End of the Calm April 2000 Karen Gunther disclaimers: the characters and situations which have inspired this story are the property of Sony/ Tri-Star, I am merely borrowing them for a little fun. I am not receiving any payment for this story and I promise to put them all back when I am done. Permission is given to archive at www.fkfanfic.com, the ftp site, Mortal Love and the Dark NN site. Story will also be available on my web site: www.crosswinds.net/~kannegun Anyone else who wishes to archive or copy, please ask first. Rating: pg-13 (a few innuendos, but nothing more than you'd see on daytime tv) timeline: between first and second season Prologue A cold wind blew in from the froze surface of Lake Ontario. Snow flakes filled the air, obscuring vision from the streetlights. The moonlight was faint, cold, hiding the sins of the night in the long shadows cast by buildings. Unnoticed by the few brave souls that scurried across the ice covered streets, a tall, darkly clad man stood silently, watching... waiting... searching... The city had been calm for long enough... CHAPTER 01 The cold wind whistled outside the tall windows of the warehouse loft. A fire crackled in the carved fireplace, warming the room, illuminating the shadows. Nick leaned back silently in his chair, sipping from a crystal stemmed goblet, watching Natalie sleep. In the two and a half years since he'd met the young pathologist, their friendship had grown, blossomed over lab specimens, murder investigations, and early morning debates by the fireplace. Indeed, he'd never allowed himself to become so close, be so honest with anyone. She knew him better than any mortal ever had. She knew him better than his immortal sibling and long time lover. And she accepted his faults, his moods, his silences... The incident last June where she'd nearly become the victim of a serial murderer had shaken him to the core... he had nearly lost her. Although he knew that his eternal life necessitated the inevitable change of identity and relocation, he was not ready to lose her... not yet. An increase in her steady heart beat alerted him that she was awake before her soft voice called to him, "Nick?" "Ummm..." he murmured, moving over to the side of the couch. "What time is it?" she asked, sitting up, stiffly. Obviously, she'd fallen asleep again. More often than not of late, she was falling asleep during their video double features and would wake to find Nick in the chair, watching over her, a longing expression on his face... close, but not too close. They both knew the dangers. Neither of them ever spoke of it. Some things were better left unsaid. "Six- thirty. I already went over to your place and fed Sydney and picked up a change of clothing for you to wear to work. You were so relaxed. I didn't want to wake you," he said softly, bringing over the glass of juice that he'd set on the end table. "Uh. Thanks..." she took the juice and looked up at his undefined expression. Just where was this 'relationship' going? If he was mortal, she was sure she would have awakened in his bed with him at her side... but as things stood now, she could only dream. "I guess I'll go upstairs and clean up. What time do you go on duty?" "Eight. Schanke is on the 4-12 this week, so I'll meet him at the precinct... you?" "On-call at seven but I don't need to be in the office until 9. Why?" she took her glass to the kitchen and put the tea kettle on to boil. "Its just that the ice and snow is pretty bad. I'd feel better if you let me drive you... Please, Nat.." he flashed his best concerned gaze to her. She rolled her eyes at his pleading look. "OK, Nick, if you insist." She sighed, walking over to the stairs. "What did I do before you showed up?" "Nat," he leaned closer. "Someone else would have shown up and caught your eye by now." One of his recurring fears was that their friendship was holding her back from seeking a relationship which would give her happiness long after he'd gone from her life. While the thought of another man touching him made him cringe... he could not give her what she needed. "I doubt that." She said firmly. She caught his look of guilty pain and touched his shoulder gently. "But that is MY choice. And don't you try to live my life, OK?" "OK. I will try my best." He smiled shyly. She was too good at picking up his moods... his thoughts... He could hear the shower running when the phone began ringing and her pager chimed insistently. He picked it up as the answering machine clicked on. There were few things that would cause both of them to be summoned simultaneously. And none were good.... "Nat, your pager just went off." he called out, crossing to the phone. "Knight... Knight... pick up. I know you're there... stop whatever you are doing in that dungeon of ...." Schanke's voice came across the machine loudly as Natalie appeared at the top of the stairs, a towel swathed around her head and Nick's robe tied securely around her waist. "OK, OK, Schanke, what's up?" he answered, handing the pager to Natalie. She looked at the display with a frown. "OK, I'll meet you there.... ME rolling yet? I'll be there in twenty minutes." he looked at Natalie standing next to him. He could not help it as he stared at her in his robe. She brushed past him and took the phone from his slack hand. She was enjoying his discomfort. "Haven't you ever seen a woman in your robe?" she grinned. "Ummm. Just not you... and that robe does not leave much to the imagination..." he turned and moved quickly to the refrigerator, pulling out a green bottle and swallowing the contents quickly. He stayed back in the kitchen as she dialed. "Dr. Lambert. You paged?... um hmmm... that's okay, tell Bob I don't mind starting early. Where? OK, I'll take care of it." She turned to Nick, who stood stiffly in the corner. "I guess I'll have to decline your offer of a ride." "Coronation Park? Jane Doe?" he asked. "Your case too?" she responded, seeing the bottle in his hand but did not comment. While seeing him drink the blood usually started an argument, something in his posture stopped her. It was as if he was on edge... nervous. "Yeah, Schanke is already en route... we can ride together." "OK, OK... but you know he will read something into that." She glanced at his back as he leaned over the sink. She knew the tightrope they walked... the careful, slow dance that they did around each other... He had told her early in their work, of the dangers she faced in knowing him, becoming friends with him. It was never a conscious decision, but as time went on, she felt drawn to him... she was as trapped as he... CHAPTER 02/ Police spotlights were beacons in the night, their reflection twinkling on the snow covered ground. Nick pulled his large caddilac convertible into the mass of police cruisers and plain sedans and got out, walking around the back to open Natalie's door. But she had already gotten out and was surveying the scene. He was not accustomed to the independence of modern women. Indeed, his last few incarnations had been void of female friends. "Nick, this is not a date." Natalie murmured as he caught up to her. She'd seen the flash of surprise when she had started off to the scene without waiting. He was so old-fashioned... at times it was charming, but at others, it bordered on being annoying. He just glanced at her and shrugged. He never knew exactly how to behave with her. The crime scene was unfolding like so many others over the years. Curious onlookers. Police gathering evidence. Detectives talking to witnesses... and of course, the shrouded body. "There you are... hey partner... come'ere..." Schanke's voice called out. He took a second look as he saw Natalie walk off towards her assistants. Was it his imagination? Or did they come together? Natalie strode confidently up to the body and set her bag down. Sliding on protective gloves, she pulled back the shroud and began to examine the cold, pale body... a cold chill went down her neck as she realized the true cause of this woman's death... a vampire... "Natalie?" she looked up and saw Captain Stonetree standing over her. "What do you think?" "Oh, ummm. Well, this is not a suicide. She does have some strange cuts and bruises, though. I'll get her back to the lab and see what I can determine for a weapon." She stood and motioned for the attendants to take the body. Walking over to the parking area, she could see Nick and his partner leaning on the Caddy, deep in discussion. "I tell you Nick. These swing shifts are worse than nights. I never see Jenny..." "Come work nights then. You do enough OT as it is..." Nick urged. While he had not, at first, been happy to have a partner at all, especially the garlic-loving Schanke, they had grown to be friends and a smooth team. He had been able to integrate his special talents into the job without his partner's notice, and was not sure he'd be able to hide himself with another partner. "Myra doesn't like that idea... but then again, she doesn't like evenings either. Anyway, I already asked Stonetree. The precinct has enough permanent night detectives... I would have to find someone to trade. And then they won't guarantee that we stay partnered." "So, what are your options?" Nick asked hesitantly. "The other option is for us both to transfer. The 96th may have some openings soon for permanent night detectives... if you are willing to transfer, that is. The word is that they want a team." He looked over and saw Natalie approaching. "She covers the 96th as well," he murmured, smiling at Nick's look of embarrassment. Yeah, just friends.. sure, who did they think they were kidding? Besides themselves... "Hey, Nat, where's your car?" "Not here." she said simply. "Nick, shall we? I've places to go, people to dissect..." she walked over and opened the passenger door of the Caddy, watching Schanke's smile grow broader. "Schank, I'll meet you at the precinct. I need to take Nat to the lab." "Uh, huh... whatever, Knight. Don't take all night." he winked at Natalie as Nick opened his door. ***** "Nick, we have a problem," Natalie said softly as Nick pulled away from the crime scene. "Besides Schanke's assumptions?" Nick asked with a sigh. "Yeah. The case. You want my 'cause of'?" she responded grimly. "Since you waited until we were alone, I take it that I'm not going to like it." Nick looked at her carefully. "No, you won't like it." she sighed. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "She was someone's breakfast." "A vampire?" he asked quietly. Some topics were not discussed above a murmur. "Are you sure?" "As sure as I can be without a full exam. Oh, don't worry. I know better than to put THAT in a written report. I'll come up with something that you can say in public. But you need to take care of it." "I'll talk to my contacts." He said softly, looking at her intently. "In the meantime, this conversation never happened." His face had taken on the hard, still expression that she'd come to associate with discussions about his 'condition'. The look that said, 'don't ask me anything more'. CHAPTER 03/ In another obscure, dark corner of downtown Toronto, the Raven club occupied the ground floor of a nondescript brick building. Through the stillness of the early morning, the music emanated from the club... a pounding beat... a hypnotic beat... Nick parked in the alley next to the club and with a nod to the bartender, pushed his way through the crowd toward the bar. In her usual position of authority, she sat at the bar. Watching. Listening. His immortal sibling took her position quite seriously as the eldest vampire in Toronto. Since LaCroix's disappearance almost a year previous, she'd emerged as the matriarch of the community. And she enjoyed it. Little went on that she did not know about. "Nicholas!" she watched his approach and smiled seductively. "I'm here on business, Janette," he said quickly. "Business," she sniffed "As if either of us should care what happens to them." He shot her a dark, warning glance and gestured to her office. "Community business." "Oh?" her tone softened and she followed him to the office, closing the door tightly. "What?" "We found one..." he said grimly. "One what, Nicholas?" she responded, puzzled. "A body. Out in the open. With no attempt at concealment..." "Oh dear." She said softly and watched her immortal brother closely. Despite his attempts to regain mortality, his immersion into the mundane world of mortals, he was still a member of the vampire community. And was very conscious of the need to protect their secrets. "And who knows?" "Natalie. She figured it out immediately." He said with a tired sigh. "She is doing the autopsy now. Trying to find something that we can actually put into a report." "Nicholas. Be careful. If I have to call in the Enforcers, her involvement is risky." "I know. I know," he said with a sigh. "Just let me know before you call them." "So you can hide, hmmm?" she teased. "So I can protect Natalie." Nick answered quickly. "You could protect her better if you made her yours, mon cher." Janette cautioned. "Janette. Don't start on me." he said sharply. He knew what Janette felt about his mortal lives, but would not be dissuaded by her opinion... or anyone else... "I'm not telling you to bring her over." She smiled at his hard glare. "I am not so eager to share you, mon coeur," she slid an arm along his. "But she needs to be under your control. Even if it is temporary." "Janette, she is a resistor. What you are suggesting..." he started, shaking his head. He'd only tried mind control on Natalie once, when they first met. And while it had seemed to work, the memories came back almost immediately. And now that he knew the feisty coroner, he knew that she would not agree to more intense hypnotism, much less relinquish her will to the vampire to voluntarily submit to his control. "She would not consent." Janette sighed. "ah, well, tread carefully. And let me know details... I will keep an eye out. Did it appear to be a first kill?" "No, it was way too neat. The marks are pretty concealed, but with that case last year, Nat knows how to find them. I don't think anyone else noticed." "Well, you make sure of that." She said firmly. "I will make a few inquiries. Satisfied?" He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Yes. I need to go, but I will be in touch.." he stood and left the room, leaving her to sigh in frustration. What she would give to have him ensconced in the community once more, at her side... ***** Natalie was up to her elbows in cases. Literally. She'd barely finished the autopsy on their Jane Doe when a call went out on a massive pile up on Highway 401, the main route to Ottawa, and a very busy highway, her 'Bed and Breakfast' was filled to overflowing. So many guests that she'd not had time to finalize the report for the murder investigation. Oh, she had the facts, the raw data... enough information to send a chill permanently across her neck. What she'd found was too frightening. It hit too close to home. Too close to her own desires.... ***** Nick breezed into the precinct just as Schanke was clocking out. "Took you long enough." he grumbled. "What'd you do, watch Nat do the post?" "No, I had a source to check... a meet I'd set up earlier." Nick shrugged off his overcoat and watched his partner wind a heavy wool scarf around his neck. "Why?" "Oh, nothing... I'm just wondering how long you two are going to play cat and mouse?" he smiled at Nick's look of discomfort. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You aren't terribly subtle." He leaned over and whispered conspiratorially "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," he shuffled through the files on his desk before leaning over and handing a stack of papers to Nick. "Missing Persons reports. Maybe Nat has something that can ID her. Anyway, I'm outta here." With a shrug and a wave, he sauntered out, leaving Nick to once more, cover for something only he could understand. He was deep in thought, staring at the forms on his desk when he felt someone standing over him. His captain, the only mortal who could approach unnoticed. "So, what do you have?" "Not much yet. Natalie should have the post done by now but she's not been over here yet. I've just been trying to match the physical characteristics against the MP reports." "Well, Natalie might have been tied up with that pile up on the 401, but why don't you go over there. See if she has anything definitive." **** Nick made a concerted effort to be noisy when he entered her lab. He knew how it annoyed Natalie to be surprised. And he had many, many years of sneaking up on people. "Nick. Just the guy I needed to see," she said brightly. Her cheery voice was not reflected in the fear in her eyes. He'd never seen her show fear to him... even when he rescued her from Roger, her fear had dissolved as soon as she awoke in his arms. "Oh, and what does my favorite ME need?" he teased. "Here." she handed him a folder. "That's what I can put in print." She said softly as he opened and read her carefully constructed prose. She was never comfortable altering data, but had convinced herself that the omission of information was not the same thing. He whistled softly. "Rape?" "Well, I can't say that it was consensual, Nick. She's dead," she said sternly. "But there was evidence of sexual activity?" "Yes. I may omit certain facts, but I would not fake something like that," she said simply. "And you got samples?" he asked carefully. While he readily gave her his blood to study, he'd carefully avoided other bodily fluids, although she had asked several times. "Semen? Yes. I did. And I analyzed it," she shrugged, noting his discomfort. She was not sure if he was worried what she'd find... or whether he feared that she would ask again for him to give her a specimen. "And?" he asked softly. "It was a vampire," she whispered. "She had sex with a vampire and was drained." She began to tremble. He strode over and wrapped his arms around her. "Natalie, it's okay. I'll take care of it," he soothed, rubbing her back gently. He knew there was more to her fears than she was saying. "Will you call in your police?" she asked hesitantly. "I told Janette about the body. It's up to her to make the call. She's in charge here," he whispered. How much was too much to tell her. "But if she does, you are in danger, Natalie." "More danger than I am already?" she asked tremulously. "Yes. Much more danger. The Enforcers are not known for being patient or understanding. And the fact that you recognized this for what it was is. It is a risk to them." "Even though I cover it?" she asked with a slight catch to her voice. "That may be enough to save your life," he said turning away. "But what, Nick?" she pulled him around to face her directly. "What are you hiding?" "They will expect that you are under my control," he said slowly. "Under your control?" she questioned. She'd never been under anyone's control... and was not sure that she liked that concept. "Umm, yeah." He hesitated for a minute and then breathlessly continued, while he had the courage to say it. "It would just be temporary. I would undo it as soon as they left. But you would need to be seen as being tied to me." "Just what would you do, Nicholas B. Knight?" she asked sternly. Something about this idea was making him very uncomfortable. And the fact that he'd never brought it up before, made her suspicious. "It's sort of like hypnosis... but since you are a resistor, you would have to submit to me. Submit to my will," he said hesitantly "And?" she prompted. There had to be more, or he would not be so reluctant. "And we would exchange blood," he finished, his eyes filled with sadness. While taking Natalie's blood was something he'd wanted ever since waking on her table, he was not sure he'd be able to stop. "And what effects would that cause?" she asked curiously. This was something they'd never discussed. "I guess a mental telepathy is the best way to describe it," he replied hesitantly. He had never put a mortal under his thrall, had never wanted that bond. "We would be linked... bonded, you could say. And we would know what the other was thinking." "Are you sure about this?" she murmured. The idea of a bond with Nick was, in some ways, erotic... but also frightening. "I won't do it unless I have no choice. I won't let you become a target, Nat," he said softly, moving closer, caressing her back gently. "I trust you Nick, but is that really the only option?" she murmured, leaning into his embrace. "Its either that or they will force me to bring you across. Is that what you want?" he asked harshly, stepping back to study her expression. "I don't think I'm ready for that, and I don't think that you are either," She said cautiously. It was true, she had thought about becoming a vampire if she could not find a cure. But not yet. "Nick.. it's okay. Just explain what you are doing and why. I'll be fine with it," she walked away and sat at the desk and looked at him. "All I ask is that you don't surprise me. Tell me what to expect." He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "OK, umm, I have to go." he took the report and turned back to her. "I'll pick you up at 5... OK?" "OK, Nick..." she said softly and moved back to her desk. The stack of paperwork was untouched as Natalie stared, unseeing ... what DID she want? CHAPTER 04/ True to his word, Nick was in front of the coroner's office at 5 sharp. With a bag of videos from their favorite all-night video store and Chinese carry out. The aroma of spiced ginger tantalized her all the way back to her apartment. And, as usual, she fell asleep during the movie... but this time awoke in her own bed. The curtains were tightly drawn and she felt Nick's cool, firm body stretched behind her. Smiling to herself, she rolled over and wrapped her arm across his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. "Morning, Nat," he said softly, kissing her forehead. "Nick. It's four pm... It's not morning," she teasingly scolded him. "Picky, picky... are you always this way when you first get up?" he laughed. "Only when I find stray vampires in my bed," she giggled. "Nat... I hope I did not offend you," he said apologetically, gesturing to the bed. He had not intended to fall asleep in her bed, but the living room drapes had allowed too much of the noon-day sun to leak through. "Nick," she said sternly. "I don't mind you being here. Would you relax, please? My honor is still intact, in case you did not notice." He sat up and looked away. "Nat," he began hesitantly. It was something they both wanted, although never discussed. "It's okay, Nick. I understand. Remember, I just saw for myself what happens," she said quietly. He turned and faced her, grasping her hands gently. "It isn't that I don't find you a very desirable woman. Or that I don't want things to go further." "But you don't want to kill me," she finished for him. "I know." "So what do we do, Nat? Even showing you affection or romance puts your life in danger... if not from me, from the others," he said sadly. "I know, Nick. I said that I understand. And I want you to understand that it is okay... if I want or need more from you, we will talk. And don't push me to find someone else. I don't want someone else." "Someone to give you a child... someone to grow old with." Nick said with a longing tone. "Those things don't matter to me, Nick..." she stood and pulled on her robe and moved in front of him, their eyes meeting. "I do want you to promise me something." "What?" he asked hesitantly. "Tell me before you move on. I don't want to find an empty loft some day," she gazed at him with undefined sorrow. It was her worst nightmare. One that she'd never told him. He stood and pulled her into his arms. "Saying good bye to you would be difficult and I hope it is a long time before we must leave each other, but I promise. I will not leave you without a forwarding address," he gently kissed her forehead. "Now, I believe you need to get ready for work" "Yeah, um, Nick... isn't my car still at the loft?" "Yeah, it is... I guess I will have to play chauffeur again." he grinned and laughed at her exasperated look. "For someone who claims that showing me affection is dangerous, you are risking the rumor mill making a big deal of this," she sighed. Catching her in a loose embrace, he smiled "but I like to live dangerously." **** The snow had fallen steadily all day and piled into drifts that the snow plows could barely get through. Despite her teasing, Natalie was grateful for Nick's large car and nerves of steel getting them both to her office. "Well, here's hoping for a quiet night.... I doubt there will be much activity tonight." Natalie sighed, swiping her ID to open the employee's door. "Yeah, I hope you're right," Nick replied, following her into the warm building. "Aren't you going to the precinct?" she asked, watching him stride into her lab ahead of her, flipping on lights. "Yeah. In time," he mumbled as she pulled off her scarf and coat. "Well, I am going to change into greens... some of us have to actually work..." she responded, looking at him curiously. He had not left her side for almost 24 hours now... not that she did not enjoy the company, but she was somehow suspicious. She walked back into the lab to find him on the phone. "OK, Captain... I'll access the computer from here and see what I can get done." "From here? Nick... what's up?" "Oh about a foot of snow... they want people staying off the roads. Stonetree found out that I had driven you here, and was calling me to say stay put." "And you don't have any other reasons?" she asked steadily. "Other reasons?" he echoed. She strode over to the door and clicked the lock shut and walked up to him. "Nick... while I am enjoying your attention, you are being a bit obvious. What are you worried about?" He sighed and walked to the other side of the room, leaning against the steel autopsy table. "You. I am worried about you." "Nick. I'm a big girl, remember?" she said with an annoyed shrug. "You're being over-protective" "You may be okay against the regular perils of this job and this city... but we both know that your horizons have been expanded. Until I know that Janette is not calling in the enforcers," his statement went unfinished, but they both knew what he intended. "Nick, if you are THAT worried, then maybe we should do that bond thing..." she said hesitantly. She had never allowed herself to be under anyone's 'control' and was not sure that even if she were willing that hypnosis would work. "Are you sure? You will have no secrets from me... either now, or in your past. I'll know everything." He said softly, sliding closer to her. Wrapping his arms around her, he gazed into her eyes, unafraid. Leaning over, their lips met in a soft, gentle kiss. What started as a comforting kiss was rapidly becoming passionate... With a loud click, the door opened, almost a slam.. followed by a gasp. Hearing another heart beating so close, Nick pulled back and looked up. The night shift assistant stood there, a key dangling from her hand as she studied the couple in front of her. "Good evening, detective," Grace said with a knowing smile. "So sorry to interrupt, but Natalie has work to do." Natalie turned, her face flaming. "Uh, what is it Grace?" "Case left over from the day shift. They wanted to beat the snow and most left early. Since you did make it in, it's been assigned to you. I'm all set up in room 3" "Homicide?" she asked, nervously pulling on a cover gown. "Yeah... case belongs to the 96th. Body found by the docks. Cohen wants the post ASAP. She wasn't happy that Bob didn't do the post before leaving." "OK, OK... I'm coming. Uh, Nick... feel free to use the computer in here. And, would you mind calling Cohen and telling her that I am starting the case now." "Sure. I'll check if there is anything else that you need to know about the scene." He replied, and sat at her desk, pulling up the log-in screen. Leaning back in the chair, he watched Natalie follow Grace out the door and picked up the phone. After making the call to the captain of the 96th, he punched in another memorized number. As soon as it was picked up, he spoke quietly in fluent French, his voice barely hiding the emotion he was feeling. The reassurances from Janette that an isolated case would not necessitate the Enforcers being called made him feel relaxed enough to begin working on the case from the night before. He'd gotten halfway though the missing persons reports that were in the computer database when Natalie walked in. A sad, resigned look crossed her face as she set a tray of slides next to the microscope. Wordlessly, she stared at Nick and slid a slide into the microscope and adjusted the focus, staring for a moment before saying softly. "We have another one." "Another, what?" Nick asked, moving closer to her. "A repeat." She said firmly, motioning her head toward the door. "Anyone coming?" she whispered, waiting for him to listen and then shake his head. "Signs of sexual activity and drained." "Looks the same?" "Well, I could do a DNA and compare the semen samples." She said hesitantly. "But I'll need to do them in house. We usually send out the DNA workups to the university." "Nat, you should probably do whatever is your normal routine. If it appears that you are deviating from protocol, it will make it more obvious that you are covering something." "But wouldn't the techs at the university be in danger then?" "Not necessarily." He said thoughtfully. "They would not know what it was they were seeing. And really, the only question is, whether it is the same person. They could confirm that and not be in danger. Even if they saw something strange, they won't know what it is." "Nonetheless, how about I just start with a blood type." She said firmly. She truly did not want the specimens to go anywhere. Nick had never given her a semen sample to analyze so this was her opportunity to expand her knowledge further... explore vampire physiology in more depth. Her research interest had gone beyond simply finding a cure in recent months, although she'd not discussed any of her findings with Nick. She still feared that he would not understand her motives. Sometimes she was not even sure what her true motivation was. All she knew was that she would not give Nick up without a fight. While Natalie busied herself at the lab bench, Nick went back to the desk and dialed again. "Janette, please." He said softly, acutely aware that Natalie was now focused on him. Switching to French, he spoke softly and rapidly, feeling Natalie's questioning glance. Hanging up the phone, he moved back to her side. "I know you don't speak medieval French... I do so only when I do not want the others at the club to listen in to our discussions. I had to tell her." "And?" Natalie questioned softly. "If this is the same individual, she will need copies of your analysis... and she WILL forward them to the Enforcers." He said in a resigned tone. "Will they come?" she asked, trying to hide her fear. "Maybe..." he stood and moved to the other side of the room. "I can say that I got the labwork as part of my job, but you will still be in danger." "Even if I let you hypnotize me?" she responded, moving closer. "It's more than that, Nat." he whispered, capturing her hands. "I'll need to take your blood... give you mine... form a bond. The hypnotism part I can undo, but the bond is forever." He gazed into her eyes, searching their depths for hesitation. "It will fade in intensity, but it will always be there. Are we ready for that?" "Well, I am not ready to die." She said simply, and studied his face, focused on the blueness of his eyes, seeing the flecks of gold that flickered. "And I am not sure either of us are ready for you to bring me across. So what are the other options? Let Janette bring me over? I don't think so." "What if our hand is forced, Natalie?" he asked forcefully. "If we have no choice..." she responded hesitantly. "I don't want to die, Nick. I could still work on a cure for us both." She took a deep breath and met his steady gaze before specking softly. "If it is a matter of becoming like you, or death, I would choose eternity." His grip tightened and he pulled her closer, "an eternity in darkness... condemning your soul... are you sure, Nat?" "Nick, what choice is that, really?" she said softly. He released her suddenly and paced across the room before turning and said with a resigned voice "I just had to be sure Natalie. I am not at all certain how this will play out." CHAPTER 05/ The snow had lasted most of the night and piled almost two feet on the city streets. Even had they wanted to leave, the drift surrounding the Caddy as well as the rising sun forced them to stay within the lab. "You could leave, Nat. I think the subways are running" Nick reminded her as they stood at the doorway of the coroner's office watching the falling snow glisten under the street lights. "No one made it in this morning, Nick. Technically, that makes me still on-duty." She shrugged. "Besides, I am not eager to dig my way to my apartment. The subways may be running, but that does not mean anyone else is out there." She responded and moved back down the hallway toward her office. Nick turned and followed her, pushing the door shut behind them. "I could get you home." He said softly. She whirled and gazed at him in surprise. Nick had never before offered to take her flying. "And how do we explain that?" "That we took the subway to your place." he said simply "And walked from there." "Nick, it is too close to sunrise." She moved closer to him. "Not that your offer is not appreciated... and not that I would not love to fly with you... but I think we are stuck here for the day." She shrugged, "I'll grab some blankets and a pair of scrubs for you... pull up a gurney." She giggled. "or you can share my cot in the back office." "Now THAT would really hike up the office gossip.. a gurney will do just fine." He grinned. "umm, I will need to grab a snack." "Nick, you know what flavor I have here," she said sternly. "I can mix you up something." "Natalie... I'm close to my limit. It won't be enough." He whispered, moving to the cooler where she stored the contaminated or expired blood that was sent to her lab for research. Pulling out a bag, he turned away from her and drained it quickly. He knew how she hated watching him drink blood, but there was no way for him to explain the unrelenting hunger that plagued him. The single unit of blood was far below the amount that he'd fed before going on her program but it would have to suffice. "Feel better?" she asked softly, rubbing his back. She'd seen the glint of gold in his eyes and knew that his control was being stretched. "Yes. Much." He gave her a light hug and walked over to the door. "Now, shall we go on a linen hunt?" She nodded and led the way to the storage room on the first floor, grabbing a pile of blankets and pillows and stacking them in his arms. Walking over to the Information Desk, she rapped on the desk lightly. She could see that the overnight receptionist was dozing in the corner. "Sherie?" she called out. "Oh... um... sorry, kind of dozed off there" the young woman said with a shake of her head. "What can I do for you, Doctor?" "First... lose the title. Call me Natalie." She said firmly but gently. "Just wanted to tell you that I'll be in my lab. I doubt there will be any cases, but since Bob did not make it in, I'm still on duty. And Detective Knight from homicide will be in my office." "OK, Natalie." She said hesitantly, smiling at the blond detective. she wondered, thinking of who would appreciate this information the most. She knew better than anyone in the office, that no other detective was as attentive to the coroner on his cases... and suspected that there was more there than a professional relationship. **** "There? How does that look?" Natalie said with a laugh, climbing up on the gurney, pumping up the thin, mortuary issue pillow. "Uncomfortable." He said with a shrug. "Where do you want me?" He was leaning on the wall next to her desk the entire time she'd fixed up the nest of blankets crosswise over two gurneys locked together against the far wall. "Up here." She indicated the pile next to her. "Flip off the lights and come here." "Nat. I'm not sure this is a good idea." He hesitated. "Nick. You fed already. We are both dressed. I'm tired. I am sure that you are tired as well." Seeing the fear in his eyes, she hopped off the table and walked up to him. "I trust you, Nick. Trust yourself as well." He gathered her in his arms, kissing the top of her head. "All right, you win. We'll share a blanket. I wish I had the confidence that you do, Nat." **** It was late afternoon before either of them stirred. Nick slept flat on his back with Natalie nested on his shoulder. The sudden opening of the door and lights being flipped on woke Nick with a start. "Oh, my..." a voice and laughter sounded from across the room as Grace took in the scene before her. Nick rolled his eyes in exasperation and watched Grace approach them. "Hello Detective... she awake?" she said with a broad smile, watching Nick nudge Natalie. "Huh... what? Nick?" Natalie said sleepily, sliding her hands across his chest. "Ahem... doctor... you are being summoned..." Grace said sternly. "Oh.." hearing the voice of her assistant, Natalie sat up and met her amused stare. "Just friends, eh?" Grace teased. "I heard you stayed when Bob didn't make it in... but I didn't know you had company. Nick snowed in as well?" "Uh, yeah..." Natalie said blushing furiously. Regaining some composure, she looked up and saw a sheet covered body in the middle of the lab. "I suppose that there is an official reason you woke me. And not just to pump up the gossip trail." "Actually, there is. A Jane Doe, found in a Metro station this afternoon. Case belongs to Castle Frank, but their ME is stuck in Woodbridge, so you get the honors. You are still the only ME in the office." "OK... let me grab some coffee." She signed and slid herself to the edge of the gurney, slowly standing. "Who's in charge over there?" "Joe Reese is the captain." She said casually, watching Nick. He'd remained laying on the nest of blankets. "Uh, Nat... he IS dressed, isn't he?" "Grace... of course I am dressed... what did you think was going on in here." Nick said with mock sternness, hopping off the gurney and walking over to the sheeted body. Nodding to Natalie, he helped her move it onto the steel autopsy table. "I'll start after I get some coffee." Natalie said, leaning over to tie her shoes. With a yawn, she walked out of the room, with Grace trailing closely. "So...?" Grace asked slyly. "What?" Natalie said, pulling her long hair back into a loose braid. "You were both stuck here... and...?" she prompted. "Yeah, we were stuck here. I am still technically on duty until another ME makes it in. I nabbed some blankets.. and we shared them. What is so unusual about that?" "Anything happen?" Grace asked, pushing open the door to the employee lounge. "No... Grace, get your mind out of the gutter." Natalie said pouring herself a tall mug of coffee. "First of all, we were in a public place. And second, Nick and I are just friends." "Yeah, you just go on telling yourself that. No one else believes it... maybe someday you both will wake up and realize that you love each other." "Grace... be serious." "I am. Natalie, I know love when I see it. And you two belong together." she said emphatically. "And I won't relent until you do something about it." "Grace. This is not the time, nor the place to do anything about it." she said, taking a drink of the hot beverage. "Now, I believe I have a post to complete." **** It did not take her long to determine the cause of death, but Grace's presence prevented her from saying anything. Her silent stares and growing frustration was enough for Nick to know. Collecting DNA specimens, she sent Grace out to prepare the evidence for the reference labs. "Another one?" Nick asked softly, seeing Natalie's expression. "Yes," she said simply. "Drained and raped." Looking at the clock, he sighed, walking closer to the body. "It's too early to call Janette. She does not take phone calls until 5. At the earliest." He could clearly sense the vampire's residual presence. And the puncture marks in the woman's neck were unmistakable. "Well, give me the physical characteristics. I still have not identified the first one. And I am sure that the guys at the 96th have not ID'd the one last night. I might as well make myself useful" *** Nick was still sifting through the Missing Persons files when Grace came back from the lab. "Got blood types for you." she announced. "And?" Natalie prompted, looking up from her microscope. "Same on all three. B positive. Looks like we have a serial." She said simply, handing the file to Natalie. "DNA is not back yet." "OK. Umm, Nick... you want to talk to the captain? They might want this under one team..." Natalie said, standing and moving over to the desk. The comment went unfinished, but was understood by them both. For everyone's safety, the cases needed to be under Nick's jurisdiction. "Sure. I'll take care of it." he said, pulling out his cell phone. CHAPTER 06/ After several phone calls, and a little convincing of the other precinct captains, Nick got both cases assigned to him... much to Schanke's consternation. Serial murders were never fun. Especially when the media got wind of them. Luckily, between the snow and the fact that the cases were scattered around several precincts, it had not made the news. If not for the fact that they were all vampire kills, Nick was not sure that anyone would have linked them together. The fact that they were up to three cases made Nick very nervous... one might be ignored, but three.. well, he knew the Enforcers would come. He had only encountered Enforcers a couple times... and that was too many for his taste. At least, in this case, he would not be the target... just a witness. As long as he could keep Natalie out of harm's way. "Nick... stop staring at those MP reports... you have a phone call." Natalie called out to him. He'd been off in another world for the past half hour. Ever since Grace had brought in the blood type reports... "OK... sorry, I was thinking.." he said, startled. He picked up the phone and clicked the extension. "Knight here... Hey, Schanke... yeah, got a couple new ones." He laughed at Schanke's loud groan. Even Natalie could hear it. "Well, someone has to keep working despite Old Man Winter... yeah, yeah. Natalie's working on forensics. I'm going through the missing persons. I'll leave you a report on your desk." Natalie listened in amusement to the conversation, trying her best to concentrate on her work. She knew that her danger would be increasing. While one case might be laughed off, three would not. Seeing Nick hang up the phone, she turned to face him, a hint of amusement in her voice. "So, I take it Schank is not happy with your efforts." "You could say that." Nick shrugged. "He hates serial cases. Too much media." "I figured." Natalie replied, moving closer. "So when will they come?" she whispered. He looked at her, startled. "That is why you've been zoning out on me, isn't it?" He took her hands, holding them lightly, savoring their warmth. "I don't know. I need to get the reports to Janette. And then, we see." He stood and moved away, "I won't leave you in danger, Nat." "If we do that bonding, I will be safe?" she asked quietly. "You should be. The enforcers will see it as I have control over you." he moved to her side at her snort of disapproval. "You know I won't do anything against your will... but this is usually done to ummm, servants or ummm..." "Umm, what, Nick? What are you not telling me?" She probed, her voice getting louder. "Concubines." He murmured. "Vampires sometimes do this for sexual pleasure as well..." "Really?" she asked, incredulous, color rising in her cheeks. "Have you?" "No." he said softly. "Not that I do not find you very desirable, Natalie... but, I didn't think you would consent to this just so we could make love..." he ran his hand across her back in smooth circles, drawing her closer. "Call it a side benefit then." She smiled, resting her hands on his chest. "I would not have been so reluctant when you first brought it up." she pulled his face closer to hers and gently kissed him. "I want to do it then. And the sooner the better." He paused, savoring the feel of her lips on his face, and thought of how pleasurable it would be to do more. "If you are still sure, we'll plan to spend the day at the loft." He squeezed her hands and pulled away. Enough temptation was enough. "I need to take my reports to the precinct. I'll be back by 4 am. Think you'll be done by then?" "After nearly 36 hours in the lab, I would hope so." she smiled, moving over to the desk. "I'll fax the finals to all three precincts, and have the original for you by then. The DNA won't be back for another day or so, but I'll do what comparisons I can." "You do know that this will eventually go into the unsolved files..." Nick said softly. "Possibly... if you figure out who it is... could you not put out a warrant? And then ask your police to give you a tube or so of his blood... we can figure something out to identify him as deceased... so people can rest easier." "Nat... the enforcers won't care that humans rest easier." He said with a sad voice. "Unless there is talk in the media about the lack of blood... if someone starts calling it vampire." "And I have not included that in my reports." She commented slowly. "It was just a thought, Nick..." She knew how Nick would be pressured to keep looking, long after the real killer had be found, and executed. "And I'll keep it in mind." He nodded, leaning forward and kissing her lightly on the forehead. With a quick nod, he strode out the door. She watched the door swing shut behind him, and began to imagine what would be possible.... sharing his blood no longer seemed such a bad thing... CHAPTER 07 The snow and cold did nothing to deter the patrons at the Raven. Very few things could. The pounding rhythms of the music could be heard for blocks... at least to Nick's vampire ears they could. With scarcely a nod to the bouncer, he pushed his way through the crowd to Janette's table by the bar. She took one look at him and nodded toward her office, following closely and locking the door behind them. "You have news?" she asked sharply. "You could say that." He replied grimly. Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out the envelope and handed it to her wordlessly. Skimming the stack of papers quickly, she looked up with surprise. "Three?" "Three." He confirmed. "Well, I have no choice, Nichola... I must call this in," she announced, moving to sit at her desk. He laid his hand on the phone and looked at her with a pleading expression. "Give me a day... please." She leaned back in the chair and met his gaze. "Why?" "So I can protect Natalie," he replied softly. "And how do you intend to do this?" she asked, forcefully. "Trying to convert her brother was a disaster. Surely you remember that." She was well aware of his growing fascination with the mortal doctor, and of the problems he would face when the time came to leave. It was something he never learned. Staring off into the dark corners of the room, he murmured, "I'll mark her. Today." Standing next to him, running a hand over his shoulder, she could feel the turmoil in him. "Are you sure, mon coeur?" "Yes," he said firmly, turning to take her into his arms. "I will not have her die at the hands of the Enforcers for merely doing her job." Turning so that she looked into his eyes, she nodded slowly. "Twenty four hours, Nichola... I will give you that long." "Merci..." he whispered, kissing her forehead softly before pulling away. "I must go. I'm supposed to be taking reports to the precinct." ***** For Natalie, the worst of the cases was over. She had done her examination, filed her reports. Except for the DNA reports, she had merely to wait until summoned by the Crown to testify in any court proceeding. Except in this case, there would be no court case. Nervously studying blood samples under the microscope and fighting the urge to let her mind wander, she did not notice the opening of her door. Or the presence of another person in the room. "Doctor." The voice was low, seductive. Whirling around on the stool she saw a tall, pale man with closely cropped blond hair, dressed entirely in black. He watched her intently, his eyes dark, threatening. "Who are you? How did you get in here?" she said swiftly, her heart pounding. With a smile that could almost be called a sneer, he replied calmly. "Let us just say, that I will introduce myself when I deem it appropriate." Pulling her coat off the hook by the door he tossed it at her. "Come. We have business to discuss." "I discuss my business here, sir," she said angrily, tossing the coat on her desk and standing with her arms folded. "And you still did not tell me how you got in here." "Ah, such spirit. Quite enticing," he murmured, moving closer and grasping her by the shoulders. "Now, I truly do not care whether you are properly garbed for the elements." He nodded toward the coat flung carelessly away. "But you are coming with me." Studying his movements, the chill of his hands, she suddenly realized that he was, in all likelihood, a vampire. Perhaps even the one that they sought. And he could force her cooperation. Pulling on the coat she glared at him. "So where are you taking me?" "Somewhere safe..." he smiled, his eyes glowing slightly as she flicked off the lights. CHAPTER 08/ Taking the reports to the precinct took almost until dawn. So many questions and details were asked. So many things that he really could not say. Conferring with captains from all three precincts and his partner so that it seemed that they really were on the track of a killer. He was sure that Natalie was more than ready to get away, and the roads were cleared enough, that the day coroner should be able to make it in. Arriving back at the lab at 6 am, Nick felt the remnants of a presence. One he'd not felt in a long time. One he'd never thought to feel again. His master. he thought with alarm, as he saw the lights were off in Natalie's lab. Pushing open the door and calling her name was of no use. He did not hear her familiar heart beat anywhere. Moving swifter than could be seen, he went to the reception desk. Someone different was there. "Can I help you sir?" Flashing his badge, he tried to hide his growing worry, "Detective Knight, Homicide 27th precinct. I was here to give Dr. Lambert a ride home, but she is not in her lab. Has she signed out?" Punching a few keys on the computer, the woman smiled at him, "Yes. She booked off at 4:30 this morning. Technically she was still on- call, but she'd been on for almost 2 days, so they said not to worry. She's off tonight, but I can leave a voice mail for her, if you'd like." "No, no thanks." he replied, pulling out his cell phone as he went back to the parking lot. Dialing her home, her pager, all the way to the loft, his concern was growing. Her car was still at his loft. There were no signs of a struggle in the lab. Her purse was still there, but her coat was not. Dropping his coat on the kitchen table and shrugging out of his holster, he emptied her purse on the table, finding the small address book. Finding Grace's number, he dialed quickly. It was a long shot, but worth a try. "Grace? Yeah, this is Nick Knight... Yes, I am glad to be off duty for a while, too.... Yes, you can help me. I went to pick up Natalie, and she was not at the lab.... Oh, around 6. The desk said she'd booked off at 4:30... her car is still at my place, so I was wondering how she got home... no, she doesn't answer... well, yes, she could be asleep.... Call me irrational then, but I'm worried." He sighed at Grace's reassurances. If only she knew how un-safe the coroner's lab truly could be. "Well, if you hear from her, tell her to call me. Okay? And Grace, we really are just good friends..." he was sure that he was developing a reputation at the office. One that was not healthy for Natalie. **** Landing softly in front of a wooden cabin, all she could see were trees, and snow. Truthfully, Natalie was not sure how she'd gotten there. The man had guided her outside and then held her tightly while murmuring in her ear... and the next thing she knew, they were in the woods. Unlocking the door, he gave her a little push and followed her inside. She stumbled slightly on the rug and felt her way around to a couch. It was pitch dark inside but she could hear her companion building a fire. The soft, dim glow of the fire lit the room enough for Natalie to see her surroundings. It was a simply furnished, almost rustic room. Several plain woolen blankets were piled at the end of the couch and a straight backed wooden chair graced the corner. "What do you want with me?" she asked cautiously. "To talk," he replied simply. "But dawn is approaching. We will talk at dusk. There are some cans of soup in the cupboard. And the facilities, crude as they may be, are over there." He gestured into the kitchen. "You may take the couch. I will be in the next room. The fireplace is your only source of heat in this cabin. There is plenty of wood next to the door if it seems low." Walking up to her in a manner that seemed like a large cat, stalking its prey, he said in a low, menacing voice. "Do not think you can possibly escape. We are at least 50 miles from the nearest settlement. There are no roads. And the snow is a good 2 meters high. You would not last very long. I will not come looking and no one knows where you are." She shivered at the tone of his voice. "They will be looking for me." "Good," he replied in a firm, calm tone. "Let them. They will not find you until I am ready. I have no phone. And you neglected to bring yours." Turning toward his door, his eyes glowing slightly, "and doctor. I will make one thing perfectly clear. Touch the handle of my door, and you will not see another sunrise." Clicking the door behind him, Natalie collapsed on the couch, her heart racing. Even at his worst, Nick had never seemed to have the controlled evil that this man projected. It surrounded him, marked his every movement, every word. She let her mind wander to what had been on her 'agenda' for that morning... Nick was going to share himself with her. She now wondered if she'd ever see him again. And who this mysterious man could be. She had no doubt that he was a vampire. And if she had her guess, a very old one. Older than Nick, or Janette... or any of the others that she'd encountered in her few visits to the Raven. Was he an enforcer? CHAPTER 09/ Nick got very little sleep that day. Pacing the loft, drinking more than his allotment of blood and trying to use nervous energy. Grace's phone call in the early afternoon that confirmed that Natalie was not at her apartment just increased his sense of dread. Wherever she was, she was in danger. The sun had barely set when Nick flew to the Raven. No time to mess with cars and traffic. The club had barely opened for the evening when he strode in, pushing his way through the drowsy vampires that had just come up from their basement shelter. "Nichola... what has you in such a mood?" Janette scolded, sensing the dark fury from her brother. "Not that it is not a refreshing change, but you are scaring the young ones." "I thought you were giving me twenty-four hours, Janette." He glared at her, his temper barely contained. "I am and I have," she declared, tossing her head defiantly. "Let us take this discussion to my office," she commanded, striding toward the back of the club with Nick following closely. "Too many ears to listen," she murmured in medieval French... the language of choice when the two of them did not want to be overheard. To their knowledge, no one else in the Toronto community was fluent in the ancient dialect... and those scholars who might be somewhat knowledgeable, would not be coming to the Raven on a Thursday night. "So what has you up in arms, Nichola?" she asked with deceptive mildness as soon as he closed the door. "Natalie is missing." "And you think that one of us?" she began as he walked up to her. "She signed out at 4:30 this morning. Left her purse and keys at the office. Her car is at my place. I sent a colleague over to her apartment. She is not there," He explained quickly. "I sensed one of our kind had been in her lab." "One of us? Are you sure?" she questioned, sitting at the large mahogany desk, leaning back to watch him. "It felt like LaCroix," he said softly, leaning forward on the desk, palms flat. "Nonsense," she replied, giving him a hard, angry look. "You said you took care of him. He's gone." "I know, I know," he gave her a puzzled look, "but that is what it felt like." "So why come here?" "I wanted to see if you'd called the Enforcers yet," he explained, perching himself on the corner of the desk. "I need to find her before they do." "If it is LaCroix, he will take care of her," Janette said with a shrug. "I know," He shuddered. "That is what I am afraid of. I don't think I'd like what he'll do." "Oh, mon ami... he will not kill her. She has been of great service to our kind." She leaned forward and touched his shoulder gently. "Don't you want a new little sister?" He shot her a dark, angry look. "No. Actually, I don't." "Well, it may not be your choice," she rolled her chair further away and picked up the phone. "Go out, get a drink. I need to make some calls." "You aren't..." he looked at her angrily. "Nichola... I have no choice," She gazed at him soberly. "Either stay here and wait, or go to your mortal job. Go serve and protect *someone*. You are not capable of this job." "How do you know?" "Because I know you, my brother." She gestured to the door impatiently. "You do not know that it was LaCroix leaving these little gifts for you. You do not even know that it is him who has snatched your little mortal pet. But your righteous anger has already condemned him." "She is not my *pet*," Nick protested, standing as if to obey. "Oh? I thought she was *going to be*," Janette observed with a sly smile. "Were you not planning to mark her as such?" "It would not be like that, Janette," he said angrily. "No? Well, no matter. It is too late. Now, go.... I have work to do." She gestured once more toward the door and turned slightly while punching in a series of numbers into the phone. **** It was nearly dusk, and Natalie had still not slept. Her mind was racing almost as fast as her heart. She had explored a little, staying as far away as possible from the closed bedroom door. Much as her captor had said, there were cans of soup and saucepans in the kitchen. Warming it over the open fire, she stayed her hunger and waited. The dim light of the fireplace did not allow for her to do much else, and there were no windows to let in natural light and she had not seen any lamps or candles. The low scrape of a door opening startled her momentarily. Looking up, she saw him standing in the doorway, his black suit unwrinkled, his demeanor calm, in control. Carrying a crystal goblet filled with a dark red liquid he strolled into the room and sat smoothly in the chair. Watching her intently, he sipped from the glass. "Yes, it is," he said low, his eyes meeting hers with no hint of humor. "I.. I did not ask what you were drinking," she protested hesitantly. "But you wanted to know," he replied confidently. "There is a lot that you want to know, is there not?" "I don't know what you are talking about," she said, her eyes averting his. Nick might not be able to hypnotize her, but she was sure that *this* vampire could. "Ah, but you do," he said smoothly. "What do you want with me?" she demanded. "Merely to chat. You *are* a friend of my son after all." "Your son?" she questioned. "Well, in a matter of speaking." He leaned back into the seat, and set his goblet on the table next to his chair. "You may not consider our relationship in such a manner." "Who *are* you?" she asked, again trying to determine who her companion was. From his previous statement she could only assume that he was Nick's vampire master. A two thousand year old vampire who had supposedly died in a fire at Nick's loft over a year previous. "My name is of no consequence, Doctor Lambert," he said firmly "But I do believe that you are perceptive enough to realize *what* I am." She glanced up and saw the glint of gold tingeing his eyes. "Well, yes," she admitted. "I did figure that part out. I assure you of discretion. I know the rules." "Indeed." He paused, assessing her outward calm demeanor. Her heart was still racing, but she otherwise showed no sign of distress in his presence. CHAPTER 10/ Going through missing persons reports was a mindless enough task to keep Nick semi-occupied. Schanke had greeted him at the precinct with a stack of reports and a grumble about taking on a serial case. It took great concentration to not focus upon the fact that the Enforcers would be coming to Toronto. He conscience was not all that clean when it came to upholding the Code. Natalie's involvement and knowledge of the community was merely his most recent infraction. While they generally turned a blind eye to the occasional slip, choosing to make examples of major cases, there were times that every minor detail in one's life was subject to scrutiny. Natalie's disappearance weighed heavily on him. Knowing that it was vampire-related, he dared not report it. "Knight, I just got a call from Grace at the coroner's office." Nick looked up to see his captain leaning over his desk. "Have you seen or talked to Doctor Lambert today?" "Uh, no, Captain. I haven't." Nick responded, looking up from his stack of papers. "I thought she was off tonight." "She is. But I understand that you were concerned this morning and sent Grace over to check on her." "Yes. I did. I had offered to drive her home, and when I got to her lab, she'd already booked off." He shrugged, trying his best to seem casual. "I wanted to make sure she got home okay." "And she was not there when Grace checked this morning." Stonetree continued, watching his detective closely. Grace had hinted that there was more to this relationship than either was saying. "Nor is she there now." "Where is she, then?" Nick asked softly. "Good question, Nick. I was hoping that you'd know that. If we're lucky, she just chose to take the subway or a taxi, but that is unlikely if you'd already offered her a ride and that concerns me. And it doesn't explain why she wasn't there when Grace went by. This is not like her. I don't like it. Not one bit. I'm putting out an APB on her and her car." "Uh, cap... that won't help." Nick said sheepishly. "And why won't it help, detective?" he asked, arms folded across his chest. "Because her car is in my garage," he replied simply. "What is it doing there?" "She, uh, spent the day at my place Monday." He admitted, his face warming with the memory. "And with all that snow, I was driving her into work since then." "What was she doing at your place, Nick?" Stonetree asked softly, assessing the growing embarrassment on the part of the detective. So there was some truth to Grace's speculation. "Well, uh, she came over to watch videos after shift. And, well, she fell asleep." "OK, if you say so, Knight," he replied with a knowing smile. "But I am still putting out an APB on her. And I want you to fill out a statement for the file. Exactly when did you see her last?" "Well, we both got snowed in at her office Monday night and Tuesday, so I guess it was when I brought over those reports of those Jane Does around 2 am Wednesday morning. I was going to drive her home after shift." "If you hear from her, let me know. I'll assign this to Lange and Miller." "I can take care of it, Captain," he protested. "I certainly hope we do not need to assign a homicide team to this, Nick," he said sternly. "Besides, from what you have told me, I would say we have a definite conflict of interest here." At Nick's sharp look, he smiled, "come on, man, admit it. You have feelings for her." He leaned over and whispered conspiratorially, "I certainly commend you on your taste in women. She's beautiful, intelligent..." **** Alone at last, Natalie leaned back into the cushions of the couch. Her captor had 'gone out' with a stern warning not to go anywhere. "As if I could go anywhere." She mumbled, rubbing her temples. Her headache was getting worse. She was not sure if it was merely from the strain of trying to see in the dim firelight, or something worse. Fighting the hypnotic influence was getting harder. His voice was so seductive, so calming. She wanted to give into his power... "So, doctor... are you more amenable to a discussion?" the voice was low, it rang through her consciousness, making her barely aware of her surroundings. "Ah, I do believe you are finally in the proper frame of mind." "What does that mean?" she whispered, keeping her eyes closed. It was so hard to stay awake, but something in the voice compelled her to respond. "Simply that you can be more truthful now. We both want that, don't we?" "Yes," she murmured, giving in to the deeply melodic voice. "And we won't remember any of this, will we?" "No, no memory," she agreed, her voice soft. "Very good, my dear." He smiled. He knew if he was patient, he would wear down her resistance. It took more effort than he was accustomed to expending. In the wake of his long convalescence, it was all he could do to not give in to the urge to take her. That would, in the long run, be counter to his plan. His plan to avenge his near-murder. "So, then. How *did* you meet Nicholas?" CHAPTER 11/ The call came shortly before dusk. Come to the Raven. Alone. Fortifying himself with extra blood he dressed quickly and went down to the car... no holding to Natalie's ration plans tonight... Nick arrived two hours before his shift. He hoped that would allow enough time. He'd still not heard from her, nor had there been any result from the APB. Parking in his usual alley spot, he could sense them within. Enforcers. The club was nearly deserted. The distinctive aura of the vampire police had effectively deterred most of the regular customers. And the short tempers of the bartenders and waitresses had driven away most mortal clientele. Janette was perched on a stool at the bar when he strode across the dance floor. "They are awaiting you in the back." She stated, seeing him approach. He nodded and moved toward the room. She followed him murmuring, "you did feed well tonight?" "Of course. I am not stupid." He said abruptly, walking up to the door. "Come." A voice sounded from within before he had knocked. Taking a deep breath, he opened it and entered. Seated at the large desk was a tall, black haired man, dressed entirely in black and exuding a power more intense than the squad he'd encountered the year before. Flanking him were four stake- wielding men who were hissing and showing their fangs as Nick entered the room. "Nice display there, guys." He said dryly. "You wanted to see me, Julius?" "Indeed." Julius answered. "Nice setup here, don't you think?" "Julius, I am sure that you and the boy choir here did NOT come all the way to Toronto to complement Janette on her decor.." he said sarcastically. "What do you want with me?" "Information, pure and simple," he shrugged, his casual tone contrasting with the usual Enforcer interrogation. They were *not* known for being patient or kind. One provided answers or one was executed. That was the Code. "Ask," Nick agreed, sitting in the leather chair opposite the lead enforcer. "All business, as usual. I you are ready, we shall begin." He leaned forward, opening the file that was set on the desk. "Janette tells me that someone has been very careless." "Yes," he acknowledged. "Who is editing the coroner's reports then?" he questioned. "There is nothing here that would concern me." "I saw the bodies. I can vouch that they were drained," Nick responded quickly. This was not what he was expecting. He had figured that he would merely be a reporter, a witness. Not to be accused of misdeeds. "I don't doubt it. Nor do I question that these were all carelessness. The question remains, why is there no mention of blood loss? Or were they not drained?" "They were drained," Nick confirmed. "Did the M.E. not report it?" "Nicholas, you know that telling falsehoods to Enforcers, especially me, is not wise." Julius stated sternly, focusing his power on Nick. Hypnotizing a vampire as old as Nick took special effort... skills that only enforcers had mastered. One would think that after 800 years, Nicholas would know that hiding information from Enforcers didn't work. They always found out eventually. "Who edited the reports? You?" "No. I have seen the reports, yes, but I did not alter them." "Too bad," he said with a cold laugh. "I was going to complement you. It is very unusual for an experienced M.E. to miss that degree of blood loss. Or is there a *reason* she did not report it?" Nick looked up, startled. He had been very careful to not make reference to who the M.E. was, or that he knew her personally. "You don't think that we have not already done some research, Nicholas?" "I never said that." "You didn't have to." He said smugly. "We know who Dr. Natalie Lambert is. And we know that you are a very good friend of hers." "What of it? I have had many mortal friends over the years, Julius. Are you faulting my taste in co-workers?" "She is more than a co-worker to you, is she not?" Julius asked smoothly. "At least her colleagues think she is." "Who have you been talking to?" Nick asked angrily. "Oh, calm yourself. We have not harmed anyone. Yet." He sipped form his goblet. "Bring her to us." "I would be more than happy to comply, Julius." He said, ignoring the look of disbelief that Julius flashed him, "but she has disappeared." "Oh, and just *who* made her disappear?" "I don't know." Nick replied, his voice softening. He could not hide his fear any longer. "Would you tell us if you did?" Julius asked, fixing his gaze on Nick. He was beginning to believe that Nick was *not* holding anything back. "Actually, yes, I would." "So you do not fear us meeting her?" "I didn't say that," Nick replied, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But I would rather bring her to you, than you go find her." "Hmmm, a more rationale response than I'd imagined possible from you," Julius said sarcastically. "Then you will take us to her residence. We will await her return." At Nick's quick glare, he said in a low voice, "either that of we will go there without you. We *do* know where she lives." CHAPTER 12 "I thank you for a most enlightening conversation, Doctor," the smooth, hypnotic voice washed over Natalie, soothing her, calming her. But what was he thanking her for? She could not remember what she'd talked about with the strange, darkly clad man. She still felt his deadly calm, but it was not coolly calculating, no longer angry. "And when are you going to tell me your name?" she asked, the struggle to stay conscious was becoming difficult, but she felt she had to know, had to remember. "It is of no importance. You won't remember anything of me, or our little meeting," he replied, smiling sardonically at her growing fatigue. She had taken a lot of his energy to control, but it was worth it. He had the knowledge that he needed. The time for his retribution was coming.... ****** Natalie struggled to open her eyes. Someone was calling her name insistently. What shift was she supposed to be on this week? What day was it? Laying back against the pillows, she opened one eye. She was in her room, in her own bed. Why did she feel so disoriented? Nick watched with growing concern as Natalie struggled to consciousness. He had initially been quite relieved to find her in her apartment but was starting to sense something.... "So, she is back," Julius stated with calculating coldness. "Leave us." "But," Nick protested. "I said, leave us," Julius commanded, glaring at Nick. Closing the door firmly behind Nick, the enforcer sat on a chair next to the bed, watching the young woman intently. He could sense the residual presence of a vampire thought dead. "Who... who are you?" Natalie awakened suddenly, and saw the man sitting in her bedroom. "My name is Julius," he replied, "and you are Natalie Lambert, county coroner." "Okay, now that we've been properly introduced, what are you doing in my bedroom?" she asked, a hint of anger creeping into her voice. "I found a few discrepancies in some reports that you filed recently. Some omissions?" She looked closely at the man. She could tell that he was a vampire, one more powerful than Nick. "Yes, and what of it?" "Why did you fail to report the lack of blood in the bodies?" "I think you know the answer to that, Julius," she replied carefully. "And I think that you know I've been doing it for several years. Some things are best left unsaid." He smiled, watching her calm expression. He could hear her pounding heart, but she showed no signs of distress otherwise. It was rather impressive for a mortal woman to show such control, such restraint. This woman would bear watching. "Yes, some things are. And will always be." "Understood," she nodded. She could only think that he was an Enforcer. Nick had feared the impending arrival of the vampire police force. "Yes, I thought you would. So where have you been for the past few days?" "I don't know what you mean," she began. The look of confusion on her face was something that no one could have faked. "I worked a two day shift because of the snow, then came home. What day is it? How long have I slept?" "Quite a while. Your friend, Nicholas, was very concerned," he stated, his voice taking on the low, hypnotic tones. He could feel her resistance to his probe, to his influence. Well, he had assumed that she was a resistor, since she obviously knew of Nick. How many others she knew, was anyone's guess. Applying a bit more pressure, he asked again, "Where were you?" "Cabin, north woods," she murmured in a monotone. "With whom?" "He never introduced himself," she sighed. Her headache was getting worse. Closing her eyes to fight the pain, she leaned back against the pillows. "Natalie, stay with me. What did he look like?" his voice was deep, sonorous. It resonated through her mind. She had no choice but to answer. "Tall, short blond hair. Blue eyes. Deep voice," she whispered. "And what did he want of you?" "To talk. About Nick. He wanted to know about Nick's job, my job. Our friendship," she murmured, her voice trailing off. "But I have no memory..." "Of course you don't" he soothed. Perhaps he did not need to mete out punishment at this time. It might be far more interesting to sit back and watch. "Thank you, Natalie. You may sleep," he murmured, releasing her from his hypnotic control. So, the General was back.... EPILOGUE "I can't believe how you were able to tie up all three of those cases so neatly," Schanke shook his head in disbelief. Serial cases usually took months to completely close. His partner had done it in a week. "Hey, when we get to the 96th, remember, it's my turn to look good, okay?" "Fine, Schank... fine," Nick laughed. The transfer was to take effect in another week. It was a little further from his loft, but the timing was right. He was beginning to worry that Joe Stonetree suspected too much. His cases wrapped up neatly but how much was really the truth, and how much was something that he'd had other vampires help him fabricate. Would Cohen scrutinize him more closely? He was ready for the change and a few days off. In preparation for the transfer, they were not being assigned new cases. That, in itself, was a relief. It had been a stressful month. He never had found where Natalie had been that day. She claimed she did not know, but since Julius had been with her first, he was convinced that her memories had been taken. Julius had left very quickly after he spoke to Natalie. It still surprised him that no actions had been taken against either one of them. Did that mean the Enforcers would not concern themselves with his relationship with Natalie? "Soooooo, how are you and Natalie?" "Schanke, how many times do I need to tell you that Nat and I are friends... just friends," Nick replied with a frustrated sigh. He had not brought up the bonding once the enforcers had left. He still feared that he would not be able to stop if he were to ever take her blood. And she had not mentioned it either... "Uh huh, sure, whatever you say, Knight," Schanke said with a sarcastic laugh. "I saw you two last month getting downright chummy." "Schanke, don't push, okay?" Nick pleaded. He was not sure where he stood with Natalie. She had been sleepy for several days, and was forgetful about everything that had happened that week. He longed to be with her... to hold her in his arms once more... but something was holding him back. He knew it was irrational. His master was long gone... he could not call for his retribution... could he? ***the end of my little tale... but not the end of our story.....