, even. The only difference is that we are no longer a myth." "And what of the world's reaction? What will you do?" "We will live as we have. Do with us as you will, but we will not allow ourselves to be destroyed." LaCroix stopped, turning slightly to one side. "This conversation is over until your people have a firmer and more official position." He turned, nodding to his son. As Nicholas led Natalie back where they came from, he stayed behind, giving them time to leave and keeping the attention on him. Seeing some of the mortals' outrage at their departure, he told them, "We are only being as forthcoming as you are." With that, he turned and walked away, taking off just before going out of view. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. As LaCroix arrived back at the Raven and entered his office, he figured he would discover just why his son had come back here since the other had planned to return to the loft. Instead, he found himself shoved into a wall, two amber eyes staring at him from beneath Nicholas' hood. He tried to shrug off his son, but the other wasn't letting him move. A short distance away, LaCroix saw Natalie standing still but obviously concerned. "'Like a son'," Nick hissed, his eyes going red. "You don't speak to him for almost eight hundred years, and he's 'like a son' to you! Tell me right now and don't try to lie--you brought me over to 'replace' Cedric, didn't you? I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding *anything*." LaCroix inwardly hesitated, feeling his son pin him tighter to the wall. He didn't have much choice in his answer, even if it was no longer true. "Yes, at the time, you were a replacement for Cedric." "And you wanted to make me in his image." Nick waited, but the other didn't comment. LaCroix didn't have to. Releasing the elder vampire, he went to Natalie and grabbed her wrist, pulling her out of the room. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. "Nick, you can let go of me now, I think," Natalie said as he pulled her across the room and toward the kitchen after arriving back at the loft. She winced, his grip tightening somewhat. "Nick, please. Remember, I'm mortal." At that, he let go of her, continuing his path toward the refrigerator to pull out a bottle of blood. She rubbed her wrist, able to see where he had cut the circulation off. At a guess, she figured a nasty bruise would show up in a little while. Nick drank deeply from a bottle of blood, and when he met her eyes, she saw his rage. "Nick--" "I don't want to deal with him anymore. I can't and I won't." He paused, calming. "Nat, I'm leaving once this is settled. I'm leaving, and I'm going alone." Stunned by he just told her, Natalie simply stood in place. Nick was going to just leave. Leave Toronto, leave her.... "No," she said, shaking her head. "If you leave, I'm going with you." "No, you won't." He looked away for a moment, before telling her, "I can't stay with you, Nat, don't you understand that? Eventually, I'll kill you." She watched a single tear fall, rolling down his cheek. "No, you won't." "Yes, I will. With the way I feel.... Nat, I feel like ripping LaCroix' throat out. I feel like taking every punishment I have ever received from LaCroix and turning it back on him." He stopped, not meeting her eyes. "And I feel like taking every drop of your blood right now. I need it. I need something to stop the burning inside of me." She stepped forward, but froze when his eyes met hers. Deep scarlet eyes fuelled by hunger and fire. She wanted to do something for him, but couldn't. "Nick...." "Go upstairs. Please. I need...something." Watching as he faced away from her, hiding his anger and need from her, she hesitated. But, after a moment, she left, knowing he just needed to be alone, even if she didn't like it. Fulfilment (20/32) McKinsey and Cedric sat playing a game of poker--Cedric horribly losing. It didn't help that Nicholas was staring at him from across the room, looking like he was going to murder him. For the last four nights, the same thing played through. During the day, Keller and Tracy were here, watching him. At night, it was Nicholas and McKinsey. He, honestly, didn't see why they moved him to this hotel. It was still a prison and, in reality, he had as much freedom in this room as he had in lockup. One thing he was glad of, though. He was getting plenty of blood. The agents had made sure he was getting enough to drink. He'd even had to tell them he was full a couple of times. Too much blood made him somewhat hyper...it made him want to hunt. He really didn't want that feeling right now. "So, you know LaCroix, then? I suppose you knew he was in charge the whole time, didn't you?" Cedric looked up from his cards, not sure he wanted to get into an argument with McKinsey. The agents wanted to get him back in lockup, he knew. There, he was easier to deal with. "He even mentioned you were practically a son to him. I wonder what he's hiding about you. If you're his son, what position do you have in your 'Community'." McKinsey laid his cards down, a pair of ten's staring up from the table. Throwing his cards on the table, Cedric told the other, "Why don't you ask your Detective friend to play this with you? I really couldn't care less if I lost." "Why don't you play with him?" McKinsey suggested with a smile. Cedric let his eyes glow faintly. The agent knew they didn't get along very well. "How about I go to sleep for a while?" he asked, standing and heading across the room. Sitting on the edge of the bed and swinging his legs up onto it, he watched McKinsey follow him. "He gets an awful lot of sleep at night for supposedly being a nocturnal creature, doesn't he, Knight?" Cedric's eyes burned brighter, not liking being compared to some kind of an animal. "Will you just leave me alone?" he asked, snapping at the mortal. "Oh...the big bad vampire with his nice sharp fangs. What are you going to do to me? Eat me like the big bad wolf? You do remember what happened to the wolf, right?" Cedric snarled at the agent, that comment hitting closer than the others. "I'll bet your 'father' had quite a handful when he raised you. And, I wonder, if you're like a son to LaCroix...did he raise you? Perhaps raise you and then abandon you to some other vampire." Cedric got off the bed, starting toward the mortal. Letting his eyes grow darker and his fangs fully descend, he told the agent, "He took me in, cared for me, and taught me most of what I know even now. I chose my master, and have no regrets about that. He has welcomed me back into his family as I am now. LaCroix does not take family lightly." He continued toward the mortal, watching McKinsey back away from him in fear. However, the next thing he knew he was hit hard in his jaw and pushed backwards toward the ground. Looking to his attacker, he found Nicholas standing over him, gold in his eyes. Snarling, Cedric flew at the other vampire, pushing Knight into the wall. "Stop right there or I'll shoot!" Looking over his shoulder, Cedric saw the gun in McKinsey's hand. The agent hadn't seen Nicholas' eyes from being behind the Detective...which meant McKinsey thought Nicholas was mortal. "If you shoot, you might kill him." "I won't. I have a clear shot at you. I don't care how fast you can move--I won't miss." McKinsey held his aim, taking a step closer. He glanced at Knight, making sure the other was okay. Other than being immobilized, the other had not been harmed. "Release him, and all three of us will go calmly back to the 96th." "And if I don't?" Cedric asked, still fully vamped out. "Then I'll empty this weapon into you. I don't have a preference and won't hesitate to fire. Pick, and pick now." Cedric momentarily tightened his grip. It was enough to injure a mortal, but wouldn't be anything more than annoying to Nicholas. Then, he abruptly released Nicholas and took several steps away. "Knight, are you okay?" McKinsey asked, keeping his weapon aimed at Cedric. "He's fine," Cedric answered, his eyes still gold and fangs descended. "I didn't ask you." "I'm fine, McKinsey. Just a little sore." The agent's anger flared a little, all directed toward his target. "Call Keller and make sure the precinct is expecting our guest back." McKinsey sent a smirk in the vampire's direction. "I wouldn't suggest you trying that again. Next time, you might have Keller at the trigger." Cedric forced himself to relax. He had just killed his break from lockup, and he didn't much care. Slamming Nicholas into the wall had been a good feeling after spending the last week and a half cooped up. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Reese stared over at the vampire in the cell. In and out and then back in again. And he had no say about any of this. These two agents had been practically running lockup since this vampire got here, but at least now there was a bit of a reason. Somewhat, anyway. He turned toward Knight--who was glaring into the cell. He almost felt sorry for Cedric. Stuck here, under guard twenty-four hours a day and under Knight's angry gaze. He'd seen Knight get mad, but this.... "Knight, I want to talk to you." Nick turned, facing his Captain. When the other left, he followed until they were both in Reese's office. The door closed, and Nick winced. "That's right. I want to know what happened tonight." "I thought Cedric was going to attack Agent McKinsey." "So you walk up and hit him? A vampire? Have you lost your mind? He could have killed you." "I know. I guess that didn't hit me right away." He paused a moment, then told the other, flat out lying, "It's still a little new to me. Vampires." Reese wasn't sure what to think of that. But, it was reasonable. Somewhat. "Four nights ago when that meeting took place, you called in." "McKinsey didn't need me here, and I had to work my last day off." "So? You were scheduled. Knight, you've been on edge the last couple of weeks or so. Your anger is...it's almost uncontrolled." "And?" "And...Nick, I don't want to do this, but McKinsey was concerned as well." He watched the other tense, sensing what was to come. "I'm giving you a few days off. For the next three nights, I want you to just relax." "Captain, I--" "Don't. I know about you and Natalie getting married. And I know I haven't said anything until now." He stopped, trying to think of a way of stopping Nick from bursting with his anger. "Look, I've made sure Natalie got the time off as well. Think of it as a paid vacation and spend some time with her." "Paid? I thought this was a suspension." "It is, but, you are still on call for McKinsey if something comes up. However, as far as they're concerned, you can ignore any calls. You can do what you want, but I don't want to see you in here working on any cases." Reese halted his line of comments before he asked just what his detective was working on. Figuring he would ask Tracy later, he told Nick, "Now, get going. Please. Get going before I ask you why you really hit Cedric." Nick tensed. What he'd said, apparently, hadn't been convincing enough. "Thank you, Captain," he muttered and left the office. Fulfilment (21/32) Nick lay peacefully in his bed, working on falling asleep. Last night when he'd come home and told Natalie what happened, she had insisted that he take his room. So, eventually, he did. He had slept well the day before, and hoped today would be just as good. Hearing Natalie's heartbeat approach, however, he snapped his eyes wide open. He had told her not to come upstairs, and he'd meant it. Until now, she'd left him alone. With first sight of her in the door, he knew he wouldn't be able to push her away--not right now. She stood there, wrapped in his robe, the darkness framing her face. "Nat...." "I know, I shouldn't be here," she said, not approaching any closer. "Are you going to tell me to leave?" He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, shaking his head. "No. I can't." Hearing her start closer, he looked over at her. "Just...please don't arouse me, Natalie. I'm still a little...." "Angry?" "Yeah." He followed her as she resumed her path, nearing him. She stopped just short of the bed, her uncertainty clear on her features. He held out a hand to her, telling her, "It's okay." Hesitantly, she took his hand, letting him help her up on the bed and over to him. He pulled her in front of him and turned on his side, holding her tightly from behind. "LaCroix would have defended himself if he really loved me, wouldn't he have?" Nick asked, his emotions spilling out. The words tore at her, and when he buried his head into her hair, she tried shifting. Eventually, he loosened his grip enough that she could turn in his grasp. Even then, he kept holding onto her, his head now resting in the crook of her neck. Waiting a little while, she finally told him, "I really don't know him well enough, Nick. I wish I could say something that would help, but...I just don't know." "He would have. If LaCroix wants something, he'll have it. If LaCroix really, truly loves something...he won't let anything stand in his way. He'll wait...years, decades, centuries...it doesn't matter to him." Listening to his rage start its way back in, she tensed. "Nick...." "He'll wait, and he'll get what he truly wants. He's already gotten Cedric back. He sees Cedric as his own son...and Cedric even reciprocates the feelings." He drew away, sitting up and facing the end of the bed. "I thought LaCroix actually loved me. And more than just as his son. We were like brothers...in more than one sense of the word. But Cedric is filling where I've been. Cedric doesn't hesitate like I do. Cedric is what LaCroix really wants." As he finished, Natalie first sat up, and then, turning, got up on her knees and moved so that she was kneeling behind him. She massaged his shoulders, feeling him relax somewhat. "Nat...I don't want to hurt you with any of this." "I told you before--you won't. Something's bothering you, what is it? Please, Nick." He bowed his head, not sure if she really wanted to hear this or not. "Cedric's been the head of the Enforcers here for several years. I knew who he was to LaCroix almost immediately, but I didn't think much of it. When...I had amnesia..." he trailed off, tensing. "When I went to LaCroix, our conversation.... At first it was just recalling the past, but we quickly began to become closer, and I started feeling things I haven't for a long time." He stopped, not wanting to say more, not wanting to hurt her. As her thumbs rubbed circles in his upper back, he closed his eyes. Knowing she'd just ask if there was more, he told her, "We had sex, but it was more than just the act itself. Since that night, we've been together several times. Particularly after the demon...I needed release; I needed to not hold back. I was actually considering going back to him, fully and without condition, when all of this started up. And then, when we had to work with Cedric...I felt LaCroix' thoughts shift...." "And then...?" she asked, almost afraid of what he would say in response. He shrugged out of her touch, at which she settled for simply resting her hands on his shoulders and letting him lean against her. Once he had calmed somewhat, she pushed him, "Please, I want to know. You don't need to hold back from me." "I thought it would pass. Until LaCroix took him. I felt it. We've shared blood enough recently, strengthening our connection that I could almost feel the same thing LaCroix was feeling." Nick took in a long, deep breath. "It makes me feel so sick." Leaning forward and breaking contact with Natalie, he laid down on one side, curling up. Natalie watched him go silent, wishing she could do something. He had told her not to do anything that might arouse him...a line she was already pushing as it were. But, she couldn't just stand by and see him like this. Sitting behind him, she asked, "You want LaCroix, don't you?" It made him pull himself into an even smaller form, but she got her answer from it. "Nick, if that's what you want, why don't you go to him?" "Because he knows it's what I want, Nat. He knows. Just like when I knew he was with Cedric...he knows what I'm feeling, what I'm thinking right now. He knows, but he's more concerned about Cedric." Aware he wasn't quite answering her question, he told her, "I won't go to him. Not right now. That's why I'm going to leave when I can. I need away from him. I want to go to him, but I can't give him the satisfaction." When he again mentioned leaving, she couldn't help but ask, "And me?" He twisted slightly, meeting her gaze. "I don't want to leave you, but I'm not going to let myself hurt you, either." "I told you before, you won't." As he started to protest, she leaned over, kissing him, their lips just barely touching. He pulled her closer, and soon his tongue had slid into her mouth. She instinctively responded, and he shifted, pulling her on top of him. Then, as they rolled, she found Nick on top of her, staring at her with golden eyes. He smiled, commenting, "You know, you're really good at arousing me...." Even as he spoke, she felt his body respond to his arousal. His grin, however, was so disarming that she pushed away the voice in her mind telling her to stop. Nick rolled off her and sat up, shrugging out of his pyjama top. She also sat up, pushing him back and focused her attention on removing his pyjamas. She pulled them and his boxers down, and as soon as they had been removed, he sat back up, reaching for her. Closing the distance between them, she moved so that she was straddling him, her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Now, two crimson eyes stared at her, but again, she wasn't afraid. She knew the colour was simply Nick's reaction to being aroused. Nick needed this, and she trusted him. She lowered herself, watching his desire spike as his erection pressed against the bare skin of her upper thigh. "Natalie..." he moaned, holding her and preventing her from descending any further. He was surprised, pleasantly, to find she was wearing nothing under the robe...and, at the same time, feared for her. "Please...." She kissed him on the lips, cutting him off. Drawing back a little, she told him, "You need this. Let me do this, please?" She waited, then felt his hands loosen their grip somewhat. He shifted both of them a little, and she felt him just ready to enter her. Gently, he released her, letting her full weight rest on top of him, his hard member slowly filling her. Feeling Natalie surrounding him, Nick did all he could to remain still. At first, it wasn't a problem, as very little of their skin was actually touching, the robe still wrapped firmly around her. But he soon found that to be impossible as Natalie moved, gently engulfing him and drawing back...before repeating the simple, slow motion again and again. For a little while, he held close and basked in the sensations, letting her continue. However, as his needs arose, he couldn't just sit there and let her pleasure him. He kissed Natalie first on the lips, and then on her neck. The blood that flowed beneath the surface was so tempting...so inviting. Its warmth drew him closer, and as he aided in her motion, thrusting deep into her, he licked her skin in an attempt to get just a taste. His fangs teased the flesh, desperately wanting the life force it protected, the love that he knew flowed within it. He continued, staring at the pulsing veins that carried what he desired. Soon, he knew, he would need the blood, his body already demanding release. Letting himself be drawn in ever closer to her neck, he gently bit, his canines sliding ever so gradually into their target, releasing the fluid he desperately needed and wanted. At first, he simply drank, his muscles contracting as he reached orgasm. Then, he pulled Natalie closer, sinking his fangs deeper, enlarging the wounds. He lapped the blood up and then pulled it forcibly from its vessel. The love that came with it soothed and relaxed him, making him forget about his worries. All that mattered was that instant, the blood that flowed into him and the life and emotions it represented. Having taken his fill, he drew away, taking a deep breath of air. The action sweetened the blood in his mouth, and he smelled its flavour. Nick stiffened, sharply recognising the taste as Natalie. He still held her tight, but her hands were no longer clasped tightly around him, but dangling at her sides. "Nat?" he asked out of reflex, and he closed his eyes and listened. Her heart still beat, a slow shallow breath flowing silently between her lips. It hit him what he'd done, and all of his thoughts dissipated. Even his arousal quickly vanished, his soft organ surrounded loosely by warm flesh. He had drained her. He had taken his fill and drained her. No matter that she was still alive--it was also day. Unless she got to a hospital, and soon, she would die. Already he could hear her body giving up, what blood left in her just barely enough to sustain her life. He leaned back, holding her gently on top of him. More shocked than anything, he brushed her hair back from her face, trying to think. She needed to get to the hospital, something that would in turn reveal himself and much of the Community further. He reached for the phone, sat it down, and dialled 911. He knew his address would get the attention of McKinsey as well as the police. And when they found Natalie like this, nearly drained of all her blood, he wouldn't be able to hide what he was or what he'd done. Right now, he wished he could switch roles with Natalie, wished this wasn't happening. But it was. Natalie was lying, more or less lifeless on top of him, weakening by the moment, and all because of him. He pulled the covers up around them, holding her tight and waiting. Fulfilment (22/32) Agents McKinsey and Keller arrived at 101 Gateway seconds after the ambulance. Heading after them, Keller lagged behind, talking on his phone. Flipping it closed, he muttered a series of four numbers to himself, then walked up to the security pad and punched them in. The four--McKinsey, Keller, and two paramedics with their gear, got in the elevator and went up to the only other level. As it arrived, McKinsey stopped the two paramedics from entering, telling them, "Stay behind us. We don't know what's going on yet." They nodded, and McKinsey and his partner quickly covered the lower level of the loft. Empty, they started up the stairs, McKinsey having his gun at the ready and Keller having his crossbow held loosely in one hand and gun in the other. Entering the bedroom, they saw one of the occupants shift at their presence. Nick instinctively hissed at the weapons aimed in his direction. It was a mistake, as it prompted Keller to raise the crossbow and McKinsey to switch weapons. "Get back!" he told them. "Put your weapons away. I can sense the two with you. Let them in." McKinsey could just see Natalie lying beyond the covers. She was still and didn't move, even as the vampire shifted out from under her. He flipped on the lights, the vampire flinching back. "What have you done to her?" he asked, moving closer. Nick remained defensive, wanting them out of the room. He pulled the sheet from the bed, wrapping it around him as he focused on Natalie. He carefully flipped her over while keeping one eye on the agents, pulling the robe so that it lay as it should, and then pulled the comforter up, covering her. He watched as McKinsey walked up to the bed, at which he pulled back. He saw the agent's anger flare upon seeing the wounds in her neck. "I couldn't stop. Please, let the paramedics up." Keeping his gun aimed on the vampire, McKinsey nodded to his partner, who approached, the two paramedics just coming in through the door. "Back away from her. Slowly," he instructed, his gaze not wavering in the slightest. Doing as he was told, Nick slid from beneath the comforter, getting off the bed. Turned away from the agents, he heard a muffled whisper...and then clenched his jaw as a bolt ripped into his lower back. He nearly fell, but managed to stop himself. Twisting around despite the pain, he snarled at the two agents, who were now only a short distance away. Keller had another bolt ready and let it go, the wood hitting him just left of his heart. It stunned him, letting McKinsey and Keller shove him to the floor and pin him in place, pushing the first bolt in the whole way. As McKinsey aimed his gun at his heart, he half-moaned and half-hissed, which thankfully didn't cause another reaction from them. Keller looked over to the paramedics, who were staring, stunned at what was happening. "Go to your patient. We'll make sure this one doesn't do any more damage." Glaring down on the vampire, he found fangs and golden eyes looking up at him. It was strange, seeing them in the face of someone he had believed to be human. It just showed how much of a trickster these creatures were. At least the vampire wasn't fighting this, as he honestly wasn't sure he could kill the other. As several minutes passed, Nick calmed, but he didn't change back. He looked over toward Natalie, trying to see if he could see anything...but couldn't from his position on the floor. "How is she?" he asked, his voice somewhere between a hiss and a plea, the pain he was in obvious to the agents. McKinsey lowered his weapon, looking over at the paramedics and Natalie. Turning back, he answered, "She's alive--but no better than when we arrived." He paused, glancing down at the wound in the other's bare chest and the blood on the floor from the other wound. "If we release you, will you remain where you are?" Tensing, Nick asked, "And if I don't?" "Keller, here, will put another one of those nice bolts in you." Nick looked at the crossbow, still aimed at him. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them and focused on McKinsey, nodding. Then, he felt himself released, and he closed his eyes, the pain rolling through him from the two bolts. The feeling was so intense that he didn't immediately notice the number of the heartbeats in the room go up by one, but he did hear the gasp that accompanied it, at which he opened his eyes to find Tracy not that far away. "What happened?" she demanded, her attention split between Nick and Natalie. "Your 'partner' here almost killed her," Keller answered, gesturing to Natalie but not letting his attention stray. "Accidentally!" Nick hissed, causing Keller's finger to tense near the trigger. "And what have you done to Nick? From where I stand, it looks like you're trying to kill him." "He's one of them, Detective. Can't you see it with your own eyes?" Keller spoke, not turning. McKinsey waited, but she wasn't taking the answer, so he told her, "At first we weren't sure what to expect from him. Plus, we didn't and still don't really know what happened here. At the time, it was simpler to just disable him so we didn't have to worry. We're not trying to kill him." "And now?" They didn't answer her. "Take a moment and look at him. He's bleeding and in quite a bit of pain. He's not trying to hurt you, so why don't you just let him up?" Clenching his jaw, McKinsey turned to the vampire--who was, indeed, looking in pretty bad shape. "Keller, let him up and put your weapon down. Now." Nick watched as the agent did as told, and he again relaxed. But, he didn't move. He hurt too much to move. When Tracy approached, however, he rolled onto his side, wincing. "Nick..." she started, looking up at the two agents, who backed up a little. "What happened? Really?" "I...I took too much. I wasn't completely in control, or maybe I was...I don't know. I took too much." He curled up into a foetal position, shifting the wood slightly. Tracy saw the wound on his back bleed a little more. She reached down toward it, touching the red skin just around the wound. Nick jerked back from her, and she could see the wood still in the wound, although there was no way she could pull it out. The other was in his chest, and he had turned away from her. Sitting on the ground, she rested her hand on Nick's shoulder, hoping he would say something else. A few minutes later, the paramedics left, taking Natalie with them. No one spoke as they left, nor did anyone move. When Nick tensed further, eventually shaking her hand off of him, Tracy stood and walked up to McKinsey. "Can't the bolts at least be taken out?" He shook his head. "No. Not yet. First, we want to get him to the precinct. Once he's a little more guarded and not immediately around any other mortals, then we'll have them removed." Waiting a moment, Tracy glanced to the empty bed, asking, "Now what are you going to do?" McKinsey stared down on the vampire. "Take him in." He nodded to his partner, who stepped forward and reached for the vampire's arm. Nick hissed at Keller, yanking his arm away from the touch and scooting away from them. "At least give him time to get dressed. It's not like he can leave." Again, the agent looked at the vampire. "Get dressed, Knight. Bring an extra shirt, if you want. Be downstairs in no more than ten minutes." With that, McKinsey left, his partner following close behind him. Tracy turned to Nick, asking, "Is there anything I can do, Nick?" He shook his head. "No, not here." He shifted, pushing himself up on his hands and knees, and then slowly getting to his feet. Holding the sheet tightly around him, he told her, "Keep an eye on Nat, if you can. Maybe try to let me know how she is?" She nodded, but hesitated leaving. Nick was very clearly weak. Too weak. "Go. I'll be fine once the wood's out," he told her, even though one was extremely close to his heart. "Please." Again, she nodded, and this time she turned and walked out of the room, hoping that he was right. Fulfilment (23/32) Getting a slight shove into the cell, Nick closed his eyes as the door shut behind him. He hurt. He tried to push the pain away, but to no avail. Opening his eyes, he locked his gaze on Cedric. The other vampire remained quiet, simply staring at him. After nearly a minute had passed, Cedric asked, "What happened?" "I think you know 'what happened'!" Nick hissed, his eyes glowing. When Cedric moved closer to him, he snarled, stepping back. "I only know that Natalie is in the hospital and that you're injured. Nothing more. I can smell your blood, Nicholas. I can see how weak you are." Nick's eyes turned red. "Just what you've wanted." The younger vampire tensed, watching as the other made his way over to the corner and sat on the bench, leaning against the bars and wall. "Let me help. I can get the wood out--if you'll let me." When no reaction was made, he stepped closer. "Take off your shirt and lay back." Glaring at the other, Nick stiffened. The action made his muscles ache and the wood near his heart shift somewhat, reminding him just how much pain the bolts were causing. "Fine," he hissed, unbuttoning his shirt. Pulling his shirt off, Nick winced at the pain. Cedric cautiously stepped nearer, waiting until the other was lying on his back before fully approaching. He saw the end of the bolt-- just enough to grab hold of. Reaching for it, he found fangs flashed at him but didn't hesitate. He gripped it with one hand, pulling at it. When it didn't budge, he inched closer. He took it in both hands, one knee holding the elder vampire's shoulder down. The bolt was slick with blood, but he managed to start its journey out. Regripping it, he yanked, the bolt sliding free and eliciting a moan. Slowly setting it down, Cedric nervously waited for a reaction from the other. None immediately came. After a few minutes, Cedric watched the other sit up. Then, he saw blood from another wound. He took a step closer, but Nicholas sent his scarlet glare at him. "Let me get the other one out." "It's in too deep." Cedric shook his head. "I've removed many stakes, Nicholas--from myself and others. Let me." The other didn't react. "If you want to deal with the pain, then you may do so, but I am offering to help." Closing his eyes, Nick calmed himself. He knew that it would be a relief when the other bolt was removed. Only then could he start to heal. Opening his eyes, he turned his half-gold, half-blue gaze toward Cedric. He nodded, slowly and excruciatingly lay on his stomach, and then waited. Cedric again approached, wincing when he saw the wound. The bolt had been thrust completely into the other, and there was nothing to grip onto. He reached down, touching the skin just outside of the wound. Pressing gently down, he felt the other vampire's muscles tense from the pain. "I can get it out, but it's going to hurt," he warned matter-of-factly. "Just do it." Not sure how the other would react, Cedric told him, "I'm going to need you to lie on the ground. It'll give me more leverage." After a second, Nick pushed himself up from the bench and stood. Taking a couple of steps, he knelt down, pausing a second before completely lying down, bracing himself for the pain the action would cause. Cedric straddled the other, and then got down on his knees. He put his hands on each side of the wound. Taking in a deep breath, he pressed down, shifting his full weight to his hands. Nick fought the urge of pushing the other off, but reminded himself that Cedric would remove the piece of wood, something he couldn't do on his own. Cedric's action was, indeed, painful, but he had felt the end of the bolt exit him, and knew there was now something to grip. Putting his weight on one hand, Cedric wrapped his other around the end of the bolt and pulled, trying to get it to move. It did, and he sat up and now lowered himself to sit on the other. Before a reaction could be made, Cedric pulled the bolt out, at which he found himself falling to the side. Nearly flying out from beneath Cedric, Nick stood and turned on the other, hissing. This time, Cedric's eyes glowed amber as his did. "Stay back." "Just calm down, Nicholas. We're both stuck in here." He waited, and after a moment the elder vampire's gaze softened, at which Cedric let his eyes change back. "Natalie. How is she?" "In the hospital. I nearly killed her." Nick watched the other's reaction, waiting for it. "Aren't you going to say something? About how it worsened the situation or something?" Cedric stepped to the side and asked, "So she's alive, then?" "Yes, she's alive. Barely." "We'll deal with it, then," Cedric said, his tone fairly flat. "'Deal with it'? Would you rather she was dead?" Nick started to circle the other. "You are, after all, an Enforcer." Cedric stiffened, his eyes going amber. He could see the anger in the other's eyes. "I suggest we drop this conversation, and now," he said, hoping Nicholas wouldn't reveal anything else. "Why? Because you don't want to explain what you do, what your job is? That you 'deal with' the mortals and vampires that endanger our existence?" "Nicholas, this is neither the time nor place for such an argument." "Why not? Why don't you tell them how many you've killed, how many you manipulate day in and day out? Walk up to those agents and tell them how they were at the top of your list." Cedric bared his fangs as the other got in his face. He shoved Nicholas away, and then was completely unprepared as he was grabbed and spun by the other. In an instant, Nick bit into the younger vampire, taking the Enforcer's blood. He took just enough to weaken Cedric and to help heal his wounds. The flashes of memories in the Enforcer's blood-- specifically ones containing LaCroix--almost made him want to throw up. He shoved Cedric to the ground, backing away and going to the bench. Turning back, he saw a combination of fear and anger on the Enforcer's face. For a moment, neither moved. Then, Nick grabbed his shirt and put it back on, ignoring his stiff and aching muscles as he did so. Sitting in the corner, he stared across at Cedric, who was now standing on the far side of the cell. He leaned back, his thoughts shifting, turning to Natalie, wondering how she was. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. LaCroix stood at the foot of Natalie's hospital bed, staring calmly down on her. All he could think was 'foolish mortal'. At the same time, he knew exactly what led Nicholas to draining her. The same descriptor seemed to fit there, too. Natalie slept peacefully, an IV hooked to her. She had already been in the hospital for about thirty-six hours, but had yet to wake. "Fancy finding one of you here." LaCroix turned, facing the mortal who spoke--McKinsey. "And why is that? After all, it was one of 'us' that saved her life." "He also nearly took it," McKinsey countered. He didn't comment on that, merely wanting to get this conversation over with. "Besides, you wished to speak somewhere public. This is as good a place as any, don't you think?" McKinsey tensed, aware the vampire was playing with him, taunting him. "Why do you wish to speak with Knight? He has expressed his wish that you not be allowed to visit." "First, I wish to not only 'visit' him, but I demand, again, that both he and Cedric are released." "I have passed your 'request' on to government authorities. It is out of both of our hands. What I want to know is--why are they special? You seem protective of them and threatened by their being held. You have also stated that no further negotiations will be made between us and your people's government until they are released." LaCroix remained still, waiting for the other to either confirm or deny his request. "I am required to receive a reason you should be allowed to visit. That reason will decide on who is present. It may be possible for you to be, momentarily, alone." "Nicholas is my son!" he hissed. "And, I ask you to seriously consider not crossing either myself or them. We are the 'government' you need. Be glad Nicholas is weak when it comes to dealing with mortals and be glad Cedric has the best interests of the Community in mind. Otherwise, I assure you, neither of them would even be in your make-shift prison!" McKinsey remained as calm as possibly under the other's response. This was not quite the reaction he'd expected. However, it made his response simple. "Your request to visit is granted." Watching the other turn to leave, he added, "But not until I arrive. You may come with me, if you wish, or wait for my arrival at the precinct." LaCroix saw the doorway in front of him through red, but didn't turn around. Instead, he simply left the room, finding the quickest way out of the building. Fulfilment (24/32) As the guards left, McKinsey and Keller following, Nick stared through the cell bars and at LaCroix. The elder vampire was almost laughing at him; he could see it in the other's eyes. Almost, but not quite. "What do you want?" "Want? I believe you have denied me that. What I 'offer' is my opinion. You should have let her die, Nicholas. Or better yet, you should learn to control yourself." Nick's eyes changed at that. "If you had taught me properly, perhaps I would have!" "It is not so complicated. By now, you should have learned--you've had more than enough experiences in the matter. It is your lack of patience that is your downfall." Not wanting to talk about this, especially with the other vampire there, Nick demanded, "Why are you are here?" "Just seeing how you're doing, mon fils." Nick tensed, the words causing the precise reaction LaCroix had intended. "And?" "To mention I've demanded, again, for both of your release. I suspect it will be known to the public quite soon that you are both Elders in the Community. The mortals will at least know to show you both respect." As the three went silent, Cedric asked, "How is Natalie, anyway?" "She will, I believe, survive. However, she is still unconscious. I believe the mortals are waiting for her to wake--to see if she can corroborate Nicholas' story--before making a decision on releasing you two," LaCroix answered, his attention kept purposely on Cedric. Closing his eyes, Nick could almost feel the tension between the other two. He looked up at his 'sire', stating, "Leave, LaCroix. You have delivered your 'message' to me." "I may do as I please, Nicholas. You have made it clear you want nothing to do with me. Perhaps I should take Cedric back, claim him once more--something that *is* my right. He is, after all, an orphan." When his son's rage ignited, LaCroix smiled. "Think on it, Nicholas." With that, he turned and walked out of lockup. Once LaCroix was gone, Cedric turned to the other. "You are being unnecessarily hostile to him, Nicholas. We must work together. We must also act in the best interests of the Community." "What are you suggesting?" "That he's right and that you should have let Natalie die." Seeing the other's protests, he quickly explained, "She could become a hunter. Hunters have an overwhelming want to kill us, and it will not matter that she was on our side." "She will not become a hunter," Nick hissed, moving forward. "How can you be so sure? *Any* mortal that is drained enough to die and then lives through it has the potential to do so." "And the transfusion she received should prevent that possibility." "But it can't assure the outcome!" Cedric exclaimed, wishing the other was more reasonable. "She can, still, become a hunter. If she does, she will have to die. Neither of us might like it, but you must accept that it might happen." Nick flew at the other, only to find Cedric had flown out of the way. "You didn't like her involvement in this from the beginning." "No, I didn't. I still don't." "Then why make her an Enforcer? You could have simply extended your protection to her." "I did. That is my protection. Even more reason you should have let her die. If she becomes a hunter, it is entirely in your hands. First, you should have never harmed her--even on accident. Nicholas, she can order the Enforcers to kill any of us--including you, LaCroix, and myself. Don't think she won't use that to her advantage. Until she would be widely recognized within the Community as a hunter, no vampire would dare try to kill her. But, if she did become a hunter, she would have to be destroyed." Through a red haze, Nick flew at Cedric, this time slamming him into the wall of the cell. From the action, he heard at least one, probably more, ribs snap. "She will *not* become a hunter." Cedric pulled out of the hands pinning him to the wall, pushing Nicholas away. "I'm saying that *if* she does, that she *will* have to die." Nick attacked Cedric, at which the younger bit into his arm. Ripping free, Nick threw Cedric at the cell bars in shear rage just as McKinsey, Keller, and Reese came back in. The three mortals shouted at them to stop, but Nick continued, pushing Cedric face first into the bars and sinking his fangs into his neck. Releasing the younger vampire and pushing him away, Nick told him, "If you so much as bring this up to me again, I will make sure you die. I will tell Natalie and have you executed by your own Enforcers." By now, the cell was open, the three mortals standing more or less between the two vampires. "Both of you--calm down!" McKinsey snapped, his glare passing between the two. He wasn't sure exactly what was going on between the two, but it was obvious they needed away from each other. "I'm very pleased to state that you are both free to go. Natalie did briefly wake, vouching for both of you before we even managed to bring her water. Now, please, calm yourselves." Cedric turned away from those present, backing off. The blood loss was enough that he would be practically defenceless against the elder vampire. Forcing himself to change back, Nick glared at Cedric. Already his eyes started to turn gold again. "Nick...forget about him, okay?" Reese said. "I want to have a little talk with you, and I think he'd like to get out of here without you following him." Nick switched his attention to his superior and, after several seconds, nodded. When Reese guided him from the cell, one hand on his back, he resisted the urge to pull away. Even as they went into the main part of the precinct, several of his co-workers ducking out of his path, his anger was in control. He really didn't care about any of this, although he did feel a little better away from the other. Reese went to one of the conference rooms, figuring Nick would rather not deal with anyone else's opinions. Shutting the door, he stared at his detective a moment before saying anything. "Nick, I've noticed some changes in you since all of this started. I've already talked to you about this, and now there's even more going on. And I don't like it!" Reese waited, but Nick did nothing but silently glare at him. A deep, golden glare that unnerved him seeing it coming from someone he thought he knew, someone he'd believed to be one of the best detectives he'd met. When he'd been told why Natalie was in the hospital, doubts sprung up, and Nick's current reaction wasn't helping. "I'm not going to ask what's going on between you two. I'm not even going to ask what the hell happened with you and Natalie, or just why you are a cop. I'll let you explain that later. At least until you straighten out your attitude, you're on suspension. And it's probably for the best, anyway, until...well, I think you know." At that, Nick reacted, turning away. He had expected it, and didn't blame Reese for the decision. "May I go?" he asked, not looking back. "Not yet. Out of curiosity, I'd like to know where you're going." Nick again faced his superior. "I'm going to the hospital to see Natalie." "Just remember that she needs her rest. I went by earlier tonight and...." He stopped. He really wasn't sure what to say to the other. Finally, he took in a deep breath, telling him, "She's really weak, Nick. At first, the doctors weren't sure she would make it." "I know. Please know that I didn't mean for that to happen." Reese tried to manage an answer, but it just wasn't working. He closed his eyes, trying not to shake his head--what he reflexively wanted to do. Looking back at the other, he told Nick, "Deep down, I don't think you did, but others are going to think twice. Attacking Cedric isn't going to help, either." Nick winced, and then nodded. "Do you know anything about...you know, what decisions might be made?" "Such as if you can return to work and what will happen to your Community?" Getting a nod from Nick, he shook his head. "No, not really. Those like McKinsey and his superiors want your people highly restricted. Something I neither think will work or will happen. Besides, there's been almost no contact with your kind, something that I think will get things moving along." "And...what's their opinion on me?" "They, personally, think you should remain in that cell--or in the equivalent of a titanium box. So does the Commissioner. But, LaCroix demanded your and Cedric's release before he reveals anything more about your kind." He paused, lowering his voice slightly, "And, don't tell McKinsey, but they're working on getting the right to haul either you and/or Cedric back in here if either of you gets too close to any mortal--and that includes Natalie. So please, be careful." Considering this, Nick hesitated. This warning was the last thing he'd expected. "Why are you warning me?" Reese asked himself that very question. "Because despite what you are and the way you've been acting the last few days, I think you're a good person. Otherwise I don't think you'd be standing here, talking to me. You still need to get an attitude adjustment, though." Nick nodded. He knew he'd been out of it recently...but he honestly couldn't help it. His anger was too close to the surface, and it wanted out. "Anything else?" "No. I should let you get over to the hospital. Dawn is, after all, not that far away." Nodding again, Nick turned and slipped out of the room, quickly going out the back and taking to the air. He flew toward the hospital, letting the cold winter air bite into his skin. It soothed his anger, so that by the time he arrived at the hospital, his anger was all but gone. Nick quickly found Natalie's room, and froze when he saw her. She was turned slightly away from him, her eyes closed. Her heartbeat was now strong, but still a little slow, and her breathing was almost normal. Stepping closer, he feared what the look in her eyes would be when they met his. "Nat?" She turned to him, and he halted his advance. Natalie looked at the sound of the voice, managing a smile when she saw Nick. "I heard McKinsey and Keller stuck you in the cell with Cedric," she stated, concern on her features. "Don't talk about that," he told her, pulling up a chair next to her bed. Cautiously, he reached for her hand. The skin was warm beneath his, but he knew she wouldn't be going home for a few more days. "You should rest." She didn't comment, instead turning her focus back to Nick. "They let you go, then? I figured it would be a while before I could see you." "Yeah, well, I have LaCroix to thank for that. He made it clear he wouldn't be speaking with any of the mortals until Cedric and I were released." At that, she looked away. "They probably didn't like that, did they?" "No, they didn't. I'm...under close watch, probably. Reese warned me to not get too close to you." "So, you're saying you don't want to be here." She pulled out of his touch, and told him, "The sun will rise soon. You should go." He grabbed her retreating hand, clasping it between his. "Want to be, but shouldn't," he said, correcting her. She tensed further, at which he told her, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Relaxing somewhat and letting Nick hold her hand, she looked away from him for a moment. "So, what did LaCroix and Cedric think of what happened?" "LaCroix told me I should learn to control myself. He's right about that. And Cedric...well, let's just say his opinion doesn't help us get along any better. Last time I saw him I think I broke a few bones and took a good portion of his blood." He thought about that, staring across the room. "It made me more sick than anything, but the hunger is completely gone. It's been gone since I realised what I did." "And this is why you're going to leave," she stated. "How do you think that makes me feel? You do this, and then what? You'll be here for a few more days, a week, maybe longer, and then you'll be gone, won't you?" "Nat, I can't be with you. I figured you'd want me to leave after what happened...that you'd actually be glad to see me go." She shook her head. "No. I don't want you to leave. Just...please don't tell me you did that on purpose to push me away. I...I don't think I could handle it if you did." Her voice started to break and waver. "Could you get me some water?" Nick let go of her hand, pulling stiffly away from her. He did as asked, pouring her a cup from the pitcher of water on the table next to him. Handing it to her, he watched as she slowly drank it. When she looked at him, waiting for an answer, he remained silent until a tear started to form in one of her eyes. Reaching over to wipe it away, she jerked back from him. "Nick, please...did you? You seem to want to leave, and I can't help but think-" "Shh...no, I didn't, and I don't," he said, cutting her off and grabbing hold of her left hand, pulling it to his lips. "I thought I was in control, but I wasn't. When I tasted your blood...it contained exactly what I needed, Nat, and I couldn't stop. It calmed me. It made me feel like I was in paradise. It made me whole. I'm really sorry, I just...I shouldn't have let it get out of hand." She shifted, her muscles aching as she let him pull her hand closer. A kiss was placed on her palm, and she closed her eyes, a shiver running through her. One of his hands drew away, and while his other still held onto her, he rested his head on the bed, facing away from her. As he rested, she made herself more comfortable and let her other hand rest on his head, her fingers sliding through his hair. "I'm sorry, Nick. I just...I don't want you to leave me. Please don't. Okay?" She waited, but as several minutes passed, he didn't answer. Taking the hand from his head, she waved it slowly in front of his face. There was no reaction, not even a slight movement of air from his breathing. He was asleep. Resting her hand at the back of his neck, she closed her eyes as well, wondering if he heard what she had said or not. Fulfilment (25/32) Cedric arrived at LaCroix' apartment, finding the elder vampire waiting for him. A glass of blood sat on the table next to where he usually sat. He took his place, watching the other closely follow his every move. LaCroix observed the other ignoring the glass, at which he told Cedric, "Drink it. You need it." Cedric shook his head. "No, I don't. It'll just fuel my anger-- something I'd much rather not do at the moment." Seeing the other tense but remain silent, he figured now was as good a time as any to bring up something he had meant to. "Why are you and Nicholas at one another's throats? It's almost like...well, like watching two children. You two are as bad as Nicholas and I." "As I'm sure you know, Nicholas is quite a lot to deal with." "Is he, or are you just dealing with him wrong?" Knowing full well he was treading on rocky ground, Cedric waited a moment, but not long enough for the other to come up with a response. "As an Enforcer, I and others have watched Nicholas--and you, too. I know your history with him pretty well, I'd say." "Get to the point." Cedric swallowed, aware the other was angry at his proddings. "You and Nicholas have been extremely close at times. Closer than most vampires ever get to another; closer than father and son, or even lovers. And then, not much later, you two won't get near each other, or even talk without insults or violence." "And?" "And, although I do not know the specifics of your recent relationship with him, I know it was close before we had to assemble the triumvirate." "So? Why does that matter?" "Because Nicholas is quite jealous, that's why. He sees me as a threat, and he sees you as discarding him." LaCroix stifled a laugh, wondering how Cedric had pieced that together. "And why does that matter to you?" "Because you're not talking to him like he needs and wants you too. And because this is why I hesitated to get involved with you." He paused, the other looking away from him. "I do not regret it. What I want to know is if you are going to deal with Nicholas?" "He is my son." "And you're slowly putting me in his place! He will react. He already is. If you favour me in the Community, he has every right to. You've made it clear Nicholas is second eldest and he *is* your son." "What are you suggesting?" "That I challenge him. Whoever wins gets the place of second eldest." LaCroix considered this; aware Cedric and Nicholas would be fairly evenly matched. "And the promise that you'll do nothing to interfere, even if one of us kills the other." At that, LaCroix stiffened. That was the last thing he wanted...but this was a challenge, and was a condition of it. Death was a choice that could be given by the victor. In truth, he suspected neither would kill the other. Cedric knew Nicholas was important to him, and Nicholas despised killing. "Of course," he eventually answered. Cedric clenched his jaw. "Even now you see him first, don't you? Even after he's practically disowned you? A challenge will at least make the choice for you. You can call it off if you want, but only if you pick one of us and only before we begin." LaCroix shut his eyes, unable to answer. In truth, he didn't know how to respond. When he heard Cedric stand, he opened his eyes, asking the younger, "Where are you going?" "Home. You seem--" Cedric was cut off as LaCroix flew at him, pushing him into the wall. "What?" LaCroix demanded, curious to know the other's response. "I do not want to trouble you, LaCroix." The other's grip loosened, and he added, "Perhaps we should not continue our relationship at this time." LaCroix raised an eyebrow. "Do you not wish to?" "Yes, I wish to. I'm just not sure if you do." Gripping the younger vampire at the back of the neck, LaCroix pulled them together and kissed Cedric full on the lips. He pushed his tongue into the Enforcer's mouth, pleased when Cedric responded. Then, pressing his body against the younger, LaCroix felt Cedric become aroused at feeling his restrained erection pressing against him. He smiled, commenting, "I think you know my answer." Cedric's eyes turned amber from his arousal. "And Nicholas?" "Nicholas has made his decision, and so have I." "And me?" "Mine." Having barely heard LaCroix' response before being kissed, Cedric's only reaction was his eyes deepening in hue. Their mouths locked together, tongues jousting, trying to taste the other; they undid each other's pants, LaCroix pulling Cedric's down in a single, quick action. It wasn't long before the elder vampire turned him and pushed inside him, most of their clothes still on. Like this, he felt whole and more complete than since he'd been a mortal in LaCroix' company. He thoroughly enjoyed their time together. Sometimes it was simple conversation. Sometimes it was sex. Sometimes it was both. But, always, it was time spent living. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. LaCroix slowly woke, not sure precisely of the reason. Cedric, laying half on top of him and half next to him, was sound asleep. Bare skin met bare skin, all of it relaxed. The sheets and comforter had been on the floor most of the day, the pillows strewn about as well. They had finally fallen asleep a couple of hours before, planning on getting some rest before nightfall, still a couple of hours away. Something was wrong. It wasn't the state of the bed, or even the fact he was awake. Nonetheless, something was nagging at him. He focused on the younger vampire's form, letting his eyes wander over the youthful skin. Cedric had still been a young man when brought over--unlike himself or even Nicholas. As such, Cedric still had quite a bit of his childhood curiosity and charm. At the same time, Cedric was far from a child. The younger vampire had a passion that few vampires possessed as fully as he--even when it came to hunting. Cedric, however, loved the hunt. He loved it so much that even becoming an Enforcer hadn't destroyed his enthusiasm. Cedric still loved the hunt--it was clear in his blood. As Cedric shifted, LaCroix stiffened, hoping to not wake the younger. He didn't. He found himself again looking at the other. It was strange, in a way, how this had come about. Cedric had come back to him unexpectedly, and they had practically picked up where they left off. And then, there was Nicholas. He honestly hadn't thought as much about his son since this started. True, they had been moving closer of late, but he knew it was just a reaction of recent events. He had decided, when Cedric came back, to give Nicholas some freedom. After all, wasn't that what his son was always demanding? So, he and Cedric moved closer and he gave Nicholas free reign...and he got quite an unexpected reaction. Nicholas was jealous. He almost laughed, but his thoughts sobered him. Nicholas was more than merely jealous, though. Cedric was right--Nicholas believed he was being 'tossed away' as it were. He wasn't sure he would ever understand his son. When Nicholas told him that he could have Cedric, but only if he gave him up, he had been stunned. How could Nicholas do that to him? How dare he. At first, he had believed his son had merely overreacted. But, the situation had not changed. If anything, Nicholas' beliefs had only become stronger. He wasn't sure what to do in response to his son. Nicholas was not getting along with Cedric, something that was, more than anything, annoying. Nicholas wanted a longer leash, and he was tempted to simply leave the situation alone. At the same time, Nicholas' reaction told him something more--Nicholas was his, or at least saw himself as his. His son believed he was being replaced--something he had not intended. Or had he? Inadvertently? His relationship with Cedric was quite similar to his and Nicholas' shortly before they had all needed to work together. But, was it, really? He and Cedric argued in most of their conversations. He had sex with the Enforcer, but was there more? LaCroix closed his eyes, letting Cedric's presence be his focus. He simply thought about Cedric and Nicholas, about his time spent with them. Moving his hand and running his fingers through Cedric's hair, an image was formed in his mind. He found a blond-haired, blue-eyed vampire staring back at him with a most enticing grin. But, the somewhat long locks were not the straight sandy blond almost brown colour of Cedric's hair, but the wavy golden hues of Nicholas'. That's what he wanted to feel between his fingers...Nicholas' soft, golden locks. Fulfilment (26/32) [A week and a half later] Nick sat at the table in the meeting room, ignoring the other vampires' presence. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to be surrounded by the quiet murmuring...murmuring that everyone could hear. There wasn't as many as the earlier meetings, but then, that was because attendance wasn't as necessary for this meeting. Perhaps forty or fifty were present. Not even half of the Community, but plenty to represent the many varied opinions of its members, and plenty to spread the decision they needed to make. "Nicholas?" LaCroix asked. He turned, seeing LaCroix' attention on him. The expression was...blank. It was waiting. He had zoned off. Cedric, sitting on the other side of LaCroix, glared at him. The rest of the room went silent, aware that something was passing between the three...although even he wasn't quite sure what. "Are we to accept the mortals' terms?" a vampire standing in the rear of the room near the centre asked. "LaCroix and Cedric have already said they agree, but the decision must be unanimous. What is your stance, Brabant?" "The mortals want an answer, and one should be given," another vampire stated. Nick sat up straighter, focusing on the room. He heard soft whispers; whispers that ceased in the instant he turned their way; whispers that made him think twice about accepting his position in this. He shut them out, quickly recalled what had already passed at the meeting, and then told those present, "Yes, I agree. We will accept the mortals' terms. However, I, as LaCroix and Cedric have already pointed out, believe we should ask for slight changes--some of the terms are, as they are, vague and give the mortals a lot of leeway." "They are also leaving us alone. We should not push the mortals too far," a woman's voice came from the back. LaCroix countered her, stating, "We should push them now, while we have the chance. Make sure that in the future they will not turn against us." "Then we are unanimous in our decision--we will accept, but ask for the mortals to make compromises," Cedric stated. He waited a moment, asking, "Are there any questions or concerns that wish to be made vocal?" None came. He stood, stating, "This meeting is dismissed. Please relate any information to those not present on our behalf." Nick remained seated as most of those present started to leave. A handful came up to them, but he shot those that approached him a glare. They could get their question or concern dealt with by LaCroix and Cedric. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Once the room was empty except for the three, Cedric conversationally asked, "How is Natalie?" Nick tensed. He wanted to just stand up and leave. In fact, he would have...if it wasn't for LaCroix' hand that rested on his shoulder, holding him in place. He shrugged out of the touch, telling them, "She's fine. She's going back to work in a couple of days." "And no signs of...anything strange?" Cedric prodded. He hissed at the younger vampire, again moving to stand and again being pushed back into his chair. "Nothing." Meeting the other's eyes, Cedric pushed the question further. "Are you absolutely certain? Has any of her behaviour changed?" "She is normal, human, and not a hunter. Drop it." Nick let his eyes flash red before settling into a piercing amber. As the youngest of the three stood, LaCroix put his hand up, grabbing the vampire's arm and preventing him from acting on his anger. When Cedric relaxed, he slowly released him. "Leave us, Cedric." "Not yet," the Enforcer said. Focusing on the angry eyes directed at him, he told the other, "I wish to challenge you, Nicholas. The 'winner' takes the position of second eldest." "I want nothing to do with you," he responded, his voice remaining even. Cedric stood, stating, "Either take the challenge, or step down. If you refuse, I can take what I want. Then, I can put Natalie in your position at this table and you will not have to deal with me." Nick snarled. This wasn't something he'd expected getting from the other. And yet, he had. In his peripheral vision, he saw LaCroix sitting, calmly letting this come up. LaCroix obviously already knew about this. "Fine. I will take you up on your challenge." "Good. Here, three nights from now, at midnight." Staring after Cedric for a moment, Nick then stood and turned away from the direction the Enforcer had left in. Seconds later, he felt LaCroix' hands on his shoulders. He jerked away from the touch, spinning to face the other with a glare. "My, my, Nicholas...so unusual to see you like this." Nick's eyes darkened. He didn't want to deal with LaCroix right now. "Shut up." At that, LaCroix' eyes changed. However, he didn't move. "What do you want?" LaCroix stepped forward, gripping the side of his son's neck. "What I have always wanted," he stated, their eyes meeting. Turning away, Nick didn't believe the other. "I am not what you always wanted, LaCroix. Tell me, did you make some kind of deal with Cedric? Is it a true challenge?" The elder vampire hesitated at the questions, but answered, "I neither suggested nor encouraged it. This is Cedric's decision. And yes, it is a true challenge." Nick pulled out of the other's touch. A true challenge meant Cedric could kill him if he wanted to. It, however, went both ways. "I will not spare him anything." "I will be present." "Then you will watch. Either watch me be killed, or watch me kill him." He turned to leave, but found himself held tightly from behind. Struggling, he was unable to break free. "Release me!" The other didn't loosen his grip, and he felt LaCroix' lips just brushing his ear. He unconsciously relaxed. Despite the softness of the touch, despite that the action aroused him, he didn't want this--not now. He knew LaCroix was doing this on purpose. "Release me, now." "I know you can break free, Nicholas. If that's what you really wanted, you would have by now." Nick cringed as LaCroix kissed him on the ear. And then on his cheek just next to his ear. And then along the side of his chin, down to his neck, and just to the edge of his collar. He instinctively allowed the other greater access, closing his eyes as the actions continued. As the elder vampire held him tightly against him, Nick felt LaCroix become aroused. It made his breathing deepen, his body involuntarily responding...responding to this as if there was nothing wrong between them. "That's it. Relax." Feeling his head tilted to the side, LaCroix' lips teasing every available speck of skin.... Nick stiffened, yanking away and out of the embrace with effort. He spun, glaring at the other with bright red eyes. "Don't even try to make up for being with Cedric. It's either him or me. You can't have us both." "And yet, you want both myself and your precious Natalie, don't you?" Nick didn't comment. He couldn't say anything in response to that. Spinning, he flew out of the room. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Two nights later, Nick stood outside of LaCroix' apartment shortly after sunset. He wanted to talk to the elder vampire and make it clear he would spare Cedric nothing--despite either LaCroix' interest in the Enforcer or the fact that Cedric was in charge of the Enforcers in this area. LaCroix would have to deal with whatever happened. A challenge meant that LaCroix would have to watch and wait for the outcome. He went inside, not bothering to knock. He didn't want LaCroix to be expecting him. He wanted to surprise the other. Heading to LaCroix' bedroom--where the other's presence was emanating from--Nick walked in...and then froze. There, on the bed, both LaCroix and Cedric were there, naked, his sire thrusting into the younger. LaCroix had blocked their link, and now he saw the reason. As he stood there, his eyes slowly became gold at what he was seeing. He was too stunned to look away. He watched as LaCroix stiffened somewhat, stopping his actions. Cedric, however, was completely unaware of his presence. LaCroix took his release in the younger vampire's blood, silently climaxing. Nick didn't move, instead simply waited for his sire to turn to him. And, after a moment, LaCroix pulled out of Cedric and faced him. LaCroix' eyes--bright gold quickly becoming an icy blue--stared at him in surprise. "Nicholas..." LaCroix breathed, at which Cedric twisted around, seeing the other for the first time. Nick tried to keep his voice calm as he spoke and his anger under control. "I see that I have no reason to be here. I should not have come," he stated evenly, his stomach however, wanting nothing more than to dispel the small amount of blood sitting in it. Nick turned to go, not stopping as LaCroix called his name. Nor when those same syllables were practically screamed through the apartment and he reached for the door. He faintly wondered why the other didn't come after him...his thoughts turning dark on that. It wouldn't have been difficult. All his sire had to do was walk toward him, catch him before he left, but the elder vampire remained in the bedroom. LaCroix didn't truly want him, that's why. He left, the cool night air greeting him moments later. Fulfilment (27/32) "Go in to work tonight, Nat," Nick told her, standing next to the couch where she sat. "What if I don't want to? What if I want to come with you instead?" His eyes widened as he shook his head. "No. You can't go." She looked down, fingering the small coin-like pendant around her neck. "Can't go, or you don't want me there? I bet I could go, couldn't I? If I ordered you to take me, you'd have to, wouldn't you?" Nick tensed, but shook his head. "I wouldn't have to, but I could be punished for disobeying. However, please, Nat; this is a private matter." "What is this, exactly?" she asked, glancing down at the charm in her fingers. "Nothing more than what you've been told. It's the Enforcer's official...seal, I guess you would call it. It's only found on the pendants like the one you have." Natalie focused on the image in the middle of each side. "Why the dragons?" "It's not the dragons that are important. Yes, the dragons are what initially get the attention. The dragons are the 'seal', if you want to call it that. It's the serpent around the edge that is the real symbol." Natalie looked closer at it, her eyes widening upon realising that the outside edge was, indeed, a snake. Its tail inconspicuously formed the bail of the charm, its eyes staring at her nearby. "I didn't even notice it," she muttered. "But, to you guys, it's probably just as noticeable as the dragon, isn't it?" After he nodded, she let the pendant fall back in its place, asking, "What does it represent?" "Immortality. It has for many, many centuries--long before even LaCroix was born. The serpent elevates its wearer to immortality; something even vampires don't posses fully. It's why it gives you power within the Community despite being mortal." "I take it this 'pendant' isn't a new thing?" "No, it's not. You are, however, I believe the first mortal to wear one in over five hundred years." "And I can really do just about anything with this? In the Community, that is." He nodded. "Just about. You can't actually take over or anything, but you could order any vampire's execution--or stay it. Usually those it's given to die--by the hands of the Enforcers. They die when the mortal uses the power too often and too much, betraying their trust." "I could stop your challenge with Cedric, couldn't I? Before it even starts." Nick swallowed, wondering what she was thinking. Would she? "Will you?" She again fingered the metal. "No, I won't. I won't misuse this, the power it gives me. I don't want to do that. It was given to me to protect me, I won't take advantage of it." "Then you'll go to work?" Closing her eyes, Natalie nodded. "Yeah, I'll go in. That'll at least make McKinsey happy--he's trying to get an explanation from me." Nick winced. "About me, right? That, and how much you know, I'll bet." "Yeah." "Well, you should go get ready, then." He forced a smile to his lips as she stood up. Then, she approached and kissed him. The kiss was deep, and he wanted more. He gently pulled away, doing his best to keep his smile. "Go on." "Just be here when I get back, okay?" "I will," he told her, keeping his expression neutral. As long as Cedric didn't kill him, he would be. Honestly, he wasn't sure if the other would if it came to it. He watched Natalie head upstairs, at which he went to the kitchen to get something to drink. He was going to fight Cedric, and he wasn't going to let himself be hungry in the slightest when he did. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. LaCroix stood in a corner of the meeting hall, the room having been cleared out for tonight. In the centre were Nicholas and Cedric, the two each glaring at the other through golden eyes. Both of the younger vampires had been on edge since the previous night, specifically since Nicholas had walked in on them. The challenge had not yet begun, but he knew that for the two, it had. He tensed, wondering what was to come, wondering if he would lose one of them...or, perhaps both. If Cedric killed Nicholas, he didn't think he could bare it. Hopefully, they would both survive. Cedric circled the other, hissing, "Why are you so jealous of this? Of me? I am merely taking the position that you don't even want!" Nick mirrored Cedric, keeping his distance from the other, but not backing away. "How do you know what I want?" "I've tasted enough of LaCroix' blood. You don't know what you want; although it's obvious you don't want anything to do with the Community." "Who is he to say what I want?" "LaCroix is the only reason I'm not already second eldest. He wants me to be, you know. He knows you don't have the ability or reputation to handle the position. Second eldest means you confer with him regarding everything! Have you? No. I have." "And I suppose that makes you special." "No. It just means that I'm the one best suited for the position." Nick waited, slowing his steps to a halt. Once Cedric had also done so, he turned to LaCroix. "There are three stakes on the floor at various places in the room. The first to stab his opponent with two of these in the torso is the victor." LaCroix stiffened, pausing for a moment. "Begin." Nick's eyes turned red, but he didn't yet move. Neither did the other. "You want to prove yourself to LaCroix, that's what. You want to take advantage of him." "And what are you doing?" Cedric took a step forward, meeting the other's gaze. "You go to him when you can't handle everything else. If it weren't for that, you two wouldn't even have a relationship. He takes you, has sex with you, for the simple reason that *you* need it." Nick snarled, still not moving. This...he could barely handle. "And what is your reason? Does he see you as an 'easy' target?" Flying toward the other vampire, Cedric found himself being pushed away, nearly falling. "I am not an 'easy' target. You, however, I could probably take where you stand. I'll show you that...you will see, Brabant!" Nick sped into the other, slamming into the Enforcer's body and trying to knock the other off balance. It didn't work, the other grabbing him and shoving him to the ground. He got up easily, again on his guard and ready for another attack. The Enforcer was, at this moment, his enemy. And the Enforcer would pay for what had been said. He would not allow the other to go through on his words. As they again neared each other, Cedric grabbed not him, but his shirt, ripping the buttons off in one quick yank. Before Nick could react, the Enforcer pulled his shirt off, tossing the wrecked garment to the ground. Nick, only angrier, quickly did the same to Cedric, yanking one of the Enforcer's arms in the process, breaking it. He watched the other shy away, snarling and holding his arm from the sudden injury. "I am not weak!" Nick exclaimed, taking another pass at Cedric. He attempted to hit the other's jaw, but was instead thrown into the nearest wall. He winced on impact, hearing a bone snap. It was, luckily, only a rib. It wouldn't cause him much difficulty. From his position, it was only a quick reach to the floor to get one of the stakes. He did exactly that, flying at Cedric. He tried to stab the other with it, but the sharp point merely cut the other's skin, a long trail of red appearing on the Enforcer's chest. Cedric attempted to take the piece of wood from him, but he was able to easily move free as Cedric's arm was still weak. Trying again, Nick managed to embed the stake deep into Cedric's shoulder, surprising the other vampire somewhat and eliciting a gasp from LaCroix. He turned momentarily toward LaCroix, seeing the fear on the other's face. LaCroix probably had suspected Cedric would win this challenge...probably even hoped it. His anger reached a peak, wanting to show LaCroix that he was not the foolish, weak creature he believed. He could be just as cruel, if not more so than his sire, and he would prove it. He would take this opportunity to show LaCroix just how he felt and what he was capable of. Suddenly, Nick felt himself tripped and pushed to the ground. He had lost his concentration, and as Cedric grabbed one of the remaining stakes, he knew it had been a mistake. Still, he decided that he would not allow the other to humiliate him--something he could see the other wanted to do in his eyes. As Cedric came at him, he was prepared, and he gripped the wrist with the stake, pulling it free. He held onto the stake, spinning Cedric in his grasp, and let the tip of the wood just pierce the other's stomach, drawing blood. The Enforcer froze, ceasing his fight. Nick simultaneously bit into Cedric's neck and moved the stake, bringing it upward and undoubtedly into Cedric's heart without much thought. The Enforcer screamed in pain, which turned into first a moan and then whimpering as Nick drained him. Releasing Cedric, Nick let the other fall to the ground as he stood up. When he turned to find LaCroix, all he found was an empty space. LaCroix had left. He closed his eyes, trying to get his anger under control. He had wanted to hurt LaCroix, and knew he had. He had accomplished what he wanted, even if the Enforcer didn't get quite what he should have. "Nicholas...." Nick turned toward the voice, looking down on the other vampire. Cedric was weak and pale, blood staining his skin in several places but little blood present. From a combination of blood loss and the stake, the Enforcer would die. Looking, it was obvious to him Cedric was too weak to remove the stake himself, too weak to do anything but speak. He could leave now, and nothing would be thought of his choice. He walked away, grabbing the remains of his shirt and slipping it around his shoulders, planning to do just that. "Nicholas, please. You have won." Cedric coughed, and then moaned from the pain of the stake. "Please, spare my life." Nick closed his eyes again, trying to block Cedric out. He didn't want to kill the other...but he had the right. At the same time, he had the revenge he wanted against LaCroix. He turned his attention back on Cedric, who was indeed dying, the Enforcer's consciousness having already slipped away, his eyes fluttering between life and death. Nick's eyes flashed a deep crimson before settling to a soft gold, at which he angrily knelt next to the Enforcer, pulling the stake out of Cedric's heart. Again, Cedric screamed, the piercing sound pleasant to his ears. Now, the Enforcer lay pitifully before him, breathing deep and hard, his body trying desperately to heal his wounds, which it couldn't, the other stake still imbedded in him. Nick held out his wrist to the other, but Cedric made no move to take the offer. "Drink, Cedric. I'm not going to leave you here completely defenceless--even though that's what I feel like doing. Take it. It will give you enough strength to remove the other stake. Take it!" Cedric winced at the other's harsh tone, barely conscious but not having much choice as the offered wrist as it was held above his mouth, blood dripping onto his lips. He had no choice but to drink, his need for blood too strong to deny. The anger in the blood nearly burned his throat, but he drank it greedily. Nick let the other vampire drink from him until he started to feel it being drained from him, and then he pulled his wrist away and stood up. Nick merely glared down at the other, who had closed his eyes, then turned and walked away. Fulfilment (28/32) LaCroix tensed as he sat on the couch, feeling his son's approach. As Nicholas entered his apartment and stared down on him, he met the other's gaze. "What do you want?" He waited, but his son did not immediately answer. "Tell me, or leave." "I want nothing." Feeling his emotions starting to tip, he asked, "Is he dead?" He waited, but his son did not answer nor betray any hint of what had happened. "Tell me now, Nicholas. Did you kill him?!" "No," he spoke softly, harshly. "He will live." LaCroix felt a wave of relief pass over him. Both Nicholas and Cedric had survived. He was grateful for that. "You won the challenge." "Yes. All it means is that nothing will change." Wincing, LaCroix stiffened somewhat. "How is he?" he asked. "Do you need to ask? You were there. He is alive. Isn't that enough?" He tensed further; this 'challenge' had solved nothing. Looking at Nicholas, he could see the pleasure at his reaction. His son could have it, for all he cared. "I spared his life because he begged. I took out the second stake, gave him some of my blood, and left him there. Last I saw, he was curled up on the ground, whimpering in pain, too weak to do anything else." LaCroix didn't comment or react further, not even as his son glared at him. "Aren't you going to go to him?" "No," came his simple answer. And he wouldn't. "Why not?" "This was his doing," he stated, truthfully. "He asked for it and underestimated you. He needed the lesson. He might be eight hundred years old and an Enforcer, but he still has some things to learn." He watched as surprise alighted on Nicholas' features. "You're just going to leave him there," the younger vampire stated, incredulous. "Yes." "Why?" LaCroix stood and approached his son. "Because I know what I really want." He moved closer to Nicholas, coming to the younger's side. "And it's right here." He reached out, his fingers tugging the tattered shirt open. As his son backed away and half flew out of the apartment, LaCroix suppressed a chuckle. The near laugh faded as he remembered what had passed. Cedric would come later, he knew, once the other had recovered enough to fly. He was silently thankful that Nicholas had given the Enforcer his life. When the younger returned, he knew he'd have to explain...explain that their relationship had to stay relatively platonic, or, at the least, return to something less and that the true object of his affections was Nicholas. Nicholas was, after all, his son, his brother. Cedric was neither. He wanted his son back and had no wish for the two to kill one another because of his want of Nicholas. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Natalie sat on the couch, waiting. McKinsey wanted to question Nick as well, and her superiors had given her more time off. She was on suspension. She looked up as the elevator kicked into gear. She stood and walked over to it, aware it was almost assuredly Nick. Once the freight arrived, she pulled the door open, finding Nick standing on the other side. His shirt was half-off, his face carrying some unknown expression. "Nick?" He pushed by her, headed to the refrigerator, and pulled out a bottle of blood. He drank from it, letting the blood soothe him and replenish him. "How did it go? I mean...obviously you're alive, but...well, your shirt is ripped and there's blood on it." He didn't answer her. "Nick? Please?" "I won, if that's what you're asking," he said between two large gulps of the blood. "And...?" She waited but again he didn't answer. "Nick, you're a mess. If you're like this, and you won, what about Ced--" "He's alive, or should be. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. LaCroix doesn't seem to care." Natalie watched him drain the rest of the bottle's contents. "Nick...there's more. I can see it in you. I can see your anger. Please, tell me what it is." "LaCroix thought I would choose to let Cedric die, and he left." Natalie tensed. Could Nick had been that angry, that...out of control...? "But he is alive, right? That's what you said, isn't it?" Nick nodded. "Yeah. I almost just left him there, letting the stakes do their work. But I didn't. I guess it's because killing him wouldn't really do any good. And he asked for his life. I removed the second stake I'd put in him, one that would have killed him in minutes, and gave him some of my blood. I left him there, alone and extremely weak, but he'll survive. Unfortunately." Natalie was confronted with two bright golden globes, their depths frightening her. Nick was on the edge of control, and she wasn't sure which side of it he was on. "Nick?" She reached forward, and the instant her fingers touched his arm he jerked away, his eyes darkening, shifting to crimson. "You're tense, Nick. You need to relax." "I don't want to relax. A part of me wishes I'd killed Cedric, or at the least for me to go back and finish it. And another part of me wants to kill LaCroix. And I feel like I could do it, Natalie. I could kill either of them if I wanted. Maybe some mortal will find him, recognise what he is and finish him off." He turned away from her for a moment, and then again faced her. "Cedric pleaded with me, assuming that I'm not a killer. I did as he asked, but not because I wanted to. I'm feeling are the emotions and thoughts of a killer. And I wanted to make him suffer, Nat. I wanted to do what he planned to do to me. If I hadn't lost control, if I hadn't become the killer I am...I would have raped him. I would have raped him and torn him to pieces if I still had my thoughts." Extending his hand toward her face, she flinched away, at which he again looked away. She watched him, but didn't make any move to touch or comfort him. "Do you know what LaCroix thinks of your winning?" "He thinks he can just take me back," he blandly stated. "He wants me back. He knows I'm not walking right back to him, though, he knows he messed up." Staring at her, he asked, "I thought you went to work?" Natalie stiffened somewhat at the change of subject. Nick obviously didn't want to talk about the challenge, or, more specifically, LaCroix. "I'm on suspension. They've noticed I've been...helping the Community out a bit." "Which means I'm still on suspension, right?" Natalie nodded, hearing a somewhat sad tone to his voice. "That, and McKinsey and the Commissioner want to interview you. I think we'll both be allowed back to work, although it sounds like we'll be watched, especially you." She paused, aware he wasn't going to like the rest of what she had to say. "Your interview is tomorrow night. It's primarily going to be the questioning LaCroix agreed to, and they're going to question both you and Cedric at the same time." Nick stood rigidly for several seconds, his head tilting slightly back. Then, eventually, he told her, "I'm going to take a shower," and left. She almost went after him, but he had flown quickly to the upper level. Calling after him, she asked, "Do you want me to call LaCroix and tell him? So Cedric knows about it?" Several minutes quickly passed, but he didn't answer her. So, when the water was turned on, she walked over to the phone and dialled the elder vampire's number, hoping their conversation would be short. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Nick avoided the other vampire's gaze as he had since arriving at the precinct. He and Cedric were being interviewed. The questions were simple, but intrusive. They were asked how often they have killed and their reasons of doing so. They had to be more specific on their ages, giving a precise year--which they each did. They had no choice, really. In return for the assurance that nothing would happen to members of the Community--to be killed, imprisoned, attacked, or hunted-- himself, Cedric, and LaCroix had agreed to reveal more about themselves. Now, his and Cedric's interrogation was over. Natalie--who was being grouped in with them--was next, and then LaCroix would come in the next night. The rest of the Community, however, would be spared this. It was a small price to pay, really. So far the Community had been lucky, and he wondered how long peace would really last. Mortals were good at starting wars. Perhaps they wouldn't, but it wasn't something he was going to count on. As McKinsey, Keller, Reese, and a representative of the Commissioner left the room, Nick glared at Cedric. The younger vampire stared quietly back at him. He waited for the Enforcer to either leave or say something...even yell at him...but no reaction came. Nick left, passing Natalie on his way out. He would have stopped if it weren't for Cedric following him. He didn't want to talk to the Enforcer, and certainly not in front of Natalie. He wanted quiet. After stepping outside, he lifted off the ground. Cedric was behind him, trying to close the distance between them. Landing on the roof of the loft, Nick sharply turned as the Enforcer arrived. "What do you want?" he asked the other, his voice hinting at the beast within him. "Think of it as an apology of sorts. I underestimated you." Cedric waited, but the other simply stood. "Do you mind if we go inside? Please?" Silently, Nick nodded and entered the loft through the skylight. He landed and waited for Cedric to join him. "Now, please--why are you here?" Nick asked as the other stared calmly at him. "I don't want what happened to make us even less civil to one another." "You stopped struggling before I staked you the second time. You could have broken free." "No, I couldn't. I knew I had lost, and I accepted it." "You gave up." "In a way. By then I realised LaCroix would, if I managed to win and rape you as I'd planned, be angry. His anger is too much for me, Nicholas. It's too much to handle day in and day out. When I'm around him, I can feel it. Suppressed anger from what happened all those years before. Besides, I suspect that LaCroix is actually rather proud of you at the moment." The younger vampire was straying from his question. "What are you trying to say?" "That I'm going to cease my relationship with LaCroix--specifically the more intimate aspects." Nick tensed, wondering how his sire would take that news. Then, Cedric added, "It was LaCroix' idea, believe it or not. He told me he wanted to end it earlier today. I agreed. I'm not what he wants; you are." Setting his jaw, Nick felt his fangs trying to descend. LaCroix still thought he could just take him back. He wasn't going to make it easy for the other, not at all. "Is that all?" "No. I have more." Cedric tensed, glancing down for a moment before meeting the other's eyes. "I want to thank you, Nicholas. You didn't have to let me live." "No, I didn't." "I know you wanted to kill me, but please...I am thankful for your mercy. I had not prepared myself to die and am glad you let me live. I am also thankful for your blood. Without it I might have died." Nick turned away, but the other remained. "You have more to say. What is it?" "LaCroix wants to meet with us--and Natalie--as soon as possible. We should probably meet Natalie at the precinct and leave from there." Thankful for the change of subject, Nick relaxed. "Why does Natalie have to be there?" "You know why, Nicholas. You know exactly why--she is involved with the Community. The mortals know and are grouping her in with us. They are probably hoping she'll slip." "And you'd be glad of that, wouldn't you?" Cedric winced under the accusation. "No, I would not. The charm I gave her and the fact I did so without LaCroix' permission would, if she slipped, place any punishment on me, not her." "What happened to your concern she might be a hunter?" he asked, some of his anger fading, but not his curiosity on the matter. "LaCroix assured me that she was not. Getting her to the hospital and getting flesh blood into her system saved her from that fate." "Which I told you before. If I didn't believe that, I would have let her die." Cedric nodded. "I know on both of those counts. She is also very strong willed, something I should have considered. I am sorry for accusing she might become a hunter, but Community safety comes before personal opinion. Unfortunately, I am an Enforcer first and man last- -we do not have the privilege of associating with others, especially mortals, and I apologise for pushing it before. Now, can we go? By the time we finish arguing, they will be done interviewing her." The other vampire once more didn't comment. "Please, Nicholas, can we work together on this? It's very difficult to work with an enemy." As Cedric outstretched his hand, Nick glanced to it but didn't take it. "I have no qualms with you, Nicholas. I do not wish to be your enemy and never did. I only challenged you to attempt to help the situation, to force LaCroix to choose. If you must know, I was hesitant in becoming involved with him, but he assured it would be fine. I am sorry for his choice, and I am sorry that I did not hold my distance, but I could not under the circumstances. You are worthy of being his son, far more than I. I would be honoured if I could be your friend." Nick stiffened. "I do not wish to be your enemy. And I need time if you want the later." He took the other's hand, stating, "I will work with you." "Thank you." Stepping away and turning, Nick lifted into the air, going back out the skylight and into the deep sea of sky above. Fulfilment (29/32) While waiting for Natalie's interview to finish, Nick's ears caught on a conversation across the precinct. Something was happening at the Raven. Nick moved to stand, but felt Cedric's hand on his arm. He shrugged out of the touch, but remained in his chair. "Let's see what they will do," Cedric suggested. "They know the Raven is a club primarily for our people. Hopefully, it is nothing more than a minor problem. We shouldn't be needed." The two waited, and the news slowly died out. Apparently, all 'humans' in the club had been forced out. Although somewhat unusual, neither was overly concerned. After all, the mortals seemed to not have too much of a problem with it. So, they would continue to wait. A half hour later, the two vampires stood as Natalie, Reese, and McKinsey approached. "What are you two doing here?" Natalie asked upon seeing them. Cedric eyed the mortals accompanying Natalie, but answered, "LaCroix wishes to speak with us. You as well, Doctor." "Do you know what's happening at the Raven?" Reese asked before McKinsey could comment. "No, we don't," Nick simply told them, seeing Reese's concern. "Only what we've overheard while sitting here." "Then you might want to get over there. Several of your kind went into the club and started quite a stir. They apparently pulled some trick on LaCroix and forced all humans out of the club with either threats or physical force." "And LaCroix did nothing?" the two vampires softly spoke in tandem. They spared a quick glance to each other, then waited for an answer to the question. McKinsey shifted somewhat, the glares directed at him unnerving. "That is unknown. They didn't waste any time in whatever they did." Cedric silently reached forward and led Natalie toward the exit. Nick watched, his anger tweaking at the action. But, it was simply a manner to get them out of the building. Reaching the exterior of the building, however, Nick saw Cedric take to the air in plain sight, Natalie held in front of him. He would have preferred that they left Natalie here, but he again reminded himself to keep calm. Following, he wondered just what they would find upon arriving. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Walking into the Raven, Nick and Cedric were confronted with a room filled with tension. Across the room and through the semi-parted crowd, three vampires had securely held LaCroix. Two were kneeling, gripping LaCroix' arms, while the third stood behind the Roman, putting pressure on his shoulders and preventing him from standing. Although, on closer inspection it was obvious the stake in his chest near his heart was probably more restraining than the vampire's grasp of him. Both Nick and Cedric froze solid as the room quieted further. The air was literally electrified by the nervous energy being gradually bottled up--the vampire's present mostly unsure of themselves, nervous and questioning their thoughts on everything. The crowd parted the rest of the way, and it could be seen that about a dozen, maybe a couple less vampires were actively involved, although a couple seemed unsure in their involvement. One, who was guarding the door, pushed Cedric forward. The Enforcer snarled at the vampire, who was roughly half his age and more of a brute than anything. He didn't want to deal with this right now, but if they fought now there would undoubtedly be deaths. First they needed to know what was going on, which meant that they had to wait. When the vampire reached out to do the same to Natalie, Cedric turned on the younger vampire, grabbing him by the throat. A second later, however, another vampire broke the hold, pulling him back. He detached himself from the grip, taking steps back from both. "Let Natalie leave. I would hate for her to be injured or killed and have to do something about it." "She's one of us," the vampire who had been at the door spoke. He turned to the mortal and took the charm in his hand, holding it up to Cedric. "You made her one of us. She is no longer a mere mortal in the Community's eyes. She loses the innocence and protection that came with being mortal. She remains." He let go of the necklace, his gaze holding on the two vampires. "What's going on?" Nick asked. Making sure Natalie was safely with Cedric, he took several steps forward, toward LaCroix and the others. "LaCroix, what happened?" "Just a little disagreement," he answered, his voice seeming to hide his pain. "Some of the Community, apparently, are not pleased with events. They struck me under the guise of wishing to speak with me." "The mortals know too much and the Community is falling apart!" a vampire standing near LaCroix stated. "This room is proof of the latter. Not one vampire in this room, including yourself, is free of doubt and scepticism. The mortals will turn on us and we must not be lax in accepting their knowledge of us." "Who are you?" Nick asked, remembering seeing this vampire at the meetings, but knowing nothing more. At first, no one made a sound. Then, as it was obvious the vampire wasn't going to answer, Cedric stated, "Marcus is his name. He's been too vocal at the meetings and is not pleased with our working with the mortals. He's been warned about his voice on the matter." "You talk as if we have no choice!" Marcus hissed, changing. "We don't!" Cedric said, resting his hands on Natalie's shoulders as Marcus approached him. "Ask any of the Enforcers, ask LaCroix, Nicholas...any of the older members of our kind. We can either work with them, or against them. With them, at least we have some say in what happens. As their enemy, they would hunt us, eradicate us. Do you really want to be hunted? As it is, they are going to make it illegal by their laws to kill us without due reason. Imagine if they made it law to hunt us! It wouldn't be long until we were all dead! And be glad the beginning of this is in our favour as it may not remain!" Marcus ignored the Enforcer and the words, walking right up to the mortal. He reached out and grabbed the charm around her neck, listening as her pulse increased. "This charm means nothing. It is nothing more than an antiquated piece of our history, something that should be left with the ashes of the past, one of the follies of millennia past." "But it is here," an Enforcer stated. It was the woman who'd found the renegades earlier, before Cedric's capture. She walked forward from the crowd. "It is more symbolic than anything. She has our immortal protection. That is what it gives. It gives someone the protection of the Enforcers. That is the way it has been, and shall be." Marcus turned to the female Enforcer. "And what, it's been a good five hundred or more years since this 'protection' of yours has been offered. Why now? Why her? Why any mortal in a time like this? Mortals misuse power." "Anyone can misuse power, not just mortals. It is given for the same reason our protection has been extended in the past," Cedric answered, shifting the attention back to him. "She is in danger from us, from those like you. There haven't been many others because the Code is enforced strongly in these matters. It has been for the last several thousand years. She receives our protection for her service to the Community--services that she did on her own. She is trusted. The power of the charm is there to tempt, and those that can resist that temptation are trusted. She resists it." "She should be brought across or killed. By the Code--your Code-- all mortals retaining knowledge of us are to be brought over, killed, or made to forget." Marcus moved closer to her, his hand wrapping around her throat. "She's practically one of us and should be brought across." "Release her," came a near-snarl from Nick. He wasn't going to let anything happen to Natalie. Cedric still stood behind her, and he trusted the other to protect her...but he could see Marcus' hatred for her. "Release her. Now." "I would do as he says," LaCroix spoke, turning the attention back on himself. "Nicholas can be quite...forceful, quite brutal when he wants to be. Do not step between him and his beloved." "How can he do anything against us? The Community is split, with enough uncertainty that they didn't even stop us. Would you rather have that stake through your heart? I can oblige you, if you'd like." Nick hissed, immediately changing. "Release her, now!" "He's proven himself against one of the Enforcers. He spared Cedric nothing but his life, and Cedric only stands here because he pleaded for it." As the two tensed, LaCroix stated from his position, "Kill Natalie, and I assure you that you will die by Nicholas' hand. He will not tolerate her death." Cedric took a step forward. "He would have ripped my throat out if he'd been in control. He will kill you if you harm her. I have no doubt of it." Marcus roughly released Natalie, pushing her back and into Cedric. "Tonight is about more than just the mortals knowing too much. That, unfortunately, cannot be dealt with. However, the Community has also been far too lax in its treatment of recent events." As he ended, eyes focused on Screed, who was being dragged into the centre of the room, roughly halfway between Nick and LaCroix. The carouche was bleeding from several wounds--from being hit and from being cut. "What have you done to him?" Nick demanded, seeing that Screed was barely conscious. "He's a carouche. Why should that matter to the likes of you or I? To any of us? He was the last straw, the last bit of evidence the mortals needed. After he was caught on tape, everything was destroyed. We were destroyed, slowly, by the mortals and by you." Cedric shook his head. "I was the one that was captured, Marcus. We had decided that no blame was to go to Screed. We decided that, and it will not change. We used him for our needs and he has repaid the damage. The suspicion was already there and knowledge of us would have been released sooner or later. At least Screed gave us the chance to prepare." "So? None of that is important. He will die. That is his sentence." Marcus nodded, and one from his group moved closer, carrying a stake, that they had very probably taken from an Enforcer. Just as the wood was about to be brought down, Natalie pulled away from Cedric, breaking from his hold. The action was unexpected, and she easily slipped away. Nick caught her as she yelled to the vampire to stop. Marcus put up his hand, and the stake stopped in its decent. "Why would you want this to stop, Mortal? You are our prey, and yet you help this...animal." "I'm not no animal," Screed hissed as he tried to get up. He couldn't, his muscles sore and damaged. The vampire with the stake roughly shoved him back into the floor before he could say anything else. The action only made Natalie angrier. "Animals don't talk. But, if you insist that he's an animal, then so are you. So is everyone in this room." Nick held her shoulders tighter, pulling her against him and stepping back. "Natalie...please, be quiet. You shouldn't say anything here." Marcus nodded, and two vampires approached the two and pulled Nick away, holding him in place. Then, he went up to the mortal. "Say anything you want. Just don't expect anyone to protect you. The charm itself does nothing. I have the power at the moment." She tensed as he circled her like a predator. He was the predator and she the prey--that was obvious. "Why are you doing this? Nick and the others either have, or will reveal themselves more fully in order to secure the safety of the rest of the Community, to secure *your* rights. Do you have any idea what will happen if you continue like this? The mortals will hunt you, that's what. And I'd say they would have every right. They would see killing you as protecting themselves. Be glad they haven't." "You'd like that, wouldn't you? To see me hunted?" "Either that or shut up," she mumbled, which he of course heard. Marcus snarled at her, pulling her closer, only inches from him. "You're the one that should shut up! Nicholas is right about one thing--you have no place here. You should be our food and nothing more." He paused, and a sparkle came to his eye. "Unless of course you'd like to be one of us? You're already practically one of us. You know us and would make a wonderful addition to us. I would oblige you that gift. You are already Nicholas' wife--this would be only a short step, and it would assure you your life in the future." "I want nothing to do with you." "Even if Nicholas will almost assuredly kill you? He's not known to be good with mortals--especially not intimately. They usually end up drained. I believe you've already had a taste of that." Marcus smiled as she stiffened but didn't comment. "Well then, I'll just fix that little problem, and then we can get on with the execution." As Marcus moved closer, forcing Natalie's head to the side, Nick and Cedric took the opportunity and broke free, pulling Marcus away as his fangs just barely touched the mortal's throat. Marcus was stunned by the action that he froze. Once he was able to give a command, the others refused to obey. They just stood there, staring at him. And he stared back, mouth hanging open. Nick soon had Marcus by the throat and the younger vampire was truly afraid. If this one had really beaten an enforcer, Cedric at that, then he would certainly have no chance. "What are you going to do with me? Kill me? Stake and crucify me, perhaps? Give me to the mortals?" Nick simmered. "I will not kill you. I'll leave that to the Enforcers to choose what will happen to you." With that, he released Marcus and pushed him back into two Enforcers. "Make sure he and those loyal to him don't make any more trouble." "Shall we kill them now?" one of the female Enforcers asked. "Do what you want with them," Nick said, and glanced behind him, toward Cedric. "Cedric can deal with this." Natalie nodded, her attention going to Screed--who was clearly too weak to stand on his own. She moved forward, but felt a hand pull her back. "Let Vachon take care of him. He'll be fine," Nick said as she looked toward him. "But...." "He'll be fine," he told her, guiding her away and toward LaCroix, who was standing with effort. "LaCroix...." He glared at his son and the mortal. "Just get the stake out of me." Nick nodded and moved closer, leaving Natalie momentarily unguarded. She simply watched as Nick gripped the end of the broken chair leg, then pulled. The wood slowly moved, and she saw LaCroix jerk forward and free of the object. She winced slightly, waiting for some sound to be released. None came. Even as Nick pushed the elder vampire across the room, LaCroix kept pulling away; a piercing glare directed at all who got too close. Soon, the club was behind them, the excitement of the night being over. Fulfilment (30/32) Entering the loft, Natalie paused as the elevator door slid shut. She had spent the last several hours at LaCroix' making sure he would recover. "Nick, you know...you could have stayed. I think LaCroix would have liked it if you had." Nick closed his eyes and leaned back into the couch, listening as Natalie's heartbeat moved closer. "I didn't want to deal with it." "And you trust him?" "No, I don't. Maybe..." he said as he shook his head. "I really don't know." "Then why did you leave me with him? Tell me that." He looked at her, meeting her eyes. "I couldn't stay, Nat. I'm sorry." He stayed quiet for a moment, and then told her, "I wanted to get away from him. I can't deal with him right now." Natalie neared and sat next to him on the couch. She reached out and took his hand in hers. Her fingers absently played with the ring on his hand. "You and Cedric seem to be getting along better." Nick pulled away from her, her nails scratching him as she tried to hold on. He stood and stared down on her, feeling the cuts on his hand healing. When she got up and stood in front of him, he stopped her from getting too close. "I still wish I'd killed him, or done worse too him than I did. I'm still not in control, even now. I'm hungry, hungry for death, not blood. What scares me is that I don't feel guilty for either nearly killing him, nor what I wanted to do. Not this time. It just...is." "Did you two come to an agreement of some kind?" "I suppose you could say that. But I'm really not sure what it is. I wanted to rape him at the challenge, Nat. But I wanted to kill him more." "And if you had?" "I don't think it would have made much difference. Cedric was resigned to whatever I might have done to him, even that." "There's more that's bothering you, isn't there? And it doesn't involve Cedric." He looked down, focusing on the skin of Natalie's wrists. Her blood, especially now, was so tempting. He just wanted to brush off her question, take the blood she would freely give him and bathe in it. At the same time, he knew he'd have to face this some time. "Yes," he simply stated. Then, he again met her eyes. "It's LaCroix. I think you know that." Natalie nodded. "The question is, what are you going to do about it?" "I don't know. I don't want to think about it right now. I'm still dealing with the challenge." He softly laughed, the sound reminding him somewhat of LaCroix. "I try everything I can to get away from him, and I just end up closer. For now, I just want peace. Quiet. Nothing to interrupt." "Nothing will. LaCroix is recovering. He's weak and I seriously doubt he'll come by until he is stronger. Nothing will bother you right now, Nick." She guided his face down, their lips pressing lightly against one another. He pulled her hands away from his face, pushing her away from him. "I can't. I'm sorry." "I'm your wife, Nick. I'm not going to let your worries take you over. I'm here, and I won't leave you. Not for anything that you have or will do." "Even your death?" "If it comes to it, yes. If, and only if. I don't believe it will." She stopped him when he attempted to speak. "Whether or not I come across can be decided later, but I will accept whatever decision you make. But later. I will stay with you no matter what." Nick wasn't sure what to think. He was afraid of what was to come with Natalie, but knew they would handle it. They had to. When she moved to kiss him again, he allowed it. He also allowed himself to react, returning the action and pulling Natalie just a little closer. After their kiss became quite deep, Natalie's tongue purposely teasing him, Nick again pulled away, but this time with a slight smile. "I need to rest, Nat. I'm sorry, but I really need to." As she protested, he gave her a short but clearly needful kiss, drawing back with a forced smile, his hunger wanting to kill her, to take the warmth she would so freely give him. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Tracy made her way into Vachon's, cautiously going deeper into the building. Walking in, she froze upon seeing Screed, lying unconscious where Vachon usually slept. Hands on her shoulder caused her to jump and turn to face Vachon. "You shouldn't be here, Tracy." She brushed his words off. "What happened to him? It looks like he's been beaten, and I'd say recently." He didn't answer her. "Vachon, tell me. I know you know. You probably brought him here, right?" "Tracy, please, just drop it." As Vachon grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the exit, she pulled out of his touch, which was relatively easy. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. "Tell me what's going on." "If you want to know, ask your partner. Now, please leave. If Screed wakes up, he'll go for you." "I'm not leaving until you tell me something." "Something? How about that you can't keep pushing either Nick or myself for answers? Tracy, you are merely tolerated by the Community, nothing more. Since more about us has been revealed, your knowledge is no longer dangerous to us, but you really shouldn't know anymore. If you push too far, you'll eventually die because some vampire thinks you know too much and want to use that knowledge against us." "And what about Natalie? She knows a lot more than I do." "She is protected by the Enforcers and trusted by us. However, in truth, she has no more protection than you do. Merely the threat of retaliation if someone harms her. That is all." "She was sitting in on that meeting, Vachon, and she was sitting with LaCroix and them." "Yes, she was. If you want to know more, you can try asking Nick." Tracy's anger flared, and she walked closer to where Screed was. She listened as Vachon stepped closer. "He's not going to tell me anything and you know it." "Perhaps not, but I'm not going to dig myself a deeper hole." He paused, but saw that she wasn't taking his explanation. "Look, I'm helping Screed, and it's not the safest decision on my part. You need to stay away from me. Nick would tell you the same thing." "Fine, I'll ask him, then." She turned to leave, but found his hand on her arm again. "Now what? I'm leaving you alone, like you want." "Not like I want. And Trace? Leave your partner be for now, okay? He needs a couple of days. So do Screed and I. I think everyone, mortal and vampire needs some time. Take that time for yourself too, okay? Think things through. Please?" She nearly shook her head, but she saw a reaction from Vachon. He was desperate to get her to agree. Tracy nodded. "I'll wait, okay? You can let him know I'll be coming if you'd like." When he gave her a forced smile, she turned and left. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Tracy glanced up at her partner. Nick had been in for about a half an hour, but they hadn't said anything yet. He had taken the previous two nights off, Community business being his reason. She understood it, but at the same time didn't. She really didn't know her partner, or what he might do. "Nick...I got a question for you." He looked up, asking, "What?" She was pleased to see that Nick looked better, but had a feeling it would be temporary. "Are you back? Back for good, that is?" "I'm back. Not sure about it, but I'm back." Tracy stiffened as he went back to his work. "Not sure about what? About coming back, about what's happened, what?" "About all of it." Nick took in a deep breath and focused on his partner. "You do know that Reese and your father are assigning us to handle all Community related cases?" She shifted. "I know. My dad's suggested that I...uh...." She stopped, not wanting to tell him. "He doesn't want you to be my partner. Perhaps you should take his suggestion. Transfer. It would probably be the best choice in the long run." Tracy tightened the muscles in her face, a twinge of her anger coming to the surface. He wasn't even asking her to consider staying. It was like he didn't want her to be his partner. "Is that what you want me to do?" "You should do what you want to do. But, being my partner won't be the safest option, I'll tell you that right now." She shook her head. "I am staying your partner, Nick. I don't care what that means." "Tracy...please. It's okay if you don't want to be. I can go back to working alone like I did before I had a partner--it's been approved." "Nick, I've already made up my mind, and I'm not changing it. This is the job I want, and this is the partner I want." "Tracy...." "Nick!" Natalie said as she came up behind him. He turned, surprised to find her there. "What are you doing?" Seeing Cedric standing next to Natalie, he continued, "Well? I wasn't expecting to see either of you here." Cedric pulled out his wallet and passed it to Nick. "Special ID for when we're on cases that involve the Community." Nick examined the identification, looking at the badge as well. "You're a Detective?" he evenly asked, handing it back. "Not really." Cedric flashed a grin, almost laughing. "I don't get paid or anything, but we will be working together--actively--on some cases and I also have to do paperwork. It's just a way to make the mortals more accepting of a vampire working among them, even in a small capacity, such as myself. And, hopefully, it will be exactly that-small." As the other vampire quieted, Nick became tense. "There's something else, what is it?" Dropping his voice, Cedric answered, "LaCroix is going to drop by your place just before dawn. He wishes to talk." "Talk?" Nick shook his head. "Tell him I don't want to see him there." Cedric nodded. "I'll tell him, but don't be surprised if he shows up." He moved to leave, but first commented, "You know how to contact me if you need to." Once the Enforcer had left, Natalie told Nick, "If you want, I can stay away for the day. In case LaCroix comes by." "No," he quickly answered. "No. I'm not going to change anything to make it easier on him. LaCroix will just have to deal with me." Nick focused ahead of him on nothing in particular, his eyes beginning to turn gold. Tracy saw his reaction, his gaze going just past her. "Nick...." Natalie moved closer to Nick, putting her hands on his shoulders. She leaned down and whispered into his ear, "Nick, it'll be okay." She kissed him lightly just behind his ear, which snapped him back into the present. She felt one of his hands reach up to rest on top of hers. When he turned to her, she asked, "Will you be okay until your shift is over?" "Yeah, I'll be okay. You'll be there when I get back?" She nodded. "Thanks." Tracy watched as Natalie left and Nick followed her departure. "How are you two doing?" "It's hard, Tracy, but we'll be okay. Don't worry about us." Nick went back to work, brushing off her question. "Okay...how about what's been going on? I know something happened at the Raven. And, offhand, I'd say something else happened considering you and Cedric aren't at one another's throats anymore." He looked away. "Have you asked Vachon?" "Yes, and--" "And that's all you'll get on what happened. You don't need to know the rest." "Nick!" "Please, Tracy. On this...not now. Suffice it to say, it's over and things should calm down now." He stood, then told her, "I'll be back in a little bit...I need some air." With that, he stood and left, not stopping even when Tracy called after him. Once outside, he flew up to the roof, where he found Cedric waiting. Nick walked over to the other vampire. "Why are you still here?" "To tell you that LaCroix really would like to speak with you. It wasn't his intention to hurt you. Not on purpose. Things just got carried away. I think you know what that's like. All of our kind know, and everyone makes mistakes, even LaCroix, even if he won't admit them. And you know he won't admit them." "Then tell him that I'm not expecting him. If he comes, make sure he knows he's on my turf. If he so much as threatens Natalie, I won't take it." Cedric moved to leave, but stopped behind the other. "He wants you back as his son. Sincerely. At least give him a chance if he comes over. He cares for you far more than he ever cared for me. Between your blood and his, I know it to be the truth." Nick closed his eyes as Cedric left. He just wanted this over with. He didn't want to deal with his sire...but knew he had to eventually. LaCroix would be there, if he came, but at least it would be on his terms. He wasn't going to make this easy. Fulfilment (31/32) Hearing the elevator start up, Natalie ran over to it to meet Nick as he came home. He walked past her, going straight for the kitchen and the refrigerator. "Nick?" She followed his motions as he pulled a bottle out of the refrigerator and drank deeply from it. She waited as he finished the bottle, and only then did she cross the room and approach him. She rested a hand on his back, rubbing his tense muscles. "Just relax, okay?" Nick turned, taking her hand in his. He stared down on her with golden eyes, but she didn't pull away. "Natalie...." "Shh, it's okay. I don't mind." She gave him a smile and gently guided his lips into a kiss. He accepted it, but pulled away from her when she tried to slip her tongue into his mouth. She kissed him again as he drew away. "Don't deny yourself, Nick." "And what if LaCroix comes?" "Then make him deal with it. You said you didn't want to make it easy on him, so don't. If he comes, I don't care. It's not like he's going to see anything he hasn't. He might not even come." She kissed him again, leading him toward the stairs. "Do what you want, Nick. Anything." "Anything?" he asked, his voice wavering slightly, his eyes becoming golden. "Anything," Natalie repeated, then stopped moving backward, her fingers going to his collar. She unbuttoned the top button, then the next several. She met no resistance, not even when she pushed his shirt to the side and kissed him on the collarbone. As she looked up at him, she saw him change. Not in his appearance-- his eyes staying the same gold it had been before, but in his smile, in the emotions behind his eyes. Hands went to her shirt, pulling the garment off with ease. Her hands undid the rest of Nick's shirt, pushing it off and then unbuttoning his pants. She didn't get any further, however, as he pulled her to him and their mouths met once again. Fingers unhooked her bra and then cradled her bare back. "You'll kill her if you continue," LaCroix gently stated from several feet away. Nick stopped, but held Natalie close, closer than before. "Get out, LaCroix!" "I will neither watch you kill her, nor watch that destroy you." "And what are you going to do about it? Why should it matter to you if I kill her, anyway?" Natalie adjusted herself in Nick's grasp, turning around and keeping her arms down. Between them, she felt like she should do something, and when LaCroix just stared past her, glaring at Nick, she demanded, "I'd like to know your answer on that as well. I can't see you really caring if I died." "I care about Nicholas. If you died...I would certainly lose him." "You've already lost me, LaCroix, or have you forgotten?" Nick waited a moment, but his sire didn't comment. He fastened Natalie's bra absently, then walked forward to face the elder vampire. "Cedric told you that I didn't want to speak with you?" "Yes, he did. In fact, he insisted I give you more time." "And you came anyway. Now, you can leave." Nick turned, only for the other to grab his arm. "Release me," he hissed, but the grip didn't loosen. "Let go of me, now, or I'll force--" "You are my son, Nicholas, whether you acknowledge it or not!" LaCroix' fingers tightened, and he stated, "I'm not leaving until we manage a conversation." Nick pulled free, LaCroix' nails slicing his skin as he forced himself free. When the other tried to again grab him, he snarled at LaCroix, causing the other to stop. "Do not touch me, LaCroix. If you want to speak, then speak. But do not touch me." LaCroix stiffened, his head rising slightly, but he didn't back away. "Nicholas, please, cease this. It will do no good." As the younger vampire turned to leave, LaCroix again reached out, gripping his son and pulling him against him. "Release me!" Nick hissed, trying to free himself but to no success. LaCroix held the younger vampire in front of him, restraining the other fully. He spared a glance to Natalie, and then told his son, "You love Natalie, correct? Then you know how I feel." Nick jerked in his sire's grasp, attempting to break away, but not succeeding. Instead, LaCroix shifted his hold, one hand pulling his head to the side and gripping him by the throat. He couldn't speak and was virtually at the other's mercy unless he wished a broken neck. "I don't want us to be like this, Nicholas. I don't enjoy this any more than you do. And...I will not tolerate it any longer." LaCroix took in a deep breath, focusing on Natalie when she took several steps closer. "Do not interfere, Doctor. I assure you, he will not be harmed." Natalie stiffened, unsure of what she could do. "Get on with what you want to say, then. Nick wants you to leave, and I'm on his side." He shot a glare at the mortal's words, but pushed her presence from his thoughts. "Nicholas, you are my son. *Mine*. That will never change--no matter what you believe. What does our bond tell you? Feel it. Listen to it." Nick tried to move to alleviate the pressure of the other's grip, but it was no use. He had no choice but to do as LaCroix asked, or at least pretend. He already knew what it 'told' him. It was there all the time, tugging at him. Nothing except true death would break it. "You are, and will always be mine. I will always be here for you. I will not force anything, and you may do as you wish." LaCroix paused, then stated, "You may try to ignore me if that is what you want. I will leave you alone. But know that it will not last. You are mine, and you will come back to me. You cannot stay away for long, I know that." Suddenly, Nick found the hold released, and he twisted out of his sire's grip. He had never really stopped thinking of LaCroix as his sire--probably because it was something that couldn't be changed. He was LaCroix', and would be for some time. But he didn't have to like it. "Natalie, please go upstairs." She tensed, but made no other movement. "Now, Nat. I want to talk to LaCroix alone." Still she didn't move. "We're not going to kill one another, don't worry. So please, Nat...I'll be up in a few minutes." Natalie's gaze rested on LaCroix for a moment, then she nodded and reluctantly left. Waiting until Natalie went into his room, Nick turned to LaCroix. "I want you to leave me and Natalie alone, LaCroix. I don't want you here." "Will you allow me to stay the day? The sun, as I'm sure you know, has risen." Nick narrowed his eyes. LaCroix had probably done this on purpose. It would be just like him. But he wasn't going to let it bother him. "Fine. If you want to stay, you can stay--but you stay downstairs and leave when the sun sets. I don't want to see you when I get up." "Nicholas," LaCroix began as the other turned to leave. "You are my son, and as such are important to me. And that will never change." Nick met his sire's gaze, then silently spun and flew upstairs. *+.*+.*+.*+.*+. Walking into his room, Nick closed the door to put a little more distance between himself and LaCroix. He just...he really wasn't up to dealing with his sire right now. He wanted to rest. Rest and relax. He turned to find Natalie wrapped in the covers with nothing else around her; something he hadn't quite expected. "Nat...." "Don't protest, just come here." He wasn't sure if that was a good idea, but he approached. Natalie's skin stood out against the dark fabric around her, her neck and body bare. "Nat...." He saw her necklace on the table. "Nick, I don't need it. It's for protection from the others, not you. And I don't need it. I have you, Nick, that's all I want or need." He shook his head, his eyes drifting to her bare skin. Although the sheets were pulled up and covering most of the soft cream colour, he knew what lay beneath them. In seconds his eyes were softly glowing. Natalie smiled. "Hmm...that's better, isn't it?" His eyes changed back to normal. "No, it's not. Please put something on, Nat." "How about you just come over here? Stay just like that and lay here with me." He was quite tempted. He wanted more than anything to be able to do just that, but he didn't want to risk losing control. And then, there was LaCroix downstairs, probably listening in. That didn't help one bit. "Come on, Nick...please." He managed a slight smile and approached the bed. He didn't want to give LaCroix the satisfaction that he couldn't do anything...after all, this wouldn't hurt. His hunger was in control and his thoughts were more on strangling LaCroix than taking Natalie's blood. Nick sat on the bed and slid in, still wearing his slacks from earlier. He let Natalie poke at his arm where he'd been scratched. The wounds were healed, most of the blood having been absorbed back into them as the cuts hadn't bled much to begin with. He complied as Natalie pushed him back, not having the energy to protest any further. Her bare flesh met his, and he closed his eyes as he held her, just wanting to lie there and bathe in her warmth. Fulfilment (32/32) Nick stirred, opening his eyes only to find LaCroix standing next to the bed, his sire's hand drawing back. His anger flared that the other came up here, and he could immediately see the other stiffen. LaCroix obviously hadn't meant to wake him. Still, his sire had disobeyed his wishes. "Please leave, LaCroix," he whispered. "I don't want to wake Natalie." LaCroix turned his attention to Natalie, lying, sleeping, half on top of his son. "I have no intention of waking her," he replied, his voice softer and gentler than usual. "Then what do you want?" "To give you a...gift of a sort." He was suspicious from the start. "What kind of a gift?" LaCroix held out a wrist in front of his son's face. "Taste my blood. Let it speak to you." Nick gently pushed the offer away, taking care not to move too much. "I have no desire for it." "It will give you the information you want. It will allow you to be intimate with your...wife without the danger of draining her." Nick eyed the hand, aware that nothing from LaCroix was free. Every move he made had an agenda in mind. "Why? Why are you willing to tell me this, now, after nearly eight hundred years?" "Either accept it, or refuse it. I am merely making the offer." He couldn't believe this. It was too simple. "And if I accept?" "Then you are no more bound to me than you already are." "And if I decline?" "There are no consequences, not from me, anyway. Do as you wish." Nick again focused on the offered wrist. What would it hurt to take it? If LaCroix was telling the truth and was actually offering this information, he couldn't dare pass it up. "Choose, Nicholas. We do not want to wake your beloved, now do we?" At his sire's words, Nick glanced to Natalie, who was sleeping soundly against him. He didn't want to wake her, and the sooner LaCroix left the better...but he didn't think it would hurt to take the offer. "I accept." He watched LaCroix smile at that, and he carefully took the offered wrist with one hand and let his fangs descend and tear into the flesh. He wasn't gentle in taking the blood on purpose, not particularly caring if he caused LaCroix a few pricks of pain. All the better, in his opinion. As the blood oozed into his mouth and he took his first swallow, he was somewhat surprised by what he tasted. He had known he would see his sire's 'love' for him in the blood, but he hadn't quite expected this. The blood--not LaCroix precisely, but the blood--practically pulled at him, enveloping him in every emotion the elder vampire wouldn't dare speak or show. With the intensity of the emotions, he knew it could only be the truth. Beneath that, he felt the conflict in LaCroix--whether to force him back or let him come back on his own. Although it was obvious the latter had been chosen, he could feel the other side trying to surface. LaCroix wanted him back, desperately, and it laced almost every drop of blood. At that, he almost pulled away...almost, but not quite. After all, this was the most his sire had ever let him see in his blood. That, and there was something he wanted to see, to find, something he couldn't pass up. It hit him in a jumble. It came so fast that he almost missed it. First and foremost he needed patience. That the best way to be with a mortal was to learn one's reactions, when they might come, and how strongly. And if that failed, there was an herb that worked. One that when mixed with another, some blood, and then drunk, made the want for human blood temporarily fade away into nothing. He tasted the warnings that went with it--specifically that once it fades after a few hours he must feed, and that the dosage has to be carefully found. Too much would make the drinker sick to his stomach, and too little would put the mortal in danger. He felt an indescribable thought as he memorised the instructions, almost as if LaCroix was disappointed. Disappointed that he didn't have the control needed to begin with...but it faded in a flash, being replaced by the knowledge that most vampires had the same problem he had, and that the information LaCroix gave him had been around longer than his sire although was no longer widely known. As LaCroix' emotions again tugged at him, he felt his sire begin to pull his arm back. He released it, not wanting to move much because of Natalie. Leaning back and closing his eyes, he focused on what he'd learned in the blood. It still surrounded him in a feeling he hadn't expected...it was almost warmth, almost love. LaCroix wanted him back, desperately, and it laced almost every drop of blood. Opening his eyes, he found LaCroix gone. He involuntarily shifted slightly, startled by the realisation that LaCroix was no longer in the loft. He'd left to try to get back to his apartment--despite the sun high above. Natalie stirred with his movement, and she looked up at him. "Is something wrong?" He slowly shook his head. "No, nothing's wrong." He held her closer, his hand gently rubbing her bare back, her heat comforting and relaxing him. "Everything will be fine," he told her with a smile--a true smile that didn't take much effort to flash. "What about LaCroix?" His muscles momentarily tensed, not planning on being asked about that. "I believe we've settled matters. Just leave it at that." He pulled Natalie even closer and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Everything will be fine given a little time." "Time heals all wounds?" He shook his head at that. "Heal, yes, but memories of those wounds will always remain as scars. In time they may grow faint, but they will never fully disappear." ~finis~ Feedback to: jarvinia@gmx.net @>--,---`---