Chapter 1 Toronto Canada Present Day, Nicks Loft "Nat you just can't go chasing after this guy." Nick yelled. "Oh yeah and why not? He deserves to pay for what he has done to Cynthia and god knows how many other little girls. Let the cops deal with it Nat. Well your police department seems to be a little too busy to be bothered and if they wont do anything, I sure as hell will. Nat, You are not going after him and that is final. That's final huh, what the hell gives you the right to boss me around as if you wouldn't do the exact same thing Nick. That's different Nat and you know it. What's so different Nick she yelled as angry as nick had ever seen her. Well, well you're a woman he stammered, instantly regretting his choice of words. Because I'm a woman, for crying out loud Nick. I know you are eight centuries old but I think its high time that you start realizing that this is the end of the twentieth century. Nat hollered and headed for the door. Nick squired after her. Nat would you just listen to me for a minute. I've listened to you long enough Nick, I took care of myself just fine before you showed up she screamed just before yanking the metal door shut with a loud bang. Nick smashed his hand on the metal door in frustration as he remembered that the sun had already risen and he was trapped for the day. Stubborn, thick headed woman on the nineties he sighed and smiled despite of himself as he realized just how much he loved and admired the exasperating woman who had just stormed out of his home. She reminded him of another woman he had met over a century ago. How the Kid had maintained his sanity while loving Louise McCloud amazed him because Nick certainly felt he was losing his while loving Natalie Lambert. Chapter 2 St Joe Missouri Hotel 1860 Nicholas did you really think that you could just leave and I wouldn't hunt you down. A whispered voice hissed into Nick's ear. Nick stiffened and turned into the piercing glare of his master Lucian Lacoix. Why can you not leave me be for once? Nick asked upset that Lacoix had found him so quickly. Why Nicolas? So you can continue this absurd quest for a non-existent cure. Lacoix finished irritated at his defiant child. Nick sighed, here we go again he thought. Excuse me gentalmen may I get through to the desk please? Both Nick and Lacoix turned to see a young boy of about sixteen looking toward the desk clerk that they were effectively blocking. By all means, Lacoix replied as he stepped back to giving the youth room to pass for there were far to many witnesses for him to simply drain the bothersome child. I would like a room please. Sure son, Just tell me your name and how long you plan on staying with us. The desk clerk replied with a smile. It's Lou, Lou McCloud and I will be staying as long as it takes for me to finish my business here. He replied quietly but sternly. Grateful for the distraction created by Lou, Nick sizes him up. Something is not right with this fellow. Nick thought but decided to let it go until he caught Lacoix glare at the youth menacingly. Nick knew that he would have to keep this Lou safe from his master's evil intentions. When the reservation was completed, Lou turned back around unexpectantley bumping into Lacoix and was momentarily locked into his gaze. Regaining senses, Lou stammered excuse me and pushed between Nick and Lacoix. After being sure that both Lou and the hotel clerk were out of earshot, Nick pounced. Do not even think about it Lacoix, he is just a child and not capable of your evil. Ah my dear Nicolas, is he a child in youth or experience. Lacoix answered before leaving Nicolas to ponder his last statement. Chapter 3 Lou's Hotel room Well, I made it back to this nightmare of a town. Lou stated out loud to the air around her. If today was any indication of what lay ahead of her, she was in for a hard time she thought as she rubbed her sore shoulder which she had received when Lightning had thrown her. And that man she had encountered downstairs was just plain creepy as he had glared at her with those piercing eyes of his. She would much rather be on the other end of one of Jimmy Hickock's colt forty- fours. The eyes of his companion however, were very gentle just like Kid's eyes. Oh Kid, she thought. Will you ever be able to forgive me for what has already happened and what I must do. I just can't let Wicks ruin another life especially Theresa's. Luckily, for her, Wick's threatening letter would be his downfall. Ok Wicks, you wanted me in payment for leaving Theresa alone, its me your gonna get, but I swear you will pay for what you did to me , Charlotte, Travis and especially for daring to threaten Theresa. Chapter 4 Rock Creek Nebraska Territory Kid was pushing Katy really hard he knew. Sorry girl, I know you're tired, but I 'm worried about Lou. She just ain't acting right ever since this Charlotte came to town and now that she's dead, Lou just won't talk to me about anything. She is being so stubborn. Why can't she just be a normal woman for once and let me comfort her. At Katy's whinny, Kid thought, Why the heck would she let him know that she needed comforting when she feared showing him any weakness whatsoever. Hard ride Kid. Yo Kid, Buck Cross raised his voice as Kid absently passed the mail pouch to James Hickock. What Buck, Kid finally noticed him. Yeah hard ride. Hey is Lou around? No, Buck replied with an amused smile as he took Katy's reins. Leave it to Lou to make Kid's mind wonder he thought as he concluded while walking Katy to the barn. She told Teaspoon she needed a couple of days off and road out early yesterday morning. Kid wearily entered the bunkhouse and fell onto his bunk trying to think about how he would get Lou to open up to him when she returned. Suddenly his eye caught part of a letter sticking out from under Lou's bunk above him. He knew from previous experience that he shouldn't pry. However, his curiosity got the better of him and he snatched it up and began to read his expression changing from curiosity to horror as he did so. Well, well after all this time, I have found you. You thought that you could hide from me by dressing like a man .You fool. I'll get right to the point I know for a fact that Charlotte gave you that the money that she stole from me. You will turn both yourself and the money over to me by the end of next week or a sweet little girl by the name of Theresa will take the place that I have chose for you in my brothel. Show up alone or you and your sister will surely regret it for the rest of your lives. . You know I never bluff1 Wicks Kid stood in disbelief at the letter in his trembling hands. So that was why she chose to be Lou and not the beautiful woman he knew she really was. In less then five minutes he was in Teaspoon's office getting permission to ride out after the woman who never ceased to make him crazy with worry. Chapter 5 Same day St. Joe Sunset Nick's eyes popped open as his inner clock told him that the murderous sun had finally set. He also felt a familiar tingling running up his spine. Janette had returned. At first a wave of happiness flooded though him, but then the bitterness of their last parting crept in. He still could not believe that she had left him after a hundred years, saying that she needed a change. With Lacoix here already he was in no mood to deal with her disapproval of the way he chose to spend his life. He signed; he might as well get the first encouter with her over with quickly. A knock at his door, snapped him back to attention as he braced himself for the sight of her as he pulled the door open slowly. But all his preparation did nothing to prepare him for the sight of her. Nichola', mon cher, how nice to see you again. Janette stated with her usual enticing smile. Cut the pleasantries Janette. Nick snapped back angrily. It was you who led Lacoix to me wasn't it? Yes it was Nichola'. She replied simply. I am sorry, but he would have found you sooner or later. You can not hide from him for long. You know this. It would just be so much easier if you would just accept what you are and give up this frivolous quest of yours. Chapter Six Orphanage out side St. Joe same night. Kid pulls a tired Katy up to the front of the St. Joe orphanage he had visited once before and is quietly ushered into Sister Kathren's office. What can I do for you young man? The tired sister asked impatiently for she had to get back to a distraught and angry Jeremiah McCloud. I am looking for the McCloud children. Are they here sister? Well Jeremiah is here yes, but a man with a gun came and took Theresa. We had no choice. He threatened the other children and shot Jeremiah in the leg when he tried to interfere. I am sorry Mr.? Kid, I 'm a friend of Louise's. Do you remember me sister? Ah yes, Now I remember you. How is the boy? Kid asked worriedly. Physically Jeremiah is fine, but he is a very angry and guilt ridden young man. The sisters and do not know what to do. Perhaps you could help. Sister Kathryn asked pleadingly. Kid was taken aback some by the request as he remembered his last encounter with Jeremiah when the boy was forced to watch as Kid shot his father to death. Kid had not been able to speak with the boy after that for fear of upsetting Theresa or Lou at the time. Perhaps the time was now to try and reach the strong willed boy who he hoped would soon be his brother-in-law. I don't know if it will do much good because, I don't think he cares too much for me, but I will give it a try sister. That is all I can ask the sister replied gratefully. I will send for him immediately. Ten minutes later a sullen Jeremiah was led into the office by another sister. When he looked up and recognized the man before him anger began to smolder within him. Hello Jeremiah, Kid stated hesitantly. Do you remember who I am? Yeah sure, You're the scum who murdered my father. Jeremiah spat. You were there Jeremiah. You know that he gave me no choice. He would have killed Lou and I could not let that happen. I wish he had killed her. Jeremiah shouted back. Theresa wouldn't be in trouble now if he had. It's all her fault. I hate her more than anything. You don't mean that Kid stated trying to hold his temper. He had never thought that he would meet a child more exasperating than Jessie James. Yeah I do. Jeremiah continued. If she had just become Wick's whore like my father had arranged, me, Theresa, and our father would be together. We never hated him, only Lou and ma did. Kid didn't hear the last sentence as Jeremiah's statement about Wicks caught him off guard. In less then five seconds Kid had Jeremiah up against the office wall. What do you mean about your father's arrangement with Wicks about Lou? Tell me Kid fumed shaking the boy. Father said he followed her to St Joe when she left here and sold her to Wicks. My god what kind of monster was Boggs. Kid thought as her refocused on the boy in front of him. You can't have wanted that to happen to Lou, Jeremiah. She's your sister. She loves you and I know you love her just as much. No, Yes I do love her and I didn't want anything to happen to her. I still don't but now my father is dead and Theresa's in trouble because of her. He stuttered as tears rolled down his cheeks. This isn't Lou's fault Jeremiah, the only person to blame is Wicks and I promise you I will make sure he pays for what he has done. Not long after, Kid was back on Katy and headed for St. Joe like he was chasing the devil. Little did he know he was chasing not one, but two devils. One called Simon Wicks and the other named Lucien Lacoix. Chapter Seven Hotel Lobby St. Joe Sir is there any message for me? Lou asked the man behind the desk. At the shake of his head, Lou signed and turned once again into those eyes of pure ice. May I help you sir? The desk clerk piped up. No, not at this time. Lacoix answered with a menacing glare that was in no way missed by Lou. What is it about this guy that unnerves me so much she wondered as she observed both the brief exchange between the men and the obvious in the desk clerk's eyes as he backed up into the kitchen. Well, we meet again. Mr. McCloud is it not? Well yes it is. Lou stated with false confidence that she did not feel around this man. And you are? Lou asked politely not really wanting to know anything more about the well dressed man before her. Lacoix, Lucien Lacoix. Lacoix responded with a non-to-charming smile. Well pleased to meet you Mr. Lacoix, but I really must be going now. By all means, Until we meet again and we will meet again. Lacoix repeated to himself as he watched the retreating figure. There was something about this youth that intrigued him. Perhaps, he smiled to himself; it was time to give Nicholas and Janette a new baby brother. Do not even think about it Lacoix! Growled Nick from behind him. Lacoix turned to look at his two children who had failed miserably in sneaking up on him. Why Nicholas, whatever do you mean? I know what you are up Lacoix. Leave the boy alone. Nick finished irritated. Do you dare to tell me what to do Nicholas? Lacoix snarled menacingly at his rebellious son. What I choose to do and what I choose not to do, is no concern of yours. If I want that child to be part of our little family, he will be. And if you object again or dare to defy me, the outcome could be quite unpleasant for you. With that and a final glare, Lacoix turned and exited the hotel lobby. Dam, Nichola', Why must you continue to antagonize him like that. Janette asked with a sigh. Nick, who released a breath that he did not know he had been holding in the presence of his master, turned to face Janette and pleaded. You have to help me stop him Janette. Why Nichola' wouldn't you like to have a little brother or should I say sister? Hum? Nick's jaw dropped in total shock as he looked towards the door that both Lou and Lacoix had exited. You're serious. He recovered his eyes peering into those of Janette's. He had known that there was something about the youth, but he had never suspected this result. Yes, Janette responded as her eyes danced and a huge knowing smile formed on her beautiful face. To this day she loved shocking Nichola' and it was an added bonus that she knew something Lacoix did not. Chapter 8 Present Day, Toronto Nick's eyes popped open suddenly and for a moment he didn't know where he was. Then he realized that he must have drifted of on the couch. Then the horrible events of earlier that morning came crashing back. He could not believe that he had been so stupid, but his fear for the safety of the woman he loved more than life outweighed all common sense. Nat, he thought as he reached for the phone for at least the tenth time that morning. Hi there, I am not home right now but if you leave a message, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Beep. Nat, Nat, come on pick up the phone. Dam he said as he slammed the phone down. Stubborn woman. He thought as he dialed his partner's number and waited impatiently as it rung. Finally, a familiar male voice answered. Yeah. Vashon, Nick stated irritably. Knight, this had better be good. Just put Tracy on Vashon. Nick ordered. Fine, here Trace. Nick what's wrong? Tracy, Have you heard from Nat? No why? Tracy answered worriedly. She kind of found out that the case is being dropped. Oh, No. How did she take it? Not good. Nick replied. We had a fight, she plans on going after him herself. What did you say Nick? I told her to stay out of it because she is a woman. Nick admitted waiting for a lecture. No tell me you didn't. Tracy replied while smacking a grinning Vachon on the chest. I did. Nick sighed. Oh Nick, How could you? It just slipped out Trace. Look if she calls you, let me know and tell Vachon I am sorry for interrupting bye. Bye. Tracy responded to a dial tone. So what did Knight do to the Doc now? Vachon asked his eyes twinkling. Well you know, I told you what happened to Nat's goddaughter right. Yeah, I remember. Vachon stated his eyes darkening for he hated child killers with an extreme passion. Well, Tracy continued, the department decided that it did not have enough to get anything to stick, so they cut him loose early earlier last night. Why am I not surprised? Vachon responded rolling his eyes. How did the doc take the news? He asked concerned for he liked and respected Natalie since she had fearlessly saved Screed's life. And any mortal who stood toe to toe with Lacoix and lived to tell the tale deserved the respect of the entire community as far as he was concerned. Not to well especially after Nick told her not to go after Gault because she is a woman. Tracy responded shaking her head. And she didn't stake him for that. Dam he got off easy. Vachon answered with a chuckle. I know but he's right for another reason. She just can't take the law into her own hands. You're sure about that Trace; she's got every right. People like Gault are monsters even among my kind. I've even seen the General rip a man's heart out for attacking a little girl. I know what your saying Vashon, but I have to believe in the law. It's not perfect by any means but it's all we mortals have to live by. But he shouldn't just get off scott-free. Vachon responded his eyes darting away from Tracy's. I agree Vashon, but what is taking the law into her own hands gonna do to Nat? You, Nick and I have had to kill people and even if we were right it still stays with us and I don't think Nick could handle that if it happened to Nat. Relax Trace, Dr. Lambert's a smart and rational lady. Although I wouldn't blame her if she did, I don't think she'll kill him. She'll just make him wish he had. Hell even I might. Vachon finished rising from the bed after giving Tracey quick kiss on the lips. Chapter 9 St. Joe Later that same night Well we made it girl St. Joe Missouri. I just hope that we are in time to help Lou. Kid stated as he road into the livery. I don't even know where or how I should start looking. He thought. Should he look for a Lou or a Louise? He signed shaking his head when something familiar caught the corner of his eye and he did a double take. Lightning. He smiled with relief. Hey boy, are you a sight for sore eyes. Kid stated with a smile as he moved to pat the horse's dark coat. Where's your lady huh. Where's Lou boy? At Lightning's whinny, Kid patted him one last time before turning to set Katy up in the stall next to him. With that all taken care of, he set off to look for Lou. When Nick regained his composure, he turned back to Janette. Why, he asked her, sill not believing he had been so completely fooled. I do not know Nichola'. I do not know. Perhaps you could ask her herself when she joins our little entourage. Unless you are still intent on defying Lacoix. She replied with a twinkle in her eye. You bet I plan to stop him and I need your help. Oh, no you don't. You're not going to drag me into your crazy scheme. I have no intention of bringing father's wrath down on myself and you would be wise to follow my lead and not interfere, my brother. She sneered and walked away from him. Janette, he sighed as she exited the hotel. In her wake, Nick watched a tired young man enter the lobby and approach the front desk. Excuse me sure, I am looking for a friend of mine, Nick over heard as he began to ascend the staircase, and I was wondering if they are staying in your hotel. What's the name of your friend son? The newly returned clerk asked. At the young man's reply, Nick stopped and turned on the staircase. A Lou McCoud you say? Nick asked from his position on the stairs. Yes, Kid responded a bit startled by the interruption of the well-dressed gentleman above him. You just missed your friend. Yes, sir. The desk clerk piped in, Lou McCloud room twenty-seven. Nick debated what to do for a second. He then stepped back up to the desk and caught the clerk in his gaze. Why don't you give my friend here your extra key so he may wait in the room? Yes, of course. The desk clerk responded absently handing Kid the room key. Puzzled, Kid looked at Nick. How? He asked. It does not matter, come with me we need to talk. Nick ordered. With that he turned and started back up the staircase. Kid sighed and followed Nick up the stairs and into Lou's room. Once inside, Kid decided that it was high time he got some answers from this guy. All right, who are you and what do you want with Lou? My name is Nicolas Chevalier, and your friend is in a lot of trouble. Nick stated calmly. Chapter 10 Saloon St. Joe Sasparilla and a sandwich please, Lou ordered as she took a seat at the bar and looked around at the saloon girls. There was no way in hell, that she would allow Theresa to be forced anywhere near a place like this. She thought. She would die before Wicks did to Theresa what he had tried to do to her. Suddenly she felt a pair of eyes on her back and turned to see a striking woman walking towards her. Not a pretty sight is it? Janette asked taking a seat next to Lou. What do you mean? Lou responded cautously. These ladies being forced into this type of employment by the same society that scorns them for it. But then you already know that Ms. McCloud. Do you not. Caught off guard, Lou eyed Janette warily. How did you know? Lou whispered fearfully. Oh, I have my ways Cherie. Janette replied with a knowing smile. But, not to worry my dear, for I will not reveal your secrete. Lou sighed in relief, knowing one day she probably would not be so lucky. Ok since you seem to know so much about me, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? Lou pressed gently, for like the man in the lobby, this woman made her nervous. Sensing Lou's discomfort, Janette responded with a smile. Of course, it is only fair. My name is Janette Chevalier. My family and I are from France and we are here in St. Joe at the need of my fathers business. So what kind of business is your father involved with Janette? Lou asked her curiosity growing. Let us just say he is an army man. Janette replied smiling to herself, because it was not the Union or Confederate army Lacoix belonged to but, the long deceased Roman army. Now since I have told you about my family and I, I think it is time that you told me a little more about yourself. Starting with why you hide behind that disguise of yours. Remember you can trust me. I won't reveal either your secrets or you reasons. Janette stated sweetly in order to gain Lou's trust. Well as you pointed out before, there aren't many jobs open to women, but there are plenty open to young men. A Pony Express rider being one of them and I am pretty good with both horses and guns. Very interesting. Janette replied her appreciation of Lou growing very high at this point. And the people you work with are fooled by this masquerade? Janette questioned trying to find out just how many ties to the mortal world this Louise McCloud had. Lou smiled, embarrassed by the last question. Well, not anymore, she replied blushing, but Teaspoon, Rachael and the boys are my family and have promised to help me keep my secrete. And they do not worry about you putting yourself in danger on those express trails? Janette asked. Yes they do. Lou replied warily, especially Kid but they know deep down that I can take care of myself especially Jimmy. Well, it seems that you have a very interesting life Louise. Now why don't you tell me what brings you to the city of St. Joe? At that question, Lou began to fidget nervously. Look she stated as she stood up, its getting late and I Should get going now. But Janette was fast in grabbing Lou's arm and capturing her in the hypnotic gaze of the vampire. Why don't you tell me why you are here? Janette repeated in a slow commanding voice. Tell you why I'm here. Lou repeated dazed as Janette pulled her gently over to a table while signally for the bartender for a drink of ale for both her and Lou. When the drinks arrived, Janette poured a healthy dose of her finest human vintage into her ale and silently ordered for Lou to begin. I have returned to St. Joe after a man named Wicks. Lou stated mechanically. Why? Janette pushed. Wicks used to be my boss in a brothel where I did laundry until one night when I was fourteen he raped me. She confessed hearing Janette's sharp intake of breath. I ran away the very next morning and thought I'd seen the last of him. Then a friend of mine who was one of his women tracked me down after escaping him. Wicks followed her and forced her to kill herself. After she did, I found the money she stole from him and I guess he must have spotted me at some point because he sent a letter ordering me to return both myself and the money to him or he will force my little sister to work in the brothel in my place. Lou stopped for a moment while tears of worry started running down her face. Tears which she wiped angrily away despite the hypnosis. I will never allow that. I would see him dead first! Lou finished coldly. Janette's blood boiled as she thought of how much she despised pimps her own being such a monster. She smiled, however, as she remembered what sweet revenge it was to have that beast as her first feed. And this Wicks dared to threaten a young child when even the most vicious of her own kind would not harm them. If Louise does not make this scum pay, I sure will. Janette promised herself as she looked at the young woman before her with something she had not felt for a mortal in a very long time compassion. Dam, she thought. Nichola' was rubbing off on her. Chapter 11 Lou's room So tell me something I don't already know. Kid answered through clenched teeth. Then a horrifying thought assaulted him. You're one of Wick's men ain't ya? Kid spat before attacking Nick full force. But to his utter dismay, Nick had him up against the wall in a grip of iron within seconds. Listen to me. Nick whispered harshly his eyes turning an angry red. I do not know who this Wicks is you are talking about, but I guarantee you that your friend has a much bigger problem than him. Namely Lucien Lacoix. Realizing that he had regained control of the situation, Nick released his hold on Kid and walked over and sat on the bed waiting for Kid to both compose himself and digest what he had just been told. Kid for his part looked at Nick in shock for not only being pinned so easily which in itself was highly unusual, but, the glowing red eyes and steel grip were inhuman as far as he knew. What the hell are you Kid asked eyeing fearfully. Nick sighed in regret. He had hoped Kid had not noticed his eyes change. Listen to me. Nick stated locking eyes with Kid. You did not see my eyes change. Did not, Kid repeated before shaking his head to clear it. What did you do to me? I felt you inside my head. Kid asked backing towards the wall. Dam Nick thought. It was just his luck to slip up in front of a resistor. Only one thing could save the young man from the implemation of the vampire code, his silence. Seeing Kid's hand move towards the doorknob, Nick reacted. Relax, he stated. I do not want to hurt you. I give you my word. Pleased that he again had young man's attention, Nick continued. I will tell you what you want to know, but you must never speak of it to anyone or it could mean an extremely unpleasant death not only for you and I but for whomever you tell as well. Now do I have your word? Feeling a chill run down his spine at Nick's words, Kid thought. Do I really want to hear this? But when he remembered the danger Lou was in his fear for her quickly won out. You have my word. I won't say anything. Now what are you and what do you know about Lou. Kid demanded impatiantly. His fear for Lou growing by the second. Where was she? He thought. Opening a small flask, nick smiled slightly at the young man bravely trying to control his fear. Why don't you have a seat Mr.? Kid, Kid stated hesitantly as he took a seat on the chair opposite of Nick. Well Kid, what do you know about vampires? Nick asked casually. Chapter 12 Present Day Nat's Apartment Beep. Come on Nat. Pick up! Nick's voice called urgently out from Nat's machine. Natalie looked up from her computer and starred at her answering machine, her initial anger at Nick flaring up, then melting at the concern in his voice. However, she couldn't risk picking up the phone and having him talk her out of what she needed to do. The blinking search completed words flashing brought Natalies's attention back to the task at hand. Using knowledge gained from watching Nick, Shankee and now Tracy use the police computer to track murderers, Nat had gotten a lock on Gault's whereabouts by tracking his credit card transactions. Success, Nat smiled grimily as she read that Gault had rented a room in a seedy motel about two hours outside of Toronto. Now it was time for her to act. She thought, as she through her printouts into the fireplace for she had a feeling that Nick would be there a few minutes after sunset. With that completed, she moved into her bedroom and retrieved a small box from the back of her closet and placed it on her bed where she tentatively started to open it to view the object that Richard had given her the year before his death. An object she had sworn to herself that she would never hold. . In less than a minute her trembling hands were gripping the Navy colt that Richy had tried to convince her was once owned by the famous James Butler (Wild Bill) Hickock. Could she really do it? She thought. Could she go against her sworn oath and everything she believed in? Would she really be able to kill Gault? She sure hoped she could before he destroyed someone else's baby. Without another thought, she grabbed the bullets from her dresser draw. Then along with the gun, hidden in her purse she exited her apartment. Chapter 13 St. Joe Saloon From the table that Janette and Lou were seated, Janette spotted Lacoix enter the saloon and quietly stated to a still hypnotized Lou, Stay here, I will return shortly. She stated before signaling the bartender to bring two more ales to the table. She then rose and motioned for Lacoix to meet her in the far corner of the saloon. My dear, I hope you are not conspiring with your foolish brother for your own well being. Lacoix snarled quietly as Janette approached him. To have Nicolas against him was predictable, but the possibility of Janette blocking his way was and unexpected occurrence. No of course not cherie, Janette stated for this was a matter that needed to be handled very delicately. She thought. I was just attempting to get to know my potential new sibling a little better father. But I must admit, I do not think it is a good idea to occurrence. No of course not cherie, Janette stated for this was a matter that needed to be handled very delicately. She thought. I was just attempting to get to know my potential new sibling a little better father. But I must admit, I do not think it is a good idea to choose this young one to bring across. I believe this Lou will serve your purpose in a different way. Janette finished with a small smile pleading for Lacoix to here her out. At first angered by Janette's objection, and then intrigued, Lacoix smiled encouragingly at his daughter. Do tell my child, and this had better be good. Lacoix warned. Janette wasted no time quickly retelling Lou's story to Lacoix. When she finished the tale, Lucien what do we want most from Nicola? Janette Lacoix stated unswade . So how can this girl's misfortune serve our proposes Janette? asked knowingly. Why we want him to fully rejoin the community. Lacoix answered beginning to see where Janette was going. Well what better way to bring my dear brother back then to make him kill this Wicks in return for us not only leaving this young girl as she is but by helping her receive the revenge she desires. You are so much my daughter Janette. Lacoix responded with an evil glint in his eye. I shall enjoy this little escapade. It brings back such fond memories. Does it not my child? Lacoix finished with a malicious smile that Janette returned. Now I think it is time for you to rejoin your young friend my dear and do relay our dear Nicola's response to be later. Lacoix stated as he rose to leave and slightly halted as he noticed a young man watching Louise from across the room. It seems my dear, that you also may experience the pleasure of the kill before our little tryst is completed, Lacoix remarked quietly while gesturing for Janette to examine the man for he knew how his daughter despised pimps and this man no doubt worked for Wicks. All in due time. Janette replied with a hungry smile. All in due time. With that she rose gracefully and returned to the table at which Lou remained. Reseating herself across from the young woman, Janette decided it was time to release Lou from her hypnosis. Listen to me. She stated locking eyes with Lou. You will remember this conversation and you will not concern yourself with the secretes you have revealed to me. With that she broke eye contact and Lou was free. After waiting patiently for the young woman's attention, Janette stated Do not turn around, but there is a man watching you and by the looks of him he probably works for Wicks. Describe him. Lou stated tightly. Oh' he is about six-foot with dark hair and eyes to match with a jagged scar on hiss right cheek. At that Lou's eyes widened with both recognition and fear. Brice she sighed in reservation. I should have know, he would still be at Wicks side. Sensing her companion's unease, Janette commanded Come, I will accompany you to your room, we have much more to discuss. Chapter 14 Present Day Raven Sound Booth After Sunset Good evening gentle listeners. Lucien Lacoix stated seductively into his microphone before taking a small drink of one of his finest vintages. Tonight's topic my dear audience is vengeance. Is it believable to you to allow others to extract the revenge for a wrong done to you or do you crave that sweet feeling of utter satisfaction when you embrace that revenge yourself. Lacoix finished with a chilling smile as he felt his son's anxiety as clear as the day he had abandoned all those years ago. Perhaps the dear Doctor Lambert would make a fine addition to his little onterough after all. I await you calls gentle listeners. What is justice an eye for an eye or the law. Lets talk about it. Lacoix finished with a smile of satisfaction. Tonight would be an interesting night to say the least. Scene changes to Nick's caddy Angrily Nick switched off the radio at Lacoix's final statement. Dam just what he needed. Lacoix stirring up vigilantism in Toronto. Of course he knew that Lacoix loved reeking havoc along the airwaves almost as much as he loved the taste of a fresh human kill. Just perfect he sighed as he parked in front of Nat's apartment building. After looking to make sure no one was around he took to the air and let himself in to her apartment through the window. Nat, Nat are you here he called as he listened for the heartbeat of the woman he loved. Hearing only Sidney's, he dropped down on the couch in frustration as Sidney jumped in his lap and purred for his attention. Oh' Sid, what has Nat gotten herself into boy. Nick asked as he scratched the cat's head. You know where she went don't you boy? Nick asked as fustation returned. He was startled when Sydney coming closer to the room. Hold on there. I think we are about to have company. With that both men turned their heads suddenly jumped from his lap and headed straight for Nat's computer. As his eyes followed the cat's movements, Nick asked exasperated What Sid? What are you trying to tell me? When his eyes landed on the computer it hit him. What a perfect way for Nat to track Gault. Thanks Syd. Nick stated picking the cat up off the computer and setting him on the floor with an affectionate rub. Nick knew Nat had watched him and his partners hunt criminals using the computer many times. Finally a lead he thought happily as he sat down and used his own computer expertise to recall the last couple of files that Nat had used. Dam. Nick grunted as Gault's credit card information appeared on the screen before him. He had been hoping that she had not found anything yet. He then checked the time when the file had last been axcessed. She had at least an hour's head start on him. He would have to move quickly if he were going to catch up with her. Chapter 15 Lou's Room Vampires. Kid repeated his eyes opening wide with laughter as he once again sized up the man in front of him. Sounds like something out of those dime novels Cody reads all the time. Kid snickered eyeing Nick mockingly. His reaction changed suddenly however when he again looked at Nick's face, which was contorted with rage. You think this is a joke do you? Nick asked tightly trying to hold onto his temper. Why don't you try some of this? With that he thrust his flask into Kid's hands. No thanks. Kid stated uncertainly attempting to hand back the flask. How could this man possible believe himself to be a mythical creature of the night? Try it Kid, unless you do believe me. Nick challenged. Never one to have his word questioned, Kid took a drink from the flask and immediately spat the contents out. Now to you believe me? Nick asked with a smile as Kid washed his mouth out in the room's water basin. Yeah, Yeah I believe you. His point being made. Kid admitted eyeing Nick defensively despite the fear rising within him. Nick noticed it however. Do not fear. I want to help you and your lady friend. Why. Kid asked suspiciously. You don't even know us. Because I do not wish the vampire's evil to infect anyone else. Tell me Nick continued. Why has your friend come to St. Joe and what does this Wicks have to do with it?. Chapter 16 Outside the Raven Present Day Well here you go Vashon. The haven for the undead right on your left. Tracy pulled up along side the Raven. Cute Trace, real cute. Vachon commented with a slight smile. Why don't you blow off work and join me for a good time? He teased. Yeah, right both me and Nick ditching work. Reese would have a complete fit. Tracy responded with a resigned sigh. Well can't blame a guy for trying. Vachon responded with a smile while getting out of the car. Catch you later Button and Trace... I know, I know Vashon. Get a new car. Tracy finished shaking her head with a chuckle. As Vachon entered the club, he thought it was about time for one of Mickos's best concoctions and headed towards the bar zigzagging through the crowd of both vampire and mortal dancers. As he reached the bar he inadvertently looked over at Lacoix's sound booth and grimaced in sympathy for Knight. Hi stranger. A voice from behind drew Vashon's attention from the sound booth. So what's got you so intriqued in that booth a debate with our dear Nightcrawler perhaps Javier? His daughter, Urs asked with a smile. Hey, I may be loco Urs but I am in no way suicidal. He replied shaking his head before taking a sip of blood. No wonder Knight wants to be mortal so bad having the General for a master. Vachon sighed shaking his head. I know what you mean. Urs replied. So what has he done to poor Nick this time? Urs asked for she really liked Nick and knew what it was like not wanting to be a vampire. Well you heard about that guy Gault. At Urs's nod, he continued. Well it seems that the little girl he killed was doc. Lambert's godchild. Oh no poor Natalie. But what does that have to do with Lacoix? Well it seems Toronto's finest did not have enough evidence to hold him and the doc is determined to go after him on her own. Needless to say Knight is not happy. And I bet the Nightcrawler's topic tonight is not helping matter's much. Urs added disgustedly looking towards the sound booth. Yeah as much as I hate what Lacoix is doing, Natalie is right Gault deserves to pay one way or the other. Vachon stated quietly as Urs rose to return to work on the dance floor. If you do get involved Vachon (knowing he probably he probably would) be careful. Urs pleaded with a kiss.. Chapter 17 Lou's Hotel Room As Kid was about to answer, Nick held up his hand as he felt his sister's presence towards the door and the footsteps that now could be heard. Janette for her part also sensed the presence of her younger sibling along with that of an unknown mortal as she and Lou approached the room. She smiled slightly to herself, for tings were about to get even more interesting. She turned to Lou with that knowing smile. It seems that you are about to meet another member of my family my dear. What, who? Lou stammered. Just be patient mi petite. Janette counciled as they reached the door. As Lou stepped through, the sight before her stopped her dead in her tracks. Janette followed close behind and looked questionly between Louise and the young man standing next to Nicola'. Seeing Kid standing before her, Lou could not believe her eyes. Then the horror sank in. There was only one reason Kid would be there before her. He had learned the truth about her. Sensing the obvious tension in the room. Janette decided to break the ice. Nicola' I am surprised to see you here. Janette stated with a teasing smile for she loved to see the former Crusader sqruim. At once remembering that he had no know reason to be in the young lady's room. Nick paniced for a moment and was rewarded by a raised eyebrow from Janette. Janette's comment brought to Lou's attention the other man in the room. Before she could ask what he was doing there, Janette decided to make the introductions. Louise she stated. May I introduce to you my brother Nicola' Chevalier who I am sure has a very good reason for being in your room. She finished fixing Nick with an expecting look. Seeing Nick hesitate, Kid decided he might as well explain although he was not looking forward to Lou's reaction. Ah he was helping me. Kid replied tentatively looking at the striking woman standing beside the woman who had stolen his heart months ago. At the sound of his voice, Lou snapped. And what are you doing here Kid and how did you find me. She stated her anger rising. You read that letter didn't you? Didn't you? She repeated the anger radiating from her voice. Yeah, yeah, I read it. Kid admitted refusing to meet Lou's eyes and the hurt the he knew was most definitely in them. Dam Kid, you gave me your word that you would not pry. I know, I know, Kid admitted. It was sticking out from your bunk and I read it. I 'm sorry. Then you know why you shouldn't be here. Lou replied her voice laced with fear for Theresa's safety. Did you think I would let you take this guy on alone? Kid asked his frustration rising. For the last time Kid. You don't let me do anything. I do what I have to. And what are you gonna do Lou, murder him. Kid asked afraid to hear her answer. If I have to. Yes. Lou replied quietly looking away. If you think I am going to stand by and let you get yourself hung, you're crazy. I'll call him out then. Lou responded looking directly into Kid's eyes. Either way he will never hurt anyone again. Nick watched the heated exchange threaten to boil over with concern. Janette he whispered into his sister's ear. What is going on? I thought you weren't going to get involved. Patients Nicola' you will understand soon enough. Janette whispered back with an amused smile before approaching the battling pair before them. Louise, she stated Why not wait until we speak again. Janette suggested. With that Lou turned towards her. Anticipating and argument, Janette again caught Lou's gaze and commanded. You will wait until we speak again. I will wait. Lou stated absently. Seeing what Janette was doing snapped Kid into action. Leave her alone. He stated harshly as he started towards Janette reaching for his gun. But, Nick was quick in restraining him. Let it happen Kid. Janette won't hurt her. Seeing that she had made her point with Lou, Janette turned her inticing voice on Kid, but was halted buy Nick. It is no use Janette. He is a resister. Nicola', Janette stated irritated shaking her head. Do not worry, I have his word and he knows what will happen unless he keeps his silence. Right Kid. Nick finished eyeing Kid expectantly. Yeah, right. Kid replied looking nervously from Janette to Nick while encircling a dazed Lou in his arms protectively. One of these days Nicola' you will not be so fortunate and I do not whish to be around when Lacoix discovers what you have done. Janette stated shaking her head. Unfortunitely for you my daughter, your whish will not be granted. With that, all eyes turned towards the voice of pure ice radiating from the door. Kid sized up the new arrival silently and felt a bone chilling fear rise inside him as he took in the stranger whom he assumed was the infamous Lacoix. From mere sight Lacoix seamed to simply be a wealthy middle aged man, the cold harshness in his eyes told Kid that there was a malicious spirit that burned deep within him. Nicolas, I see you chose not to heed my warning. Lacoix continued in a threatening voice that Nick knew extremely well. Chapter 18 Toronto Present Day Raven Night Club Lacoix exited his sound booth with a victorious smile for he could tell his night's monologue had hit its intended mark. Oh, Nicolas, you will never learn to hide your feelings from me. He thought will a chuckle as he stepped up to the bar next the young Conquistador (Vachon) and signaled for Mickos to bring him a drink. As Vachon saw the General approaching he groaned for he had no desire to be caught in the middle of anything involving Knight and Lacoix. Hoping not to be acknowledged, Vachon focussed his attention protectively on his dancing daughter. Unfortunately for him, Lacoix took notice of his presence and followed Vashon's gaze towards Urs. Interesting is it not, Vachon how innocence can be stolen, while the establishment simply turns away. Lacoix baited the young Spaniard, for he knew how much Vachon regretted stealing Urs's innocence by bringing her across against her will. Unable to stop a flinch, Vachon cursed himself for he had given Lacoix his desired result. It is not the same thing Lacoix. Vachon replied quietly in his defense, while prying his eyes from Urs to look at Lacoix. Oh' and how so. Lacoix responded with a raised eyebrow. Vachon knew he must choose his words carefully, for he was well aware of what angering the old general could cost him. I brought Urs across to protect her from those who were causing her pain. It is nothing like what Gault did to that little girl. He finished shaking his head in disgust before taking a long sip of his blood wine. So my friend what are your thoughts on my monologue of this evening. Lacoix questioned the young Spaniard. Gault is a disease who deserves to die but killing him will destroy the Doc. Vachon finished shaking his head at the smile forming on Lacoix's face. Perhaps, perhaps not. I think you and my dear son have underestimated the strength of our dear doctor. Lacoix stated finishing his drink as he rose to leave Vachon to ponder his last statement. Chapter 19 Rock Creek Rider coming. Noah shouted from the porch as Ike bounded to mount his horse to receive the pouch from the rapidly approaching William F. Cody. Save ride Ike. Cody called as he pulled his horse to a halt. Whew, he said as he handed the rains to Noah. This double duty is really getting to me. He stated while slapping the dirt from his clothes. Quit your bellyaching Cody. Teaspoon Hunter called from across the yard. Work builds character ya know Cody. The stationmaster continued as he walked up to the bunkhouse with Jessie who was returning from school with a very definite scroll on his young face. Ah, come on Teaspoon, I don't know how much more character building I can stand. Cody responded tiredly. What's going on and when are Kid and Lou coming back? He continued looking pleadingly at his boss. I don't know Cody but whatever it is its got Kid worried Teaspoon responded unable to hide the fear he felt for two of his riders. You think Lou's in some kind of trouble Teaspoon? Noah asked concerned as Jimmy and Buck existed from the bunkhouse. I'm afraid so Noah. I'm afraid so. Teaspoon responded quietly. Well what are we waiting for? Jimmy asked and started for the coral. Now hold on Hickock. At the glare he received from Jimmy, Teaspoon responded never mind. Noah, Buck saddle up. I'll get some temporary riders. With that Teaspoon turned and started for town until he spotted Jessie heading toward the coral. Don't even think about it Jessie. Teaspoon stated tightly. Ah, come on Teaspoon. Forget it Jessie. It is too dangerous and you've got some reading to do I hear. Well Frank says, ya learn by doing, not by wasting you time book learning. Jessie stated at the departing marshal. Noah hearing the exchange stopped infront of Jessie and whispered harshly. Ya know Jessie there's a hell of a lot worse things you could be doing than reading a book. With that he mounted his horse and joined the grinning Buck and Jimmy, leaving Jessie in the yard to ponder his words. Chapter 20 Lou's room St. Joe Nick glared defiantly into his master's eyes. You knew very well that I would not stand by and do nothing Lacoix. Nick's angry voice startled Lou back to attention. What the. She stammered before Kid clamped his had over her mouth and held his breath as Lacoix turned his attention towards her for along moment before refocusing on Nick. Yes, Nicolas I thought for once you might heed my warning. Lacoix answered tightly approaching his son. Seeing enough, Janette stepped between the two men. Turning to Lacoix, she stated, Cherie it is late and our companions have much to discuss. Yes of course mi petite. Lacoix responded tearing his gaze from Nicolas to lock eyes with Kid before taking his daughters hand and leading her towards the door. Nicolas, he called when he did not hear his son following them. In a minute Lacoix. Nick stated walking over to Kid and handing him the room key that he had lifted from Lou. Turning to leave, he thought better of it and turned back and whispered. Remember your silence means your life Kid. With that he left the two alone closing the door behind him. With the closing of the door, Kid released a breath that he had been holding since Lacoix had entered the room. But his relief was short lived as Lou turned to face him. Kid, I want you to go back to Rock Creek. She stated quietly. No way Lou. I ain't leaving until you leave with me. Seeing Lou start to protest. Kid continued. Forget it Lou, I gave my word to your brother that Wicks would pay and I intend to see that he does. This isn't your fight kid. Lou stated her anger rising. No it ain't. It's our fight. Kid retorted his frustration threatening to boil over. Remember what you said Lou. We're family and we each have to do our part. No, tell me you didn't tell them about the letter. Lou stated fearfully. Seeing the panic in the eyes of the woman who stood before him unnerved Kid. No Lou nobody else knows about it but you and me. Seeing the relief in her face made Kid suspicious. Why, Lou what do you think they would do? Huh. When she refused to look at him on her own, Kid gently lifted her face towards him and was shocked to see the tears welling up in her eyes. What's going on baby? Kid asked concerned as Lou tried to avoid his gaze. Lou, come on tell me what's going on. Realizing she had little choice, Lou stifled a sob and began to tell the secret that had tortured her for so long. Chapter 21 Motel outside Toronto Present Excuse me sir. A tired Natalie stated as she approached the front desk. I am looking for someone who may have checked in earlier tonight. Sizing up the pretty woman before him, the clerk responded I am sorry miss, I am not at liberty to give out that information about our customers. Just my luck. Nat thought. Oh well could I have a room please? Natalie asked thinking that she would watch and wait for the monster. Sure miss. And you name is? Lambert, Natalie Lambert. Nat responded tiredly. Well here you go Miss Lambert room twenty- eight. The clerk said handing her the key with a smile. Thanks Natalie stated as she turned and headed towards her room to watch and wait for Gault wondering if she would have the time to do what she had to before Nick caught up to her. Scene Changes to Nick's Caddy Nick was jolted out of the American 1800's by a loud beep from the man behind him. Yeah, yeah Nick mumbled as he hit the gas while dialing the 96th precinct. Detective Vetter, the perky voice of his partner responded. Trace its me Nick. Nick did you find her? Tracy asked hurriedly. Well, I have a pretty good idea where she is headed; a little motel called The Hideaway. Great Tracy replied grabbing her jacket. I know the place and I'm on my way. Trace I don't think... Click. You should come; Nick finished into the dial tone. Great just what I need. Nick thought as he hung up his phone and saw the traffic jam ahead of him. Making a quick decision, Nick turned the caddy into a side street where after looking to see that there were no witnesses around abandoned the car and took to the air above the city of Toronto. 96th Precinct Heading out the door, Tracy was halted by the voice of her captain Joe Reese. Vetter, he called from the doorway to his office. Where's Knight. Tracy panicked for a moment not wanting Reese to know anything about Natalie unless it became absolutely necessary. Ah, he just called Capt. He is checking out a lead on one of our unsolveds. I am just about to join him. Tracy finished hoping Reese wouldn't question her anymore. Well see that you do and stay together. You're supposed to be partners remember. Yes Capt. Tracy responded as she headed out the door and stopped dead at the sight of a smiling Vachon lying on top of her car's hood. Hey Button, Vachon responded with a wink at Tracy's startled expression. What are you up to Vashon? Tracy asked trying to hide a smile. Well, Trace I figured Nick would contact you sooner or later and thought I might be of some assistance. What's this Vashon? Helping the cops. If I didn't know you, I would say you're a regular hero. Tracy teased raising an eyebrow at vampire before her. I owe the Doc one. Vachon responded with that smile that never failed to melt Tracy's heart. Oh, come on Vashon. Admit it, you're just an old softy. Yeah, right Trace. So where are we headed? Vachon asked changing the subject. Oh' a little motel we know well called The Hideaway. Thinking about her and Vashon's special place. Vashon, I don't have to remind you do I? Relax Trace. Vachon interrupted her with an innocent smile. I will be on my best behavior. I promise. That is exactly what I am afraid of. Tracy mumbled shaking her head as Vachon seated himself behind the wheel of her car. Chapter 22 1/2 Way between Rock Creek and St. Joe Buck, that is the third time you've stopped and looked behind us. What's going on? An impatient Hickock asked. We are being followed Jimmy. Buck replied while checking behind them one more time. Any idea who it is? Well if I had to guess, I 'd put my money on Jessie. Noah stated tiredly. I've never seen a kid so anxious to find trouble. Jimmy responded shaking his head resignedly. I don't know Jimmy, he kind of reminds me of someone. Buck teased as he dismounted his horse. So what, we're just gonna wait for him. Jimmy asked as he noticed Noah also dismounting. I don't know about you Hickock, but I for one don't want to be on the receiving end of either Rachael or Lou if something happens because we left him here. Noah continued pulling his saddle from his horse. Point taken. Jimmy relented while following his friend's actions. Chapter 23 St. Joe Lou's Room Taking a deep breath, Lou braced herself to reveal the secret that she believed would cost her Kid's love forever. When I left the orphanage kid, I was very naïve. I thought I would simply get a job and save up all of my money. But, we both know now that there are not many people willing to hire a fourteen year old girl. That's why I was so grateful when Wicks found me and gave me a job doing laundry in a house where a bunch of ladies lived. It was a little while until I realized what went on there at night. With that Lou paused and attempted to gather Kid's reaction so far. Seeing Lou hesitate, Kid smiled encouraginly while pulling her to sit next to him on the bed. Things were all right for about a year until one night. He came into my room and I couldn't get out. She finished pulling her hand away and walking over to the window. Unrelenting, Kid followed her, his anger boiling inside for he knew what must have happened in that room. Lou, look at me. He commanded unable to hide the anger from his voice. When she did not obey, he grabbed her arm tightly and spun her around to face him. He raped you didn't he? Kid yelled. When she refused to answer or look at him, Kid shook her hard. Didn't he? He yelled louder. Yes! She screamed unable to hold back the tears any longer. Are you happy now that you know what a whore I really am? Don't you whish you stayed with a real lady like Samantha, instead of coming back to a slut like me? Lou screamed hitting and punching at Kid's chest while sqruimming to get away. Shocked at what he had just heard, Kid again spun her around, wrapping his arms tightly around her fighting body rendering her arms useless to her. Listen to me Lou. Kid spoke into her ear, once he had her completely under control. You didn't do anything wrong. You're not to blame for what Wicks did to you. Do you hear me and I never want to hear you call yourself anything like that again. You're the woman that I want and nothing can ever change that. Kid finished sternly. Feeling her muscles relax, he turned her back around and pulled a sobbing Lou into his embrace. Chapter 24 Nick's Hotel room (next room #28) Nick entered the room and groaned inwardly to see both Lacoix and Janette awaiting him. Deciding that he could not stop whatever was coming, Nick waited allowing one of his two elder family members to make the first move. He had a very short wait as Lacoix pounced as soon as Nick had closed the heavy wooden door. What were you thinking giving away our secrete Nicolas? Lacoix snarled grabbing Nick by the collar and tossing him hard against the wall. Still the proud Crusader, Nick picked himself up and snarled back. Something that ought to make you very happy father. I lost my temper and let the vampire in me loose. Unfortunately, the boy saw my eyes change and is a resister. Nick finished fixing Lacoix with a hard glare. If he saw you. You should have eliminated him right there Nicolas. Lacoix responded harshly covering the pride that he felt towards Nicolas for standing up to him. My son always the Crusader. Lacoix thought to himself. Lacoix, Nick continued trying to hold his temper, Kid is a Southern boy where his word means his honor. He won't break it Nick stated confidently. And what if this good Southern boy does break his word? What action will you take my son? If Kid breaks his word he knows both He and Louise will die. Trust me Lacoix he will not risk the girl's life. I hope for your sake that you are right Nicolas. For your sake. Lacoix finished threateningly. Nick uncontrollably let out a sigh of relief. So you will help me? He asked his father and sister, looking nervously between the two. Yes. Lacoix answered with an evil smile but this assistance will come at a price. And what price is that Lacoix? Nick questioned expectantly for nothing was ever free when Lacoix was involved. All in due time, my child. All in due time. Lacoix responded to his favorite child with a smile. And now I think it is time for us to retire. Janette injected before Nicola' could obtain any further information. A splendid idea my daughter for the sun is close to rising. Lacoix responding taking her offered arm and exited the room leaving Nicolas to think over the information that they had all overheard from the room next to them. Chapter 25 The Hideaway motel Present Day Those fool cops. Gault smiled and chuckled to himself as he pulled up to his motel room grabbing a bag of groceries from the passenger seat beside him and headed towards his room completely unaware that his every movement was being watched. Finally seeing Gault enter his room, Nat let the curtain slowly fall back into its place. After a half an hour of waiting and watching, her target had walked right past her room. Chuckling to her self, Nat thought. You wont be laughing much longer Gault. She then turned and crossed the room to the bed and proceeded to pick up and load the Navy Colt that lay on it. Please Richie, Nat whispered looking upwards, let me remember your lessons on how to fire a gun. With that she turned and exited the room towards every parent and child's worst living nightmare. TBC