Beneath A Fairy Moon Disclaimers: I don’t own the recognizable characters from Forever Knight, which was created by James Parriott and is currently owned by Sony Pictures. Any original characters in this fic are mine. Please don’t use them without permission. This fic takes place immediately following the episode “Last Knight” and contains Last Knight spoilers. This is not a crossover, only the product of my own overactive imagination (with the exception of the Forever Knight characters, of course). It takes place within an alternate universe. Permission is granted to archive. Special thanks to Dave & Cousin Jarvinia for beta reading. * * * * * As LaCroix raised the wooden stake about to become the instrument of Nicholas’ destruction, Natalie sat up abruptly and screamed, “No!” In a single fluid motion, she stood up, grabbed the stake from LaCroix, and plunged it into his heart. She hissed, displaying gleaming ivory fangs and eyes as silver as the fencing foil Nick kept near the fireplace. The Roman vampire staggered briefly, then looked at Nick through crimson eyes. “Nicholas, do something about this!” “Why should I?” he replied. “You made me believe Nat was dead, when in reality she had been brought across. I nearly didn’t give her the chance to survive because of you.” LaCroix gasped again, clearly in agony. He tore the stake from his chest, but the splinters of wood that remained dug into his heart. “Nicholas, I implore you, help me!” He snarled, “Go to Hell!” The defeated General replied, “I’ll see you there,” as his body disintegrated into ashes. There were a few moments of silence as they watched. “He’s gone,” Nat said. “He’s actually gone. I can’t believe it, Nick.” The look of concern on his face prompted her to say, “Don’t worry. You brought me across. I’ll be all right. We’ll both be all right now that LaCroix is finally dead.” “Yeah, but your eyes…” “What about them?” “They’re silver. That’s not normal for a vampire.” Nat’s eyes widened as her fangs receded, but they retained their silver color. Nick watched her with growing concern. “What?” she asked. “Your eyes aren’t going back to their old color right away. It might be just temporary. I’m not sure. I’ve never seen anything like this happen before.” He realized that soon, she would be very hungry. “Come on. Let’s get you something to eat. I have some supplies in the fridge.” She took a step forward. Suddenly the room shimmered, changing as she moved. In an instant, she found herself in the kitchen. “Natalie? Where are you?” If the rise in his voice was any indication of his emotional state, he was nearly frantic with worry. “I’m here, Nick,” she called. “You’ll have to teach me how to control that vampire speed. That’s amazing.” He shook his head. “You literally disappeared, Nat.” She gaped at him. “That’s impossible. It goes against all the laws of physics.” He chuckled. “And flying doesn’t?” “Okay, you’ve got a point,” she conceded. “But what happened?” “I don’t know. I’ll try to find out. You should have some of this.” He poured some donated blood into a wine glass. “There’s more in the fridge. Don’t go anywhere. I’m going to make some phone calls. If the doorbell rings, don’t open it, especially if it’s a mortal. Come and get me instead.” She nodded. He went into the other room, picked up the phone, and dialed. On the other end, Aristotle answered. “Hello?” “It’s me.” “Knight? What is it?” In the background, the sound of him typing away could be heard. Nick quickly briefed him on what had just happened and added, “Anything you could find out about Natalie’s condition would be most helpful.” “I’ll do what I can,” Aristotle promised. “In the meantime, you both should get some rest.” “I’m definitely planning on it,” he replied. “Thanks.” In the kitchen, Natalie sipped from her glass of blood wine. She was beginning to feel afraid. If she wasn’t a normal vampire, what was she? Nick didn’t seem to have any idea what was happening to her. If her eyes remained silver permanently, what hope did she have of having any kind of life? Wearing sunglasses all the time was not her idea of normal. Perhaps she could get colored contact lenses, but wouldn’t her eyes still look a bit odd? Hopefully, whoever Nick talked to would, at least, have an idea. He returned from the den and kissed her on the forehead. “I called Aristotle. He said he’ll do his best to research your condition. Hey, your eyes are back to normal.” Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. “I was getting kind of worried there,” she admitted. “So you really don’t know anything about this?” “Honestly, Nat, I’ve never heard of this happening. Whatever it is, it’s probably very rare. You should get some rest.” She nodded. “That sounds like a good idea.” As Natalie curled up on the couch, Isabelle watched from the mantle on the fireplace. She was a tiny creature, no larger than an acorn, with hair as fair as the summer sun and wings that shimmered in the dim light. She wore a gown made of the finest spider silk, and no shoes because she didn’t need them. To date, Nick had never noticed her. Vampires, though more graceful than humans, were often as shortsighted as most mortals. Their other senses were very good, but most vampires still didn’t see things that were right under their noses. Isabelle had been assigned to the dwelling as punishment, for she had once fallen in love with a vampire, an unforgivable sin among her kind. Fairies could change shape into human form at will and shrink to the size of an acorn, also their natural form, in the blink of an eye. Nicolas de Brabant intrigued her. The arrogance of most vampires disgusted her, but this one was unique for his remorse and compassion. He had made his beautiful companion into a fledgling, and she displayed some rare qualities. If Isabelle recalled her vampire lore correctly, Natalie was extremely gifted. How the vampire community reacted could be a cause for concern. The fairy fluttered up to one of the ventilation cracks and vanished. Her queen would be interested in this development, and might reward her for bringing the news. * * * * * A figure wearing a dark, hooded jacket stepped off an airplane and entered Toronto’s airport. He glanced around momentarily. Man oh man, it was good to be home again. It had been far too long. The sweet smell of freshly-baked doughnuts wafted through the air. He stopped at the concession stand long enough to buy a bag of doughnut holes, then headed outside and found the nearest taxi. “Where to?” the taxi driver asked, turning around. “Uh…” the passenger blanked for a minute. It seemed that his recently-regained memory was failing him again. He remembered some details about his life, like the fact that he was a police officer and worked at the 96th precinct, and that he was married. But he couldn’t remember other things like his name, whether he had any kids, or where he lived in Toronto. He had vague memories of being in a classic ’62 Cadillac with another man who was tall and blond…his partner, maybe. There wasn’t much of his life that he remembered, but it was odd what details he could recall. What bothered him was the gap between his last memories. He’d woken up several weeks ago in an alley in New York city, wondering what in the blazes he was doing there when there was a bomber to catch. Then he’d seen the date on a newspaper and realized that there were many months missing from his memory. What had happened during that time? He didn’t know, but he was determined to find out. “Take me to the police station,” he finally said. “The 96th precinct.” “Do you have an address?” “No, sorry.” The taxi driver nodded and radioed back to the office for an address. They found it within two minutes. Then he pulled away from the curb. His passenger glanced out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of something familiar besides the skyline, but didn’t recognize any of the surroundings until they approached the precinct. “Thanks,” the hooded man said and paid the driver in cash. “Want me to wait?” the driver asked. “Nah. Go on.” “All right.” Captain Reese looked up from his desk as the hooded man walked in. There was something vaguely familiar about him, but the captain couldn’t put his finger on it. “Can I help you?” Reese asked. “Maybe.” The man pulled back his hood. “I was hoping you knew my name.” Color drained from Reese’s face as he realized he was looking at the ghost of Knight’s dead partner. “You’re supposed to be dead. The plane went down with you on it. Your remains were identified. What the hell happened?” “I wish I could remember. What’s my name?” “Don Schanke,” he replied. “My God. I can’t believe this is happening.” Then, suddenly Reese chuckled. “I wish I could see the look on Myra’s face when she finds out you’re alive.” “Myra?” “Your wife.” Don fingered his wedding ring. “Has she remarried?” “No. Why don’t you have a seat? I’ll get you some coffee.” “Thank you, Captain.” Don sat down. It was definitely good to be back, even if he was still a little fuzzy on the details. * * * * * Part 2 Nick fumbled for the phone as it rang. Still hazy from the remnants of a dream, it took him a moment to recognize his captain’s voice on the other end. “Yeah?” “Knight, are you awake?” Reese asked. “I am now. What’s up?” “You’re not going to believe this. I nearly had a heart attack myself when I saw him walk in here. He’s no more dead than you or I.” That point was debatable, Nick thought. “Who?” he asked. “Your partner, Don Schanke.” He nearly dropped the phone, cursing under his breath in French as he did so. Had he actually heard Reese correctly? Surely that was impossible. Don Schanke had been a mortal. Unless he’d been brought across at the last minute before boarding the plane or something, there was no way he could have survived. After all, Nick had found his body…or had he? Much of the body had been burned. They’d done DNA tests to be certain, but as he recalled, it had been 78% positive. Still, that was enough of a match to ID him, since Schanke had been spotted boarding the plane. Nick wondered how reliable the witnesses’ information had been. Could the dead passenger have been a look-alike? “Sorry, Cap,” Nick apologized a moment later. “But you can’t be serious. How could Schanke have survived? The only way he could have made it is if he hadn’t boarded the plane in the first place. You saw the wreck as well as I did.” “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I can’t explain it either, Nick, but he’s sitting right in front of me.” “How?” “He doesn’t know. The last thing he remembers is arriving at the airport to catch the plane that blew up.” “Listen to me, Captain. This is very important. Is there anything unusual about him? Anything at all?” “Other than the fact that he’s alive and has amnesia, no.” “Can I talk to him?” “Sure.” Nick heard a brief rustling as the phone was transferred. “Hello.” He was stunned. It was certainly Schanke’s voice on the other end. “I don’t believe it. Is that really you?” “That’s what I’ve been told.” “You have no idea who I am, do you?” “Well, I vaguely remember riding in a ’62 Cadillac with a tall guy who had blond hair and was allergic to sunlight.” That last detail had just popped into Schanke’s head. Hearing Knight’s voice must have jogged his memory. “Was that you?” “Yeah,” Nick replied. “Yeah, that was me, Schank. Do you remember anything else?” “No, but I’m sure it’ll come back to me in time. Your voice is starting to sound familiar, though. Man oh man, it’s great to be back.” “What happened? Do you remember anything?” “The last thing I recall is going after the bomber. Was he ever caught?” “Oh, yeah. He’s behind bars as we speak. He definitely led us on a wild chase, though.” “That’s good to know.” It was a relief to hear Schanke’s voice after all this time. However, Nick couldn’t help but wonder why now? What had happened? There was a mystery that needed solving. “Okay, Schanke. Take care.” Nick hung up and went upstairs to check on Natalie. She had already fallen fast asleep. ”Sleep well, my love,” he whispered. * * * * * Meanwhile, in the fairy queen’s throne room, Isabelle curtsied before Queen Jasmine, who looked mildly bored. She was extraordinarily beautiful, even for a fairy. Long raven-black waves of hair framed a face with ivory skin and violet eyes. “State the reason for thy presence,” the queen ordered. “We are short on patience, as thou knowest.” “My queen, I am grateful for your time. My news is most urgent. Nicolas de Brabant has made his companion, Natalie, into a fledgling. She displays the rarest of vampiric talents, which has not been seen in over a millennia, and she also shows great potential. He has also destroyed his sire, LaCroix.” “As expected,” Queen Jasmine replied. “We shall ignore thy offensive use of human slang for now. We acknowledge the importance of this information. Continue to watch the vampires. Let us know if anything of importance occurs.” Isabelle curtsied. “As you wish, my queen.” * * * * * Natalie awoke shortly after sunset. As she opened her eyes, she felt an immense hunger. Was this what it was like to be a vampire? Always hungry for blood? She couldn’t help but feel remorse, if that hunger was what Nick felt constantly. No wonder he had been unable to give up blood, despite her previous insistence that it was bad for him. Perhaps vampirism had a metaphysical cause, as well as physical. That might explain some things, such as why vampires could fly. She got up and reached for her jeans and shirt, which Nick had folded up and placed on the dresser. The clothes rubbed like sandpaper against her newly-sensitive skin. She was definitely going shopping as soon as she could. No wonder Nick wore so many silk shirts. She found him downstairs, sipping a glass of cow’s blood and staring at the fire. Natalie’s first instinct was to run because fire was bad, very bad, and it could kill her. It could kill them both. In the firelight, her eyes suddenly shifted to silver. “Nick…” “It’s all right,” he replied, noticing her reaction. “It’s just your survival instincts kicking in. That’s very natural.” She nodded, allowing her common sense and reason to battle the fight- or-flight reflex. “Is it always going to be like this?” “At first. As you age, you’ll learn how to control your instincts. Captain Reese called while you were asleep. You may want to sit down for this.” She sat slowly, wincing as the jeans chafed her skin. “What is it?” He took a deep breath. “Schanke’s alive, Nat. He has amnesia, but he is alive. I talked to him on the phone.” Nothing could have prepared her for this. Stunned, she gaped at Nick for a few moments. “That’s impossible,” Natalie finally answered, finding her voice. “Nick, you know that’s impossible. Unless…” “He came to the police station in the daylight. He can’t be a vampire. I don’t know what happened to him, but I swear I’ll get to the bottom of it. I owe him that much.” She nodded. “I’m hungry, Nick.” “I know.” He picked up the bottle of cow’s blood that he had put on the end table next to the couch and poured her a glass, which he’d set out because he had expected her to be hungry. “Drink.” Nat took a sip and grimaced at the incredibly bland taste. Strangely, it reminded her of eating grass, though she had never eaten grass before. “You’ll get used to it,” Nick noted. * * * * * >From her fireplace perch, Isabelle watched. This was an intriguing development. The fairy had been in Nick’s loft for some time. She had seen his sorrow when he thought he’d lost Schanke before. How could his body have been misidentified? Perhaps there were other powers at work here. A spell could easily have disguised the body long enough for it to be identified falsely. Surely no fairy would have anything to do with such a spell, as it would likely bring serious harm upon their kin. The dwarves usually stuck to their metalworking and wanted nothing to do with the goings-on of mortals and vampires. But gnomes were the tricksters and pranksters of the fairy realm. Perhaps they had something to do with it. Until she had proof, however, Isabelle could not make any accusations. She would simply have to watch until she learned more. * * * * * Part 3 It had been a long day for Don Schanke. He’d arranged to have a meeting with his wife and daughter. They had talked for hours at the precinct. He hated to see the ecstatic look on Jenny’s face to be replaced by dismay when he had to tell her that he didn’t recognize her. But, as he’d added, it might have been because she’d grown so much. He and Myra had to explain all about amnesia to Jenny when he got home later. Since it was likely that Schanke’s memory would come back if he was in familiar surroundings, the police had accepted him back. Nick Knight had just lost Tracy Vetter, his partner. However, Knight was willing to take Schanke as a partner again. Don hoped to regain his memories as a result. That evening, Nick walked into the bullpen to find Schanke chatting amiably with other cops and enjoying doughnuts that someone had brought in. He felt a slight pang of jealousy, for as a vampire, he couldn’t enjoy the camaraderie in the same manner. Nick would always feel the hunger within. It was like a serpent coiled in the shadows, ready to strike. He hoped that Natalie would be able to deal with it better than he had in the past. “Hey, Schanke,” Nick said. Don turned around. “Do I know you?” “Nick Knight, homicide.” “So you’re my former partner, the one with the ’62 Caddy?” Nick nodded. “That’s me.” They shook hands. “You’re also allergic to sunlight and garlic, right?” Don asked. “Yeah,” he answered. Schanke chuckled. “Are you sure you’re not a vampire? Just kidding,” he added when he saw Nick’s stone-faced expression. “It’s all coming back to me now.” “Great. Do you remember anything about what happened the night of the plane crash?” Don shook his head. “Nope. That’s still a blank.” “Ok. Uh, what do you say we go for a ride and cruise around town for a bit? Maybe seeing some familiar sights will help.” “Yeah, that’s probably not a bad idea.” “Knight,” Captain Reese said, coming out of his office, “I need to speak to you.” “I’ll see you in a bit,” he said to Schanke, then followed the captain. “What is this about?” Joe sighed. This wasn’t going to be easy. It never was. “I’ve got some bad news. Commissioner Vetter is not happy about recent events, as you can imagine. He’s calling for a full investigation into what happened to Tracy. The folks from Internal Affairs are going to be breathing down our necks for the next few days. I’m placing you on desk duty until this is over and done with. We all know it wasn’t your fault, but the commissioner wants to find out exactly what happened. So, I need you to take it easy for a while.” “I understand.” “This would be the perfect time for you to find out what happened to Don Schanke. See if you can get him to remember anything, even the smallest details, of the night that plane went down.” “You got it, Captain.” Reese turned to leave, but then thought of something else. “Oh, and let Natalie know we’re all pulling for her to get better.” “I will.” Nick left the captain’s office and found Don munching on a doughnut. “Ready to head out for a while?” he asked. “Yeah, sure,” Schanke answered. “I gotta tell you, Knight, this is starting to look familiar. But it’s like there’s something else niggling at the back of my mind, but it won’t come loose. I get the feeling that maybe if I leave it alone, it might work itself free after a bit, but prying at it won’t do any good. You know what I mean?” “Well, I had amnesia once for a short time,” he replied. “Maybe you’ll be able to remember after a while.” “I hope so.” * * * * * In the Caddy driving around town, Don tried to picture himself as a detective, doing things that cops did. But he didn’t get very far that way. It wasn’t good enough to imagine being himself. He had to remember. Nick pulled over in a dark section of town about a block away from the Raven. “Anything look familiar?” Schanke shook his head. “No.” “Look at me,” Nick said, capturing his heartbeat. Unable to do anything else, Don turned around in his seat. “What are you doing?” “Helping you remember. Listen to me. Think back to the night of the plane crash. You’re about to get on the plane with Captain Cohen. What do you see?” Fully hypnotized now, Schanke replied, “I’m watching the captain as she boards the plane. I take a step towards the ramp.” “What happens next?” “I see something out of the corner of my eye, like a flash of light or a sparkle. It’s only there for a second, and then it’s gone. Then I’m smelling perfume or something and feeling really light- headed.” So someone had gassed him? Well, that explained a few things, Nick thought. “Keep going. What happens next?” “I fall asleep. Next thing I know, I’m in an alley in New York, wearing beat-up old clothes and sleeping in a cardboard box.” Interesting, Nick mused. Someone had gone to all the trouble to kidnap him, possibly to take him out of the way, and then leave him stranded with no memory. Could it have been a vampire, one of the Enforcers thinking Schanke was getting too close to the truth? He didn’t know. “When I say awake, you will be completely alert. You will remember all the details about yourself and the people you know, and you will not forget them again.” He took a deep breath. “Awake.” The hypnotic tone of Nick’s voice filled the air. Don snapped out of it. “Wow. That was amazing! Wait a second…does this have anything to do with you being able to fly? I remember you told me to forget about it and to wash the Caddy. Can you believe it? Man oh man, Knight! Where’d you learn all that? Vampire school?” Schanke chuckled, but then caught his breath as he realized what he’d said. “Uh…wait…forget I said that. I don’t know that you’re a vampire. I don’t believe in vampires. Um…don’t bite me? Okay? Please?” Nick sighed, realizing that he had made a terrible mistake in allowing Schanke to remember everything he’d known. The intention was to cure his amnesia, but the poorly worded hypnotic suggestion had been taken literally, of course. “Schanke, I don’t bite.” Don gaped at him for a moment. “You really are a vampire, aren’t you?” Nick let out a huge sigh of frustration. “Yeah. Now that you remember everything you’ve ever known, do you remember who kidnapped you?” “I don’t know. I never saw them, I swear!” “Great. Just great.” There was something in Schanke’s statement made under hypnosis that was very odd. Why would he have seen a flash of light out of the corner of his eye for only a second? Perhaps it was light from a belt buckle or something similar? Maybe there was something after all. But what? Something niggled at the back of Nick’s mind, and he realized that he understood what Don had been talking about after all. Schanke was growing more nervous by the second. Would he become the vampire equivalent of fast food? No, his gut instinct silently assured him. There was no reason to not trust Nick. His partner, a vampire, had saved his life on more than one occasion. Maybe this was why Nick hadn’t told him. Partners had to trust each other, no matter what. Nick started the ignition. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s head back...unless you’d rather take a cab than ride with me.” “No, I’m fine. I trust you.” Nick looked at him. “You’re sure?” Schanke nodded. “I won’t tell a soul, Knight. Not on my life.” “Good, because I’m not the one you need to worry about.” “What’s that supposed to mean? There are other vampires around here?” Don asked as the Caddy pulled away from the curb. “Yes.” “How many?” “I can’t answer that.” “How old are you?” “Older than you think. I was born in the 12th century.” Schanke’s jaw dropped. “That’s uh…” he did a quick calculation, “that’s 800 years ago!” “Yeah,” Nick acknowledged. “What’s your real name? Where are you from? I’m guessing somewhere in, ah, Europe? What the heck did people do in the 12th century, anyway?” “They lived just like people do now, but without all the gadgets and gizmos and stuff. Some things never change.” He proceeded to answer Schanke’s questions. “I’m from the region of Brabant, which is now located in Belgium. My real name is Nicolas de Brabant. I fought in the Crusades in the 13th century. I’ve fought in other wars since then, but my true battle is with myself.” Don was silent for a while, contemplating this information. “You were a knight…an honest-to-God medieval knight.” Nick nodded. “And now you’re a homicide detective. I guess it makes sense, in a bizarre sort of way. You seem like the kind of guy who wants to do the right thing, to keep the peace and help people out.” “Don’t forget, Schanke. I’m not human. I was once, but I’m not anymore.” “I think you’re wrong,” Don said, thinking back over the past few years, in the memories that had just been dredged up. “I think you are human, but you just don’t want to accept it.” “Schanke, I can fly. Sunlight makes me implode. I drink blood…cow’s blood, but it’s still blood. I can move faster than the mortal eye can see. I’m ten times stronger than a normal man. I have fangs and my eyes can glow in the dark. You still think I’m human?” “Maybe not at first glance, but inside, you’re a lot more human than some of the bad guys we’ve put behind bars.” That was an incredible thought. Could he dare to believe it? Nick didn’t know. In any case, he figured that going back to the police station was probably a good idea. As the Caddy made a left turn, neither of its passengers glimpsed the tiny winged figure that was following them. * * * * * Part 4 Nick and Schanke returned to the station to find someone from Internal Affairs waiting for them. It was a long interview and an even longer evening. Schanke had to pretend he still had amnesia, but that a few things were coming back. If it became known that he had regained his full memory, there would be a lot of questions as to how, and the last thing Nick wanted was the Enforcers --the vampires who enforced the Code, which included not telling humans about vampires, among other things -- on his case. Meanwhile, Natalie was bored. She put an old movie into Nick’s VCR and poured herself a glass of cow’s blood. About halfway into it, she found herself feeling drowsy. It wasn’t that the movie was dull, but rather that as a fledgling, her body was still going through some physical changes to adapt to her new situation, thus requiring more energy than usual. As she began to drift off, Natalie thought she saw a glimpse of something moving on Nick’s fireplace mantle. “Probably just a spider,” she told herself. But there it was again! She opened her eyes and followed the flicker of movement, and to her astonishment, saw a tiny female hiding among Nick’s antiques that were no doubt older than her grandmother, Nana, would be if she were still living. Isabelle gasped. Natalie had seen her! The fairy glanced around and, seeing a hiding spot, ducked behind a picture frame that held a photo of Nick and Schanke, taken when they’d won the “Partners of the Month” award. Natalie got up off the leather sofa. “Are you still there?” she asked softly, trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious being. “It’s all right, I won’t hurt you. Really.” She couldn’t help but wonder if the whole thing had been a figment of her imagination, but then Isabelle shyly crawled out from behind the frame. Natalie gasped. “A fairy! Please tell me I’m not dreaming.” “You are not dreaming,” Isabelle replied and introduced herself, since not doing so would be most impolite. “I am Isabelle of Elfhame, known by mortals as the fairy realm.” She blushed. “You were not supposed to see me. I must have underestimated your senses.” “Tell me, what are you doing here?” “We, the fairies, take an interest in mortal affairs from time to time, particularly if they affect our own kind.” “Do you also take an interest in the affairs of vampires?” Isabelle nodded. “Sometimes. Nicolas de Brabant is most intriguing. You see…” she lowered her voice, as if someone might be listening in, “I have reason to suspect his mortal friend, Don Schanke, was kidnapped by gnomes. I cannot fathom their purposes, but they are the most devious creatures of all the fairy races.” Nat was surprised. “You mean, he was kidnapped before the plane crash several months ago? I suppose that would explain it, but how do you disguise a dead body? The test results from the autopsy proved that the DNA was his. And yet, he’s alive now.” “That could have been done with an illusion,” Isabelle replied. “An illusion? You mean a magic spell?” It was hard enough to believe in the existence of fairies, but now she was expected to believe in magic as well? “Yes. Though no fairy or elf would have done it, since it would have brought ill to us all. The dwarves and goblins don’t care about mortals, or any outsiders, for that matter. Therefore, it had to be a gnome! They delight in playing tricks and pranks of all sorts, and don’t care about any harm that might come to them as a result.” Natalie pinched herself, just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “Assuming that this will turn out not to be a dream, what do you want me to do?” “Therein lies the problem,” Isabelle admitted. “We must find the culprit. A crime such as kidnapping a human is intolerable to fairies, not to mention the disgrace of disguising someone else’s body with magic is most offensive.” “Ok, how do we do that?” “I have an idea, but I want to explain it to both of you at the same time.” “Nick comes home from work just before dawn,” Nat replied. The fairy nodded. “I shall wait. I cannot stay long after sunrise, for I must sleep then. We have one thing in common, Natalie. Sunlight is intolerable to most of my kind. It turns our flesh to stone.” “Fine. I’m exhausted,” Nat replied, yawning. “I must sleep.” “You are newly brought across,” Isabelle remarked. “You need rest. I will awaken you when Nick comes.” Natalie dozed off in front of the TV. * * * * * Nick came home just before sunrise to find Nat sleeping on the couch. It was a welcome sight, compared to sitting in front of the Internal Affairs investigator for a three-hour grueling interview. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of something nearby. Turning around, he saw a tiny winged figure. He gaped in astonishment. “Who and what are you, and why are you here?” Isabelle introduced herself and fluttered over to the sofa, whispering something into Natalie’s ear. The fledgling sat up. “Nick, I just had the most wonderful dream…Isabelle?” ”Yes, it is I, and no, you’re not dreaming. Listen closely, both of you. I believe it was no human or vampire who kidnapped Don Schanke. There is a way to find the culprit.” “What? How?” Nick asked. “The path to the dwarven kingdom lies through the sewers. There you will find a dwarf named Shale Copperstone. He keeps in regular contact with the gnomes because they provide him with certain supplies for his metalworking. The route to the gnome kingdom is hidden, and they set many traps for unwary outsiders, so you will need a guide to get there.” “Gnomes and dwarves?” Nick said incredulously. “I’m sorry, but how do you expect us to believe all this? How do we know you’re not a hallucination of some sort?” “When you were mortal, did you believe such things as vampires existed?” Isabelle replied. “No.” He sighed. “You have a point.” “Go down to the sewers,” Isabelle replied. “You will know when you find what you’re looking for. I’m sorry, but it is sunrise. I must go now.” With that, she vanished. “What do you think?” Nick asked Nat, who was staring wide-eyed at the space where Isabelle had been. “Perhaps we both drank a little bad blood last night and had a mass hallucination? I don’t know, Nick. If vampires are real, who’s to say that fairies aren’t?” He nodded. “I think we should go, but we’ll rest first. We won’t be able to leave until after sunset, anyway. I’ll call in sick later.” “Don’t you think you should talk to Schanke?” “He’s had enough of a shock…oh, that’s right, I haven’t told you. He knows about us.” “About vampires? I thought he had amnesia.” “He did. He doesn’t anymore.” Quickly, Nick related the events of that night to her. “You whammied Schanke to get him to remember who he is, but now he remembers too much? Oh, Nick. What about the Enforcers?” Natalie asked. “We’ll deal with them later. Right now, we need to deal with this. Okay?” She nodded. “Go and rest now.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I plan to get some sleep, myself.” * * * * * Part 5a It was just after sunset when Nick and Natalie headed into the sewers. They were cold and dark, but the vampires could easily see without the need for flashlights, and the cold didn’t bother them. The stench was just barely tolerable. “Do you see anything that looks like a secret entrance?” Nat asked. “No. We’ll have to keep looking,” Nick answered. A few minutes later, the tunnel split off in opposite directions. “Should we go right or left?” she wondered aloud. “Doesn’t matter to me.” She looked in both directions. Darkness filled the tunnel on both ends. Neither vampire could hear anything except the sound of water flowing past them. As Nat took a step towards the left tunnel, the image of lightning flashed in her mind. She gasped and took another step, but was temporarily blinded by the sight of lightning again. “No!” “Are you okay?” Nick asked, concerned. “What is it?” “I can’t explain it,” she admitted. “I think someone’s warning us to stay away.” “What do you mean?” “I saw lightning flash, but it was in my head. I’m getting the definite impression that someone or something doesn’t want us to go that way.” Nick looked at her. “Why?” “I don’t know, and to tell you the truth, I don’t really care to. If something can do that, then I don’t want to know what it is.” “All right, we’ll go the other way. Nat, are you sure you’re all right?” She nodded. “I’ll be fine, Nick. Let’s go.” They went down the tunnel. Several hours passed as the vampires roamed through the sewers. It was approximately 11:00 PM when they sat down for a short rest. As Natalie took a drink of cow’s blood from one of the bottles she had brought along, Nick glimpsed something that he might not have seen if he hadn’t taken the time to sit down. There was a faint gray outline around part of the wall across from them. It barely contrasted with the rest of the wall and thus would have escaped notice from mortal eyes, but was visible to a vampire. Nick’s eyes glowed yellow as he discerned its shape. “What is it?” Natalie asked. “Look over there,” he replied. “That has to be what we’re looking for.” She did. “That can’t be it. It’s too small. How are we supposed to fit through there?” He shrugged. “Crawl, I guess.” Nat sighed. “Do we have a choice?” Nick didn’t answer. Instead, he stood up and pushed on the wall. As he did, cracks of light appeared through the gray outline. Natalie got up and pushed on the wall as well. Finally, the bricks gave way and crumbled, revealing a very surprised dwarven sentry. The vampires’ expressions changed to shock and then astonishment. “No!” Granite exclaimed, brandishing an axe that was nearly as big as he was. The stocky dwarf was nearly four feet tall. He ducked through the hole in the wall as he stepped into the sewers. “I’m sorry, but your kind isn’t welcome here. Go away.” “Wait,” Nick replied. “We’ve been sent by the fairy Isabelle.” “A fairy sent you? Impossible. Everyone knows that fairies hate vampires, and for good reason. You’re far too meddlesome for your own good,” Granite responded. “How else do you think we found your secret entrance?” Nick replied. “By accident? I don’t know, and I don’t care. Go away!” “We’re not like other vampires,” Nick insisted. “At least give us a chance.” “Hmmph,” the dwarf snorted. “I’ll believe it when I see it. What is your reason for coming here, vampire?” Granite practically spat the final word and glared at Nick. “We need to speak with Shale Copperstone.” The dwarf laughed. “Fat chance of that happening. You’d best come back in a century; you’ll have better chance of meeting him then.” “Why is that?” Natalie inquired. “Because of the wedding! Shale’s sister, Emerald, is marrying the king’s son, Logan, in thirty years. He’s working on his wedding gift, which by tradition has to be a battle-axe worthy of the king’s armory. But word has it that his supplies are running low and he may have to journey into the realm of the goblins to stock up. That could take weeks, and it’ll take him years to finish crafting the weapon.” The vampires exchanged glances. “What if we volunteered to help bring back the supplies?” Natalie inquired. “You wouldn’t stand a chance in the goblin kingdom, not without a guide. They’ve got tricks and traps to skewer vampires as well as anyone else.” “If we talked to Shale, do you think he might come with us?” Granite looked at Natalie. “You’re persistent, aren’t you? Very well. I’ll let you enter, but you will both be on your best behavior and you’ll be under strict watch. Don’t try any funny stuff. We dwarves are just as good with crossbows as we are with axes.” “We won’t,” Nick promised. The vampires entered, ducking through the hole. Granite led them through the tunnel, which was perfectly sized for a dwarf, but rather awkward for them. The tunnel ended abruptly after several dozen feet. They found themselves in a large cavern, lit by oil lamps that the dwarven miners carried. The light reflecting from various crystal formations created a spectacular effect. Even Nick gaped for a few moments, marveling at it all. The miners did their best to ignore the visitors, but a few returned the stare. “Try not to gawk too much. It makes you look stupid,” Granite suggested. “Come on, I’ll take you to my cousin.” “Your cousin?” Natalie asked. “Aye, Shale’s my cousin. Dwarf mines are more than just mines to us. They’re also our homes. You’re the first outsiders to have visited the city of Vulcanis in over five centuries. This way.” “Why is it no one else has ever found this place?” Nick asked. “You’d think the sound would carry.” “Ah, but that’s the beauty of dwarven engineering. The walls are solid rock, and the areas which border on human territory are reinforced with magic to hide them. It’s a wonder you were able to see through the illusions at all.” “Yeah, well, we’re not exactly human.” “True,” Granite agreed. “But not even the carouches living in the sewers have discovered us yet. They’re probably too focused on finding juicy rats to munch on. Well, let’s go.” * * * * * Part 5b It took them nearly half an hour to reach the lift that would take them down to the area where the living quarters were. Dwarven mothers quickly pulled their children aside as the strangers came through. One little girl, with blonde hair in braids and blue eyes, looked up and smiled at Nat. “You have pretty eyes. I thought vampires were supposed to be ugly.” The child’s mother looked at her daughter sternly. “How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t talk to strangers, especially…” and she used a dwarven word that neither Nick nor Natalie could understand, but it was obviously not worth repeating. “It’s okay,” Nat said. “We’re not here to hurt you.” “I know,” the girl said. “I see things, sometimes, in my dreams. I saw you and Nicolas” -- she pronounced it the French way -- “fighting a bad man. He was using magic.” “Magic?” Natalie looked at Nick. “Could be a wizard or something, I suppose. Anything is possible.” “He’s not a wizard. Wizards are good. Sorcerers are bad,” the child insisted. “I think this bad man was a sorcerer. He wanted to use you for something, but you wouldn’t let him. But the only way to defeat him is with the raven. Use the raven.” “Okay,” he replied. “Thanks for letting us know.” The little girl nodded, ducked behind her mother’s skirts, and was promptly hustled back inside, away from the strangers. “That was definitely interesting,” Natalie said. “What do you think it means?” “I think we’ll know when we need to, and not before.” “You’re probably right.” They followed Granite to the home of Shale Copperstone. Dwarven homes were carved into the earth itself. They were caves, but the dwarves had amenities such as running water, heat, and electrical generators. They weren’t primitive by any means. As far as the vampires could tell, the dwarves were at least as advanced as humans in terms of engineering, if not more so, since dwarves had been around longer. There was a laptop on a table with blueprints spread out around it. A dwarf with flame-red hair and a long scraggly beard hunched over the computer. He kept mumbling in his own language and rubbing his eyes as if he was tired. “Shale? There are some visitors who’ve come all the way from the surface to see you.” “Go away. I’m too busy doing inventory.” Granite sighed. “Well, you heard him. I’m sorry it turned out this way, but it’s probably best if you go.” “Wait,” Nick said. “Let me talk to him.” The guard nodded. “Good luck.” Nick approached the dwarf. “I hear you’re short on supplies and need to acquire some more.” The dwarf looked up in shock. “You’re still here?” He sighed. “Aye, I need supplies. What is it to you?” “Well, it just so happens that my companion and I need to go to the gnome kingdom to find out what happened to a friend of ours. We could come with you.” “What sort of friend would this be?” Shale asked. “He’s human and he’s a very good friend. He was abducted several months ago. We thought he was dead, but it turns out he’s not. We need to find out who used magic to disguise the body that we thought was his, and who the body really belonged to.” The dwarf looked disgusted. “Why would anyone use an illusion to disguise the body of a mere human and abduct him?” “I don’t know. That’s what we need to find out.” “All right. You’ve gotten me curious. If someone from the fairy realms used magic for such a dishonorable deed, we must find out who it was. They need to answer for their crime. Have a seat. I’ll gather the supplies I need, and then we can leave. Granite, you’re welcome to come along.” The guard shook his head. “I have to get back to my post. Tumblestone’s covering for me. You know him, he’s always nodding off.” “Fine. Go. I’ll see you later.” The guard nodded and left. Nick and Nat sat in silence as Shale bustled about, gathering many things and putting them into a leather backpack. Finally, he picked up an axe. Its blade had a bluish sheen under the light. “This is Nightbane. It was handed down to me from my father, who got it from his, and so on. I’m not entering the goblin lands without it. You never know what you’ll run into there.” He set the axe down and swung his backpack over his shoulders. Nightbane gleamed as Shale picked it up again. “How far is it?” Natalie asked. “That depends on where we end up going,” Shale replied. “This way.” The vampires followed, wondering where the road would take them. * * * * * Part 6 Back at the precinct, Don Schanke wondered why Nick had called in sick. It didn’t make sense. He was a vampire, and vampires didn’t get sick. Schanke dialed the number at the loft and got the answering machine, telling him that Nick Knight was either sleeping or incommunicado. Schanke couldn’t think of a reason unless Knight was spending quality time with Natalie, which was certainly possible, though he wouldn’t have called in sick. At least, the Nick he knew wouldn’t have done that -- he’d simply have asked for the time off. Something had happened. ”Nick’s a big boy. He can take care of himself,” Don muttered under his breath, and started in on a stack of files that were given to him so that he could catch up. But the more he thought about it, the more he wondered what was going on. Finally, overcome with curiosity, Schanke stood up and put on his coat. Eight hundred year old vampire or not, Knight owed him an explanation. He headed to the loft. * * * * * Isabelle was relaxing on the armrest of Nick’s black leather sofa when Schanke came in. She awoke startled and nearly panicked, then quickly fluttered to the fireplace mantle. Don blinked, having seen something out of the corner of his eye but not knowing what it was. “Nick? Natalie? Anyone home?” He glanced around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. It had been months since he was last here. Don saw the antiques on the fireplace mantle. He realized some of them were probably older than they looked, given how old Knight was. “Man oh man, there are sure a lot of antiques around here.” The fencing foil over by the fireplace caught his eye. Just for fun, he picked it up and stabbed an imaginary opponent. Suddenly, there was a flash of something nearby. Schanke turned around. “What the…who’s there?” But there was no response. “It was probably just a fly or something,” Don muttered. “I guess I could just wait here until Knight gets back.” Sitting down on the sofa, he searched for the remote control and found it. There was an American football game on one of the sports channels. It shouldn’t be too long until the vampire arrived, Schanke figured. If anything, he would have to return by sunrise. * * * * * Nick, Natalie, and Shale Copperstone were traveling on a long dirt path. They had followed a tunnel leading out of the Dwarven city and further into the fairy realm. The sky was a skein of indigo and violet silk dusted with stars. A full moon provided silvery light. Rocky mountains towered above them, shrouding the land in gray shadows. It was strangely silent. For a long time, the only sound was their footsteps. “The moon is beautiful,” Natalie finally remarked. Her eyes were glowing silver in the moonlight, but she didn’t appear to be aware of it. Nick looked at Nat with mixed feelings. She was certainly beautiful; there was no question about that. But Nick worried that there might be some harm to her from whatever it was that made her so different. If anything bad happened to her because of it, he would be at fault for bringing her across in the first place. “We’re not in Toronto anymore, are we?” she asked. “No. You are in the fairy realm. Few humans have found this place, and even fewer have survived to return to their own lands. There’s an ancient saying: beneath a fairy moon, anything can happen. You should be on your guard.” They traveled for several miles underneath the starry sky, encountering nothing of significance until they reached the first gnome outpost. The gnomes were of short stature. Their bodies were not as ugly or misshapen as one might expect based on fairy tales, but rather they were smaller, thinner, and paler versions of the dwarves. The gnome guards wielded silver daggers with emeralds in the hilts, which seemed to glow with inner fire beneath the moonlight. The gnomes spoke in English, although their understanding of the language was poor since they didn’t have much contact with humans. “Where come you from? Where go you to? Why come dark ones into our realm?” Shale stepped forward. “I come from Vulcanis to trade for metalworking supplies. These two have come to aid me. They do not seek to do you harm.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few copper coins, the traditional cost of doing business when dealing with gnomes, especially guards. The gnome grunted. “If you are not correct about the dark ones, eager will we be to spill your blood. Go south. The village by Darkwood Forest lies that way. You will find a blacksmith there. No doubt, he will be willing to trade for good copper.” The dwarf nodded. “Much obliged. Thank you.” Natalie’s eyes turned silver as she glanced at the emeralds on the daggers. “They’re beautiful.” “Watch your tongue, Dark One,” the nearest gnome sneered. “They be ours, not your own.” Hurt, Natalie shook her head. “I know that. It was just an observation. I don’t wish to steal them.” “Dark ones with silver eyes are rare like emeralds. Perhaps we could try to take this one. Our chieftain would be pleased,” one gnome remarked. “You fool,” his companion growled. “You don’t want to mess with dark ones. I’ve seen what they can do.” “Vampires have been here before?” Nick wondered aloud. “When?” “Centuries ago, there was one ancient of your kind here. My grandfather told me about him. His name was Lucien, like the light -- but dark he was instead.” This information was indeed new. LaCroix had never told Nick of his incursion into the fairy realms. What had come of it? Intrigued, Nick asked, “What was he doing here?” “Looking for his love.” “Love?” “Yes. His love was lost, and he came here to find it, but left the fairy lands empty both of hand and heart.” Nick looked at the dwarf. “Did you know about this?” Shale shook his head negatively. “‘Tis the first time I’ve heard such tales. Do you know this Lucien?” The vampires exchanged glances. “I don’t know,” Nick replied. “I don’t think so.” He sensed that giving too much information away now would not be a good plan. “We should get moving,” the dwarf declared. “After all, we have a long journey ahead of us.” They continued south down the long road that lay ahead of them. * * * * * Part 7 Several days had passed since Nick had called in sick. Schanke had gone to the loft to see if his partner was there. He’d also been to Natalie’s place. Despite his efforts, neither of the vampires were anywhere to be found. The thought crossed his mind that they had gone to someplace remote and private so they could have a romantic getaway. But wouldn’t they have called, if for no other reason than to check in so it wouldn’t look too odd? He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something didn’t seem right. A silver moon hung in the sky, full and round and bright. There was something about the moon. Schanke gazed at it for a moment as he stood in the street below Nick’s loft. Just then, he heard something in the alley behind him. Don turned around, peering into the darkness. Then he heard the sound of someone mumbling under his breath. “Hey! Who’s there?” The mumbling stopped in mid-sentence. “No one,” came the reply from a voice sounding as dry and cracked as the paint on the apartment building next to him. But there was an odd sound to it as well, almost like the hypnotic tone Schanke now associated with vampires. “I’m nobody. Go away. Leave me alone.” “Hey, come out where I can see you.” There was a muffled sigh and then a flash of searing light that should have blinded the detective. In the brilliantly lit alley, Schanke could see a shadowy figure of someone much smaller than himself, no taller than a child, but a man from the sound of his voice. Suddenly, Don felt a tingle dance upon his spine, and then a shimmering light surrounded him. “What the…” he wondered aloud. “How’d you do that?” “That’s your shield, not mine!” the mysterious figure exclaimed, pointing a gnarled, twisted finger at him. “You humans aren’t supposed to be able to do that in this realm. This changes everything!” “Wait a minute, if I’m human and you’re not, then what are you?” “Mind your own business!” The mysterious stranger mumbled something and a glowing doorway appeared at the end of the alley. Then he stepped through the portal and vanished along with it. Schanke ran into the alley and glanced around. It was as if there had been no one there to begin with. Feeling very confused and frustrated, he headed up the stairs to the only place he could get some answers. Isabelle flew away from Nick’s window, having witnessed the entire scene. “Anyone home?” Schanke called, entering the loft. When there was no reply, he added, “Where the hell are you when I need you, Nick? You’re the only one who probably has any clue as to what just happened out there.” “Actually, he is not the only one,” Isabelle said. Don looked around. “Who’s there?” “You might want to sit down first,” the fairy advised him. “No. Just tell me who you are.” “All right.” She fluttered into view and perched on Nick’s coffee table next to the remote control for the window blinds. “My name is Isabelle. And yes, I am just as real as you are.” Schanke’s jaw dropped. It took him several moments to remember to close his mouth as he gaped at her, completely flabbergasted, for what he was seeing could not possibly be real. Vampires were one thing, but this was completely and totally unreal. “You’re a fairy?” he finally asked. “This can’t be happening.” “I’m afraid it is.” “Okay, right, and I’m Count Dracula.” That was a bad example, Schanke thought, but it had just popped into his head. “You’re really real?” “Yes.” “Man oh man oh man, I knew I shouldn’t have eaten that souvlaki earlier.” He sat down on the leather sofa and looked at the fairy again. Her hair was golden, she wore a white dress made of silk, and she actually had wings. “Okay, assuming you’re real, do you have any idea what just happened to me?” “I have a theory.” “Which is?” “It was no human or vampire who kidnapped you and made your loved ones believe that you were dead.” “Don’t tell me, I can guess…was it aliens?” Isabelle sighed. “No. I think it was a gnome, and he may have been working for the one you met tonight.” “That guy was a gnome?” “Precisely. He was also a powerful sorcerer, apparently.” “Okay. Let me get this straight. Not only are fairies and vampires real, but gnomes are real too?” Schanke asked. “Yes,” the fairy replied. “What else don’t I know about?” “There are many creatures walking this earth and the realms beyond human ken that your people have only begun to dream of.” “Okay, so why would a gnome want to kidnap me?” “That is what I hope your friends, Nick and Natalie, will be able to find out.” “Do you know where they are?” “Oh, yes. They are in the fairy realm as we speak, searching for clues as to who your abductor may be. There is something else that happened tonight that you should know about.” “Which is?” “When the gnome attempted to cast a spell to blind you, did you not see the effects of magic around you?” “Uh, you mean all that light?” he asked. “Exactly,” the fairy answered. “Whatever spell was used in your abduction must have had side effects. The more powerful magic gets, the more unpredictable it becomes. I believe you have what we call an affinity for the moon.” “What?” He looked startled. “I’m not a werewolf, am I? Please tell me that I’m not going to get all furry now.” “No,” the fairy replied and giggled. Her laughter was like wind chimes. “No, you are not a werewolf. You were able to use your newly- acquired talents to create a shield of moonlight, though. You only need to learn how to control the ability.” “Okay.” Schanke sighed. “So how do I find Nick and Natalie?” The fairy’s eyebrows raised. “You should wait for them. The fairy realms are too dangerous for a mortal to visit alone.” “You could take me there,” he suggested. “It would be much better for you to wait here,” she argued. “Besides, I can show you how to use your talents if you let me.” “All right,” he agreed. * * * * * Part 8 In the fairy realm, Nick, Natalie, and Shale arrived at the gnome village called Evernight. The blacksmith was taller-than-average and more solidly built than most of the villagers. His muscles bulged as he lifted a huge hammer, brought it down, and struck hot steel with it. Glowing orange sparks flew in all directions. After several more such blows, he set the hammer down. “Good evening. Shale, it’s been a few months. Glad you could make it.” Then he noticed that Nick and Natalie were vampires. Gnomes, like most fairy folk, had an innate sense for magic. Vampires were no exception, and they registered strongly on the gnomes’ mental radar because of their dark nature --hence, why the gnomes referred to them as dark ones. “Dark ones, here?” Joram mopped his sweaty forehead with the sleeve of his work shirt and nervously glanced around. “What can I, er, do for you?” “I’m here for my usual supplies,” Shale said. “These two have proven themselves to be trustworthy so far. They seek information.” “The supplies are an easy matter. The information depends on what you seek.” Nick told him of the fairy Isabelle and what she suspected about a gnome being responsible for Schanke’s abduction. He also told Joram about the use of magic to disguise the body so they would all believe that Schanke was dead. “Any information you can give us would help,” the vampire finished. Joram scratched his beard. “Hmm…sounds like it may be the work of a powerful sorcerer. Most don’t bother themselves with human affairs. However, to the east lies a tower where a sorcerer lives. His servant girl is a human. Poor thing, she’s been there so long that she doesn’t even remember who she was.” “Who was she?” Natalie asked, curious. “Local legend has it that she was the true love of a dark one named Lucien…or at least, he thought she was his true love. Fairies are known to change places with human children, and in some cases, to assume their identity for the child’s natural life span. When that is over, the fairy returns to their home and reports everything he or she has learned to the fairy queen. It has been rumored that Lucien’s true love was a changeling. Anyway, he came to the fairy realms searching for her, but he never found what he was looking for. When he left, he was a bitter man.” Nick’s face was very pale. How could this be? Fleur, his Fleur, had died centuries ago. How could she be locked up in a sorcerer’s tower in this fairy tale land? If his Fleur was not who he thought she was, who had she been? His entire world had just been inverted. He did not understand how LaCroix could have kept this from him when they had shared blood, but his sire admittedly hadn’t trained him in everything. Perhaps there was a way to keep secrets from blood. No doubt, this sorcerer had something to do with Schanke’s disappearance as well. “Are you all right?” Natalie asked, realizing what this information could do to him. “Nick?” “I’m fine,” he replied a bit more sharply than he’d intended. To the gnome, he said, “Thank you, Joram. I owe you a great debt for your aid. I will try to repay you, if I can.” “You know this Lucien, don’t you?” Shale asked. “As it turns out,” Nick answered, “I didn’t know him as well as I thought. But he is no longer alive, so it doesn’t matter.” “Lucien was your sire, wasn’t he?” the dwarf inquired. “Yes.” “And you have something to do with this woman he loved, I’m guessing,” Shale replied. Nick nodded. “She was my mortal sister. But if the girl I knew was a fairy, who was she?” “It is possible you knew your sister,” Joram said. “The switch may have taken place when she was a small child. It usually happens shortly after birth, but that isn’t always the case. If Fleur is here, there’s a chance she could be alive.” “Even after all these years?” Nick wondered aloud. “Time passes differently for mortals here, particularly where magic is concerned. If that sorcerer is involved, your sister may very well be enslaved to him,” the blacksmith answered. “I have to find her. I have to find Fleur.” Natalie touched his shoulder gently. “We will find her together, Nick.” Her icy fingers touched his cold skin. Somehow they both felt the warmth -- not physical warmth, but emotional warmth. He gazed into her eyes. “Yes. We’ll discover what happened to Fleur. If she’s alive, we’ll bring her home, where she belongs.” “And we’ll find out what happened to Schanke, too.” “Definitely,” he agreed. * * * * * Part 9 The sorcerer’s tower loomed over the forest, casting a long, dark, and twisted shadow across the land. But the most unusual aspect of it, other than the tower itself, was the large wooden door covered with strange carvings. They resembled a child’s random markings at first glance, until an observer looked much closer and realized they had been deliberately made to form a pattern. High inside the tower, a beautiful woman brought a tray holding cheese, fruit, bread, and a glass of water to a pale gnome wearing a dark robe. He was hunched over a parchment at a wooden table. A silver candle flickered in the darkness, illuminating a purple quill pen and a bottle of ink nearby. “Mordan,” she whispered, “I’ve brought your meal.” She spoke in gnomish. She had learned many languages in the fairy realm. The gnome looked up. “Hssss! Why do you bother me, human? Just leave the tray on my table and go.” It would be a very short time before Mordan’s plans were put into motion. He had foreseen this day centuries ago, when the Dark One named Lucien approached him with the sad tale of his beloved Fleur. Mordan had found the girl years before by accident and had put her to work. Because Lucien never came to the sorcerer’s tower, he never knew Fleur had been there all along. Everything Mordan was working for would finally come to pass, and now this human servant was interrupting his thoughts and his careful planning. Her role was an intricate part of his plan. She was the lure, and didn’t even know it. “Yes, Master.” She set the tray down and turned to leave, but Mordan’s icy fingers grabbed her hand. “Since you’re here, perhaps you could stay awhile to keep me company.” Centuries of abuse, pain, and suffering showed as the young woman’s face contorted into fear. “I…I’d rather not.” Quickly, she came up with an excuse. “The kitchen needs to be cleaned. Just an hour ago, the house elf made some mischief. I have to clean up his mess.” Grimmir, a mischievous elf who lived in the tower and was Mordan’s servant as well, had spilled some milk not long ago, but she’d wiped it up. Fleur’s lie still convinced Mordan. Perhaps he didn’t think she had the ability to lie anymore. If so, he was wrong. He nodded and released her from his cold grasp. “Some other time, perhaps.” She nodded. “Perhaps.” Once down the stairs, Fleur heaved a sigh of relief. She could hardly believe that she’d ever been free, but she had vague memories of early childhood, spent with a brother whose hair was as golden as the sun and who had an uncanny way of getting into trouble. Suddenly, there were voices outside. It had been so long since she’d been able to talk to anyone. She peered out the window. Beneath the sapphire sky, which was lightly dusted with stars, stood a dwarf and two strangers who looked human, but appeared as pale as fairy wings. Fleur hurried to the door, hoping to get there before it woke up. Otherwise, the strangers were in for a surprise. “It’s certainly tall,” Natalie remarked. “What are those strange carvings on the door?” Nick shrugged. “This is my first time here, too. I know as much as you do.” “That’s probably a spell of protection,” Shale replied. “We should use caution.” They approached the door cautiously. Nick was about to knock on it, when the door suddenly came to life. Carved eyes, a nose, and a mouth sprouted out of the wood. The eyes were rather close together. The nose was somewhat pointed. Creases in the wood resembled skin wrinkles. The face resembled that of an older gnome. “Hello. Is there something I can help you with?” Natalie gasped. Nick looked taken aback as well. “Uh, we’re here to, ah, see the owner of this place. Is, uh, is he at home?” the vampire stammered in a very ungraceful manner. The door creaked open, revealing Fleur. She spoke in English, having realized that most of the strangers were from the human realm. “My master is busy, but I’m sure he won’t mind seeing you. We don’t get many visitors these days. Sorry about the door. Enchantments can be very disconcerting if you’re not used to them.” Between encountering the talking door and recognizing the woman as Fleur, Nick was stunned speechless. He gaped at her. A thousand words fluttered through his mind like ravens, but none of them sounded right. “What is the matter?” Fleur asked. “Do you need healing?” Nick blinked. Through all the centuries of darkness, his heart and soul had remained largely intact because of his identity. But now he questioned his childhood memories. If his sister wasn’t who he thought she was, then who was he? Did he need healing? The answer was a resounding yes, but Nick couldn’t heal until he dealt with his questions. “Fleur?” She stared at him in amazement. “How do you know my name?” “You don’t remember, do you?” He gazed at her sadly. “I’m your brother.” Her amazement gave way to joy as recognition dawned. “Nicolas?” She reached up and touched his arm. “It is you! How can this be?” The vampires stepped over the door’s threshold, entering the tower. Nick reached out to give Fleur a hug. Brother and sister embraced for the first time in over 700 years. Suddenly, Fleur’s hand brushed across his. “You have grown so much that I scarcely recognize you. What year is it in the human realm? And how did you find your way here?” Nick was about to reply, but the door slammed shut. “Door!” Fleur exclaimed. “What are you doing?” “I am under orders from our master not to let anyone leave here.” “No door tells me what to do,” Shale grumbled. He lifted Nightbane over his shoulder and brought the axe down. It glowed bright blue as it hit solid wood. The dwarf stared at the spot that he’d struck. Despite his best effort, the door remained undamaged. “That’s impossible!” The door laughed, but this time it spoke with Mordan’s voice. “Foolish dwarf. Nothing is impossible!” “There must be another way out of here,” the dwarf said, glancing around. “The windows,” Natalie exclaimed. She took a step towards one, but suddenly found herself in pain as a curare-tainted dart pricked her skin. “No!” Mordan himself stepped out of the shadows where he had been lurking, and laughed as she fell to the ground. He held another poisoned dart, which he aimed at Nick as the vampire rushed to attack him with bared fangs. As Fleur screamed, Shale stepped in front of her protectively, holding up Nightbane, which was glowing brightly by now. The dart which Mordan was holding flew through the air, striking Nick in the shoulder and piercing his silk shirt. Reeling from the poison, Nick found himself slipping into unconsciousness. “Natalie,” he said hoarsely. Then the shroud of darkness embraced him as the sorcerer’s evil laughter filled the air. * * * * * Part 10 Schanke had been practicing his new abilities with Isabelle for several nights now. It was now the sixth night since Nick and Natalie had disappeared into the fairy realm. He had to remember that Nick was an 800-year old vampire who had fought in the Crusades, and could take care of himself and Natalie just fine. Still, Don couldn’t help but wonder. Captain Reese was starting to question his excuse that Nick and Natalie had taken a well-deserved vacation over the weekend and just had forgotten to check in. It was Monday, and they still hadn’t shown up. Rumors were spreading like wildfire. Schanke had even started a rumor of his own, just to perpetuate the idea that the two vampires were on a romantic holiday. Isabelle chose this evening to appear in her human form. She was tall and slender with long, dark blond hair and blue eyes. Her facial features were also different. If she hadn’t transformed in front of him, Don wouldn’t have recognized her. “Wow. You can do that?” he asked. “Yes. I’ve been teaching you to use your moon shield against magic. Now it’s time that you learned how to use it against physical attacks, as well.” He nodded. The moon was shining brightly this evening. Luminous rays of silver moonlight gleamed through the window as though they were glowing ribbons scattered across the floor of Nick’s loft. As Schanke got into a defensive stance, Isabelle struck. He’d learned that fairies were not as fragile or defenseless as they looked. They had their own form of martial arts, which relied upon speed and dexterity. As Schanke called upon the moonlight and shielded himself with it, a shadow fell across the room, but not blocking the moon. As a result, the fairy’s fist hit the magical shield and was stopped by the silvery light. There was an audible female gasp, though not from Isabelle. A look of complete and utter surprise was very clear on Janette’s face as she walked into the loft. “Fleur? How is this possible?” The fairy’s cheeks turned crimson as she blushed. “It is a very long story.” Janette’s gaze turned towards Schanke. “What are you doing here? Where is Nicolas?” He turned around and recognized the beautiful, dark-haired woman standing in the shadows as Janette from the Raven. “I don’t know where Nick is,” he answered. She stepped into the moonlight. “Don’t lie to me. I know something has happened to Nick. Has he been killed?” “Not as far as I know.” Schanke felt a tingling at the back of his neck. This woman was dangerous. He didn’t know how, but he could sense the darkness inside of her. “You’re one of them, aren’t you? You’re a vampire.” She frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Now who’s lying?” Her eyes widened as she realized Schanke knew the truth about vampires. The tone of Janette’s voice grew dangerously cold. “Where is Nicolas? Do not play games with me.” “You won’t believe me.” “Try me.” “I’m waiting,” Janette replied. The absence of the bond between Janette and Nick had brought her to the loft, the last place she thought she’d ever visit again. But she had to know if Nick was all right, if LaCroix had killed him during an intense argument, or if the Enforcers had finally grown weary of his offenses. And how was Fleur here? Could this woman simply be a doppelganger of some kind? Either way, Janette had to know what had happened to Nick, and if this woman had anything to do with it. “I am not Fleur,” Isabelle said, “but I took her place for a while.” “Took her place? What does that mean?” She blushed again. “My people have a tradition of studying humans. In order to fully immerse ourselves into human culture, we take their places. The children who we trade places with grow up in the fairy realms. When they return as an adult, they don’t remember a thing except in their dreams, and go on with their lives. It’s our way of gaining information we might otherwise never get. I was tricked, though.” “By whom?” Janette asked. “I don’t know. But when I saw a young girl centuries ago, it was as if something took control of my heart and my mind. I could not help but wish to be her. And so, one night when Fleur de Brabant was sleeping, I traded places with her. My own queen had told me that the girl would be safe, or so I thought. She must have had other plans, for Fleur never returned to the human realms. I lived her life, even pretending to die of old age. In reality, I was quite young. Fairies live for hundreds of years.” “What about Lucien?” “The vampire? I fell in love with him for a time. It was as if we were destined to be together. But then Nicholas prevented Lucien from drinking my blood, which was a very good thing, because then the charade would have been discovered. Fairy blood can have strange side effects on vampires. Lucien hypnotized me to forget about what I had seen, as he would have done with any mortal.” “What happened then?” Schanke asked. “Lucien’s hypnosis must have affected me, because my love for him did lessen somewhat. It was as if my heart had not been my own. But when I returned home after my seemingly natural death, my queen was extremely displeased with me for falling in love with a vampire. It was my punishment to watch over Nick from that day forward, knowing that I could never speak to Lucien or show myself to him again. He would always be there because Nicholas was his favorite son.” Don shook his head. “Sounds more to me like LaCroix hated him. Nick killed him because he tried to kill Natalie, you know.” “He did?” Janette asked. “That must be why I no longer feel his presence. But if Nicolas is in the fairy realms, and still alive, why can’t I feel him?” “The fairy realms remain separate from the human realms, though they are inexplicably tied together,” Isabelle explained. “There are several entrances to the fairy realms, but they are well-guarded. When did you stop feeling Nick’s presence, Janette?” “Tonight.” “Only tonight?” “Yes. Our bond had been growing fainter and fainter, and then I suddenly stopped sensing him completely a few hours ago.” “I did not know vampires could sense one another in the different realms,” Isabelle admitted. “Perhaps he is simply asleep.” “Or unconscious,” Schanke suggested. “Don’t you think we should find him? It has been a few days.” “Time flows differently in the fairy realm. I’m sure that Nick is fine.” “No.” Janette shook her head. “If he was, I’d sense it. Detective Schanke is right. We should look for Nicolas. Isn’t there anything you can do, Fleur, or whoever you are?” “My name is Isabelle, and there is a scrying spell I can try. All I need is a bowl of water and moonlight.” After finding a bowl in Nick’s kitchen and filling it with water, Isabelle set it by the window so that it caught the moon’s silver rays. She began to chant softly in her language. As the water glowed with magic, an image appeared on the liquid’s surface. It showed Nick, Natalie, a woman who could have been Isabelle’s identical twin except for having disheveled hair and wearing a ragged dress, and a dwarf with flame-red hair. They were all in a cage, and none of them were awake. “I knew it,” the vampire exclaimed. “We need to find them immediately. Isabelle, take us to the fairy realms, now.” She blanched, thinking of the punishment she would likely receive as a result. “I…I can’t do that.” “Nicolas needs your help.” “So do Natalie and Fleur, if that is the real Fleur,” Schanke replied. “Without your help, they could die.” He looked at Janette. “Vampires can die, right?” “Yes,” she replied. “Isabelle, if you want to make up for what you did to Fleur and to Lucien and Nick, you will take us there.” The fairy looked at the floor as tears streamed from her eyes. “All right. But my queen won’t be pleased. I can’t guarantee that she won’t take out her wrath on you, as well as me.” “We’ll deal with her later if we have to,” Schanke said. “But we need to help them now, Isabelle. Please help us.” The fairy nodded. “Stand back.” She took a deep breath and began to chant. As she did, a magical portal appeared, shimmering in the moonlight. “When you step through that, you will be in the fairy realms.” Schanke nodded and stepped forward, only to be engulfed by the light. Janette looked at the fairy. “Thank you, Isabelle.” “You’re quite welcome. Please hurry. I’ll be right behind you.” The vampire stepped through the portal and the fairy followed immediately after her. * * * * * Part 11 Isabelle’s portal opened directly into the room where Nick, Natalie, Fleur, and Shale were imprisoned. Don was the first to step out of the shimmering portal. Janette and a woman who looked amazingly like Fleur followed him. Fleur’s twin transformed into her fairy shape as the portal vanished. Natalie’s eyelids fluttered open at the sound of the rescuers approaching. “Are you all right?” Schanke asked, seeing Natalie. “Can’t…move,” she whispered with a strained voice. “Curare?” Janette guessed correctly. If her senses were correct, Natalie was a vampire now. “Well, I am glad to see that Nicolas has finally brought you across. Now, let’s see about getting you out of here.” As she reached toward the lock to break it, the prisoner’s eyes widened in fear. Janette’s hand froze. “Don’t touch that,” Isabelle exclaimed. “It’s magically sealed. We have to find a way to break the spell. Only then will we be able to open the lock.” *I’m so close. Power is within my grasp. With Natalie’s blood within my reach, I can’t fail. Soon I’ll cast the spell, and all I desire will be mine.* The thought wasn’t Natalie’s, but she heard it inside her head, nonetheless. It sounded like the sorcerer. Her eyes snapped open. “It’s me,” she said incredulously as the shock appeared on her face. The effects of the curare were finally starting to wear off. “Mordan wants me,” she said. “I heard his thoughts somehow. It’s my blood he needs.” “Strange,” Isabelle said. “I’ve never heard of a vampire gnome before. I thought the condition only affected humans.” Natalie shook her head negatively. “He’s not a vampire. He needs my blood for some sort of spell.” She wanted to stand up, but Nick was unconscious and lying on top of her legs. “Mordan must have the key to the cage. He’ll need it to get me out of here so he can kill me.” Janette nodded. “That makes sense. All right, let’s go find Mordan.” Cackling laughter filled the room. “Looking for me? I assure you, you’ve found much more than you deserve to. Meddling fools! You’re going to pay for your insolence!” Don remembered the encounter in the alley below Nick’s loft, just a few nights ago. Was this the same man? If so, surely there was a way to defeat him. Then a single thread of moonlight shone through a crevice in the ceiling above them. He chose the opportunity to summon the moon shield at the same moment Mordan began to chant. An arrow as black as midnight appeared in midair and flew in his direction, only to be absorbed by shimmering moonlight. Janette stared at him for a moment. “More special effects, Detective?” “Yeah, something like that.” He looked slightly sheepish. The vampire followed the sound of Mordan’s heartbeat and flew up to where he was hiding. “This is not your fight, Janette. Leave now,” he said. “How do you know my name?” she asked. “I have been watching Nicolas for a very long time, longer than you can imagine. The fairy queen and I both have a stake in this, if you’ll pardon my pun. You see, Queen Jasmine wants power as much as I do. Being extremely generous, I have agreed not to destroy her realm when I seize control of this one. I will even allow her to pretend to rule as long as she defers to me, but I won’t allow you to meddle in my plans any longer.” “Why Natalie? What is so special about her blood? And what is your interest in Nicolas?” Janette asked. “My dear, you really don’t know, do you? Your precious Nicolas was never completely human to begin with. Somewhere in his ancestry was a fairy. Though the bloodline was diluted over time, there was just enough fairy blood flowing through his veins to make it count. When Lucien brought him across, Queen Jasmine and I thought he knew. But alas, the General really had no idea of just how special Nicolas really was. His blood held the key.” “The key to what?” Janette asked. “I knew that when Nicolas brought another mortal across, there was a small chance that his dormant potential would be passed along as well. In the time I’ve been watching him, no one but Natalie has shown that potential. Her blood is what I need to complete the spell to gain control over the moon. When I complete the spell, the fairy moon will be mine alone. No one else will be able to see it, let alone use it for their magic.” Janette hissed and bared her fangs. Her eyes glowed crimson as she furiously lunged toward Mordan, knocking him down. “Liar! Nicolas is no more a fairy than I am!” “You’re wrong,” the gnome gasped. Angrily, the vampire picked him up and threw him into a nearby wall. Then she noticed that he wore a key on a chain around his neck and she grabbed it. Janette flew down and was about to try the key in the lock when a sizzling bolt of lighting whizzed past her and struck the wall. She turned to see Mordan standing above her with a determined look. “You won’t defeat me that easily,” he threatened. The past replayed itself in Natalie’s mind. She heard the voice of the young girl she’d met briefly in the dwarven city, Vulcanis. Only the raven could defeat the sorcerer. What did that mean? Glancing around the room, Nat saw nothing whatsoever that resembled a raven. As more sparks flew, Schanke stood protectively in front of Janette and Isabelle, who had transformed into Fleur’s form. The detective’s magical moon shield glowed brightly, absorbing the electricity. “Yeah? Well, I hope that wasn’t your best shot.” Janette used the distraction to her advantage and opened the lock. She stepped inside and helped Nick scramble to his feet. “Nicolas?” Fleur asked as she came to. He looked at her with concern. “Yes?” She touched his cheek. “You’re so cold. What have you become?” “I’ll explain later. We have to get out of here.” “The raven,” Natalie whispered. “We have to find the raven.” “What?” Nick looked at her, thinking she meant the nightclub. “The Raven is far away from here, Nat. We’re not in Toronto anymore.” She shook her head. “Not that Raven, Nick. We need to find the raven that the little girl was talking about.” “I have no idea what that might be. How do you know it wasn’t just a child’s nightmare?” How, indeed? “Call it women’s intuition or whatever the hell you want, but whatever that raven is, it’s the only way to destroy him.” He nodded as another searing bolt of lightning struck Schanke’s moon shield and was consumed by it. “Knight, I can’t keep this up forever,” Don remarked as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. “It’s time to say hasta la bye bye and get the hell outta here.” “Right,” Nick agreed. He glanced around, looking for an escape route. But when they did get out, they would have to contend with an enchanted door that was as stubborn as LaCroix. There had to be another way. * * * * * Part 12 Natalie gasped as pain pierced her head like a dagger. In her mind’s eye, she saw a raven in clear detail. There was no time to think. She had to act. She concentrated as much as she could, which was extremely difficult considering that she was having a migraine at the same time. Her eyes flashed silver steel as a raven appeared from out of nowhere. This was no ordinary raven, however. Its wings were shimmering violet, glittering like the dust of gems, and its eyes were silver. Natalie pointed at Mordan and the apparition flew toward him. “What is that?” Janette demanded. “How did you do that?” “I don’t know,” Natalie answered truthfully through clenched teeth. Through the pain, it was nearly impossible for her to keep the vampire under control. Nick wrapped his arms around her when he saw the first sign of her gleaming white fangs, concerned that she would go after Fleur or Schanke. “Nat, you have to control it!” “I can’t,” she screamed. The spectral raven’s cry slashed through the air. Mordan was obviously having a difficult time fighting it. He summoned another dark arrow, but the raven dodged it. The magical arrow hit the ceiling. “Blast you!” The raven chose to take a chance and strike. As the sorcerer shouted in rage, Natalie’s vision went entirely black. She fainted. Nick caught her gently. “Nat, don’t leave me now. Come on.” Fleur watched in amazement. Natalie and Nicolas were vampires. That much was clear to her. How he’d managed to fight the darkness inside himself was beyond her. There was good in him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come all this way to find her. “Blood and ashes,” Shale muttered as he came to. He glanced around. “Don’t tell me I missed everything.” The raven vanished. Mordan had drawn his last breath, so it wasn’t needed any longer. Natalie moaned. “It’s all right, my love,” Nick muttered. “You did it. Everything will be all right now.” Slowly, she sat up and groaned. “Ouch. I feel like I have the mother of all hangovers.” Schanke’s moon shield dissipated. “Tell me about it. Oh, man. I could really use some souvlaki right about now.” “I’m so hungry,” Nat whispered as her white fangs gleamed in the light. Nick chuckled softly. “I’m not surprised, my dear. Fleur, might want to close your eyes.” “Why?” she asked. “Because Nat needs to feed from me,” he explained. “Why don’t you go and see if the spell on the door was broken?” “All right.” She turned to go. “I’ll go with her just to make sure it’s safe,” Schanke replied. He hurried to catch up. Shale shrugged. “I guess I might as well go with them. Never know what you might run into in a place like this.” The dwarf followed Schanke. “I don’t know how you did that,” Nick told Natalie, “but that was impressive.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Nick, what am I?” “A vampire,” he replied. “Yes, but have there ever been any other vampires with silver eyes before? Has anyone else been able to do what I did tonight?” She looked at him seriously. “What am I?” “Nicolas is part fairy,” Janette replied. “That is what Mordan said.” Nat’s eyes widened. “And you didn’t know?” she asked. He shook his head. “I don’t have any special powers.” “They are dormant within you, Nicolas. Perhaps there will come a time when your gifts awaken. Until then, you will have to teach Natalie how to survive,” Janette said. He nodded and bared his wrist. “Come on, Nat.” Natalie drank deeply. She’d tasted his blood before on the night he’d accidentally brought her across. It had been refreshing to learn that he loved her. Now there were no more secrets between them. His blood spoke of desire and passion to her. Nick helped her to her feet when she was finished. “Let’s go,” he said. They found the others upstairs. Isabelle summoned a portal, returning Shale to Vulcanis. Before he left, the dwarf looked at Nick and Natalie. “You are the first vampires to have gained my respect. For that, I will speak to the king about allowing you to return whenever you wish. It is a high honor to be able to visit Vulcanis. Few are allowed to return.” “Thank you,” Nick responded. “We’re grateful.” Shale stepped through the portal and vanished. “Myra’s probably worried sick. She’s probably getting ready to lecture me right now. How am I going to explain all this magic mumbo- jumbo to her, when I can’t even tell her about vampires or fairies?” “She loves you, Schank,” Nick replied. “Use your best judgment. You’ll think of something to say.” “Yeah. I’m sure you’re right.” Don took a deep breath as Isabelle brought another magic gateway into existence. “This leads to Nick’s loft,” the fairy explained. “If you’re ready to go, we should go now.” After they had all stepped through it, Isabelle transformed into her human form. “I’m sorry,” she told Fleur. “For what?” “I pretended to be you all those years ago.” The real Fleur shook her head. “It wasn’t your fault. Mordan was controlling you. I regret my time with him, but not the time I spent in your land. It’s a beautiful place. I’ll keep it in my heart always.” “Thank you.” Isabelle looked around. “I’m sorry too, Nick. I wasn’t able to tell you about myself until now.” “It’s all right. You didn’t have a choice. I understand that.” The vampire smiled. “You’re always welcome here, Isabelle. You know that.” The fairy smiled as she transformed back into her natural form. Her wings shimmered in the light. “I will always think of you fondly. But I must go. My queen is calling me home, and I dare not disobey.” “Good luck. If you need anything, you know where to find me.” Isabelle nodded, and then flew off, vanishing into the shadows. There was a long silence. “Nicolas?” Fleur asked. “Yes?” “I should not impose on you, and I know that you are very different from the brother I once knew, but...” “She could stay at my old place for now,” Natalie said. “Sid’s still there. He could use some company besides Grace coming by to feed him.” Nick nodded. “You can sleep here tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll get you moved in. I’ll show you the city.” “Fine. I just have one more question.” “Yes?” “What year is it?” He blinked in surprise. “Um...” “It is not the 12th century anymore, is it? I barely recognize anything here. What is that thing?” She gestured towards the television. Nick and Natalie exchanged glances. “No, it’s not the past. You’re right.” Nick took a deep breath. “Fleur, it’s been nearly 800 years since you left.” She gasped. “That long?” He nodded sadly. “It’s 1994.” Fleur looked around with awe. “I have always wondered what it would be like in the future, and now, here I am. I’m afraid, Nicolas. What will I do?” “You’ll adapt, as I have. I know you will.” Natalie realized that she, too, would adapt to the strange gifts she had been given as a result of becoming a vampire. The alternative was not something she wanted to think about. Whatever the future held, she knew they would discover it together. Whatever challenges fate threw into their path, whether they were magical or not, she and Nick would overcome them together. Beneath a fairy moon, anything was possible. The silver moon shone brightly through the window, illuminating the darkness below and opening up a world of possibilities. * * * * * The End Author’s note: I plan on doing a sequel eventually, assuming that real life allows me the time to write. ===== Emily M. Hanson Homepage - Web Log - My Web Graphics -