A Very Interesting Future by Kristen Fife Part 1 Natalie Lambert, medical student and now officially “Doctor” Lambert after her final exams in med school, had a splitting headache. And cotton mouth. In short, a hangover. A very BAD hangover. She wasn’t sure if it was the champagne or the tequila. Probably both. She moaned as she pulled the blanket up over her head to cut out the bright light of the midmorning June sunshine. Suddenly the shrill sound of the telephone ringing sliced across her ragged nerves. She jumped up in an effort to stop it from ringing again and further upsetting her head. “Hello?” her muzzy voice sounded. “Nat, where are you? I’ve been waiting at the airport for almost an hour.” Her brother Richard’s voice sounded mildly panicked. She groaned. “Oh, Ritchie, I’m sorry. I went out celebrating last night and got a little carried away. Give me another 40 minutes or so. I totally spaced.” She moaned a little. Richard chuckled. “OK. I’ll just grab a bite to eat. Why don’t I meet you at the baggage claim section around 12:45? That should give us both plenty of time.” “That works. See you then.” Natalie hung up the phone and looked longingly at her bed. But, she realized she would just have to live with her unaccustomed excesses. There was so much to do. She had been accepted at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto for her residency, and she only had 10 days to go through graduation, pack up her apartment, move across the continent, find a new place to live and start the next few years of her life. She was going to miss Vancouver. The city was incredible and she had met some amazing people in her life here, but she was ready to move on. Richard had come to visit her several times over the last four years, first during his undergraduate years and then as he entered law school. After their parents had died, they had become even closer despite the vast distance. She was looking forward to being in the same city as her outgoing brother. He had been telling her stories of Toronto and how vibrant it was for the last two years, and her few visits there had helped her decide to apply for residencies there. But first, she had to calm her head and stomach and become functional, and pick her brother up from the airport. She headed for the shower and tried to remember some of the fragments from the previous night’s celebrations. As she slipped on her new pink terry cloth bathrobe (a graduation gift from her roommate Angela), she moaned again and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water and some ibuprofen for her aching headache. She also nibbled on some crackers, realizing that an empty stomach and 4 ibuprofen probably wasn't the best of ideas. After she finished her impromptu meal, she went to the bathroom for a shower, hoping the hot water would help her aching head. Her stomach was already feeling a bit better after the crackers. As she got into the steamy shower, she tried to think back to the previous night. She remembered a bunch of her classmates cajoling her into joining them for a celebratory dinner. She splurged on a wonderful steak dinner at The Keg, and she remembered them ordering two bottles of champagne. She wasn't used to drinking, but for the first time in four years she let go. Her memories started to get hazy after the dessert. She recalled Angela and their other roommate Susan suggesting they head down to Gastown to go to some clubs. She remembered them all returning home to put on some "club clothes". She put on her black leather miniskirt and a tight red t-shirt with her black boots. Then the three of them collected five of their friends and headed out to Gastown. She remembered going into a club that had a long dark hallway and dark German music blaring. She had never been to a club that served the alternative rock/gothic/industrial crowd, and it was fascinating as well as disturbing. As she washed her hair, her face took on a puzzled frown. She had a hazy memory of a very pale man with dark hair and green eyes approaching her. She must have *really* had a lot to drink. Her drunken memory showed her the guy's eyes *glowing*. She shook her head and decided it must have been the tequila they had started just as they walked in the door. Angela was really goading her to let loose. She did, with a vengeance. The memory of dancing, drinking, laughing, and drinking some more stayed with her. She didn't remember making it home, only rolling into bed somewhere after 5 AM. Finally, feeling somewhat more human and ready to at least contemplate the day, Natalie got out of the shower and returned to the kitchen, a towel wrapped around her wet hair. She started a pot of coffee while she went down the short corridor to her bedroom to get dressed to pick up her brother. She peeked out the window and saw that it had started to cloud over. She sighed, but grabbed her sunglasses. June weather in the Pacific Northwest was wildly unpredictable. She slipped on jeans and a long sleeved blue t-shirt and shoved her feet in a pair of sandals. She grabbed a travel cup and filled it with coffee as she headed down to the garage to get her car. She smiled as she looked at her new car. Well, new to her. She had finally scrimped and saved and bought a used car, figuring that she would need it not only for the trip across Canada, but also for her new job. She had done a lot of comparison shopping and finally decided on the 1982 Ford Taurus. It had a lot of mileage on it but it should see her through at least a few more years if she was careful. She had survived most of her undergraduate and graduate years without a car, walking or taking the bus. She wasn't alone since many of her friends were in the same boat. It felt good to have a car, though. It made her finally feel responsible. As she hummed and got into the driver's side, she smiled and put her coffee between her legs. Pulling out of the parking garage, she headed down the highway toward the airport, anticipating her brother's grin when he saw her car. He had flown in both for her commencement ceremony and to drive back to Toronto with her. Luckily the University of Toronto had already finished their school year. Richard's summer job didn't start for another two weeks, so his offer to help her pack and move had been well received and, she admitted privately, took a load off her mind. Part 2 She approached the parking terminal and took a ticket, then circled around for a few minutes before finding a space. As she pulled in she glanced at her watch and pulled Richard's itinerary out of her purse. It was 12:28 and he was on Air Canada flight 154. She grinned, and put her sunglasses on the dashboard as she made her way through the double doors to the baggage carousel. She scanned the crowd for Richard and saw him sitting next to his luggage reading a magazine. As she approached, he looked up and grinned, then stood to hug her. "Nat! You look great. I'm sorry to roust you out of bed...sounds like you were out celebrating up a storm last night, hmmm?" Her brother teased her. Although he was three years younger than her, he always treated her like the younger sibling. Punching his arm, she retorted "Someone has to take it easy every now and then...we both study too much! I am truly looking forward to having *normal* hours. Come on, let's get this luggage stowed. Some friends are having a party tonight and you, of course, are invited. Nothing like *last* night, thank God. Just a nice quiet dinner party at my friend Rob's house." As they walked toward the car, Richard filled her in on some of the happenings in Toronto. He had brought several apartment guides for her to look at, with a sheepish apology that he couldn't have her just stay with him, but he had a small studio apartment. "Ritchie, don't worry about it. I need to find a place of my own. But it will be SO good to have you nearby. I've missed you!" Natalie's enthusiasm made Richard's face light up. As they drove back to Natalie's apartment, Richard asked about the dinner party. "What should I wear? Is this formal? I have my suit for your commencement tomorrow, but all I brought was jeans and polo shirts for the rest of the week." Natalie rolled her eyes. "Richard, this is a bunch of grad students, just like you. OK, we're a little bit more morbid in our humor, but really. NO ONE is going to be dressed up for this shindig. Jeans and a polo shirt are fine. I'll probably just change my shirt and throw on some lipstick." As they got back to her apartment and walked in, Angela looked up from the living room couch where she was reading a book. "Hey Natalie. Rob called to say that the party is going to start at 7 instead of 6...they forgot to get something for the chicken and needed to make a quick grocery run. Hi Richard, great to see you." Her dark eyes sparkled as she regarded her roommate's very handsome brother. She had harbored a crush on him for almost three years, but in all his visits he had never shown the slightest interest in her. She mentally shrugged. "Hey Nat, can you believe this, I'm reading a book for PLEASURE!" She grinned and held up the trashy romance she had in her hand. Natalie laughed. "Wow, that's the first one I've seen in this apartment in the last three years. I don't think I even OWN any reading books." She set about stowing Richard's gear in the corner. "Ritchie, do you need a shower or anything? I'm going to take a nap. I'm still a bit tired from partying last night." She grinned sheepishly. "Nah, I'm good. I actually have some journals to catch up on, if Angela doesn't mind sharing the light with me." He grinned a charming smile and Angela smiled back. Natalie saw the calculating look in Angela's face and smiled privately. Richard hadn't had a girlfriend since his sophomore year, any more than she had had a boyfriend. It was good for him to have Angela flirt with him. He had no idea how handsome he was. She went down the corridor to her bedroom, shut the door and took off her jeans. She set the alarm for 5, giving her a couple of hours of sleep before the dinner party. She slid under the covers and quickly fell asleep. Part 3 She had a nightmare of a pale face leering at her with glowing yellow eyes and fangs protruding, coming at her. She was paralyzed by fear, her heart racing. Suddenly she woke up and sat straight up in her bed, her alarm buzzing loudly in her ear. She reached over with a shaking hand and switched it off. She shook her head. *Boy, no more tequila for ME! Geez, Dracula nightmares?* She swung her feet out of bed and pulled on her jeans. She walked out into the living room where Angela and Richard were laughing. "Hey guys. Angela, I am NEVER touching tequila again. I had this intense Count Dracula nightmare. Scared the living daylights out of me!" She shuddered then grinned. "Just what I need...my sister the vampire!" Richard said teasingly. "Well, I'm going to go change. Thanks for a great laugh, Angela." He slyly looked over at Natalie. "I'm going to remember all those tidbits for the next few years when my sister tries to pull her I'm-older-than-you-are routine." He winked at her and headed down to the bathroom. Natalie looked at Angela. "Just what were you telling him?" she demanded. Angela grinned. "Oh, I told him about that lab rabbit you lost. And the fish tank incident. And the purple mouse. And I might have mentioned the St. Patty's day pizza." Natalie groaned. "I should NEVER have left you alone with him." Angela laughed. "Well, I'm going to go change. What are you wearing? I was thinking of my green sweater and my black jeans. I think Rob said his friend Mark was going to be there. You know, the gorgeous guy from Manitoba?" Her eyes lit up with mischief. Natalie grinned. "YOU are hopeless. I'm going to throw on a shirt and pull my hair back. Um, if you wear the green sweater, you should wear your silver locket. They look great together." She winked at her roommate and headed back to her room. She rooted around in her closet for a few minutes before deciding on a plain white blouse. She shrugged into it and her mind drifted back to her nightmare. DEFINITELY no more tequila. She shook her head and exited her room. Richard was waiting for her in the living room. He had put on a navy blue polo shirt and dark blue jeans. He looked up at her and smiled. "I hope they got their grocery run finished; I am HUNGRY!" Natalie laughed. Her brother's appetite was one of the family jokes. Angela came out, dressed in her green sweater, black jeans and the suggested silver locket. Her short dark hair was spiked up. She looked very sassy. "Ready?" Natalie asked as she picked up her keys and purse. They headed out the door and off to Rob's house, about 20 blocks. Part 4 As they parked and walked up the driveway, Natalie noticed all the cars. She didn't realize there would be so many people. She sighed. In another week, she would be leaving her friends and classmates of the last 4 years. She would miss a lot of them. Medical school created some strong bonds, and she was a little nervous about leaving. She was very glad her brother would be near her. As they walked in the door, she noticed Rob standing in the hallway. "Hey, Nat, Angela! Good timing." He walked over to them and hugged both women. "Richard, right? We met last year. Glad you could make it." He shook Richard's hand and then led them into the living room just off the foyer. As they walked in and Natalie glanced around, she saw a lot of people she didn't know, and realized there were probably friends and family members in town for the commencement the next day. She turned to say something to Richard and noticed that he was rooted in place staring at a woman on the other side of the room. Natalie followed his gaze, and saw Sarah, Rob's cousin. She had just finished getting her degree in education and was starting at the University on her teacher's college program. She looked from Sarah back to Richard. They were staring at each other. She cleared her throat. "Uh, Richard? Hello, earth to Ritchie". He didn't hear her. She grabbed his arm and shook it lightly. Richard dragged his eyes away from Sarah. "Huh? Nat, who is that beautiful girl over by the door? I think I'm in love!" His eyes were glowing. Natalie started to laugh, then realized that he was totally besotted. "That's Sarah Murray, Rob's cousin. She's here finishing up her teacher's college. She's very nice, although I've only met her a few times. Let me introduce you." She took Richard's hand and led him over to where Sarah was standing. She noticed that Sarah was blushing, although her eyes were riveted on Richard's. "Hi Sarah. This is my brother Richard Lambert. Richard, Sarah Murray." She felt as if she had been dismissed as the two looked at each other and shook hands. Natalie shrugged and walked over to socialize with Angela, who had indeed found the attractive Mark Hubbard. She grinned as she watched Angela flirting with him. As they drove home, Natalie and Angela talked about the dinner party, reminiscing on other occasions when the med students had celebrated or crammed or studied or spent other times together. Richard sat in the back seat, a dazed look on his face. He had spent the entire night next to Sarah, talking quietly. They had even taken an hour-long walk in the evening light after dinner was over. Natalie was torn between alarm and amusement. Richard had never reacted to any woman like this before. The pulled into the garage, parked the car and went up to the apartment. They walked in the door, and Angela let out a huge yawn. "Good night, Lamberts. Tomorrow is going to be a BIG day." She went down the hallway to her room and shut the door. Natalie went over to the linen closet and pulled out blankets and sheets to make up the sofa bed for Richard. She turned toward her brother. He was sitting on the couch staring at the floor. She quietly approached and dropped the linens on the other end of the couch. She sat in the chair next to him. "Ritchie? Are you ok?" She asked worriedly. Richard looked up at her, and she realized he had a small smile on his face and that his blue eyes were...luminous. She wasn't sure how else to describe them. "Nat, do you believe in love at first sight? Soul mates? Or fate?" He asked her. He was totally serious, she realized. "Richard, I'm a scientist. I don't know. I've seen some couples that meet, and are married a few weeks later and seem blissfully happy. I know other people that date for several years, get married, have kids then one day up and divorce for no seemingly good reason." The subject was making her uncomfortable. Although she WAS a scientist, there was a very private part of her that wished, someday, that she would find someone special, someone that would make her entire world a different and magical place. "Natalie, I'm in love with Sarah. I think I'm going to marry her one day. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I've found my other half, something I didn't even know I was looking for." Richard looked at her, a calmness and peace settling there that she had never sensed before. "Richard, whatever else happens, just remember that I want you to be happy." She leaned over and kissed her brother on the forehead. "Now, GO TO SLEEP. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me, and then YOU get to help me pack and get ready to start a brand new life." "Good night, Nat. I have a feeling the future is about to get very interesting for both of us!" Richard got up to start making the bed as Natalie went back to her own room and thought about his words. "Yes, the future is looking VERY interesting indeed," She mused to herself as she drifted off to sleep. ===================================== Disclaimers etc. OK, I don't own the FK characters. Sony, Tristar et al do. Permission given to archive at the FTP site and the current fanfic site. Everyone else, drop me a line at: fenix23fyre@yahoo.com. Tequila, anyone? :)